THE MILVERTON SUN el it all in one Speedin, and save ‘and a tedder—if you own = Side Delivery Rake Used in connec- tion with the foave tt isis th Be peewee eetetitty wg will auswer your juoations. Gall im ‘and ask about ‘two machines, Poe a Loader FOR SALE BY: JAS. FREEMAN, Jr., Agent, Newton FRED ZIMMERMAN, Agent, Milverton MAWKESVILLE. We are pleased to see the work of he poles are up and wire stretching abot to begin. We hope be in operation as it wi convenience S80 Geacetully ee in her 75th, year ae ess of oe months hey! largely acrendes as friends from and near were present to pay thei: i tribute of respect to their 1son Cunningham, of Berlin, Elias Frey and son, Walter, of Santa ee visitin and Mrs, ‘Weidenbainmer’ We wre sorry to hear of the serious illness of 'Mr- Emil Lebnen of the Woolwich Townline. We hope he may ove. ir. ‘Alvin ‘Ottmann aid @ flying visit to eee a eee oa y. ae sday ay ne sees in visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Albert aoe oe M. nd Mrs. Henry Schneid ent Sunday spent Waterloo Berlin, Eni Lehnen’s. Why it Pays to Buy Invictus Shoes + + BS BS BS pS Ba « It may cost you a little more to Si really good shoes~-INVICTUS es—but it will pay you in the Because you’ll get a better fit, newer styles and very much better and longer wear. In INVICTUS Shoes’ you'll get genuine oak tanned sole leather— a leather that is used only in high grade he vamps and tops of these shoes are made of the finest selec- ted leather money and experience can pro Every hide that goes into the INVICTUS Shoe Factory has to pass the sane as ‘ion of an expert Sage of lea trouble or expense is spared to rake INV! Shoes the best it’s posible A poten W. ZIMMERMANN HESSON. The Most Common Cause or Surrerine: Sy WE KNEAD IT EVERY aoe e choir—also FINE BAKERY that prov’ anes, as we do, t; ery commends itgelt to the pubis beeanes it is con- t genuinely goo GEO. GUENTHER H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY ‘ $ooooe REDPATH'S GRANULATED SUGAR $5.50 PER CWT. aa aaa H. MOHR Highest Prices Paid for Produce GARDEN TOOLS You cannot go Ae “of attractive values in Garden ‘ools if you come here. No such care was ever taken be- fore to perfect the stock in every detail. Yet it isn’t altogether ‘the goodness of things that brings you here for hard- ware. It's the cheapness and the goodness and the Salas weae of the en- tire business, together with your confidence in the store generally. " For$Sale or Rent ee AND STABLE AND TWO LUTS Mill St., Milverton, pola’ ‘lek with three it a, ki ia a supply of good water soi it will be rented. Fo: ta James RICHARDSON, Notice to Contractors ! ! ave albout Sas acres of willow mmhai melaee, , pee 47, Elma, Milverton faice pardon i Milverton, Ont 0! uses more pain and Aeron than ‘ony ‘other disease, for become permanent, while n old ipeople subject to ohsoais rheu- MI LLBANK: is ee staiiding of the COURT OF REVISION The Court of Hevidien on the Assess- t 2p. Reade, ae ‘the Clerk of the Municipality before the 24th day ae a ive. Bh Clerk of Morningtoa. Burns, May 6th, 1909. Mentelpslity 2 of Milverton COURT OFF REVISION lerk before the 14th day of May 1909, > W. D. WEIR, CLER: The Assessment Roll is open fori section at the Clerk’s office. Business “College f) ers, Enternow. Get our free ‘Biliott & McLachlan, Principals. CANADIAN PACIFIC R’ Very Low Rate for Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $7 5 Return Ae MILYSETON, joing May odin to Sept. 50th Return mit Oct. 31 Eiberal_stop- oS aie est, the Rocky Moun: Visit, the ‘Seattle Exposition She aa special attractions, 905 rie, eee “Griffith, Wn. Sr. ca ; pupils of Milbank Publig school for desraifen ‘Apri merit. absent for one or more Class V—Altred Mottmeyer, Bhima live Marti ion Heim, Addie Low- Es te ae Mar Mul- Edgar Rutherford, Marion Rucherford x, Maude Mason x, Sadie er X, nie Lowrie x, » Mare Je Treigh tari, Wis reindecea x, oe an.’ Henry Rein- fith, Norman Walter Raby McK. vile Gordon, ‘Acex N MeKe ee, “QWitie A. a eay Teacher ee Cough n February our aP danaitas had the algusing cough. ri I t gavi customers the best of satisfaction: We folie For-adle ty all druggists. SCHOOL REPORT. Following is fthe report of S.S. No. 8, smetark or the month of Sr. Roy Beggs. eid: Wesley Houston, Bion Reid, equal, Ruth Welsh, Jean McAlister, Gladys Kerr, atbgent ahs ee examination. r, 8rd—Viola Stewart, Alex. Cor Bina fe a aleaoa Ze hy, John et <— ‘Snd—Atlan Reid, Henry A*brecht nd—Gideon Zehr, John Brenne- Pe. "Joe Albrecht. Pt. I> Ne Dowd: Edith Rei L. M agwood, reacbee TALK IT OVER WITH W. H. SANDERSON, Agent, MILVERTON, ONT. ae. Going West. WwW. | Monkton 118 am a.m. 7, Milverton 14.03 im Going Soni Tralee Dorking vie oie 9.15 wae 8.28 p. G. T. R Time Table. GOING SOUTH Brunner Milvert You can depend on any- thing we send out being thoroughly good. Newton Petfers and Snap $ooooee: It’s no secret, Every one in town and vicinity is comment- ing on the style and snap in our spring suits and in afew months from now they will be saying how well they retain their shape and style. Suits tailoréd to taste, - : sooeeee a We clean and press ladies’ and gents’ clothes at moderate cae : O4OOGO4e Brunner 4 M. ‘Rleischhauer “Over Atkin’s Feed Store Sr. 8rd—Cecil Tanner, ous Dun- foff-| You yo Mrs, Andy Cook and Migs Katharine Forester, of it, are spending 0 week at their home he Mie: Mery ‘Kebaes or Minit WELLESLEY. It is es une a grand sna gala day of sport is to be isles Day, icy y 24th pee a tae of the Wellesie ley Athle| iy will e had as W makin; a in this line. a fvhich special talent has been engag- ed. See posters for program. iss Mary Berdux of Berlin, spent Santite ei ham Mr. Geo. SESE ans laid os with a bad ale: but ae dut: ies ae week . CR, Giagerigh ae Guiness cow reventiy. Mr. M. 8, Wilhelm is occupying ¢ vacant department next to the Stan dard Bank as a waggon chee where he will ‘be pleased to meet all — his old ‘customers together with many new ones. The preypennd Excursion ‘An outing: trip of two hundred and Synopsis of Canadian North-West LAND REGULATIONS ANY person who is the sole head of visiting ee one Mr. Joe Kehoe t {is Ludurine, fifth dau, Mr: e hin. ie holy bods of matrimony to Mr. (dlemens renner, Ww. Fr. oa zer officiated. - | becom the groom’s farm nea! Mr. Frank bey ae eft for Water- loo on Monday. & family, or eae nee over 18 years old, may hom: quarter-section nda Agenoy, or Sub-Ag- try by proxy Y. on ©. father, , mother, Peeper “brotier or sister of in tending hom eee ie s’ Gestdence cn ecehleeratiog ae Un ieee each 0 three within nine miles of Clonal BO este ciely a im or his fat daughter, brother or slater. n certdin districts a homesteader es pier spies aaa cultivate fifty esteader who has exhausted and” PPY | his ont right and cannot obtain ie will fake up aS ee onl a cad pre-emption may take a pure! homestead in certain districts. 88.00 per acre. Dutie 1 Pp. ie cate Good Liniment ol, bunt a | f S00d white befers 5 and 50 cent sizes for sale. by denen WOODSIDE. Mr. Joseph B. Leis, of near Bam- berg epent ‘Sunday at bis home here Rev. Robbie Kay, of Stratford, o8- cupied the pulpit of Zion church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grober,, of Mich., are visiting at the home of the lat- ters’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Menno Schmidt. | D Ghai ister, of Well esley, is having | his telephone line extended ton here to the residence of Mr. Chalmers, the poles are aiready sf Place and the wires will soon be put Cold in _the Head What’s the sense in sneezing and sniff- ling, dosing wth purgatives, or pomcring with atomizers? CATARRHOZONE A Set ihhaler” treatment is the proper Remedy to cure quickly and pleasantly. = sible people long ago abandoned idea of “nvorking off” nd is as d in about ten min- ¢ Catarrhozone. It is delightful = inba‘e, clean and very simple to Catarrhozone is 4 végetable anti- use it. The vapor is inbaled agate and the respiratory organs is exhaled slow- ly through the nostrils. Cata: eases never disappoii ints, it stops sneezing, coughing of eae noseee more quickly than c. B. “alee, ot Casein Street, Londan. Hoe) in ‘he. ai He carry a ee Inbaler in ths pocket means you‘won’t have coldg tung or throat trouble. s—Must re: six months in each of three years, cul: tivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. Ww. W. RY, D-puty of the Minister of Interior N Unautliorized publication of Abis adverti¥ement will not be paid from woman’s ailments are invite addresses here svn Vegetable on pound mpound ¢ Chicago, Ul. Latin "Alvena, ting 11 Lang- don ae are Kinsle} ; Kang ali sell 4 Gilford Beaman. | Fh NY te Ki Housh fiarioway ma Imse, of Life. South Bend, fnde= Sire, Fred Cortia, 1018 8, Lafayette Street. Hoal, Kontucky.