F WESSON 10 THE WORL Thé*True Meaning of New Zealand's Aid to Britain. the fut pists in establishing such a posi- tion Prime La shat ‘Propo: toast to “Comnfert Referring to the offer of a AD ivaduousht, he | 4% HEALTH is ANEMIA. pure air, exerc Anemia, from a Greek word) ri ures of like character. One 0 the greatest essentials in treatment | s|will be a careful -selection of the ict not in- emselves ise, and sufficient SHOW UNHEALTHY CONDITION s really only a sym lisease and not a Aap in doe will be called secondary instead o! primary. The principal forms of primary pernicious memia, and leukam Chlorosis jenerally attacks poiing girls in the t very well ¢ a con- lood formation ra- improve these must be strengthened internally, |™ though local applications sometimes s ition of ition of poor FOUR MEN DROWNED. ther than of blood destruction. Its eae oot ook consishing 1° Went Out in 8 “Frail Boat Near a ninistration of some iat of iron. ‘ort Morien, N. 8. the results are prompt, and win| A deni Tatas caver ‘ittle care.» perfect state of health| asp result Beaina-pecndent y be established. Tainan No. T Pernicioas’ a mi another|Mforien, on Thursday afternoon, natter. It attacks adults, both fo men lost their lives by drown be en and womes, and is almost al-|jng while another had a-narrow es- fays fatal. ‘The victims of this| ape and was completely ehaaied lorm of anemia are often clothed | when rescued and brought ashore n flesh and look robust. Furth = er-|'The names of the . victims nore, their symptoms are in many] yichael Driver, 32, Englishman, axes mistaken for those of kidne tarried, ildrens George sais on “condition the red Wrouch; who ia an-a serious saat steed salle ite Piss oninished? tye ye again: of chiesexperience, course of Ieukamia is a great og aes deal ae alae “a thot the Ane-| curred shortly after 1 o’clock, and ee ees Se eter oety id. beds] Whendt became known great cr rowds ireatment—complete res! bed; |tined the shore while the rescuers yood air and food, plenty ot sun: e administration of were at work bringing ote remains to lan ——_§__—_ WHEAT WILL GO HIGHER. rapid wound, resulting in acondition of ‘6 so-called acute anemia, the loss from hemorrhages from the lungs in tuberculosis, or the depletion of lood from’ poisoning. athe poison in the system result- ing from cancer or tuberculosis causes anemia by blood datraction; pled the bile wounds or hemorrhages cause | prediction that after hi y blood los: of the market wheat would go even More than half the blood in the| higher than. it was selling to-day. body can be lost without death re-|Mr. Patten ascribed the present sulting, When this A fees st Supply and Demand, Says Jas. A. Patten. A despatch “fom Chicago says: Jam A. Patten, the ‘‘Wheat ing Ot the World, Bon Thursday announced his intention of getting i hitherto healthy person, from a | dem said that while the} Japan is considering the construc- ‘ Rerare SER on example, the| supply of wheat had not material-| tion of a smaller type of submarine ' 8 ria sets to work/}y increased, the world’s popula-| with Aas the speed of those she| § a to ing the: eri ack to its nor-|¢ion and de: = had n and| now . mal amount, the condition of acute) the present pri of wheat was ‘Striking button-makers have f Aor enna yielding day by merely the nebarel result of these} brought about a ee of terror in ay as he body makes up its loss. | condit the towns o} , Lormaison are. is ae anemia of the poor enki and Meru, France. ¥ iet deficient in blood- y inferior | Sitxy PLAGUE IN GERMAN AFRICA, Occurred in Deaths ks One District SICK HEADACHES. A despatch ne Be rlin; oe Those who suffer from sick head- wise says: Advices received aches should correct every habit|the German Foreign Office ai and avoid all indiscretions which they Ree are likely to be followed by an attack. They should ee - cee