A Little Light on ST. MARYS LIME a Dark Subject Scranton (Standar street near C.P.R. stati on order..... J. G. HAMILTON, J. G. Hamilton, sole agent for the D.L. & W. Anthracite) Coal has moved his Coal business to his new sheds on the C.P.R. and has opened an office on Main May ist. Coal always on hand. 30 cars now . Also have Coarse Salt in sacks. ion. Cheap coal starts C.P.R. Station The Milverton Sun 38 PUBLISHED BVERY THURSDAY MORNING EDITORIAL 000oe The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont. sucone [ON RATES yea maths, SO cents; three onthe, 28 ate in advan Subscribers ercreare willbe liable to pay $1.50 per year, CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Year 6 Mos. 3 Mos. won 40 «$25°— «$8 22 12. 5 2 1 first insertion and ibsequent inser- transient adve: aot vat cents per line for war cents per fine for each ee willbe charged for Heement dyerticements without specitic directions ‘will be inserted until forbid and charged ac- ingly. cordingly, for contract advertisemnts must ee a the office by noon Monday. attention. MALCOLM MacBET! PuiMener and Proprietor. Business Cards. Se AN, Dentist, Bier mn versity. Crown and Bridge work aSpec- ialty. Hours 9a, m. to5 p. above the Sovereign Bank, Pareto Medical. ¥F. PARKER, M.D. P.L. TYE, M.D, DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILYERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a: m.,and 2 to 4 o’eloek p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p. Waeternaty: oned. “In Germany and France men culate in foodstuffs and grain thereby raising the price are impris- * Speculation which increases the | ;, price of food to the millions of twho ‘have the greatest difficulty in the struggle for life should be treat- asa crim week, the repo! 1908 was the worst financially berienced in many years. The people of this country know that the G. T,R. is meeting with all the success that it deserves. Sir Charles Rivers-Wilson in reply o a suggestion that ‘the G.T.R. dir- ectorate includes two Canadians said th (Charles and the yf {other English shareholders who share his opinion are welcome to boss the job from the The G.(f,R. ‘under its present man- agement has never been a paying in- stitution and likely mever will be un- less the fool-killer gets after its board of directors. Mr Lyneh-Staunton, counsel for the ota family, particularly Florence, as raised an objection to the Coroner ae a bench warrant for her ap- W. BARR, Veterinary Surgeo: acrrt Gradvate of Ontario Veterin: ‘oronto. cea React of ey animals, by phone or otherwise sae ateniea to: jeties. MTLYERTON SU Re & “ritverton aaaday. eveuing on or be-|n ofevery month in their Visiting breth- LEDERMAN, F,, No. 99, Milverton, meets every second and last Tuesday of every hall over tore. likely to be sustained. Mr. Lynch- Staunton takes ithe ground that at the last sitting of the inquest the pro- secuting attorney practically charged Florencé with the murder of her sis- ter and under the broad principles of British jurisprudence the girl not be compelled to give further testi- mony. (While the public is anxious to 6 ilty punished it is essen- tial that British methods of procedure Es = be upheld. ‘Abdul Hamid I, Sultan of Turkey, has Ibeen deposed ‘and is now a pris- oner in the palace at Cherag, Cherag- month, at 8 o’clock, in their el & Son’s hardware Visiting brethren, always weleome, R. Tucker, C. R., 8, H. Pugh, Ree-Seey. = 1. 0, 0. F., “Silver Star Lodge,” No, 202, Milverton, meets every Friday night at 7.30 ale hall over Public Dri Store, Vi hren always wel- come. W. Finkbeiner, N.G., F, Seoy., E. Finkbeiner, R. Notary Public. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Auc- Eolecctor the Cons nty of Perth ‘and Deeds, Is a1 d Affidavits made. 5 W.K,Loth, Hotels. nd | er. He was heartless and eruel even bat on the Bosphorus, The’ mills of he Gods grind slowly but they grind surely. If ever justice seemed slow in overtaking a crafty and deep-dyed villain and wholesale murderer it was in this Case. For years he played on the jenlocuics ‘of European nations while his troops ‘murdered Christians in the most horrible and brutal manh- for a ‘Turk and his deposition is one of the most righteous acts that finds EXCHANG HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. | tha oa cigars at the modation and faye stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil x stal Bett brands brands of liquors and cigars. 