ly one who visits: "GREAT POWER OF HABIT =" is ea for a few hours where h ie capital ve va HITS THE MONIED D LAND. to the best aivebisas saohatiaad sperate shrieking, imagines he “LORD CLASS HARD mineral ised Sat ee Beene pote shicing, imseies'°/The Tmportance of Habit in Religion Is on sabi ind only. °6) 4 10 per PBut after remaining there for some ee ae es ee Aittie thie tic agtoes that-only thers: Here Pointed Out. Motors, sie Death Dulies are determination of leases. Special hese new taxes necessi- tates a reconstruction of the me thod of valuing propert pees pots tapeet hap —— a es all Drawn on—Man of Small Bae T Prolonged and so complete as 2} Teach me, O Lord,” the: way. of | two rules in-the formation of a0 Income Escapes. olfer the key to the condition of | Thy statutes and I will Koop it an-| habite with as much determina ys pow joy that is so extremely fleeting in| til the end.—Psalm exix. 33 as possible in order that t The e SuanEer iitvodupedeinto the The Spirit Duties—To' be. sited BT Losad calc, Disk Ossie | ONE uittaes are habits as cudigas| tone need oi nies Meabit is | Ascal system by the British Budget |,” 9g, Sp eee Nuseaen ae ee sees boasts of | 202 Vices: Honor, courage, purity, | launched may great as pos- |of 1909-10 are SR ee SS Tobdane tha diky: oiaianatec: ; ot firs a ., | Punctuality, braye = kindness | sible; secondly, aever suffer an|brief synopsis of their effect will] +1eq tobacco to be increased by éd. his physical qualities and capabili-| are habits a are swearing, | exception to occur until a new hab-|be found useful. ‘The items of tax- |). pound, with equivalent addi ties, his excellent singing, his enor- nats e Gan ly be When this | it is securely rooted in the life. ation are mentioned in the order | tions to th of steel, his| truth is once perceived it makes} Tho serene life, like other de-| adopted by Mr. Llosd aeore®, the peat ; a revolution in conduct. Morality | sirable things, should be put under | Chancellor of the Exe “speed that enables him to run 2) vith many consists in trying to cor- | the domain FT ais otreshicens worl =D tice on private ORE cars—A thousand miles a minute, his bodily | rect evil habits rather than in striv-| progress religiously if we live hel-|new graduated scale of duties on PERS, SERTESE secretions of fine wines and precious |ing to form good ones. Human|ter-skelter in a hit or a miss fash- | private motor-cars and motor-cycles| q47_ PERFUME INDUSTRY. To-day he is general of | Hfe is largely automatic. We are in|ion? Right thoughts, “right emo. |1s proposed for the United Kingdom et : si f Rome and the | Teality ‘walking bundles of habits.’ | tions, right decisions in the religi- |(including Ireland, where hitherto! violets Carpet the Terrace—Riot oe To each sort of impression we have | ous life as in the daily life of busi-|there has been no tax on motor- GPR as AT eel ce an automatic ready made response. | ness, must be made habitual. Hab-|cars). The scale is as follows se tS a ae aa coin specialist, and} The sort of habits we are form-|it should be the rule in prayer. Say 6% hip, £2 28.3 under 12-| Flowers are tho chief Pant of sour sale ati prime minister. Some lunatics for|ing is therefore of the greatest im-| yy GHURCH ATTENDANCE, a pd uiaiietay of “Grasse, oe aE Sn ib a. few months in the year manifest | Pottance, and we are forming habits jouth of France, where they 5 pinch of ae one- bal vy = eicacidinary activi mtcheertils of some kind whether we attend to} in the Rene of the holy com- grown on every available lane or filet vitted Phen nt ee duties on cigars, ese ettes and manufactured tobacco. Bz) Co: Ae ¢ sake, Cresta 67 them or not. e should strive, | munion, in times of meditation, in} u ground. Violets carpet th with nutmeg and lem ness, but all of a sudden they col-| therefore, to acquire such habits acts of egucee in deeds of ser-|£42. Doctors’ cars one-half these races under the vlive and orange ldafde moe with: boil jes: eeaaleaarhas aad vioe, Only so shall we beoome|rates, Motor-cycles, #1. Nochango| trees. “Ou in the open county |tavored with vanilla j Sd IMPROVE OUR NATURES followers of Him who lived in|in rates on motor-cabs;, existing | there are fields upon fields of jon- * _ es ws ee fabituel prayer and whose a was axetoptions on ade vehicles con-| quil and of jessamine and the Rose a Tasso and Cardano wished it in-| This physical organism of ours,| spent in doing good, Contempla- | tinued. of Provence, which