every derangement of the | Nyanza. that sixty deaths from plague have occurred in the Muanza district, which lies south of the Victoria | MORDERED BY A OONVIOT = Deputy Warden Stedman Killed at Ed- Wa te monton, Alberta, Penitentiary. i A despatch from Edmonton, Al-|He went direct to the carpenter | Mrs hi derta, says: The deputy warden taboo, in w sh were instructor A. J - the Alberta Penitentiary was mur-| Pope and six convicts. n in- } Jered on Thursday morning by a| stant Barrett hed vluked aye w ig sonvict, who struck him at the base short carpenter’s axe that was ly- of the skull with an axe. ‘Theling nearby, and advancing a step the sti pe hima a fearful blow with the ti deputy warden with six convicts | towards unsuspecting man, | were in the carpenter shop at the . time. The reason for the assault isjsharp edge of the instrument an | unknown. ichard Stedman, the|half severed the head , ead man, bras from Penetangui- | trunk. ene in 1906, ere he was war- , The murderer,’ who is about 55 Bc, Poin the reformatory for 98 years: and two s years of ‘age, rae aay been a ie Ile leaves a widow ‘ons. | troublesome ~ pris aap eee bk tk 0 From Megs * e vraag Es Fs Barrett, | morose and aiustany: “complaining id Free Library. sentenced a ago for life tog about his ‘healil claimed that een from Orillia says killing his ateega at North Bat-|he did not get a ia trial. e| Mayor Goffatt has received fain , tlefor chin poneibie explanation for his|Mr. A. Carnegie an offer of $12,- sy After the blow. the hte act was a fancied’ grievance which|500 to build a free public library|a locked |he had against the som. warden because he would not. ‘im. t the office of Warden Mc- the penitentiary. airesteiat without Cauley about 2% minutes after 10 onthe sick list, according o'clock for a tour of the building. noe the rules of the institution. Hl R e: ‘| Telegraphic Briefs From Our Ow? ||, S to | Bdopted by the House of Commons. its|ears of various kinds with drugs, but rather depend upon | got on Oe r ic ft the sonics FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE. aud Other Countries of Recent Events. It is see that Ontario’s in- eS nee at Hamilton and wai “French River-Ott. Mrs. Mery Montgomery, _ who made a fortune in real estate spec- ulation, died at Prince Albert, ask. The Canadian Northern Railway has two million dollar's worth of under con- W. Anderson, of Ottawa, Raetied thirty dollars for having partridges in her Posschion, She ee accompanied British Bact efxPedition says: Six’ b probably eight or ton others buried a Street car No. 65 took fire from bs ers in San Francisco. A de espateh from San Francisco lies. recovered, A despatch from Wellington, congratulated the delegates on, ene ae Ieee, pe “few Zealand, says: A conference| Unanimously. supporting the Gov- Pies other small buildi burned xf the New Zealand Chambers of in asin ts he delegates) Stock rustlers, are active along |The ples tpabeie a eg micegae fi tri onto; § ured so hatin that none of the| 5.50 to $5.90, and strong bakers’, STIMULU S TO PRODUCTION. farmers Will Increase Their Wheat Aer ae despatch from Regina, Sask., = Opal weather during the past seedin west, but the delay is not seriou: and there is pita for the season, High price no concern about the CONDENSED AES WORLD'S MARKETS Panic in Epaping louse for Labor- REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. e| Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at serene $5.40 to $5.80 on track, dotonios heat—Ne, orthern, $1.3! -|gian Ba; ders. the fire escapes on Ontario wh i ¢ Pieat—No. wheat. 81.