GLENALLAN. North Perth Licenses Mon: oe Getebration at Milverton, Monday, May, 24th. “Owing fa the'bad: weather the form: ers me been ‘kept back with Bier, seedin: Mise Lytle has returned home atter spending a few weeks with Mrs. B. Johnston. 7 “We are glad to hear that Mrs. Thorp : is improving after : | | ! at Mrs. Cyrus. in € Covi y fri ae ¢hronicie the death of ‘Miss Ida Goodwin daughter of Mr. GRAY, BERNIE & CO. James Goodwin. Listowel’s Low Price Makers The North Perth License Commis- sioners met at St; di Embroidery Specials. 7 Ns WEEK! STRATFORD ‘Albion Heian Hast vane Hotel. B, Richardson. ington Hotel Hleary Meier eeemevence Cabinet Hotel—T. H, ‘Nun 15a yards of Corset Cover Embroidery, beautiful goods worth 60, 65 and 75¢, per yard, all firmly work- ed edges and splendid quality cambries. Spec- 49 Cc ial this week....... ‘27¢ 50 yards only, Waist Embroidery, beautiful goods, ceeulet 60 and 75c per yard. Special this 49 we Cc Dominion Hotel—Mrs. Eten Hurley. Quite a beavy thunder he pass- Empire Hotel—James Wils. ed over here Sunday nig! Sc He) ‘opened on Moni Bey last with a smail attendance. Good Looking Flour ROS SR Fy NOS What: is good looking, ba looking good? Our Flonr looks and tastes better. It couldn't eae any other way than good. he expert milling and the bo:ting through the fine silk cloth make our flour the Peer of all Flours makes a little better ayy a cakes the pies, is more economical, and COSTS NO MORE Pfeffer Bros. MILLBANK. 100 yards corset cover embroidery regular ee han walled nani 35 and 40 cents per yard. Special this week.. on account of her father’s illness. Miss ay now occupying her hops—J, T. Quirk, Walsh By ELLICE ishon, Sebringville. ie ‘Mingefelder, Rostock Robert Hun runner. Sophie Harlotl Wartburg. : MORNINGTON Jacob Gatschen: These goods are on ‘display in our south window. These are values that need only to be seen to bring you to our store again, TAPESTRY CURTAIN SPECIAL Neth wento lnok ” Dr, MoKinnon has been called aes ee be ‘ ‘Progress Brand Clothing oS ae See Ther brother who is ser The judgment of Canada’s best dressed men give the verdict of supremacy to this brand. Then we sell it to you at the price most dealers ask for aa made sweat shop goods. . . @ Steenson our general mer Shas pak been doing a rushing busi- ness of late. S Miss Edna’ Lavery, of Dorking, is Lars the smilunerd with Mrs. Har- Monster Celebration at Milverton, Mo: na, May. 24th. Mrs. F. ‘Thomas is visiting with her ox s Winnie Kitley on SiS to es owt High School ving spent he Easter vacation here. SSS HESSON. We are showing a good rangein red and green : Sohn Gropp, Brune! colorings, also two tone effects, NORTH wines Edward Dahmer, Aimulree. ohn McKenzie, Gadsbill. MILVERTON Chas F. Ritter, Grand een OrS Geo. F. Pauli, Queens ELMA E. ete etree Atwood. Wynn, N A. Bauer, ink on LISTOWEL Ask for This Brand and Buy no Other re they intend 2 pair light and dark green Curtains, 4o inches wide and 3 yards long, regular price $3,50, Special this week, oe $2.89 per pair. fe beg in futw Ty eae Sotabration at Milverton, ay, Cae caciaie had a quilt- ing at the Tue: mae Rutherford entertained lunch. pos 4th. “NM S ‘aatie Kennedy sisived home from Toronto on Satur evening. My. seu Gatsotiene loft last Mon- day for Listowel to learn the phot graph business. We wish ‘Oscar suc- sess in bis naw. undertaking Mess: , of ‘Glenalis an, A Few of our Prices May Interest