EDITORIAL : ‘The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont™ ees RATES. 3 $2, lx months, 50 cexte: three 3 cents, in advance, Subscribers ‘will be able to pay $1.50 per year, CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Year 6 Mos. 3 Mos. Mon es $25" 88 4 igh Rez line for, fret insertion and four cents per rob henge Yee peash eee tiom will be charged for all it adver- ‘tiacmen isements without speeific directions wilt be inserted nti forbid and charged cz ‘hanges fo: vertisemnts bein the ‘office by non Monday: ‘telephone orders will receive prompt teentions MALCOLM MacBETH. ‘Publisher and Proprietor, Toronto World says:—“No doubt the ammouncemenit of the gift of-one or]. two Dreadnoughts would have been a spectacular method of showing the world that British communities stand together in defence of the empire. and if the occassion had really rendor- ed that step necessary it would not have been withheld. But after all an isolated act of this kind does not solve the problem of Imperial defence. nor would it have the permanent ef- fect which the adoption of a well con- sidered policy of co-operation can alone achieve.” British Naval Defence Business Cards The wo Readers Views Dentistry. at DERMAN, Dentist, Lio-|a gery and Member talty.” ce Flame noverign Hank, Mareen: Medical. ¥. PARKER, M.D. TYE, M.D, P.L. DRS. PARKER & TYE nepeg MILERTOW ong a to 4 e _Veterinarne In the CLogisiature on “Thursday i es , Whitney made ir is another rumor that 4 te go further than the Dominion a number of Veter eat ner t tele- one or othe erwise promptly attended to. “Sccleti os. Pesaran eed LODGE, Nes E “slverton, every aonday evening on or nth in their meets ore full m hall in in Rann ren piss ye > we, Wed ZoRGuR, SECY, €. 0. F., No, 99, Milverton, meets Visiting brethren always welcome, Tueker, C. R., S, H. Pugh, Ree-Secy. ectly or indirectly on te subject. think ve made that as broad as ean. If it can be broa aie I that hon. gentlemen will unders ee Basel sing the broader langu: I have sald noth- never come to her t immediately be spuntsnsously read uch ships, with an intimation, that farther ala: would 1.0. 0. F., “Silver 8 . inet, NG. W. ¥. Beoy,, Z, Finkbeiner, R. Becy e eed, an s in concert with the other dom- inions have shown the world at large dleared the atmosphere, saved forther and created a lasting ef- ae Public. fect among the nations of the world who are pees ae Hi nay spoke as ‘follows d the work of the portal Paneer ares, a year ago n read the carefu) sonaiderstion of the he ads of the self- Hotels. EXCHANGh HOTEL, Branner, Ont. aot BoP, preter, Best liquors he bar. ii lass ac- raat a large stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, verton. First-class accommodation for travellers and Chante aires | best pea: lation or ominervia a others, Two large sample y the choicest of nd: Cigars at the bar. Goed warm , Gearge B. Pauli, Propriater, OYAL Ae hae Aspen de unanimously by the House at Ottawa ting on the ‘ice and Bepeeelly the Heine rae Shit lis First Lord of ‘Aldmiralit Foy oat toe ae ided opinion ‘should go forth ie Canada what should be done when sir, both parties in the Do ion concurred in agresing to this reso tution, that, will co. dially ‘approve of SAbys voeasenty. od re-fitted | ro! G k West and warmest. stables ie ae Province, Prompt attention Choicert Hquate an¢ eae Proprietor. THE’ AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, pays special * Reokaiy to Commercial trade, Splens rooms, Best wines and liquors nected cat Mie ber Rates $1.50 per{day. «. Wa. WitT, Ppro Legal 4 MORPHY & CARTHEW, Barri Solicitors for the p BERDUux, iverion every Thursday. e ‘B, MORPH’ J. M, CARTHEW, Makins @ Hanley Barristers & Stratford JC. Makins - W. J. Hanley BULL BRAND RAZORS AN END TO RAZOR TROUBLES A NEW ONE ty it Aus dull SEE I? Av = Public Drug Store Sole Agents dioai0 MAKE MONEY)»: Selling Pelbam’s Peerless Fruit and icoraeeine Trees, Shrubs, ete., dur- img the winter mon bs. We offer you profitable em: pre i win distirict mere over 600 orgs of Shee Srursers whieh “xa ‘be Lect to Fountgner® ve ne or dried: we . Esta’ is a . oi public, | ti ,one of the Provinces. bas spoken from If, under the First Lord of the gle would bo better then a divided one.” Rheumatism Pains Relleved Mr, ‘Thos Sten enton, mi, ostmaster ot t., writes, “For the past gat years I Rettig se Thee ig that tim hing I and eheerfully recom- mend me ‘liniment ta all chery from rheumatic pains.” bottles te bala ty all racmna ees onto Weekly Sun The deliberate attempt on th pers to hurrah Canad the policy of screaming Toro being done oy these papers is backed up by frien peace, as it should be he denger. of Canada being drawn skcom-of Woropenn alilge lity will be avoided, [ea For whooping Cough Chamberlain’s Cough Remted: [t ean eee the cough loose, expector- render ‘the fits, of | Tor TONE, Ont. “DEEMAM NURSERY CO., jan20 y|' “Conti; Separate Speaking of Riactial defences The}. leader of the Oppostion were as fol- imply iaie stated in the fee © | fated f | causing a great deal of anxiety to the i Provincial Journals and} War - -—-- the e | fou: Rural ens Sohoow: fib a Tpeboole” will “bea part of the school system of Ontario in future. They will not bé' p ols, as \before, but eleme ee a3 rural bieh schools > is change giving them the dig- bite of ‘a class of their own, has bi Be made by the minister of education bill that ‘he ‘submitted to the legis jeture ‘The new, act ‘is intended to Dravid for the potter education of childre: there there