_THE MILVERTON SUN SHOES SHOES hint and come early. Table No. » “ “e since our last shoe sale. made by George A. Slater. this sale. ed shoes and big crowds A Monster Shoe Sale [= —— Starts ——— FRIDAY, JULY 9th at GRAY, BERNIE & CO’S LISTOWEL’S LOW PRICE MAKERS This is the sale you have been looking for. is your chance for good goods at low prices, place on Cables on Friday morning, about t,000 pairs of shoes, almost new, at ridicuously low prices. —_— OT ee You have never heard of such low prices in shoes Every pair of shoes in the house re- duced for this sale. Come and fit yourself with a pair of Invictus Shoes If you need shoes be with us Friday morning at 8 o'clock, as you all know a shoe sale here means low pric- SO COME EARLY. x NO GOODS ON APPROVAL GRAY, BERNIE & CO. Terms Gash or Trade Now We will Take the All at a reduced price dur- DIRECT IMPORTERS SOLO The baseball doimgs of last week revived considerably interest in the | ay league and big | things A hap- | LOW. e been ik Suite: ‘of the the ball very slippery. Henry Groseh who ‘was on the f Tine for the Leafs again distioguished bimselt ing . some stops of it grounders. Jack ant the Nageaey twirler i a tittle to the poor nee umpired the g: teries, or sch and ier Bryant and Rothaerm PSBrussels. put Galt out of the run of 8-0 and will now play Brussels looks good to land the myer ware. . ol ‘Tho Leafs and Royals will go seven rounds to « finish at Exhibition Park on Friday night. winners of this game will be Hed vith the Felt Fac- tory for firet Hel ina crial beat at Stratford boys get | their buy NEWTON. Mrs. (Wm. and Miss Eleda Mitchell spent Hee Day with friends in Wellesley. shipment of cheese from ods The G. is the only road for satisfaction a Guicl returns. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sergison, of Lis- towel ion at spent Domi Day the home of Lan Wil, Smith, ‘Mr. and Mrs. ‘Alex. Kirkland, of West™ Toront eer Gah a Pil days with the former’s brother, nd. r. and Mrs. P. Miller _Btundayea at the gem of V: Gerth, of Milverton with Mr. and Mrs. H.C, ‘Mr. ann Mrs. Jobn Dunbar fam- ily of Londop, are poldaying with friends in this vicinity. c Sob gene say tee is Weariig a a very @ brand new Epeby pie Heifer aes ’ Strayed from the premises of dee - widersigned = cnehens heifer. ‘An: to ‘her 1 oa ae ts received by MI LVERTON CoUNCIL te Mi tion, July sth. ‘Milverton connell, me this. “f Cook’s Hall Minutes of former Teeting read and @pproved. (i [ Communi munications read from County Clerk idson in. iimcne to ernie rates filed, from Thomas Trow re ary no, action. (Al protest was presented against street snc etween King a: nd e is Queen streets pmaned by Robt. Tecitey ight ee sing to pay for atreet y-law. ha Fs ie ot Te a per mm bok fon od amainet street sprinting it wi ed t! action be taken in roost to Srotie od and read any damage done their respective properties. It was moved by F. Zimmerman and seconded H, Rose that council en- gage an engineer or land surveyor to stake out fhe walks before ‘Proceeding se the we 0 5 ler was(@rawn in favor of C. to the extent of $50.00 three months salary as street commissioner ermamn, sec aa oy = Pie “that the t ‘tender, of Junit ‘be accept il eee edjourned. QW. D. Weir, Clerk IF YOU AREA PICTURE taker, we want to re- mind you that we sell Photo Supplies of all kinds and of the best quality, always fresh. Send here for your— Plates, Films, Papers, Mounts and Chemicals. Special