<of the Marine and Fisher g sevelly cone aos 5 MARINE BUOY “TXPLODES GONDENSED_NEWS 5 ITENS One Hurt on the 2 One ‘Man Killed and King’s Wharf at Quebec. A despatch from Quebec says: For want of expert. direction on Friday forenoon a fatal explosion |™ oceurred on the King’s Wharf in connection with the Quebec agency ries De- the injury to ‘Huppe. agency is nm “5 sy getting ready the buoys te itn in the rs awrence at the opening of eee and several workmen were charging one of the large busye with calcium of carbenite, ich did not seem of the workmen, presumal mably Ger maine, lifted a piece of batten from the ground and commenced strike the ie dee = hen the ex- plosion vol place.” It, was acceler- red “by tl Bee ‘snow that cov- ted the ground on which the large Tt is very evident no expert to direct them HEALTH THE EYES. The peat of good eyes is uni- eded in the piseenehs but in the concrete it is in Raiiely appreciated it one mag judge from the lack of care taken to preserve ithe e ye is a “wonderful a iege but ecatierly unfitted pe with he tremendous strain which the puts upon it. an extreme statement, yet it is safe ing per: which can be st common jefect is astig- matism, that i say, an irregu- larity in the Sapeatine part of the | ¢, eye which interferes with See. focusing of what is looked at. What ought to be seen as a io iS regis- hort line. © seen as “haretore a greater or lesser blurring. Custom prevents, the recognition | (, vision, when the defect is slight, but the fault is seen e looks through a distinstness and rpness of out- line that is a revelation, This astigmatism is often the cause of headaches, dizziness, and other troubles unex- lained and uncured until the ocu- ist corrects the Pig defect by pro- perly J fitted fd be well it every child whi ens ey ward in school, shows a dislike of reading, or who complains of frequent headache n to the oculist for an ex- shown that good save his eyes from overstrain, es, like all other organs, suffer when the body is exhausted, eading on a car or railroad-train | when hi is bad, for the constant a ae ip perbeived with a}¥ al burns, cuts or sores, where lint or cotton cloth would be harmful. Bave for thisi purpose all the -old table cloths, napkins and handker- © =e One roll. of long strips of muslin and flan: Use r sore none pact sprains, ae and al scesse One" roll cotton. One package large, square, soft cloths. Sew on two sides for mak- flaxseed poultices. package small sacks for dry, hot Dsuleae. such as salt or hops. id one-half yards of rubber ard. cake se castile soap. One hot water One bottle ‘smelling s salts. of air- -slaked lime , as it affords instant pin a label on the rolls so that no matter who goes to the drawer they an lay their hands on just what is wanted and not keep the suffering one waiting. BEE ie Sr EE THE CUSTOMS REVENUE. March Increase Nearly Four Hun- dred Thousand Dollars. A despatch from Ottawa says: of the Dominion © cus- toms revenue has totalled $47,378,- 00, a decrease of $10,488,632, as compared with 1907-08. a TWO CHILDREN BURNED. Mother Had to ghee From Window atch set Bae horrible macineeanae eae ing bran, ‘slinpery elm, hop. and |i © ed at a at wi d is a sod British Commons on a o a = oe that Sprsgtans - | Ont. abe to thing ing police of Hamilto: o Sepa a “Worl Have a Navy of Her Own?’ iiepeeact es ‘aoe ALL pine THE G LORE. 4 Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own 4 and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. : Six new es were appoint- Hamilto: agene Relate We ni the Lan- ain. aster crossings bill a: Port rthur will build’ a new Col- re Tntituie and gymnasium at cost o! Thi Outane: ‘Government's bill amending the license act increas- it! es tavern licenses in Toronto to Paul S, Lesser, a Winnipeg clerk who absconded, has been captur- in Germany ai oil eb oaalt ed i tack: Soe a pee is asking assistance Port Hope to establish a daily steamship service between Picton and Reeen er DEA Amyot has recommended Park, London, e closed to