You 2 pair fancy colored Curtains, design in green and gold, 36 inches wide and 3 yards long, regular $3 25. Special this week...... $2.68 per Sai 2 pair curtains, green ground with beautiful de- sign, 50 inches wide and 3 yards long. Regular price and Mrs. Alex. Livingston, of y at J. Schmidt's. Saturday 20 Ibs, Best Redpath Sugar for... Best quality Seeded Raisins..... Canned Corn, Peas or Tomatoes, $1.00 2 on 3 Ibs. for 25¢ ose Ae haw aki old peiiaiaences toe is Best quality Needles..., Royal Yeast Fresh.. Dutch Sett Onions...... Best quality Corn Starch heavy, regular $1 for. LISTOWEL 100 pairs Men’s Black Overalls with or without bib Give us a call and see how far your money goes here Terms—Cash or Trade GRAY, BERNIE & CO. ;: and 4 ‘packages for 25c OWEN SGUND Hen: "s little e daughter, Alice, Ts antsy ill with pneumonia. Mrs. (W: J. sean of Stra ae r. Fred. Bera E. (Phipps, of Upton, Mich., last Sunday at Mr. Chas Coote’s. = ae but pretty ts chu nu} wedding took reh on Tues ne last ow Reverend David Williams, D. D., Recon comiticied gee Kingdom of & ing a ingame of reality ee eas on this earth, to which all christians voluntarily, as they are to pay taxes which are a ry. Bishop Wil- liams confirmed @' class of nearly 50 at St. James’ Stratford, at ae a.m., drove to Millbank a after t .| vice drove iback to The happy couple will take up thei ae in the groom's farm H. MOHR'S RELIABLE ys AND BAI a > Dried Peaches......15¢ lb. Large Prunes.......15¢ Ib. Lima Beans ........10¢ lb. Japan Rice sse.T0c Ib. Seedless Lemons 2 for 5c. Jamaica Bananas 15 and “ 20c per dozen Black Cherry Wine, pint bottles, 15¢ Knox's Gelatine 15¢ pkg. H. MOHR Highest Prices Paid for Produce +: Poultry Netting Take for granted Weaae what you want in the Jine of Poultry Netting and at pric- SHORT STORIES RETOLD. oases Sssembled i in the general store the-y. of old Si Ferkins ie Unclé “Bal SABDOTE am- lo. you think about it, uncle “Would you all,” answered Uncie Bil! slow- ly, as fhe “thoughtfully studied the y as I'd go , he to get somebody else to “all “em for him.” EES, ‘A good story is ‘being told about ite ‘Rudyard eloling: 's Visit. to a bool seller's shop som Po ommiatena ca oks, entering into ly lon’t Soe 3 3 We mo creat oe = Ceplied frowned. — hi of ae ‘Jungle Book” did not venture to discuss. ee a well known (politician feeling at recent dinner « about igrafters, men you see always betray themselves i through their Continual efforts Professor, firom ‘the University of Oxford, at a the ae ‘safely. the ‘Gis: ane orner. But =o Bis rang hostess leading a maid wh aoe tifel. twin, babies: ‘or his approbation. rect. en} a eee’ carefully in a hoarse tee awit ¢ se “bonny little child!.” = es ever seome ere but what I hear 'es that are easy to pay. The success of our trade has encouraged us to get the better qualities with every- thing, We are never’ satis- = unless you are satisfied ‘oo. We never even attempt - Dual inferior goods far the sake of a little extra oer If you want to save your garden get poultry netting right away. It will pay for itself many imes over. J. ROTHAERMEL {| & SON | MILVERTON, ~ ONTARIO useful,” es the moth- e that, said the |} ty. Was thee really anything to help you to- land what T said ‘Mrs, Dougher- ty assured he: n you spoke Shout the differs eevens chilarel ween plants you pid” “In eee sae “tne d od ae Mie David *!purg, on ee ay. oe ‘ing, and “ baat it right a