PERSONAL I POINTERS. —|are here, ry is om the. - . 99 coking after her © HH cd to Lora Norma: Bit ’ What's the Peer Bruce? Why 9 a she go like that? Hexe I ae nded thi 4 . a OR, LADY BLANCHE’S BITTER Tig chotauieh ab lonat.o Mi With It, of the “fifteenth ey ntury. - e PUNISHMENT isle happens = dislike me—no with P is in perfeet pr é McKINNON BUILDING, TORONTO, “Opi rihuana, morphine and it is valued at $20,000, Sitnauak Gossip About Some of the World’s Leading People. OW DYNAMITE IS TAKEN BY THE PEONS OF MEXICO. The most teeuutal ud at the able hand- rid is nial to be- long 40 the Queen of Italy. The All Othér Drags Said to be Feeble heudkershiek in question is an € ample of the earliest Venetian point lace, dating towards the end er, do you ite color Saas ee ace handsome face. You!” said Lord Norman. in Their Effects Compared “No, my dear Bertie. 5} PER CENT. INTEREST. Full Particulars Forwarded on Request. EMILIUS JARVIS & CO., - BANKERS ‘© American mil- offered three times out cause—and flies from my pres- a once. That is ‘all, »” and he Jace! hed, | and cocaine ete when it comes to dynami is jonaires hav CHAPTER VI.—(Continued). He flushed with grateful pleasure and seized it, getting nearly run 's place; I uerdue =< CHAPTER VII. over for his pains, ing after the carriage until it was es to sight. ord Soe geet, him with a sole on his ‘Don’t they reat Pod in Can- shoulda t if I were your un ada, Bertie?’ he said. © young viscou “Tf say. 80,” opening ceremony ‘society’! throng- ; 1 : i u among Indians ire “unased Sen course 1 will sta. ey, ence must led in and filled the place almost to ave workea upon the South- Then he sat dowa again, a1 "Kear the center of the hall stood eee capers ee oung viscount raised eagerly plunged into the subject. ady Botty’s ck Sie a diane of ee es and ae Oli cable. ‘Good luck”? with pigs calls| small sprouting we' “Til tel you what I can do,”. he | Hee ne ane eae as : of a ey “pill, L se ceed to get three cuts sheuion and that not occasional, |ne harm to the strong corn plants, —. a fortuneteller or meat of Pe oteele : Share te ee ae a uch were tl but frequent and regular whether before or after they have oy in a seare abies’ cloth differ- ig out a cool,” shat {canings that the s dis-| From the first week after farrow-| reached the light. In the Berane . ng 5. babies’ clothing, indiffer-|in which they are not apt to be He abled from holding anything r\ing, until weaning time, the sow] the steel rake may do the same ictures, and bead slippers. nee for at least twenty-four | about half an hour afterwards. will be little elso than a milk ma- work in the narrow b an the. as if I hi He put his hand this time, Bruce.’ “So Don’t chaff me. I am serious | in a ae Viicse eu teek outside the stall with her. have resulted from too much ~ in-|ists. His dairy bpsiness has proved 0 you have assi ee me quite a | some properties, dresses, and, all a ave sie ae algence in dynamite. But while|a most successful vel enture, ae eight weeks oo i “The Burman’s motto, > says Mr. hes pone before,”’ retorted Lord somethin z very morning special dart load: | much the. start of ¢ oe weaned at| H, Fielding in “The Soul of a Peo- tl and arrang®— & 0: would ave Gne mS take ones ad one authors of vith drums of nip teninct sherds | five or six weeks, no matter how] ple,” should d be Noblesse Oblige ; ut as|the Arabian Nights-tales could pet ’ - y r| . his beautiful muuch food and attention et earlier- But, I have meres = like care let wu There, don’t Bruce.” of y ma’ an ee seoretiensy.s Th then Mipned door to it, and panion; and the =~ Bertie stood he looked up. “Tt is all very like this, Bruce. ah don’t think you were ‘Oh, I never could play a = bay, ig thrust he head inside the chalet, and start of ae Knocking off the, monstrous xelnimed in half-irritable, |" v odges ee b aoe rps vay y Bir| should the d to re-|never have any vice, because the meee us ila Tn Norma: “or Clifforde !”’ “said Lady Bett; ‘osine opened the door of the Bante, and made the an- nouncement. The room was in the wildest con- fusion, littered sof a huge box, rived from Paris, containing a lection of Swiss ‘altered aud beautified by the great : master. Floris was kneeling. be-|side her locking do 7 eh OS cesar bie? and his face IS pale. “Bub we will,”” said Lord Nor-|says are Pyinsciat ‘Clifford, with an ae Poised turned pale and | decisively. “Now, Miss Carlisle is not an heiress; she i uniless; + N ind! eiress; she is peuniless, or next) ho sai ‘Never mind! Yo of Lad ton the b t over your infatuat.on the econ! w rs aay ‘eau in ier aay ire that sum for Americans declare that there is but there was a strange ness iris lesalicane he ree eal his face | induction of a really rom Bertie’s gaze of sur- sleep,” said Henry Bexter, driver who-has been engaged in| no © aide about Mr: James Bryce, construction Ww rk on the Pacific the Briti: mb: sador at. Wash- coast, to a Mesicaa Herald report-) ington. ‘A visitor called on him one norning, and Mr. Bryce | met ti 3 in the hall and begged him {to ‘0 is way, where we tap talk dhdisturhed? We led the ‘cats employed in loading pow- \te the library, and the first thing + help us with the tale pee e! ; holes on railroad Banat uction s to ines out a well-worn 7 o want started, and i a il be Of no end of use; won't | fair in ai rena Seas wor ans nave long known | tobacco pouch and blac "| YOUNG PIG MANAGEMENT. | > ae : ne headache produc yder of | ai t A hog is half made when past| the land the more bountiful sh oa Th caller re: pe wesnng peri without a}crops, while at the same time the this was what the Ambassador wish- in its growth. Every ition the land is left in shape or entering places where ex-|ed to be viet dinturbed™ about. b plosions had taken piiipe before the FARM NOTES. - Too much importance has been tached to the reduction in rail- 5 ‘ rs About the Farm Sossibilities of an immense reduc- n in the cost ot. nee the same freight to the railroads. 2 P + |" The more crops a farmer succeeds BE4O44444464444444444 | bringing out ‘of his land the oe ws. C PEER HEHEHE EF HHH HHT HTH He glanced at Fioris as ehe knelt at the box replacing the costumes. find I have to, go down to | prise. ‘and stood look- there, now, and he gets rather rough if I don’t show up pretty often.’ “Oh, nonsense |” said Lady Betty. Ba sure he won’t mind waiting a eg 5 the seventh heaven of deligh ¥| . For months little else had been The great day had arrived, and Lady Pendletn and about a score “J tried it, and I guess 1 know. Dynamite as a narcotic or a dope covered some gee ago bye errr t S ris didn’t answer, but he | tho South Sea Islander erty ee a The thing had been ook up on @ er ae hear what Miss | 055 magnificent scale, utterly re- {ts firet two months is more ex-| The young weeds sho Carls dless of expense, and th t UT didmt hear Miss /Carisle yan ee chit tie Bates gan smoke bad been cieared out. A pensive than at any later period. | stroyed before they reach the Tight: y the grease smeared on n he was ane "years of age| Too much rich feverish milk rat the| The soil has been stirred for plant. ing; but within a week it fool ak,’ says poor i says Pp dens had been transmogrified ants the nose w nt roduce.a nauseating he was sent to a boatding-school |dam, causing thumps or other ai exe the master “kept the cané|ment, may leave harmful results, | be stirred again to kill the young d Wit spe heroic resolutions of flying | 5r0M|q very fair representation of @ headache which wil last three days aid BIGE cae je Ta was pretty, antl But it remained for the peons to jin his boot, except when he flung |rerhaps as much ¢o as scant feed: {sprouting weeds. Wi smali, ten- t; find out that at the class and caned the boy|ing or other neglect of the sow.