- building. Four jumped to safety|i5 to $1.17 outside, according to inte hee held: by ue five Behjors treights. SO Se eee Oats—Ontario No. 2 white 47% - 48c ‘on track, Toronto, and 45 Western "4 to 74% on track, Toronto, an e|No. 2 at 73 to 7340 on track, To- S}ronto. Cai nadian corn, 71% t fase track, s an—Cars + wheat in the markets of the ay hi 3.60 to $24 in bulk world will undoubtedly lead to sido, “Shorts, $33.00 to $24 in larger increase than usual in tl SS perenne to he enssled St shat Resin! GOURTRE PRODUCE: but conditions at the present tim: are recognized as extraordinary. aie is a native Be ‘perth, ont. ae C. R. has let the con- for Fi uiain the pee a ‘a Ab bout three miles of thi old lin jail at Gilbert. see a settler from Min- Geaph olis, was found suffocated in a car with his stock at Pinto siding. It is supposed his lantern explode | while he slep' ae ecg conductors at Lon: on, Ont., have-been provided with vatte cards containing a notice against spitting on the cars, mick they hand to offending passengers GREAT BRITAIN, ‘The body of Swinburne, the post, was laid es rest in the Isle of Wight on. Thurs The two rane women who com- mitted suicide on the steamer Lu- cania a few days ago are said to have been 7 amheee ofa suicide club, esult of a split in the Labor party UNITED STATES. Nine of the twelve steamers that Buffalo GENERAL. A severe earthquake shock has ited felt in Peru. resident “Zelaya of Nicaragua is a eatiaane Dane GS tory to a discent on Saly: Hevolis thtesten it, various Sure of Turkey. The. private soldiers i wild race of Chinese pigmies liv- ing in the mountains north of the Great Wall. Thirty-two persons were killed in a riot following an attempt to nee a religious speoterricn in a can mining t wn. The sealing steamer Decapo is thought to have been lost with her , between Nova Christians Loe been massacr va Smee ee HANGED (HI HERSELF. Suicide of Wife ° of a Well-known Medical Man of Montreal. A dep from Oe says? ‘Eval ans, wit wel tention, and procuring a tppe suc- ceeded in strangling hersel: pt Se ORILLIA AMONG FAVORED. in the Town of Orillia. The Coun- cil has decided to accept the amount and will proceed with the building as, guickly as the plans are pro- IMMIGRANTS Over T MONTREAL. rived at Windsor Station. A despatch 15 Montreal says: From Mare April 15, 16,50 > |immigrants, Gate reer under age, have through the Canadian Pacific Windsor Sta- Of the number 12,045 or 73 ct to Winnipeg, | scattered them- selves over the far west; 2,955 used Toronto as their distributing cen- | tion per cent., went dire and from — there parts scattered themselves along the lin from Montreal to Sault Ste. Marie. peered See SENTENCED TO GALLOWS. Battleford sae Must Die for Mur- of Comrade. ovember fast Th knife. erly belonged to the istrict in Quebec and bore goo pintaniers: orate HANDS AD A Young Scoteh Days. Lost for Thre A BeeD NO from Port Arthu says: Basil D, man, who was going back to S land with a shipment of cai atthe He had been out three days whe to be amputated. EE eS LAY DEAD ae HER ROOM. Woman Stricken “With Apoplex: hile Retiring. A Scaee from eeu Ort. ays: Mrs. James Fairburn w; found dead on Thapaday mornin, where she board 8 plexy while retiring. She was the widow of t Me who before his death was | Bariner Rhone Raiansend allock, who kept a foundry o: Pullertoa Street. ay FRUIT PACKING. i Finds ixteen Thousand Have Ar- ed to be hanged on June 27 for the murder of Frank Nadon at Payn-| pound m muder | vas the result of a drink- Three Rivers ay, a young Seoteh- ith the man in charge at V ee and left the trai there. He attempted to walk bac! here and lost his way in the bask: he was found with his hands and feet badly frozen. He was brought here on Friday, and parts of his feet and hands will probably have in her room over the London Cafe, @ late James Fairburn, geaunber-obsysara 880, e much sky-rocketing tacties on the part of wheat manipulators, Apples—$4.50 to ie 50 for choice qua ties: and $3.50 to $4 for sec- “| Beans—Prime, $1.90 to #2, and haat picked, $2.10 to $2.15 per bushel. Ho: ney—Combs, $2 to $2.75 pe! lozen, and