the public, ow- danger of pollution of the city water supply. otel porter was fined a hun- dred dollars at Cobalt for supply-|°") liquo with renner un- 2 The guests paid ¢ sd’ oe the young woman iio" ‘told a sensational story of be- ed at Mont- » has confessed that the whole was manufactured. Several hundred pounds of honey s found between the attic and the roof of Philip Cook’s apartment house, corner of Queen’s avenue and Colborne streets, London, Oni the Kinrade ene on Fri- ic dey, the bullet. being the same size s those found in the body of the 2 rdered gir Mr. Robert King was killed near Grand sess on Thursday, by the limb of a Wlhearing of the occurrence his wife was stricken with © | died also. tree striking him. On paralysis and GREAT BRITAIN. Mr. Augustine Birrell reintro- uced the Irish land purchase bill ‘the Salvation Army is planning *s University % train workers ‘Humani for the Ate s social service was es to Mrs. Olabent of Sim- 0€ ace Toronto. obert, einen Hodge, Un- qoute was elected to the British of Commons from Croydon. ver his tw ‘The London Standard thisks the! ©! ™) creation of a ld ian fleet wou more useful to Britain than an lliance with a second-class naval ie a ong strain on the muscles|Ruby, aged 7 and 5 years, respec-| POWer- ye which regulate accom. | tively; perished Ks e ae Hleven, suffragettes, arrested in| § Sees Every member of the family was] @0 Stack on SS es - When reading or writing by arti-| burned more or less, but Mr. Stir-|COMMOMS, 07 ae £36 esha ficial light, a + the eyes |ret was sevérely injured in the ef- sent to Gea ‘or terms eae is to be recom flay-|fort to r ee AS. ren? A | from, one: to three monthy, nee ae the d time the ANS ‘should fall on book and a little or paper fro) to tho left, ole °D occasionally, ‘across the window, to relax the mae a the eye muscles. eye-strain are an uncomfortable féeling, leading. to ing or rubbing of the jon 0: 1 eed tehing of the tide. aia falling the eee es, a bloodshot condition and evening headache. Bathing with aye water contain- in, pinch of salt will often give reht 3 “tired eyes,” but if tiredness is persistent, it is a sign that glasses are needed.—You Companion. THE ie HOSPITAL. hospital drawer. should be with the following artcles : of old linen. This cloth td used for bathing the face or for the -| praise is due to married dav Mrs. Campbell, St heelnieue chile bur eeroce bank with her babe. SNES Soe aay ALEX. MILLER ARRESTED. Charged eee Killing John Bell in runken Quarrel, A deapeie from Dryden, Ont., says: Alex. Miller, who is accused of having ‘dled his mate, John Bell, in a drunken brawl at Minni- taki on Thursday night by seniking: him on the side of the ith a lantern, was arrested Priday, sand is ‘in jail here. Provincial anson made the ar- rest. Miller, it would seem, was quite Reatre that. the blow had Killed Bel tis gg. GREAT CANADIAN ORCHESTRA ihe concert of the Toronto Sym- phony Orchestra in Massey Hall, Toronto, last week, i an unquali- fied success, and p: that we now have an ate country whi e equal of any. such organization. in America. The Conductor, themselves, not - forgetting... those who haye shouldered the feancal Tashobainility whietmeds thie ate ished orchestra possible Seventy Thousand » “A Bespatch from Winnipeg says: alth is pouring over the border into Canada from the “United Btates at the present at the rate of nearly a million per weck, ac- wage to the sepuenes of those o are os zeus, with tl 7 ment. Th Exceptionally large. section fee nee line ranging tn all the trains ae ca large numbers of Am arta Pex tite 4 Bta ates of the central wi _ at settlers’ ey with ker ‘THB HUGE INVADING HOST Americans Will Gols _ Upon Farms in the West This Season. Sieie siunasa of cars loaded with effects, are also being operated. The estimate of the local office is to the effect that 70,000 Ameriéans will come in this seascn, taking up between 000 and 5, AY home- ste the number pos- sibly teed a hun feat thousand At several points, in Saskate and Alberta