| der. plants, the small harrow or between Oo uw ald be of great | | ge, Lord Cliforde, and I hope yo transfers ed bodily to the boards Of) “DYNAMITE WAS A LUXURY. sila ciokeasite up, and returned 3. [More injury may be done toa pis’s| cultivator may be pas ill be able to stay,’ , eivaaaa A ge Baa ager} a0 a “lesag to him. “He s_alway: caning | growth in two or three days than| the rows of field crops; with large, nanager ; an sie eating it common on. | 80 verely, and |can be repa: aired in a months even| strong rocted plants, like corn, the. slant-tooth harrow may be aes they drink this'down or sever- horse arent performs in the field. ording to how | ing scheme, by which some 300 em-| chine, far they have advanced i the hab- | ployes on bis E — estate have as and roll over in-their blankets correo 28, in the shade. When they awaken | interest, is one of a most prac they have a headache. that is mur- | cal of } ie sh agriculturists, as well derous, and many pretty hfights| as one of the cleverest of scient- a en “TWvalle up! Walk sha Lad “Betiy, supreme happy Wor gentlemen! Just Lord Rayleigh, whose profit Ss & t {HE BURMAN AND HIS BEAST. ea : had Lady herewas only one face to] ining that prevented her La set See La perfectly so, and that wes Floris sorties editedes respectful but firm refusal to stand 5 = to his brow again, ‘A Revelation to See the Animals of - Bur. a de a one of it, |have described had they all set sho had reluctantly. consented, stip- wating, however, that she should be permitted to keep in the back- * [ ground. ‘As the only “background” some of the dope on a hig tone pleat as x the Hai attribute toward eee Bebidas “ng,” Mr. | business ma im: to take away “Phere is nothing in their reli- exter went on to say, “and as by at hi yes inv. ir Hitters are individually older at sev- | gion which compels them to be kind, ne was the inside of the gim-| midnight I was only more awake ee than others at ten, ‘and | To hi far higher he | Boe ; chalet, she had taken refuge|than ever I took two more large | four per cent. uae ghaecas anit is a far higher being crack thd stood well in the shadow |drinks. I was still awake Sunday | of the profits beyond the margin. looking on at the strange scene. morning and feeling extraordina e fact that adame Emma ily exhilarated and wideaweke. The tertainment—recitals and son aha fact that the dope would not make We gan rig, uP a 4 Ee or something Mr me sleep annoyed me, and I again ca eaaed at her elbow. A littl down|TOOK A DOUBLE SWALLOW. een Nothing will be less nee a guinea!” said Lady Betty, fant oF oe stall, in-charge of a shop that glow with love, he intrusion. yourse: consult them eiout the nee for estes You are | ‘‘s) Calve revently sang at the petnias pan of a doctor who was ill and had |vo wait until the Pigs are ten weel expressed a desire to hear ne mag-|or even older. In the corn belt nificent voice recalls a similar in-|the period will generally average another |longer than in New ngland prima donna, Madame | Breeders pues aur at early ages Alba: Some years ago, when she | generally do in order to more profitably vale two litters a year. a “think Til give a kind of en- rary. It is because e man is 80 much Hie than iii animal that he: can and must observe toward anim the very greatest care, feel for them the very greatest compassion, be ¢ stuff went down the last 8 as soon as Bertie looked rather glum. : ee running over with flowers and eae an old gentl eman, Vv ho “hed Provided with and taught ee oh aoe | fruits, stood the tall, graceful figure wee “eg ane % reno formerly heard her sing “The Last |suitable feed some weeks before; ‘as deep in the | Rose of Summer,”’ wrote to ask if not nolieeatily Blanche ee aie a usual, calm and ceberg, but extre: was asleep be might hear it again just once ia are enough to re before he died. Although he bleed for their sordid misery, but in pat ie he 1 P: eS ee Madame Al-|pendent mainly upe Burma they are a delight to the white cap, Blanche eyed Boalt . | bani was so touched at his Pediat milk, when abruptly vayleye. The; all fat, Cede artis Hed eed ok on eeeiaes basta to pull off their |that she went straight to the bed- i e thei—tat, speatexeatle atl ee her behoof and |GrPe tits hee oe ee varie (fide of the invalid and cheered his tinen ae es io ieee a a nei eet ¥}jast moments with her wonderful |for weeks. M reeders success] «‘ he