strained, 10 to lle are pang 9 {lower grades Straw—$6.50 Bowne oe lots, 85 to 90¢ per “Foultey Chickens, dressed, 15 to 16e per pound; fowl, 11 to 12c¢; tur- keys, 20 to 22¢ per Pak THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter—Pound prints, 21 to 280; e|tubs and large rolls, 17 to 180; in- ferior, 14 to 15¢; Ceca oe 25 to 26c, and solids, 20 to Eses— 18 to 19¢ per noranct in case 0 Cheese—Large, cheese, old, 14 to lane per pound, and tw to 14%; new cheese, 13/40. A Resa from Battleford, Sask., says: Amidee Titrault was HOG PRODUCTS. on Friday, teand guilty and sentenc- Bacon, long clear, 12 to 12/%4c per jn case lots; mess pork, he feo. 50 to $21; short cut, 53 t 2 . “Hame—Light a medium, 14 to 14%; do., heavy, 13 to 13%¢; rolls, 1 to 183 shoulders, 10540; ba cks, 16%, to ; breakfast bacon, 15% 0 6c. d Lard—Tierces, 13¢; tubs, 18%¢ pails, 13340. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Montreal, pelt 20.—Peas — No. e|2,. 8 o $1. Oat: iC anadian No T 150 to 50%¢ 5040; OGeaio No. 3, fe) to fii Ontario No. = oe —No. 2; 66 Buckwheat—00% ry 1! Manitoba Spring heat patents, firsts, $6.10 to $6.50; Manitoba Spring t patents, 11) $5.60 to 86; AES strong pran, $23 to ae one ta. y | $24.50 to $25; Ontario middlings, $25 to $25.50; pure grain mouille, $33 to $35; mized mode, 28 +» | $30. Chees 13e. ters as| Pall creamery, et e-toc and isst S| receipts at 19 t to 19% per dozen. e LIVE eens MARKETS. Montreal, April 20.—* few of ie best cattle sold o eabout 8% hey were not e: hex cattle from the N n were at m rs to 5c per pound; common stock, including some milkmen’s strippe sold. at 3 to 4%e per pound; milch SONS sold at from $25 to in Canadian Methods. A despatch from Ottawa says: e | fraudulent Eee. Cow RUNS Ito SCAFFOLD. -| Johnson Pattison, of St. arines, Seriously Injured. condition, and_ his covery is doubtful. Before the Commons Committee on Cath- iow: ultimate re- Calves sold at from $2 to 86 “aia an r pound; Spring lambs O86 each. Good lots of fat “hoes Pecan ie 16 8i,0 De pow 2 Gat was eee Be without dif. a, Cases = fraud were now| ficulty 7.15 f.0.b. outside, and very tea, and violations of the act| $7.40 fed and water -d Toronto. were being closely watched by @ hes sold a from $4.28 to $4.75, staff of eight permanent and thir-|grain-fed yearling Jambs at $7 to -|teen temporary inspectors. Las $7.50, aay Ante Aaah at $3 t year there were 79 roidouliois for | $6. wy each. A few loads. of Meniiaves sok ers found-ready sale at $4 4.25. The demand for. this Saas f ote tle is increasing as the pasturing season approaches. UNITED STATES MARKETS, A despatch from St. Catharines says: Johnson Pattison was hold- Buffalo, April 20.—Spring wheat; ing a “building b 2 num: | No. rthern, carloads girs ber of neighbors were assisting makin Wiheee n01 ee jn rebuilding a barn on Wed-| Higher; No. 3 ell g ead ayy He was standing on a] yellow, 71%¢3 No. 3 ci teat ding when a’cow happened | 739; No. 4 corn, es to run against it, with the result | 73i%/c, Oats—Fi Bin a: thet the framework collapsed and] 5714 to 58¢; No: sca white, 56% to $1. 30” to ‘$1. 38; is ve 97 to $1.33; No. 3 hard, $1.22 to $1.28; No. 1 Northern, $1.28 to $1.29; ‘0. 2 Northern, $1.26 to 1 and No, 2 Soe =e $1.28, Gone only. ronto. er in bulk out- vins, 14%] Ai BRITAIN AN Countries as A despatch from London says: n a long letter to his admirers, matters, Win-| al sto: of the Board of ‘Trade, benumb the brain of any statesman through their commercial interests ecie these two pauaiees are neces- ary to each o oh a enccalo Rear of the Gov- that no more fatal obsession could} Am J GERMANY A Fatal Obsession to Regard the ‘Two Antagonistic. in denna: the British naval esti-' mai se,” he added, “we do not BESS that there is any reasonably’ robable—nay, humanly pouselds able — combination agains peace and freedom of the British