THE MILVERTON SUN SCRANTON COAL ST. MARYS LIME A Little Light on a Dark Subject May ist. Coal always J. G. HAMILTON J. G. Hamilton, sole agent for the D.L. & W. Scranton (Standard Anthracite) Coal has moved his Coal business to his new sheds on the C.P.R. and has openedan office on Main street near C.P.R. station, Cheap coal starts on hand. 30 cars now on order....... Also have Coarse Salt in sacks. G.P.R. Station The Milverton Sun| 18 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont: SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, $1 i aix months, 50 cexts: three) monthe, 29 cen ‘advance, Subseribers | Ronse will be liable to pay $1.50 per year, CT ADVERTISING RATES Ye Bight cents per line 1 first insertion four cents per line ne Gach subsequent peer. tio: ‘be charged for all transient adver- aces. ‘Advertisements without specific directions willbe inserted until forbid and charged ac- cor ‘Changes for contract advertisemnts must Than the office by 2008 Mondi attention. eae tae MacBET: SOM tend Proprictor Dentistry. entiate of Dental Surgery and Member n 0: a 1 Oi, RAM, << $08 $B) Ee 13 7 tr 2 Business Cards ofa GAM AN Teadsh, Ts: & . DR. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic-| n Want Divorce Made Easier Goldwin Smith ere is ¢ movement in the United | states for the improvement of mar- Tiage in the United States is suse tible of improvement. But it seesnis to be told in fase of what we fat ear oO! the sotige of the American di- | iment ipeadene i ey ees acility ar f disillusionment. But if the disit- Wasioned, instead. of calling reason jand du their aid, are to be told at tive rush into the divorce court the greatest of all sources of happin will be imperil Ee t to divorce is Epistle to the Ephesians which are much to the point. At the root of the trouble probably is growing im- the woman of fever? {When ‘remonstrated with Mrs. La- t the sae improve- | ‘child she had bruises es: sides, i Tr unlimited what is to be done Sith | he eve pont ae Children? There are come words |of the child by iD ae wdjourned ore witne To Cure easiest “Catarrhoz , throat a) The Wwoman’s imsband admi' he was powerless to stop } Little Girl Brutally Treated by Inhuman Mother A most appalling ‘case of cruelty as revealed in the Hull Police Court tis endish eet er “pad old gon. drag his younger sister aloag her head ann the nother ‘hild. ‘im Ottawa, where the house-sur- avenous state pody covered with sears and cruel a it. "The case pending the calling of Sniffling Colds ic nd hangs witlt healing sI$gorsg - ano jo ou UILI] usw -jop & ialty. Hours 9a, m Medical. F. PARKER, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE “ (FFE: PURE DRUG STORE, ALYERTON Hours—10 to 12 0' Pelee wi, and 9 0-4. o'clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p,m. Veterinary- terinary W. irgeon atin, Pamdate of Onterio Veterin:|¢ Treatsall eT ge, Toronto. Of domesticated animals, Calls by tele- phone or otherwise promptly attended to, Societies. hes Ey este No. 478, | wi ,_ Milverton, ree Bete Siaay evening on 0 ec, oe ones uti "the County a0, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills a lavits made. ni aie Weir block a Hotels. Sop ee EXCHANGE HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. Best Hiquor Fir ie class ac. at Sete Shee QUEEN Ss ower Milverton, aa The best sand heey, for hora opt globe ays B Pauli aeons ROYAL HOTEL, | Wellesley,| througout 