1r, Proprietor. victims into the beyond. “To knaw that he was dead would be to know ‘bat @ fiend incarnate was powerless earth. QUEENS HOTEL, eeivectar, Ont. ‘The best accommod: ar commercial Shins = other: sample ines, ALE ‘0 lar; Se aOR, lighted, and througont on the most modern Best commercial accommodation, Wellesley, reefi ie large Sam} rooms. Good new brick barn, ‘ st and tables in ci Prompt attention pe to the public, ors and cigars, P. ‘Sunpux;, Ghoicent lig Proprietor. THE AMERICAN pays nti trade, ot en sample rooms, Best pri sate at the HOUSE, Berlin, ‘omm« 7 S eas bp lndah & CARTHEW, Barristers, ‘ ‘8, Etc. Solicitors for the Bank “3 ton. to_ loan, - Milver Perm eaee Seat ges yt ots srranged fo will be in erin Sear, y Thursday, i. B, MO) J. M, CARTHEW, ee Makins @ Hlanley << WC. Makine - eisbie -tosal a Guueda's ldea€ tid wrest rton and count ear the high” prices that enueere others bave realized on their fruit this sea- 5 sen. Our eleumen Spuied to us this year. Be one o! them and wages through Pay weekly. : aeaeie Outfit, Bice Write ee particulars. _ “STONE & WELLINGTON, ical” repre-| ken ere turning in big|™ adian ‘Pacific and Canadian Northern railways have spent millions of doilars in opening up ‘New Ontario in order x ‘At the half yearly meeting of the t 7 8 |G.T-R. held at ‘Reading, England, last €3-]a -heav: ; | Diapepsin after e other side of the pond. |! pearance at ‘the inquest and it is| Didpdpsin can-| ca: to inflict further désolation on this _ (after the Dominion and Provincial] f+ , the Grand ‘Trunk, Can- The Law and ne Stray, Cattle Lone egy iaing es- oe rey fa definite. In cases where wattle are at er, there courses to pursue. As soon as the animal is discovered on the man’ ‘ises he may drive i with statuary mablis a i g ue exceed $20 it must be sold by ipub- lic auctio) tices of sale, which ay ‘be either printed or written, must be posted in at least three public plac- ¢ municipality and shall be specify ‘the time and place at ich the animal will be so A idee ge ee which must not exceed $20 have been deducted, the balance must be handed the munteipality, MUL ante oe Lisanne? erin aes ae If the alae a (iaiey inet Velie 20 presenée, is liable to prosecution, when fine may be imposed by a justice of the p indigestion Ends can eat anything your stomach aves without fear of a if you will occasionally take @ little taste good, and 1 be digested ; Your -mea’ or poison or stom: a gas, V te Belhing, Dizziness, « focling of ating, Nausea, Biliougness, ./ Heartburn, Wajterbrash,, ‘Pai ach ea and other s ches from ‘the s' absolutely unknown where this effec Diapepsia really aa ggist and tives or any other assistance, What War Means to Masses Toronto “Weekly ‘Sun a fifteen i in ‘the Ui in one paris! habitants were in_ rece Nor was this all. Well nigh universal poverty was accompanie imo: universal crime, the whole population having ‘been brutalized by years of wholesale ‘butchery. the position to which the reduced by the world shaking conflicts of a hundred years ago. That is osition they may be reduced again if the jin- goes have their way and the match is 0 the European powder maga- Thin asa tase Are You? ery day spending 4s much energy ‘that the wealth of its mines may be|i2& developed Judge Barron now proposes that we prohibit ‘the export of nickel in order to ‘stop Germany's race for | &™ naval supremacy, who is our best cus-| tomer. The honorable judge would be more patriotic than ‘the British them- |e who every year are turning out battleships and sailing ‘them wherever they can find a market. The province of wee is a new country and requires y for financing its charitable iatietuins and great en- recess, such as railways and power ines and it is not very likely that any ir orders will ‘be issued to prevent our best customers taking the produce of our mines or few a war scare, ‘One | Touch of Nature Makes the Whole World Kin.” ‘Wien a rooster finds a big fat worm he balls alli the hens in the ol ‘es whe: man discovers = thin; —he wants all his friends and neighbors to share the benefits f his di: S is ie tou f 5 is renee is for sale by all druggists, i Monday, May woes® for White Leghorns, SP Roseerte, (850 Keres.) Price te setting 80 cen tom. forests every time | mi “imperialists” get a over vi —_-— pri Monster ie vat etree tantly. th Settin, Keep right on, Organdi fabrics. simplicity. Dimities, blossoms. cottons of spring 1909. IKE:THE FAIRIES that brought their choicest gifts to the cradle of the little princess, the fairies of fashion have bestowed their prettiest fancies on the dainty spring breezes to weave into them their airi- ness, and borrowed from the flowers their lov- eliest colorings. Flowered ~ Mousselines, es, Swisses and Dimities all are in fashion’s bouquet of charming cotton The clever cottons, too, have improvised many charming variations on the theme of “stripes’—from the very elegant French Nov- elty Voiles to the Plaid Muslins of dainty Ghe fashionable Batistes Ghe Lingerie Lawns and Stylish Linens, Ander- son Ginghams, Winsome Practical Percales---- all are welcoming spring under the cherry Are you Ready to Defy Spring Showers? If not, you had better see those 89c Umbrel- las with spring opener and steel rods. They've coaxed the From our Men’s. Department Our Hobby What is Absolutely Cor- rect in Men’s Apparel Let us Serve You Intellingently ENGELAND @ SON at all. Your blood is enriched rrozone. try it, only 50c, at all dealer: Multum in Parvo oes Eliot, of Harv: a litt five feet long, phatic endorsation of t! held by many other ar e deed, they are not worth readin; list whit ‘blished lacer. eal worth Eliot's opinion, in the field’ of liter: ature. ° = 5 Epexent 1 Taking Cola ften you come foie cold and shiv- Youll people are rather too apt to for: n ard Univer- | 4 perative S|” ‘The present recovery of business and rere zs industriel ‘conditions, only follows ich President Eliot} q iff | invest sted in True Economy Brings Piesperty ‘as of ational prospexily During er: am are d to be- tion, a period of cial economy, in eee quarter, is im- mnt financial depression, aa the re- ise mit of # practise of greater econs y in many quarte: 2 Pres valent when the country appeared t rity. (With the revurn better times, the one le8son which the late depression s should “teach, is that of co) sistent et Baraca the eniriba eo re | S22 iS ae has its reaction in hard times, and tent practise of eee Tie: economy. Going into , Consumption When you: rue rattles, your Jungs and A eee at is ayes ate acplasnan t fear con: a get well. Mt oles clears the stlbas eures hack- t statements, do lodger: fi JOB PRINTING! and we do that class just a little cheaper than the other low. Wedding invitations, letter heads, bill heads, sale bills | s, cards, etc., all receive the ‘same care- | ul treatment—justa little better than seems eae Prompt service always. - ve do the better class of printing, Pie Catarr! Pea is Nebure's own hee bron- man: y_ thousands ey- 1.00 at all deal- ‘orm of ert lung or shia fouls: ‘Presented ialists and used 250. and §: ers. Buying oe the U. S. indsor BR The trade retuene foul furnish an t lesson ‘for r eee allt ercial industrial prosperity Fink ea phould not ue mis-} repre- euviey of nationak Sutin terprises will Hl Guogasenl satel eee “olor pros- verity. a|sense of the big nation next . [ipublic. camde | boys more ‘trom. her See is nation Canada is the rep ast ‘ustomer. Canada swith 2 five mil- me (population, ‘ova ‘thirty times) ‘e from *he United States than the latter, with its eighty millions, does om Canada. “This, to, say a setious reflection on the business t door, an the f in ae the publio conseious‘ness. ‘In vu ait phrase, the tail begins to wag the oa For Whooping Cough Give Chamberlain’s ponte a dy. It, will keep the cough 1oo: peotoration easy and vender flis tite ok eovghing Sn een gnd_ less se- ere. It is sure. For sale “an “tetas ave your next order with The Sun. Dining Room Chairs in genuine leather pad seats, — neat design, sold in sets of one arm chair and five small o ones for only [ $12. SO Net 12 Others at prices up to $66. a All Furnit jered “ es rolane Propeid ae Bisee and Undertaker % R. WHITE & CO. Pe ee eee _ STRATFORD