- ALittle Light on a Dark Subject Keep mke © re of uthe! stir without watehing. How to Make Mischief _ ——— prone eyes on see aghtors m. Do . G. Hamilton, sole A: for the D.L. & W: Anthracite) Coal has his Coal business to his new sheds on - the C.P.R. and has opened an office on Main street near C.P.R. station. Cheap coal starts May 1st. Coal always on hand. 30 cars now -Also have Coarse Salt in sacks. J Scranton (Standard moved on order., C.P.R. Station EVERY THURSDAY MORNING EDITORIAL good way to icireulate such iiines it t benefit yourself or any thee articalarly. ‘one he Sun Printing Office Milverton, Ont 5 3 Big! for frst tnsertion and eee caper Vine for cach subsequent inser- tion wilithecharged for all transient adver- ‘Kavertisements without specific directions will be inserted until forbid and charged ac- ‘Changes for contract advertisemnts must bein the office by noon Monday. Akallor telephone ordere will Yecelve prompt MALCOLM MacBETH. P ublisher and Proprietor. x ‘The Kingston Standard one of the sanest of [Ontario journals says: “It |¢ is a very difficult matter to reconcile the teachings of Christianity with the nears frenzied ery for more soldiers more- war vosséls’t Indeed it would ‘be difficult to reconcile the teachings of ‘Obristianity with war in any form. The Ladies’ ‘Hospital elias of Waterloo are to be commended for the stand they took ‘in Pacing to cater for the Board of Trade banquet when they found out that arrangements had been made to have a staff of men ser- ve beer. The ladies maintained their dignity and self respect in so acting and ‘to say the least of the members of the Board of Trade they did not show good breeding in resenting the action of the ladies by postponing the Business Cards oo LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lie- ontiata a Demet Surgery a ral College of Denta: Oro spec: laity. Rigas 9a.m above the Sovereign Bank, Tiverton: Medical. P. PARKER, M. ‘L,. TYB, M.D. Pp. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MLYERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock o'clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p. m. Veterinary. .m.,and 2 to 4| banquet. i The address which was delivered in Moe in Gampblet form. and isa speech full of valuable information. But to tell |the truth there is no in- terest taken in senate reform througb- out the country. here is from long British constitujtional usage a feeling that @ second body is necessary to the matiiring of legislation, and how that to give little concern. oo ime yy tele- one or otherwise promptly attensed to. Societies. Geo. E.“Foster when speaking }" on the Naval defence question a week or two ago represented Canadian pub- lic opinion pretty ‘fairly in the follow- ing ‘passage of ‘his address: — “The ae ena OS pire No. mas ‘iveston meets every sacha evening on or of ever . J. ZORGER, SECY. . 99, Milverton, meets Visiti ing pees always welcome, R. . H. Pugh, Ree- Baers -|ves ought to do; as though a DERMAN, first and greatest objeation I bave to a fixed “money contribution is that it tbears the aspect of hiring somebody else to do what we oprsel- man the father of a family, im lusty health ter the welfare and safety of his home instead of doing that duty himself. That seems totme when you work it out, to tbe a basic objection to that Finkbeiner, N.G., W. fr. read , Finkbeiner, R, el- , | Atter ten or twelve or twenty or thir- form of aid. It goes further than that. Suppose you contribute this year your sum and next year your eq- ual sum, and thereafter year by year. ty years you will have paid out an Notary Public. immense amount of money. You will EIR, Nota 7 Public, Auc- Ronse fhe ine ons Waterloo, Conveyaneer,D Mortgages drawn an Villa over the Bank of Hamiltoi of Perth and Yee ts Clerk. Office in nie Weir Block have been protected in the meantime ; but in (Canada itself there will be.no roots struck, there will be no residue left, there will Ibe no preparation of