attention giv- en to orders ee by mail. BODAES FROM | ote to $25 BA ROBERTSON stata Pepene Royal ‘att - STRATFORD, -- ONT. MILLBANK. ‘On Wednesday evening, June 80th, of friends and pupils of a et en- M. iteven while Irene Nubn ‘rend the address Saleh in ok follow: ilJbank, June’ 30, °09. Miss A. Maccithh ivary, as a remembrance and a siighi token of the esteem with which we regard you. We trust you may continue in your success and that while making new friends you will always Keep a warm fonner in your heart for the people amon You ave lived for the past uwo years Sigued on erg of Mitlbaak School and Frienu:. bam July 11th, et it am. when F. Washburn, B.A., will Preach to ie Mrs. Bab! d, of pomstont spent ‘tbe Ist witiy frien Freeborn companied by ee seh Mis Ford, is spending sc. e_hers Pinca spent the Mr. and Mrs nae "Sie are visiting friends at, Mrs. Thdmas- ia visiting friends in Pinan, C, Matthews, of Walon visited with friends bere last we Wiss M. Pettigrew, Torauto, spent the fale ye at of Mrs, Sree Mr. D. ‘Hoss. of \Windsoyvis Visiting at his home here. Mr:‘W. K. Weir, of Stratford, spent days last’ week with the home a few Pulpit of Knox It is @: timated e0) atten eryone seemed to go right in 10, ime, either by listening to Prograin or promenading avows judged b: the returns, Gate Pleats 119, , Booth (120, Ladies’ booth, 31,00, a - . |wis but ‘am experiment tha tidy. of was realized. $31.00 —__—_—_ WELLESLEY. Mepgsrs. W. (ieee em oa ae bauer, a FP. Habe: Se tbiaieer ena! to Stet. on ‘Dominion Day and also t er abees A pienio was held on the 1st in Mr. ’ grove ee the che leeds st the Lutheran ‘Sabbath school - | god time was an ape. [Wojwade's ors chestra furni rousing meeting (ie fe ast Frias ereaind in the when Messi he | able will be carried by a handsome as motice that one of the roo; ur school is vacant and the See oa advertising. for a teacher to fill the yecane id E. J. Koehler vis- ited ekdotbong ee on Sunday. (Mr. and ennel and aoe we were visting with Mr. Geo in New P; Rev. Mr. Iz, of Philipsburg ocoupied the pul in i Luehenay shoteh ve ora of NewHamburg, ia vii friends ‘here for a ee time, ba ‘amd Henrietta‘ ott- en were ¥ Yisitors at Berlin on Dow- nm Day. Li oe Miga Mary oe of Berlin, is at home for a ¥ Miss Sipes is Spoting ne holidays at her heme in Plattsvi. BOE NBAWC Se Sheek boys <n Wednesday ey- ing last ja proud of lem Nem ings et “tee game giving good satisfacti MARRIAGES. bfteiseh—Li == On oe ay Tune ae Suigary, at eel Friends w. (Wood, of pian: cnet oo 01 a Kabajviile, ‘spant Monday here on Sb elans ,|@@ the home of her uncle, Mr. WELLESLEY COUNCIL. Special Meeting ne aa penis Rail- anie(psl estat al ok Ue temic in attendance, the reeve presided. M rr_and Wood, represen- Bug: romoter resent. Also r of rh town people ES einer, A. es K. Rein- Ol aon ear ther rs. Kenr amd } am outline of the intended road, time amd mode of building tho amd the eee of payment of the 000 stock to be taken in said People’s Railway ©, The By-law itso and ses therein effec! oe ane who cola not be he t this meeting on account of i fant business ii Toronto was cal! en up one several times to grant cer- tain conecealors. ‘his by-law which inciudes the f:- t "once gave ue was thoroughty pone and many for stool the Municipal Corporation Towenshiy of Wellesley. mending the said By-law to the me tistactinn of this coun Tt was move Gani cay by W. Hastings that by- No. —— to provide