excels all other | 5 ferred that they were inspired by| which is the clay which, by con-| tion of the cea jianie: cbould| “DUG on, BettolThreanense per| roses in fragrance. But the blos- Mohammed avowed openly tinal reiteration, dually | not make anyone despair. | Even in gallon En eerel and “athier spirit|soms are not. allowed. to. waste that he actually was. Any criticism | Shaped along lines which nally the worst cases there is hope. His- | used for motor vehicles.” A reb: “their naneonee on the desert air. a se viates aes sae upon | Control the ordinary actions of life. | tory is full of examples, from Sb, |to be granted of half the duty to Bvery shift of acent had'ite money eir opinion: y Bes Impressions made upon the nery-| Paul down, in which the habits of | motor-cabs and omnibuses. eet sand all Srough the flower- | guar Anafics aie a .as extreme persecution. Newton} ous structure of the brain tend to| a lifetime pave hese broken under INCOME TAX. tne season the stills of over seventy | 5 cold water, and two yeast cakes, ‘was said to have been murderous- | repeat themselves until well travel-| a supreme compelling impulse. The SERRE TS refumers are tee extracting and ie ee ly infuriated against his scientific|ed toads are formed along which | power of the Divine Spirit is omni-| Income Tax—The rates of pound: bottling up this sweetness. Fro dissolved in half a ne of a rg vater. Mix contradictors. The poet Lucius pees Meouedtly Ree make high- | potent in human affairs. The worst |age on earned incomes up to £3,-| earliest dawn picturesque ipheee: 3 Leiding tia: geen vibe nd ee : aa wa} the soul. These are habits | prodigal can reform. Behind all | 000 per annum som as at pre-| with hugs dises of straw, the size % would not rise when Julius Caesar] and control the life bur efforts there is the power of |sent—viz., 0 £2,000, and Js. |of cart-wheels, on their heads, and Bad FeSh wad sequived The Bowaa entered the assembly of posts be-| Bad habits may be checked and| God. With all His power the hab-|over £2,000 and didel 29,000.-On | chirts whine noseate, laso winbes Ihe ~_Usp ape, quar of the yeas, for 2 tw od si. loav sto @ habitual in our|.a life of now haits bes the rate. will be 1s. 9d. Inthe case| picking away for bare life in the |(79 #004 Sized loaves. | Reb on sat James enumerates REV. DEWITT L. ‘PELTON. oi incomes under £500 a new abate- ate field. Of the violet gather-| 93 legrees Fahrenhei Add al ¥ ment will be allowed of £10 for Gioee chikl wider NOyeene OF Geet tablespoonful each of salt, aes They look like a row of tar. THE S S. LESSON in the class discussions ae were not] A Super Tax—On incomes over gets set up for archery practice. 4 ne De satietactorily, settled at the time.| £5,000 a super tax of 6d. is to be) Tt is only on closer inspection that Read the to the ae slowly, |levied on the amount by which it| you find a figure crouching on all cause h Be himself :e-bet-| geod habits formed by making |its of a life time ean be broken and jall other incomes now liable to 1a: | roses themselves looking angry, are le % what we PORE vee Beat fherbe that 8 would s you say, th again, mold into | calling for volunteers to assume the | exceeds £3,000. Income:tax exemp- | fovea ni re ath tl w ssh Heine’ Be INTERNATIONAL LESSON ponies of leading the class, tions and abatements are in 2 future re headgear, A the ¢ | loaves, Iet vibe, rand bakerin & Mody) fm mse” Visi Boge “TESSON, J(n the next Sunday, in the diseus-|to be restricted to persons resident | Aowors ave picked they are carried | "Chécken with Rice.—Cut one thor ned by the obsession of < JUN sion of ee problems. Here is a|in the United Kingde: me Meee into the town: The vio- Ht only the greatest; of all : eugeeed U ‘ ¢ DUTIES lets alone refuse to give up their i t the greatest of all men =e feson I, Daould a Christian ever BSCE OS scents to. distillation. | Slabs of Meee the et, “ado one pint || Eughes of All sios: Lesson XII.—Review Sunday. Ssshotste “himsclt with’ now Ohnas-| The Death Duties—The scale of|slate set in wooden frames are| (f strained. Bg ae ping e 2 i tians Estate duties is ‘‘steepened’’ for | spread ie with hog's lard to re- | cupful of ae ne ok halfinohs aie Golden Text, Acts 4: 33. Lesson II. Why are not all God’s| estates exceeding £5,000, and the|ceiye them. On this bed they are |i, ¥ pieces, one small onion, a few sprigs t might suppose that all of) Golden Text.—What great power| Saints delivered from their prisons?