01 st ee eae Best commercial Cede bara lar; jampl ‘int the public, oan attention given 8 P, BERDUX, Choicest liquors and cigars, Proprie cs above the Sovereign Base Mileertans <4 oi Nl sealant aes leche aman a aS 8 P, L, TYE, M.D. i pores and when Mil accommodation ip The clergy of one great early and universal mar- riage as a duty. G Does voves pigs Aohe? When the ‘symptons appear used along with Ner- vilibe itself, every muscular pain or -Toronto “Weekly Su That to the colonial press deiegates, — in g g with her mixed population of British, German jand Galacians, sever and beco! an empire spread over the ? : He Died of Epa, Disease How often we hear okt of # these sad cas- 8. a THE AMERICAN HOUSE, A Question That Must be Faced such aid from Canadian people since Confederation is | the t whole | too little. to-do without 25c. and $1.00. day. place of ly disappoint: pomtment os a flood of ridi course s] doesn’t ae e tremgth per! You'll try Fer. Ber tion to Commercial 1rt, Prop y boxes by all dealers. (Pursuant to Hon. Mackenzie King young gentleman will no tives of desire to serve and trust that his ee ‘will justify romise of his to piel It it. ets Catarrbozone to- Se calgary “Herald W. L. Mackenzie Tv King ‘to the Dominion Cabinet is an than personal interest x Government so long as Mackenzie King himself retains that de’ ‘tha’ will one mo) hope of regeneration in Canada’s pub ie lite be gone: who, while, respecting Sir tetera iauriers have been bitter- ted at the morale of his administration, look to Mr. King’s ap- it ieule, invective and de- pity This Poor Girl Growing fast=yes, into weakness, but without strength. Tired of pale and ‘thin too. She aps she ne bs ozone, 50c. ae ‘a Iteal: Directors’ Meeting adjournment the ‘dir- Elma Farmers’ Mutual aay a6 tothe pwood, on ‘Tues- ‘B, MORPH’ sorts and conditions of men and wom- Marriage season The marriage season is on and al! g life contracts, read, confirmed and signed. ass by lightning, on June 18¢h, he following; : The Leading Si School ae College Bo Oe ts Ta fade hoe a peasy, so that 1% 5 fogs tre claim He oe sia SOs bh time pone Aner Eima, wie year- eo. ling colt but as no vertifien te from a veterinary Surgeon was produced thi: over till the next meet os tis, of Elma, for repair- i damaged by lightning: on \Apri 1 ‘ppications for insura * | cepted amounting to ae Ae R -HAIOND ‘S| great pleasure in r ed a Catistection. the “sywd “G1 T asuey song DNIH.LOTO Jo soyeur Aziso1sadng 0} yoInb ore MAIS L Apnjs oym ‘apery vezop sad s}u20 61--SDDaA BdOYD A0J pled S21 SeysIH--YALLNG TADONG ST$ 97 s$ | SAN IVA ANOS ozyerdosdde — 0} uoTIsod & Ul a1 NOA SUIYIO[D 30 PUL ano 0} p2onposzur u20q 2A NOA J9z7e vwepw esurey song ‘oSe pue $1 ‘o8z1 ‘ol ye onjea pipuerds ‘sessoip pue system Joumtuns Ajurep “[ooo [ny -neaq. 10} Sunayo Ayunjioddo yeuondeoxe uy~-SUIISHW SSosq Aove x | ‘20 0} O1 ye sonyea prpusyds ‘quowyJosse aAIsud}xo ‘poinsy pue po} [[HyAneaq ‘s1ojoo Ayeid [[& pue cys ul--SUTISHYy SSIMG p23390q *AyoLIeA OpIM Ul “Ojo ‘seIpey ‘Susu ‘onbig ‘yonq~=-SSUI}SoA Yysem yi ‘ssousaisuayesduios sj yyM nod asiidans ][IA syeiayeur Ysem Jo SurMmoys oy T “suonsasons Ajay Moy & yy Nod djay sn Je] Ins Jo sserp Ysiem YseA MoU JeYy Joy speeyew ayy Anq 0} Aep oy} si siyy Jey) eproep 0} usddey pynoys noX Fy] = ‘skemye JI Op aM pue—jsoo o]qQevuosvat pue Ayyenb ysry usemjeq soueyeq sodoid ev ureyurew oj Adtod smo jo yed v say ‘syueo