the soil or beginning of the growth of Hoteles. the product.” oer Sled A 2 Bae igue Grad olga cli asin aa ze atabliog, Misery in Stomach iy not oor now: rials nd for- iets gots CENTRAL First-ela: cabling brane of liquors maid clgats, 1, Propriet (essrtilas hie lai cabal NOE QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The Ms it secommodation for for quors an G stables. nes r Pak “popriaioe, out. modern cre Lgcermmcdadon, large Si ms. Good stabling, Gens new. tick "barn, enlarged shes it utal the Province, Frown attention en ‘to the public, olcent liquors and cigars, P. BERDUX, Praveievee THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, . to Commercial rooms, Best ae) ye. Wirt, Ppro ttentior HOTEL, Mil sccommodation for ree ee Stomach in tive mach Saabs take 'Pape’s Diapep- * | sin ‘to start the “algoativg se work- dyspepsia or bele es, oF eructations of un- di ested food; no’ tee oe for the space of h: ee after a while, the iwill bo pretty sure to make plenty of mischie ody is constituted or appointed seems) F whieh | go hough it is said there or silence in le founds out what they Chamberlain’s has the rence r. Fred ©. Hanrahan, a prominent fh, iVa., says have sold t the roferens ce. aie by all asneuist Nixon-Farrell Edmonton Bulletia retty house we cing was solemnized at. the ‘bome of Mr R. G. daughter, Flossie May, marriage to Gerald Allison Nixon. Inte the Douglas Co., now of Young's Cnlgaet: The seremony was perform ed "Miss Mis Ikie rendered a solo in her usual finished style. ‘stter a sumptuous wedding supper Mr. and Mrs. ‘Nixon their many friends follow them’t their new ‘hom IF YOU HAVE Remember the best Catarrh medicine that money can buy is Catarrhozone ; it cures quickly and perma- nently when all others fail. Ye remedy doesn’t exist that will ly as Catarrho- of lea ill nat ferment h nayseou. Pape's Diapedin feoats only 60 cts, f Undigdstion and Ups minutes. There is pehiag else better to take Gas from ‘Stomach and cleanse the stomach and intestines, and, besides, one triangule will digest, and prepare for assimilation into the bl all your fo a niey healthy rks, your stom- e ating n you come te the table, and what rr MORPHY & Solicitors, Eto, Solicitors for the B of Mi a. arr for, A mem! a in een every Thar 3, M, CARTHEW, CARTHEW, Barristers, aad eat will do \Albsokute te\ relict, from ‘al us Problem The Ready-to-wear Dress § Solved we are showing a variety of styles and a big range of patterns in the latest skirts. styles and show a large range of Dress Goods in all colors from which to. choose a skirt. We take your measure and guarantee a perfect fit, and delivery within forty-eight hours. Should the skirt in any way fail to fit you, are under no obligations to accept. Prices from $4 to $8 per Skirt Call in and inspect: style, workmanship and material of these Dress Skirts. : We carry the different T Splendid lines of Ready-to- Wear Clothing HE majority of men in this vicinity already know that we are prepared to give them better service, styles, quality and values in these various lines than ever before. In Ready-to-wear Clothing, we are showing an un- equalled assortment of new designs, fabrics and colors. It is clothing with style built into it, and which will keep its smart look right up to the end of its wearing. Clothing that looks good, best that leading manufacturers have fea- tured. We know and can prove that quality for quality, price for price, our values are the best obtainable. Suits from $6 to $15 better Men’s Hats in the latest shapes and colors. Wear Fitwell Hats, the hat with a reputation Engeland & Son best, and every progressive doctor bres yr the same good reason. rrhozone is a rationa sense treatmen all the breathing org: iy ‘source of the eeotibta: ae the drives every v. ates of ca- rice right out of the syste remedies have failed, fon't give up hope till you have uso as Cured other cas- use you to ibe thoroughly cured of Indigestion. J.C,Makins - W.J. Hanley