<Are, Lizsio Holland. Broolifield re to jarah Lousignont, 207 irs. Wm. Somerville, 195 cane Nort Street. Kewaskum, Wis sees Garl Dahle. ‘Troubles. - Dosylva Coté, 117 ates. donton Muothaw pt | 8 ie vies, ‘H, Maddocks, vs, Lee Manges, Box 151. ceil, Ries Aa Glee johnstown, N-Y.—Mrs, Homer N, Seaman, 108 ti |. =Mrs, Peter Langenbahn, ‘ations. mpstead, te Soe Ban ian, Ga.sLena V. Henry, Route No. 3. indigo Ind.=Bessie V. Piper, 29 South ‘Addison Street, Zouleville, Ky.=-Mrs. Sam Leo, 25 Fourth St, Sinn, Sats, Lillian Sout! Hopbine, Me Ree igs on. Dotto, ah, = Mo rieda Tosenaa, 644 i Mats Burtonview, Organi lacements. Mozier, Ms =-Mes. Bien Ball. oulés Ind: za Wood, Melbourhe, Towa: = Mfrs. Ol RED. ip Joseph Hall. Mrs. ae Cloutier, 66 ‘ntapaa John G. Moldan, ae Street, N. aS Shamrock, Mo.=Josié Ham, R.F.D, No. 1; Masiton,3 =Mrs, Geo. Jordy, Route No.3, Ghester, A7k-=Mrs. Ella Wood, Ociila, Ga. sili. I. A. Cribb. Fendloton, Ind=~Mis. May Marshall, R.R44, Cambridge, Neb.—Mrs. began gers one Paw. a Ge sfosvilioo hiss Cinginmati; Ohio. at Fairchance, P: Fort Hun Vienna, Jonatha, Oregon, to the names at Painful Pei oA Stee, Wan Pel spe ttcan aR Dr p Mish. Mrs, Burt Lo Flora Abr, Street. Hoot Avenuo, i eu Ouaeaay: Eee ited to write io ‘itive ses that Lydia E, Pinkham’ ea cae eae B.F.D, , 1362 Ernst Cleveland, Onto =Miss Lizzie Steiger, 5510 Ester, R.F.D.1, ‘Hilliard, Rei M ObeHoh AFD. No.1. rs. W. 8, Ford, 1938 Lans- ‘Mo.=Miss Anna Wi iio. op fiona Military: a rs. ee ‘Masse. Francis Merkle,13 Field Theda Guyer so, Mrs. Ella Michael i eth ae Ida Hale, Box 25, ‘Harry Le Sea, east ich core Lomas eTang 4eaChewinh ra. Chas, Boel, 2407 N. aenVernaWiken RED: 1. Fem: ‘Mrs. Rachel J io. Seventh Hronue. Fast Karl Pa.=Mrs. Ay W. Vi Mas Merenght, ale Willimantic, ‘Conners. Etta Donovan, Bor Woodside, Tash Rockland, Main Scottie, Sieh, oir TGS ‘ton, O} “ son. fo ‘Mrs, Will Suis 6 Col- I. A. Dunham, Baal nek, Pah pales Shatto, ‘Tillie Waters, 451 Liber- Siegel Street, Christian honest ieee hae regarding i at .=Mrs. Alice Huffman. Philadéiphia, "Ba, = Mrs. John Johnston, 210 Toners. Mary ees, RED. i fem: ion in are will! they ey ey a ae ‘the re the most complete, Eyes Tested Free. THE LATEST: BELT BUCKLES Call in and see the newest thing in the line of Belt Buckles. We are showing all the latest styles. Our stock of Jewelery is We are pleased to show goods whether you buy ornot . . . . P.H. BASTENDORFF JEWELER and OPTICIAN The great drawback to the average investment lies in the locking up of money, rendering it un- available when desired. AIVING for the nioment the question of relative risk of loss, the desirability of keeping money on deposit in a Savings Bank (where it is at once obtainable for any em- ergency) renders it most important that every business man, or any other man or woman, should, if at all possible, keep a substan- tial sum on deposit in a separate Savings Account. It is most unwise to lock up every dollar in business or per- manent investments. To the same degree, it is wise to keep a ready cash surplus laid safely aside in a chartered bank. A private savings account is carried by every prudent busi- ness man THE BANK OF HAMILTON specially invites the open- ing of such accounts, both by its regular business clients, and also by those who transact their current banking elsewhere. . . 7 Every courtesy and convenience is extended to such customers BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANCH R. J. RANNEY,