OF 0} $1 saoLig ‘Aquatd jo payins e syuesoid ‘Suoim 08 jou pynoos ao1oyo wopues ysour inoA Aynaj—yoaJas 0} YOTyM w9y Ayoliea opiM & Yons—suso} eq Ayoig jo uorsnjoid e yons—soorid pue soavom |]e JO Soliqey ysem so104 Spoory yseM JowuwNS *p2soprsuoo Azipenb ‘ues am SW MO] S¥ SddIId Ano VyYeU 0} JOALSpUS SAEML [TeYS 92MM ‘qyoid jjews e yng yse 0} pue pusuruoser ApsouoYy UBD 9M YOIyM spoos evsoy} Ajuo [Jas OT ‘suoroesue.y Ino jo [[e ut Ajsouoy [evap 0} ‘oxI]7e euOATAAD yeas} 0} ‘Apoq&isaa osvajd 0} yoofqo urew Ino ussq skeaye sey 3] ‘uedoq aM QOUIS asvajour Apeajs oy} PUB ssouIsnq UI ssedons Ino Joy suosvo1 AuRUI OIL ary : ‘Aquemndod syt smoys pure ‘souinjoa syveds Suratooes st 910}s sty} yey} osvuorjed ay ay ‘srauiojsno Aueul mmo 0} QdIAJOS 19}}9q VALS 0} sn ajqeua pure 9103s 943 Jo y}Suey oy} 0} 490} OZ Ppe ]]iM yoryar ‘310}$ NO 0} UOT]Ippe UL SUTpjIng o1v a\\--9SHeD ~ -S puepasuy ye (umog apisdp) FuTypAIOAy "IIOJIG 0} VOI}IPpy ve Surpying ef MINISTERS PRAISE CATARRHOZONE Rev. D. K. Smith, o! of White Head, N. S., was cured of Catarrh iby Catarrhozone. “The following Opa coming from one of Nova Scotia's prominent immensely, stopped hawking and cured a dull pain that was sontinually over my ahs ending Ca- tarrhozone. I have Seer it the best remedy for Caterr iseases of the throat, lungs and bronchial tub- | agi There is certainly ns remedy, t that yy the clergy as | OV eu ied and any ae be account- ed for by the fact that it gives per-. only remedy, that reaches lief without bad after effect orphine. It is nature's Soule: and healing, and pleases ev- rybody that uses it. “"Gaterrhor zone is a loca! treatment. (The Inhaler iet Heres Be little more time ing a life Fs, a little ki ae Secretary. we re Eeived’ seven Mopileations. for ¢ ommercial fe cee Te ee restrictions in t! _.Too many Pee ¢ Shauaans show eidexal eee oolong. Ho The Home Journal. | inig a8 e selit-sai air passages, stops the head Ferrozone Tablets tl ne ara_strengthens the syste a ir Cite eb Bits for - ces pon | Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis. an ‘Two | Hea cal’ and consti- {68.00 pe m so vannot exist. | this Synopsie of Canadian North-West LAND REGULATIONS ANY person'who is the sole head ot @ family, or any male over 18 yea is cay dibraebbead a duactcireoation of avaliable Dominion land in Mani~ i Entry by proxy ade at any agency, on cer- tain ee Madi by father, ¢ mother, laughter, brother or sister of in- teader. eae Bi ‘months’ Gestdence and cultivation of the land in each rac a eae of at least 80 acres or his ee mother, son, Seaguten: brother’ or sister. In certain districts a homesteader earn - acres extra. ‘hdmesteader who oo exhausted his homestead right and cannot ebtain ® pre-emption take a purchase tead in certain districts. Price Tt e. Duties—Must reside six months in each of three oars, ool- tivate fifty sores and ervot a house | worth = Sis IW. ‘W. CORY, : Deputy of the Minister of Interior . JOB PRINTING! and we do that class just a little cheaper than the other fel- low. Wedding invitations, letter heads, bill heads, sale bills statements, dodgers, cards, etc,, all receive the same care- ful treatment—justa little better than seems saree fs Prompt service always. . We do the better class of printing, Dining Room Chairs | in genuine leather pad ‘seats, neat design, sold in sets of one arm chair and five small. - cones foronly. e . $12. 50 Net Others at prices up ae. ms