in Smith aiet bee tious steep of obselete war- ships, ‘we are told has been decided pee, iby the British naval authorities ; pode than ten ae coming under ¢ ‘hammer. ‘Amon, Steady Employment “Por reliable local lesman good demand fo: count of the high ris bave realized on their ‘rit this jur salesmen ere, turning in big ness pas Be this ye n, good wi through inter soon P 135 ‘Terthory ea ay mae y- write for partioula: NE & See 3 iurseries, (850 Acres.) fforenio, Gas. repri reatest ing | 0} growere oe some Of A cure thas bgen ‘ew years hence, perhaps ae Dreadnoughts will be sold to make pee sWarm with penury- Upwards si 2,000 persons are found to be home- Se iets Invented Safe ee Cure ‘Away with beadaces Be done with dizziness, ‘bad stomach and biliousness n fou ia ilton's seat ae en, so surely bi segetaule: extracts in ton's ‘Pills. y cleanse and purify whole system, act as a perfect tonic. Safe for children, girls, women. ae men. | Bold in 250, boxes by all I alte .|es probably worse the re Radically Wrong the ships of the apeolslimeacrve Mr fa | Dive be sald. ours, and will eure yours if it gets a chance, Mr. Du r-Law, a Prommeut e xen of Italy Cross, N.S. says :'T ox: perimented | with hundre a5 "ot catarrh ired im with ple: sure ‘testifying to its merits as ure for Catarrh of the nose jigne DUTCHER LAW. are sure to derive the 10s! @ trial’s ston, (Ont. The Methodist shuren of Canada has 1 general ‘confer 2 annua ferences 132 districts, 1886 stations *|Cough Ri oth nday an schools, 85,823 Sunday School Offi- Britain's Neble Government For the last. four years Great Brit- had the country ibettzr worth defending. has sought to Aiminieh ths avila of intemnperanse, to Taitlen e hor- rors of (povei Seraneeban the fmtellestual fibss of the, Deople by @ better system of edwoation,t 0 streng- then their physical fibre by getting tem out of the aluins sed and ‘back to the land.” bes met with bitter opposition of men | sensatio narrow views, whose only concep- tion of petriptieat is hatred or suspi- ‘other country. And yet, tether ened iat war, and | j; gress in ‘freedom equality and justice? it se hi :.|#One Touch of Nature Makes are Whole World Kin.” a big fat Whivn a rooster fin y | worm the: balla all Helse “hed in the ers he King. [frm yard to con-Jof his discov of! ake ie makes the whole world | xplains why. aeons who have les oi raed by mberlas remedy write igtiees to ‘the manufaci acturers ‘for publication, that cers and tea and a total Sunday Scho lealers. 5 ji i achers, 305, us scholars | wi ol force of ‘be peace o triotie ipervica could | g: -|elarations of war could The War Scare By a perfectly, trustworthy obser- ver in England stander is as ny, Svavliig tor tiv siinisesl "wealth o¢ the Transvaal, that the Boer wat was gat ify jap. JOB PRINTING ! foie" class of printin and we do that class just a little cheaper than the other fa low. Wedding invitations, letter heads, bill heads, sale bills. statements, dodgers, cards, etc,, all receive the same care- ful treatment—justa little better than seems leet Prompt service always, . < the press, which nevi formerly a in the hands of proprietors individual- ly nsible, is ‘now largely on a purely speculative aera and a strong nal tenden es, and add a little to the comforts of e. It would ‘be something gained if de~ be made more explicit than they are, seis opeeciink snees and every one erg deprecat~ d by right-minded men at the time, andsgenerally Foprotte ‘almost before the blood was dry. e Sa IERE Rheumatism Pains Relleved on, (postmaster of the maberlans ai Balm and - got ‘from it than <anything ne | mare have ever used, and cheerfully re ane { mend: hiniment, t ta all sufferers | io * 25 and 5c. Dining Room Chairs in genuine leather pad seats, neat design, sold in sets of one arm chair and five small ones for only. fs. $12.50 Net 7 Others at prices up to $66. Se All Furniture Deli or Freight Propa R. WHITE & co. Freo Bona piture Dealere and Undertakers