people which would include the Roe navy.” $1,284; No. 3 Spring, $1.22 to ite Corn—No. 3, 6740; na. 3 yellow, 67% to St79; No. to . |66%4c. Oats—No. 3 white, “sox to - | B5e 5 a 4 oe WA to 53/403 43 $10; ae clears, $4.00, to second clears, $3.45 to $3.65. Bra sere pulk, 622.50 to $23. YOUNG FOLKS THE FAMILY TREES. Amy Ann went to schoo! The aghanihoube aaa oleae tag and rn the ground as ‘ tle bit too small to shade If Polly’s head was in the adow, nn’s pink sunbon- net was in the “Wish we ACE build a wing to Re Polly. & gether while out. After school Amy rowed her father’s spade, and they ere they roots and all. ‘They little trees by their, playhouse — n one side of the brook ry Retin hee Seas is over the edge ol the nest, and said, “Chirp!” all in SL The little trees grew and gre They jes, and then old ladies. Nebel called them Polly and eet were Gran dow and the old schoolbouse. on did not for get them, no story that her little Amy the two grandmothers you should have seen what fun little Any and little Polly had together! how the first thing: they ‘all did meadow they were not little “elms any , beautiful vhat says ‘Chirp, the little girls. t is it chirp ns asked A great many YORE age Polly and|° r. y. Young Windsor lived acti elder-|® and there | 8 They looked up, shes saw a little ade 8 nest oR the erhaps these as ‘the children of ths wren that Reet in} te elder-] puss said e grand- others. “Thi: ae be their fannily tree.” si 's Companion, THE KINRADE CASE. Suits Will be Brought Against’ Newspapers for Scandal. A despatch from Hamilton says ¢ mn) Mr. and sea ee came from Toronto 0: nesday to con- sult their pene seine Lynch- Staunton. What the nature of the uacasy was aaa not be learned. said his father and his sister, tc bring suits against a number of they had, this was all the result of the theory, 2! w. | tickets for the adjourned inques' $+ NEW REQUEATIONS. 0 | Moving eae Shows Must Com-) iy With Them, A des a se Toronto says t) e Bl 1f the Bropuatoys of all the moving hows ii pictur mtario do nob! ee vont a license and comply with ew provincial aa be-} fae “the first of May t! will be Bi oreonieds ko ai falontekrent of} e law, Hon. a Matheson, the, must be ke; a fire-proof cabin-) et and Senet okie must be Biot ———4. DIED FROM LOCKIJA’ Boy Fell From Bicycle and Cut His Wrist. jaw set i Moi he was re- moved to the Hotel Dieu, whero every attention was given, bus) i The attending phy- sicians say that a bit of mud got into the cut, producing the fatal, | malady. WARES IOR ecb. hn NEW BR SWICK SHAKEN. i seared Shocks Felt on Main, £C. P. Re A despa tom St. John, N. B., seaah from Westfield and ‘Wels ford, about twenty miles distant, | on the nie Pacific Railroad.) FADS AND FANCIES. Voiles and silks all have borders, The petticoat is being reinstated, peel Hs are as much sought for as) ev Hat ornaments conspicuous. ii se are popular, pinned close Ceitieen 8 hate turn Up. or down; ht. are large and a INDIANS a. STARVING the past winter has severe experienced in the far north for many years, and in some sec- tions of the tees starvat only averted by the fact that the deer were ante nly numerous. Fish, on which the inhabitants de- pend largely for subsistence, have | been very scarce. The fur crop failed almost entirely, and the In- dians have been in dire athe, Re- ports say tha’ shut down on giving them credit, jon was | woo raders have | still higher. Failure of the Fur Industry ose Terrible Hardship. and as they cannot get fur thoy} no ammunition to hunt with and are slowly starving to death.| Their condition is described as be:! ing truly pitiable. skeletons and too we: are lying huddled to-! gether in their tepe ‘ At Chippewyan nas the vicinity? even, nis food has been obtain-! able, the mortality among the In- a 5B = Far ihe north t the pri ee causo, is their filthy mode of living, if