aa “the gun! You'll never find ‘im jissing one of the oa oe Mothers" ‘unless I’m si sick | in| am’s Corn exirastire ae ny ,gerasbutnams has been a Sunda. AMI PSTEAD. Monster celebration at Milverton, Mone May ae oved his family me ond stele Mettasts to Strat- ford k Th sik men's Institute held their monthly meeting on Tuesday after- noon at the “home of Mrs. Hugh Me- Tayish. A number from here clivered cattle at Milverton on Monday. Mr. Boyle om Mena father, h has the contrast for erect nt silos for Messr Jo! be Rothe Eeoree Ruppert and Wm. Har: Dr Glaister, of ‘Wellesley, is extend- and most of the farmers in this vi foinity are. in- stalling the telephone in theit homes: This will be very eccomodating and the doctor is to be congratulated on his enterprise. “Rev. Jolin . of Stratford, occu- pied = pulpit in the chureh here on Fe CROSSHILL. xe was a large turn-out on Mon- Hall and a Miss Jekohn ‘Nicklin Selighen: the r artistic seta Miss 4 In his address on “Fire Rang c. F, Wash- ‘ashbur' ner on The platform iflow of Janguage. Songs wherein he iiustrated ‘a lonesome boy dered with Sanity, The proceeds $11.00 are to devoted to Canadian missions. Se _NEBRASKA GREENS. Monster Celebration at Milverton, Mo mene ae hmidt’ and Millie igs: Aey ms 2 altel at ee Robt. ues Zi is r. Taylor sanatacavoker Event ne at ve Gonna ee i's. oe ‘Ailex. iain were wuiten erat Bint ay oe Me- Gillewee’ ne ‘North astho} ‘Messrs. ae ee ead Med Mou- fox visited at Mr. x. Ballanjtine’s, Topping, on ‘Sunday. Mrs. Obristian B. Ropp vis- Gropp’s, Mugsel- ae lt n peddlar who took the article at Gh te tar of Mr. C. iL. Schima’ on Monday se clartioans vine re e and ‘save further J DORKING. “Monster Celebration at Milverton, a pl eh of iadmit e please keep same oe further notice ho seeretary is given Mr. Bop tter spending some months here. nd Mrs. Rennie, of Listowel, eae Friday at Mr. ee nee visiting at Mp. D. Gri ieee eda Faidis apeuding a week with ae friend, ‘Miss M. Washburn, ached at aise de H. Schmitt. _ sented the funeral of the former's er at (Wellesley last Thurs McG. Guenther of Milverton, was a business visitor in the village on = Briday. and renewing “aan Mr. Te ae Jast relate ‘Mrs. Jobnson, of Listowel. Mr. 8. Harron Shippe arload of tor fo Toronto on Tuesday. Se teimktee spent Saturday in Stratfor WELLESLEY. Monster Golebration at Milverton, M one May 2 Mr. coohier sents last Thurs- ste in Bertin on ae the Missouri Synod are holding nana conference h te sd eral services are nes was de! n it is submitted Zot tava better luck as eonnettion in the Svorst Wi this district for. European trip and is putting up a good fight. hope abe will be a winner. Mr. Jahn ‘Ottman, of Hawkesville is assis ting his pr oe arnt = “busy season. BIRTHS. Soe Elma, we Meaney: t] and M: doug! Diet: rioh—At es on Wednesday | Krujacski—At Milverton, oa Sunday. ‘April = A ‘Mr. and Mrs. eae ski Roes—At Shite, on ‘Friday, April 16, Davi jimmeri Basmbach—Al ‘ost, to- son. < Sehlotzbauer—At Rostos , to Mr. and Sam. Goblotsbaer a SGnED: Milverton, on ohn» Mewhiney, ged I Mc ‘april “26th, -Zosina Brunner, relict of bites laté aeeel ner, cmets ract for ‘the pauline readers for the next ten rs, Ret its Cqwill wi 0 same will = | ol b Lverie 38 family moved to wei es Re Muley spent Sunday with mani jis H. peek oe ant laid) Migs The Baye ae the Canada aaa hb, |_ The ‘Wilmot ayaa ae ie People's Railway which was way. 33 \Viey Cleghorn is contesting |, We 4. os Leis was a business visit- j | or fe the. eran city last Ww Johi rother, Charlie, at day; Mrs. William 21, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Dietrich 0. Kra- aged 710 d , which Queens scent Boehmer nd Central—R. §. Paul. Aclington—A Roos. Sta iljiam Brigne! 