| maximum of 15 per cent. will be geatiored aad the fainted ere end oe Derahy Hesiaueoen salt De in their imagined gréatness;|gave the apostles witness of. the ee III. What really converted} reached at £1,000,000, instead of | stacked oe above the other like | per and one pint of hot Ww: Be cie Wisiieeh of ruck Howe lresurrectioh of < tha Land Secas | Saul 29,000,000, | The, new sbeie aa. Ue ii Uuetptslveb spl a this in the stove and w eve A Peet Sen IV. Why are not all our £5, 000 to £10,000, 4 per cent. ; £10,- | 4, ie d three times this is by no me Acts 4: 23. lowers must be renewed three times | ging to boil add one- “halt eof of us ; A variety of forms of review. js|Modera churches as vigorous as 000 to £20,000, 5 per cent, ; £20,000 | day. all through the flowering |Sell washed rice. Let + E ie worm ofthe persecu given here, in order that teachers that at Anarchs to £40,000, 6 per cent, ; £40,000 to| season, By. that time the lard is boil for. one-half hour, thee pla ws at the most roseat¢ y may sélect the method bests Lesson V. Why was the gospel| £70,000, 7 per cent.; £70,000. to est suited as ce bent ae ‘ foniugos, ag if they wefe nclual fo the age and ability of their class nuns by miracles in Paul's day,| £100,000, 8 ‘per cent. 5 £100,000 | Peay ines. 7 cooker rawn from it into spirit. Te is almost proverbial, ;Sometimes it will be best to. unite | 224 ray to-day! confirmed in the See ey cont 772150,000 ts | But the etre a et Ohi prepared in. thi 4 i is? 7 8 . n 18 istrict 8 udsney to see of ry 0 tore plans, a ta ke past Lesson VI. What was the secret! £400,000, 11 per cent. ; £400,000 toline season lasting a way" may be. served direct! from hst thinkers. Just - ‘ee the season lasting a month. So|the coke, only the parsley should of the ee ‘eness of Paul’s preach- BS ee 12 per ‘cent.; £600,000’ to| strong is the so yas PUnEat Coweta ek i y P y a £800,000, 13 per cent. ; £800,000 to ing = the pickers, and brings fesson VIL. Would Paul and| $1,000,000, ee 2h circ peolguged: tantia stg 2 ae ht reaches farther than the or : Fnary, and: because occupied with | out this review, request the scholars tions of t TA Pri a ® fae ai Barnabas have been justified in us-| 000,000, 16 nt Ne : Paueme ies ge 0 xo over all tho| ioe the homage of the people for the!| ment Estate Duty will be increased |/@mous neroli 1s sogen: Mia Renee 2 ote fo. 1 ; ey Fomunonplace habits of x each of them what step in advance |Breater influence of the gospel! | |from 1 to 2 per ben ste bene the so-called attar of roses is made eoause, like idiots and tas taken bythe choreh,” Fo on @ dee suecession duties where. the bene- >ene-| here also, and finds its way to Paris 2: council was a compromise. When | ficiary is a brother or i by way of Constantinople, where hing of the Kraadenin OEths chine sae eee kf sae Mal eee ie sister, wil is transferred to the familiar gilt | 3 _ ‘ } : be raised from 3 to 5 per cent. ‘geniuses are despised vind micun-|f0 {eke in the Gentiles. Lesson II. 1 °F oe son IX. Is faith possible apart|and in the ease of all othor per-| lass bottles that seem to cert: derstood by the majority, wha'do| Ghurch’s faith in the Dever ot ef he trom works : sons the rate will be a uniform 10| 18 Eastern origin. : not perceive their pints of contact Lesson X. Is it every Christian’s) per cent. instead of ranging from spe As es 22s rt nikisd bud who |ahe: ehasehe at gre tga" £2 guty- to speak for Christ? Sie 10 per enbeotke pk nent g THE SEWING ROOM. Lesson XI. Have we. as great op-| legacy or succession duty will:in}] CAT MOTHERS SQUIR th Stains from eps Fabries.—Placo Sv 5 portunities for faith as Abraham] future be charged on “‘lineals’” an tae clean cloth u ie a “land Moses had? spouses, in cases where the estate| Deprived of Her Own (1:7) or small piece: a cloth’ wit VIII. A Peter- sae Hoe exceeds £15, eas in cases where Adopts Another Eau) ide of hydrogen and pe 5 “ ever } This form 6 v be excel-| the amount of t acy or : p: a cepted. “There never /bas been aclass, taking ont leton ata tne, hs (0m shone department tlie Amount she leesey SEMIS 7 ice BOE 0 te eR He liberal idea,” writes the famous | se thus eal its chief points. | .