Burman is full of the most anaes rendering of the beautif : Ce good-natured attitude rd ooking he Li iy’ en meter bridge would not have dake me w silent for 2 thought that perhaps you— Carlisle—would try them well for you ti talk yee ae nt. You do not know "All othe rest of the crowd in the from Floris’ sight, | Presse ue - that ag supposed to citis, and it Bit be remembered that | indi he operated on the King for that |ed complaint in 1902. An cbeceethes in Lae ompaniment,”” said Lady Boris, my dean will you try nen over for Floris rose ab once and went to with a suppressed Fr a z° 2 ge in aN risking fetta he ae st started when Lady Betty “tn life had Burman is never cruel to them’ si e had gone his sikh the idreds of others, main ally soveures by them,-as is some- . : ; It is just he nage ust BOre like Bruce!” One of the patrons too! He ought to have been here din = aarroun liver 2 ‘Suddenly we struck a 40 degree ve and turned into a ‘ight black ic Sanne ae The th “Late one “evening : Sa passengers were drinking cham: tial hough Sir Frederick [her some raw the) row 10 MAKE DIAMONDS. pagne and ‘eating cake and wanted | himself Mtinpole: atveet A tall me to join them, and the fact that I A tall eT ine, the Wizard, Makes the gaunt sailor in. thread-bare attire r pple) had too as business to do at the sked iethin was where tr Wvreves ‘ 5 Formula Pees lives. At earnest. request, though some hat ois protest, he was. alloy el to enter He. ot onts from which it fell off, as usual, an in the scramble. to. recover it, his} ** ripe epenne aur neee pee with the contents| All innocent and unsuspectilg oreo Splendid vue ae which shad just or: #8 ® pin bat : red is ees ya ipohe wesluoeee about the chalet é nb, leaving eagerly. “Where “Oh, i sebwace,“ehigntly |3 bd “What a it, eee is eu Buin was a- ae paste glass trying on white linen kerehief tive of him. Show Lord Clifforde star le | eyes 4 com’ ce oe of ne ore oi oor. the pre fre ed are jack-knife, te aaaly. ovey, large sums up,” she said, aud presently they | carcless i n. ‘The emo- | ior of the fouslys Srlen tunnel I hear deta the ting Se ON A away (tt money from Sir Julius Wernher Bs 4 er id t tl Yr E s oa rs ut out a small gol Fi deal bien coming up two stairs at : etree Carl [NO eels OND. Rr LOSION | proe aba oahadiy oo Bi Preder- Thi of i th as had tramped all the way ime. He stopped ‘and blushing at the sight of the finery and the fies! busy to. receiv mony this mor ey - x to ti Bas, We are you are quite |the handsome, enraptured one o! Ee ay . x he young Te ANE" aifobes “and inpers and antunacassars, out of Moune in the qoans - « i . and Bertie between a great plain, stands a lone roc. “What an sgt litter! How do | motionless; as he sooked a strange ac ohsanliar ci ntownl aa neversts be you do, Miss C: Floris held o Fi fine lot of dresses!| Bertie dwelt on the last note until e] f oo! eg pardon) J thought ber Was it possible tha she eo that sounded Tike all ie locomo- orn pon she coccka un Whapale Btrese URE tie thoskotiering hem more neatl, at the door, aghast in sizé with thriftier mates. isi “ don’t think there is roam for a" | two,’” said Floris, with a smile, as he Stood ab-the low door with bent “How is your show getting occupation of the | mony LIVE STOCK NOTES. GOD'S NIGHTMARE. SHRINES. Peeehe! Come in, |of, singing to her Oh, all right,’” he replied. See | aude: got a big chalet, and they te rade a platiorm up, and presently I'm going to get ‘em in at a guinea a bear. Weird Places Where Burmese Erect Buddha for Worship. Burman can show the oldest places of worship to be found any- where in the world. Some miles i f ceke- | tered. EU oe reeaert inn Lae The crowd thickened, “Lady Betty ning, but if you like} at the lovely fac> of the girl, at rade in bead i) a ® ¢ forgotten when ouce seen, and ag {ago the eaves which honeycomb his fortress were transformed from the fA ean aed gil saunas two {into places for devotions. Thou- sands of images of Buddha are carv- ‘isle ?” + et hand, without | which stung and hurt him terribly, m her