aid to the People's Railway Oopmiety and tor ania des BOUG! of idel, seconded by R, Lintiok chat ne eauncil do now pdjo ain at the Tp. Hell, Grosshl Fike Sth dey ot du 4909, at 10o’ciock a.m. Carried. PETER F. SCHUMMER, Clerk Olementa; June 26, 1909. PEFFERS. Mr, J. E. Hurst had a very success- ful barn raising on Saturday after- soon. Mr. George Schweitzer spent Sun- day viaiting. ‘in Wellesley. ee. J jolmes and daughters, renter Visited eburday and Sun pt sesame Holm and Canney, of siness. Master Gi the holidays here at the jones grand parents, Mr. an fomes Mrs. Bia eorge Shearer is spending his » Oliver 4, of Detroit, is feng Robt. = | bas during the it Fort Wiltiog, who st Mr. cn’s past aoc tae ane fo 2 Michigan: to pee aciuretlces Or Panisassan Lietaeak bag tompleted @ tedt' receives the praises of eon imterested for the nealness teh with which he perform- tor a term of five years. Mr. Kenney bark in general store bere and will bond ds a full \is | @ble ia repated to-bo'a young, man ane eEpeainee and aire: “hslaiens abilit i BIRTHS, _ ped aie Eljice, on. Seanad uly. 4th, to Mr. amd Mrs.” Chas peed ars a daughter DEATHS. Hoffman—Ayj Amulree, on Sun July 4th, Elizabeth Gerth, hatoved wife of George P. Hoffman. Milverton. pnel ae on Sunday, July , Alma, dau; r of Mr. and a John Gr Topp. Have You a Horse on Span eee him ia saape, “(Nervi strains, ewellings, and stiffness and For internal use {a cur- eae and all horse owners Peel buy ww inv it tis Good for man or beast. 25. for bottle at ait dealers. he members of the baaeil were CLOT 12.00 10.06 8.09 Job dot of Suits, broken $10.00, ali one price Children’s Suits 4 le Wash Suits in lar 1.25 fo: Coffees at 15, 20 and Job lot of Children's and Waites See regular 15 to 25c, all one price, BUTTER 18 and 19c. HING his week will be a hummer in Clothing with us, Every suit has a cut price attached, =e 00 SUITS FOR $12.50 15.00 1 1.50 8.75 7.50 5.75 sizes, were = to co ao 20 per cent. off °85¢ 10¢ eo wis regue Grocery Specials—6 bars Canada's Best Soap 25c, 4 plugs Similax Tobacco for 25c. Try our Roast 30c. EGGS 19c doz. W. K. LOTH Linwoop. Miss Carrie Sutter, of Berlin, was ni Mrs. F. meee or Millbank, was the guest of Mis Della Berlett an Monday and He Mrs. C. Parsill Pola, ied by Pees Mrs. Ed. Bu Mich, oe is sly i Wor ad the rom Gi: tha cyclone swept the | vias owned Sy mee acl th of Tiwwood, 1s¥ velling i “teilin wee t es fe leg of Charles, seriously one of che other \e the io- telligense Gordon Haokett left on Sat- iirday to give them what assistanc 1e CO ioles of cyoung people from Linwood pianicked on the banks of the beautiful Conestoga on Dominion Hy ABomang ‘Spent July Ist at | 'Jobn of St. in- iM. mache er, Stumpf ray Seon ry Weber, Clements, were sight seeing in wiid on Sunday. ‘Mr. Miss Peppler spent t with Cie at Heidalbu: Mi Di hear is at present on the si t. ‘Mr. Wm. revered his eanmection with the Linwood hotel (Mr. Sam Petoh, of Berlim, is at ee in possession of the crops on nee farm. ‘iss King, of St ee is oie pleats ies mae of Miss Al ies Mr. John Hefnbach aie a eee sue- 2 sent Heme esstul barn raising on Tuesday. Mr. Henry Poomer eas July Ast | with friends at Berlin. mt Messrs. Jobn Flachs spent the National holiday at | Guelph. | Messrs. Louis and George Heimler | und Robt, White attended the Strat-| ford races on ‘Thursday. anit Mrs. Wm, Lants spent July Ieee f the Montreal , present visiting his Miss Della Berlett