1. ee Ringler. WALLACE ‘Henry Otto, ‘Gowanstowa, Phitip bert, mes ewart were all resen se Unsp: Xemp and Assistant aera Goo. 7. Tome ee eet sOSTOCK. $5. per pair, Special this week..........$4.38 per pair. Try our D. & A. Corsets W.K.LOTH Monster, Celebration at Milverton, Monday, May Debus has built an addition implement shed. Mr. Henry Baumbach is putting up See Jacob Yundt +has purchased a lot at Gads Hil staition and intends building on, it this summe OWE IT TO apoonamesd TO SEE. YOU one DISPLAY 0! Dan ee is taking the fama ‘astner place down with fhe intention ef putting ae large modern building jn. thelr Kreuter left or Stratford aanley > morale will continue his trade as painter and decorator. Swell Spring Clothes iss Mary Debus has left to spend tie summer with friends in Tavistock. Miss Leona as gone to Stratford where ais will remain for Miss Lizzio Zulauf has taken a posi- ioe at the Grand Central in Milver- eae all the illage boys haye tak- en positions for mer. Mrs. spent s Weel with her isghea rat Miver Miss cas icnoshtel 14 bome for. the sum Mise ‘Lizzie Kreuter is visiting with friends in Milverton. Miss Hansuld spent Sunday at home. SEs eee BRUNNER. Monster oe at Milverton. eta 4th. Pet- he = Pins ds of Sema iitohe hteaaeacte rieaehe Mba eens nicely. eat kaiccane sat Unian he several daye during the past week. M is . Wnderson has returned after spending a couple mother, Mrs. Wat alk: to hear that she is very ill at rrhome here. Mornington pests! League ‘| The following 3 eer games he pens pager league for the coming se: May 15, Fernbank 2 Millbank. ‘oole. ‘illbank Naw ite Ri June 1, Burns won. Tune 16, aa at Beran. ine 16, Boole at June 18, Newton # Millbank. 25, J yban! ‘une 25. ‘Millbank = Podle. ee Now that the spring wo: to commence and farmers Te be Keon at their work until late in the ev ing a lock box in. the post tice would reat conveni last A or ail sold wil an Be Penta for a period of ie Posindss you pee showing is most complete and emt es all the latest and most up-to-date shades. We guarantee the style, fit and workmanship of évery suit turned out by us, SUITS $1 6.00 UP If you are thinking of buyinga suit for the 24th of May, now is the time to place your order. Call in and see what we have, we are always pleased to show goods. Ghe Reliable ~ E. Knechte Merchant Tailor THE LATEST BELT BUCKLES Call in and see the newest thing in the line of Belt Buckles. We are showing all _ the latest styles. Our stock of Jewelery is" most complete, We are pleased to show goods whether you buy ornot. . . . . .H. BASTENDORFF Eyes Tested Free. IEWELER and OPTICIAN | 2 i | STY ; BS asthe Skate = and Snap tooeeoe: anc raphy Our largest, ourcour~ ses most practical and ourinstructors » experienced. Our graduates are as- sisted to positions and ‘succeeds ‘as none others. Enternow. Get our free tal ae eeea & McLachlan, Principals. were } CANADIAN PACIFIC No Change of Cars Going to WESTERN CANADA ON C.P. OMESEEKERS’ EXCURSION "Special Train from Toronto Api Oth and every 20d Twssday nee ia anf a pre and baste Geeirnese ’ Pam- phe. ates and full pevinars apply to