°" uped about| ever the size of the estate from|Albert Fisher, ne wi ~ novolist: Faubert, “hich has not Fae tile een week chet which it ee esetipiai will be jt on light silks succes er Ly. Qn boen unpopular; not’ f true thing|ingie an outline map chowmeue allowed; and it will be allowed if| the farm was oversiooked with eats |” How to Shrink Good i an t yap showing the the legatee is a widow of the de- her young wer sen from her and | able goods should be ceased, or a child under 21 years, At that has not scandalized the multi-| various countries and places that drowned. tude."” f runk, e: the cat seem: | ally ginghams, Bate using This cd being a house |is valuable to Beasts in a “a -d considerable] up any kind 7 terials for phild ssi 8 eels: ae were the scenes of the quarter’s| to lessons. Let each lesson be locatd eaue ie: bo h a figure. When a lesson in-| board (or on Taree shocts of par bose more than one pee re phone a series of frames, each to hold $s Coniw indeed sicy oe , in Peter's | fi ral prop One day shortly afterher kittens . supornal felicity: Thess are. the | the figure wt cach: toe fee auie Wille taken at ibs £ mal 2 oT woke talon. tantashes atacae Manse ee ane spa ane at montane oF enaee ye heney ee be indicated by a few words written | stead abirRd- years PoFehaae rei which had fallen from its nest |jron. If this is done previous to tin 66 many respects resemble, t i a bret as the children recall the. scenes, ene ora ee lock a s, ne RGR ee Get pestis, sient af ee Cel bel detente on “Peter walking on the) to be valued at their market prives . learned f: ve vaves,’” “Peter by the fire in the|The period eons with a aft inter | that it would be a dainty morsel to eens rene onesie tealags Gelug ue gees that occured | wa » “Paul facing Elymas,”’| vivos is liable to duty is extended |tempt her appetite if Piernrca ey. COMVAls OSs DEENERRAL| the Rvet chuteh | pognell ing|' James writing his epistle,”” “Ato five years. : Instead of pouncing upon it cat | tr; ‘wind, and instead of some atroci-|the yalue of frank and teothinle procession of heroes.” fashion she took the young squirrel ouis bestiatlity or dark crime there| discussion of differences.”’ - aoe Shs . do the bor a here che.ine o oneal eg a ts a work of lofty character.| IIL, A Characterizations Review, oo er an Gale eee Teoria tibre bawbowed: Woon the wanieval. all (ac petties gheesmares aa eaeet add ~ Beavonsfield wrote that he felt as}. if there were but a step from in- ensé mental concentration to mad- ness. He said he could hardly de- | Scribe what he felt in the moments when his sensations were abnorm- ally acute and intense, that everst |, ar ss : ; the mS shetat previously | form, keeping it Sannndietite a, 0 sane cd kitian cwhi er kittens. ki DISINFECTION OF SCHOOLS. {1 ta: dust Stranger still, says a writer in| mark ¢ 2 jife in peer about. i English School Makes Satisfactory yin qu thie isle, and ‘Yost Sprinkling Floors. £100 t to be 6d. Gigcioad +) 5 | 1 > 2 ‘ two il i e! one a be a Rol q £100 to £500, 1s. (as at present); al ar- | thirty-four ine s from tl re ils ths Be las Seieeaace £500 to £1,000, 2s. . ne as Shier | ied the remainder of the young| about the hip: ot inches fro = fjed a ae om their for every: additional thousand). aainnes in her mouth, one at a fasteel PoBISa); On option notes the rates are to be| time, to her box in the house. Sree ane similar. Brokers who are not mem- ‘Then until the painenels were ae = tu y cuuhorzed pitta bers of the Stock Exchange will in| nearly full grown the ¢: ed VAS aie tevin alt P ecighl Aubeas with future have to issue contr: iets never | Ores them ey: an the. solictude | the scholars: td gov ae sat Tictig he eects of epidemic aad Vearie ie eae ae SNe Ses! PER SS ihe : : other diseases. Hrom an elaborate cole. oF duties dor fi i ‘3 i sts the fall publican’s Bias begins at | nourishment for them in exact]; am Rosine Woe anual value, | 5! lei rit ‘ell ane sale volves SS he $8 0 or Soe ae SHatibn that eac slip 1 ate. Hel The diseussion of| tains 50 to 80 millions of micro ietly into bed tee dient choices in the, class, By : d owns over 100,000. without awa outages wi an final hoi, will ize nd other towns vie mel s, and the further results have |g ‘Beerhouses The “rats Twenty) similarly to full “on nie tere Re ecled anomlaey basis being one- tied of the cruel of ae ‘ing with eyllin was done after| ‘of the pre ni eae ng re-| every day’ 's afternoon school. These | - pes aoe to form = Ss vith. cad glee schools | 5 fo; = er tee stili and no og nel t Lis e roe 8 the Wide life Sain of Les te e ne sinfec . is ‘ = ground, however, is Cyprus, would be- ee e ee bette pe gpa Uh “ : ae 3 id she. Hature of some to be the duty o! i 2 , monui thers, Pat op-| tojai y. othe, Fe fo oer