spent « few days! last week with frien as spent the Ist rege tn B rs aad Ara. (A Koel pes Day with Tasiide i bel, oe ‘spent St. GRAND UNION Orange... Demonstration Counties of West Bruce, North Perth and North Huron BRUSSELS MONDAY, JULY 12th Everything i is being done to make it a record-bre: Fi . Watch out for bills giving ‘allway rates, time-table, etc. x of nes Louis Mary Rr roeteh left on Monday Preston Messrs. Albert [ bert Smith aad bi Mocretioid | Ret oe t Dominion y in Li Petia Cassie Baker is at iting ae Mesthieohe of Miss Adela Schnurr, of Mildmay, is at cree Syigitine her grendodsents Mr. and Mrs. John ae el. present vis- Wollenstsins ! ‘Mjss Hollen, of Macton, returned | last week to ceae the bolas at her | e in Mi Mise, Tandoor Cattnage spent | Dominion ee, se ther a Mr. and Mrs. Cha: Mr. ae im Mrs, “P. Kreutawpiser end | Tes ‘nv iebold we ont to ick lis! ss with “trict ds ws da few ‘days with friends in| Mi to, me | from Mr. Ed. Berlett, ae Renee at Nellie Lake, 29 miles 1@ mail service is simply ten and we seldom er tl gove: together. We are eer, situated wher fase talk only Ce fires of any ac- feount to conten About 300 bummed 4 ‘bat @ timely rain 1B i inches from ti the timber wolves barking at nighi. Ducks are plentiful on the lake, but Tse are Out Of season. It is our aes to protect them as we are game ard as well as php! At pre- sent we are living in rs camp which isa fine, itd tiveatonted [house with kitchen built on the imsula. The worst thing that we have to contend wit! 088 dbl flies and have to wear a ma over our he time fe bad a snow storm here on the sth of Jume but weather has got ive Last ne since. If anythi: inter- ires in these solitudes I wil ‘tet your readers hear from me GLENALLAN. ‘he anni f Knox ae j which was hela a Faby iw eches and music by the ol Mporefield brass bamd was in atten- Mr. Wm. and Andrew Johnsto iteenson intends movicg. to Drey! yton where secur si tion as clerk in Mr. Gibb’s tore, We |all wish bit ym: ‘here attend- mehr ths "Festival held at esdoy evening. (All re- ape baying a Gowing wt a few days rat: with, her ames nie Ban soa, ‘of Hol US. Hose nase, Milverton solid brick with three roo: tworoom sa suppl vei June icant or delivered ito 1] sons For Sale or Rent AND STABLE AND TWO Luts ms and aki wasters: Th if it cannot be For further particu. itchen Of good watce id i berented. isesapoly JAMES RicHARpson, Milverton, Ont Estray Sexy arom ehatn premises of the nindersig: be ‘given to anyone caring for ti SAMUEL OHM, ‘09. 24, Milverion. COMMERCIAL Fall Bran Manitoba Sour, per cwt. ne es per ton Card. MARKETS, :| VOTERS’ LIST, 1909 ” Municipality of the Village of Milverton in the County of Perth, ice is hereby given that as hav ‘he foe d remains there Electors ure. abled upon to exuinine the said list an immediate proceedings the said errors corrected accord- 3 W. D. Clerk i ne iatoa Dated wt Milverton this 22nd day 1909. : img to law. tai of June, Mrs Botan “of Wecoda mai tating so few daye|wth her brother, Bes enon : spending re with be her ait iste, Mrs. W. Seek, of Hanwkes\ For your next order of Job Work |try The Sun. Strayed (On the premises feo the badersigued one ewe and lamb. Owner \ma by proving Property ae pte ing expenses. GEO. HOPF, Milverton Heifer ig bakes more goéa loaves to the’ pack y reat . The Cook’s Delight with @ sack is Bgl rou will, be equalled by y jen. You iibee SuSE hag Gon Bet focal Jewel Flour id that