are 2 ae high ‘schools. new bill makes financial support binding on the group [- ot one that have con: the school. Th eases one shall in the bed aistriee Ane poses is to be added to represe "The sum not exceeding $500 in any one year for permanent improve- Parliament settled upen. the other ae ments.” ee Why Liquid ee! Remedies Fai They go (direst to the stomach, have little éffect on. the out, hoarseness, coughing ane, hacking are cured. For a permanent cure for catarrh, nothing equals Catirthosohie 25 cts. and $1.00 at all dealers. Two Points of View ord Charles Beresford Jaments that George's is the fundamental distine- tion between and Bri r by the strength of hi tent of her terci- acelin, Sana: of fonal glory and well-being are a auestion as inconveniences to be dealt n ‘they ‘ean veg oid nrith esfoly to the al represented by MMe. Lloyds isons elle min- | * remedy the evils of drink, poverty and unemployment Which is the nobler ideal? is the policy more caleulate: ferease the wealth and Pawer of itish Isles Which is the more civ- ilized conception of the duties of stat~ Which ny 3 Just the Medicine you Need Your color is bad, tongue is furred, like Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 25 cts. at all dealers. The Farmer's Enemy itratford Beacon a new pest, the sow thistle, which is farmers. is perennial and grow: rom the root as well as being spread from the seed. The pest is atively recent in theses section of the are leaving the nd it ueporet8 to grow crops or airs their farms. meetings of the Farmers’ Institutes ‘roughest the county, the quest! nS i | sion, peat ie effectively deal with the pest. “Gorns soli ates 25 cents A guarantee Yi * paltla cure goes with every bottle 6f Etre 8 Corn Extractor. ‘Putnam’s and your corns goes. Beware of substitutes. “leRQUp: ess, Asafe und pleast stopped in 20 minute: sure-with Dr. Shoop rie ann Remedy. + anh Mecca ips apo “Sime uareists. Easter Wants This Store solves the problem easily for prices are small and values are hig \ Easter Blocks Sa TN Men’s Headwear Whether it be the stiff or soft hat or the black or grey, brown or the new green hat, you want to wear for Easter, here is the place to get it. Ghe“‘Fitwell’ Hat The Hat with a Reputation All the new spring shapes are “‘in,” and they are a bright, snappy-looking lot— you will be tickled with the styles. See Our ... Men’s Clothes For Easter We have combined every desirable feature in our Men's Clothes for Spring. We have secured the best that human brains and human hands could produce, at the lowest prices at which they can be Recipes. How well we have will be pay a visit to this depariniens are told by these items. you Some of ay ee In Men’s and Young Men’s Suits we show a full range of medium, light and dark Tweeds, at $10.00. At $12, Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds, Blues and Blacks. At $13.50 and $15.00 we have an exceptionally fine range of Fancy Worsteds, Imported Tweeds and Blues and Blacks, with fancy cuffs and flaps, Absolutely Right in. a libevery detail — Boys’ Suits We take just pride in the style and craftmanship: of our.Boys’ Clothing: There was plenty of.roow:for improvementiin this branch of the trade. Manufacturers seemed to think that a boy’s suits was merely a,covering for his body, De a Our Boy’s Clothing to-day has broad, well round ed shoulders, full unbreakable fronts; plenty of staunch material and smart, catchy style. ee: gee EE EEE EEE EEL ELE EEE See the beautiful range we offer for spring trade. Come in any time. We want you Butter and Eggs for our Toronto Business, Highest prices paid for Produce. ENGELAND @ SON of his kin. ‘This S/have been cur ments. and at dition while. the wens World Kin.” When worm known Canadian Maan Journal wi Touch of Nature Mal or fimds a-big fat ne Salis ‘slits ‘hens th the "|GOAL and GROCERIES —Seranton (the fameus Coal a ays on hand, A full lin frean Groceries in stosk, Salt bulk or by the barrel, its|J. G HAMILTON, eople oa ae a (ora tia maken tha sealer worl xp Station Store - Milverton. JOB PRINTING ! We do the better class of printing, and we do that class just’a little cheaper than the other fel- low. Wedding invitations, letter heads, bill heads, sale bills statements, di gers, cards, etc,, all’ receive the same care- ful treatment—just a little eae than seems. Droste Prompt service always... ‘ ed venite letters wish of ‘the writer, to "be o! someone else. This ue we all remedy rs foe le druggists. panei a Healthy Expansion une from twenty-eight ‘to forty-four pag- es, with ‘a number of new depart- Miss Jéan:Graham = pee agement on A ting with her a number of the “inst The H roposed changes The Ape number just issued is bright jas in ad- ne. its very interesting. fict’on {and household departments a number feat es well worth a The price is to be advanced with the June number, but in the sepa boing take en at the old 0 tig H. MOHR’S RELIABLE GROCERY AND BAKERY New SpringSuitings. Dried Peaches......15¢ Ib. Large Prunes......,15¢ Ib. : Lima Beans ........10¢ lb, Japan Rice. .,.......10¢ Ib. Seedless Lemons 2 for 5c. Jamaica Bananas 15 and 20c per dozen Black Cherry Wine, pint bottles, 15¢ : Knox’s Gelatine 15¢ pkg. 'H. MOHR: and Pantings! WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO CALL AND INSPECT OUR NEW & UP-TO-DATE STOCK OF SPRING & SUMMER SUITINGS BEFORE BUY- ING ELSEWHERE, STYLE, FIT & WORKMANSHIP GUARANTERD...... Also afchoive line of Pantings. The Old Reliable Merchant Tallor — E. KNECHTEL, $ Highest Prices Paid for Produce