knees, and he|though he tried tc crush it down. With a soft, lingering tenderness, | ment. given sick headaches four days by | dividing up ming, and seven i wagons. working short trips Rather gorgeous, aren’t they?” |it died away sadly, then he looked “Color caaversthiie at a fancy }down at haneredect he had kept} 1 io os Hie soe on ee to | Sa pon wie : fair,” said Lady Betty, with an air his ae riveted on her most of the | the pre geo shai Reade Eom Te tee Pacis 2 odes of conviction. ‘alt, a ‘a aud tt mos p me me a ele ‘ ‘Id have ki ynamite, no matter what anybody a is are stand ing, sitting, or reclin- ity q cheek !”’ said Bertie. Will that do?” he asked, hum: | would have known eta areaonk MN callagecaecees . iain the const hic appa a Sack severity. admit you into our boudoir to re- | ans [Sk | Betty is vis! ake a guinea will not te BISHOP’S EPISCOPAL JOKE | does not include a crucible. aaa how many, millions of feet | * —h GENEROUS. LAD. sauntered toward the stal “We did not Yvon sing if ee she (To be continued.) frankly. I think Lady {eb to Stalwart figure of Lord Norman (no loves the Bible and beer; the ceivé your SOAs 2 : | Bet is oe aane =~ “Beg pardon, Lady Betty!’’ he jtoo much to charge tor, Bot so esrasceel Ses by Chavasse, the Bishop of Liv- *»* démanded his ee ae by a than as an offerin; retorted. “1 meant color and— te gt entertain en pg [erBool, made an eUie ORAL (ake ow “why” ia your liftle brother ctying?”'{to his favorite btewaahwumeroct: (th Bere na OF OS Hote the banquet of the Liverpool bn Hetsuse 1 drank colt a soda jed on the very apex of a “‘balane- |°" bre combine : a ee ha betta, bay give you. saad i nM oe oe bec ee gineering Society. ae said that. water, contend y ing rock,’” uh formidable in appear- stall al lar 7 Be loris starte Pipcked | the engineers ‘ad done much to ‘Drank al 7 Why,” vdida't you ee as to strike terror to the half and hal hi os Lady Bi Now’ tell te how T| than the words, and looke eal, hae together See E eaeabls promise to ee him some off the |heart before one can carry out the |, In hot weathet the horse which . ann eo ae A this quite a Swiss girl’s|As she did so, she saw the tall; | peoples, namely, the Englishman, cz resolution to make the difficult as f the wagon or plow| | Husband: ‘After all, civiliza- a‘ apt and I gave him the sl ed frequently. His| tion has its drawbacks. People in x savage state seldom get ill,”” ‘ na and Tcoticte ahd Bertie was ack-|a flood of crimson ‘suffusing her and Deering eine is : ne es ee ae ny ed his opinion on each ‘and all, Sie face, she rose. _. thands on; the i nae who brays HER REASON. ean: eo e reason. youre 5p re so healthy fo oe a iave become rather con-| “Please do noot get up,” he said,|on his knees on Sundays and 01 ae then he said suddenly, as tt and his yoice quunded very grave | his neighbors on weekdays, and Fes Sie fanbon iat had been feeate himself up for) and almost grim. “I will go at Irishman, who neyer knows what Married Billie, S, ad Lillian, tiny st i annourcem| nce if yeu allow me to disturb you. |he wants and is never satished un-| ‘‘Was simply becausi ‘i eee Le wall, and a ‘3 “Ty was very ‘and of a to'show | Please sit down and play again. | till _he gets it. e was rated a mullion, ns a fall toucertain injury, oe me these Se Lady Pendle’ es Bertie, I should like to tear you Sa Pate : Seekabe death. ent | Jack : because—because, you see, “ shan’t | sing that sane 2 Snooper: Sie is he Ber the es tee == i % fo : being a bachel be able to see them at the fair’ Bas Floris, pale and Sabie cold, | fect. 0: is-earth.’”” very short sesean, egins. Gi aS nob?” demanded Tey ee “You forget Gilles. 4: “What abgut "nse “pil joes doctor can Ae relieve a ee and 8 paging cao a soul 600 duels a fed yearly, cw! ae tried on several other caps anes regarding them, and with Scotsman, who Keeps the Sabbath straw. abel tb te “xb the #1 e roel e bat cles Wife (sweetly): ‘I nate it that’s be will tell, her Jadyship that vou Gilley V> ‘ “He! a4 perfect ass,’* And Belle Tae her caseron* oes aS his money,