the rush has been si emce that Government. ha: arranged to supply large furnish tents: These can be us le} by travellers. from 2 patss, but also by vest From Baar e fo ni e a b; Gi h th 4 nm Canada and Eur been discovere: ratified in became unmani Bavaria, but Was. finally inatahy to the ground, after eleven hours. Taneers and the mob, cha, dcout co-th » prepared to cope owahsty. UNITED STATES. E. Ashworth, formerly of Geerentnrst, Ont., committed. sui- cide at rth Adams, Mass, on Friday The. ‘imports of merchandise at New York for March were the larg- st for any month in the history f the port. 2 is probable t of Har ae ee the position of that President \as- sador to Great Britain Light w youmen rete “killed and ight injured e explosion of four hundred pounds. © of dynamite t Indian Urenky 1 Ohio GENERAL. A case of sleeping sickness has aris, The: Franco-Canadian treaty, was French Senate by a vote of at 0 6. Ree vm. Jones of Chicago, a not- ed anthropol jogist, ne murdered y Philippine hill m iio aloes Keavanig® wventdaws fi ihe Nicavamian opat with twen- have decided to join their eoatribt tions and present a Dreadnought to Britain Count Zeppelin’s great airship ageable in a gale os RIOTING IN CAIRO. Mounted Policemen Disperse the Mob. \ despatch from Cairo, Egypt, The new press | omul- ae ous pean re’ oii locas, 9A eon placed under arms ad ball cartridges havo been serv- hat the authorities may’ with any even =| to more than 3,000 | ¢9 vard Esivenuiy will} firm 2 to 8c per pound. LEADING MARKETS _. _BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, April 6—Flour—Ontario wheat 90 per cent. nitoba, 35, 90 on track 8, $5.40 to $5 to xpori first patents, a 70 to Toronto; second pate: $5.60, and strong Maken 5. No. 1. Northern, $1.21, ron Canada “oats, eee Coltingwood and No. 3, 46c, Bay ports; Western Canada, all rail, Bie. Peas Corn—No. merican yellow, 73%e, on track, Toronto, and No. 2 723e on track, Toronto, Cana- dian corn, 71 to 72¢ on track, To- ronto, Bran—Cars, $23 in bulk outside. Bren $23 to $23.50 in bulk out- si COUNTRY LY PRODUCE, Apples—84.50 to. $5.60 for choice qualities, and $3.50 to $4 for sec- ds. Beans—Prime, $1.90 to $2, and hand-picked, $2, 10 to $2.15 per bushel. Honey—Combs, $2 to $2.75 per dozen, and ee 10 to llc per pound. Hay—No. 1 timothy, $10.50 to $11 per ton on track here, and|™ ot aeee to 70¢ per bag on ‘ack, Sp oilteye Chickens: dressed, 15 to 16¢ per pound ; fowl, 11 te 12c; tur- >| keys, 20 to 22c per poun THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter—Pound prints, 20 to 21c tubs and large rolls, 15 to 17¢; in- ferior, 13 to 14¢; 25 a and solids, 20 to 2 Eggs—Case lots, 18 40. 100 per acute Cheese—Large cheese, 18748 per pound, and twins, 14 to 1 aKe. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon—Long clear, 12 to 12%4e per pound in case lots; mess pork, $20.50 to $21; ; short ony $23 to $24. 14 to ae ig) (ium, 14%c; do., heavy, 13 to 13%; vet 11 to 11%e; shoulders, 10%¢; ‘bac ks, 16% to-17c; breakfast bacon, 15% 6c. Lard—Tierces, 13¢; tubs, 13/4¢; pails, 18}¢¢. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, ere 6.—Peas—No. $1.03 to $1. Oats—Canadian es! barley, 59% to 60c; barley, 59% 3 ve, to fi Winter patents, $5.40 ie $5.50; straight oe 85 to $5.1 do., in bags, 2.45 ; ee in bags, $1.95 to $i 05. Feed — Manitoba bran, Ne to $23; do., 3: + Ontario. bran, $35 Cheese —W be quoted 13. Fall made creamery, 21 to aes while Winter made is quoted at 20 to 20}4c. Eggs—21 to 220 per dozen. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, April 6. —Wheat—Spring . 1, carloads store, $1. 275 ; Winter anced No. 2 red, 3 extra red, $1. 26 : $1.26; No. 2 mixed, | # i yel N Flour—First pa! atents: 75; second pat Healt Re 55 ae ae 65 ; first clears, $4.35 5; second clears, $3.15 to $3.95. Bron—In bulk, $23 to $23.50. LIVE STOCK MARKET. Toronto, April 6.—Exporters’ were in fairly active demand an prices firm for well finished cattle. Other grades declined. Stockers and feeders were wanted, and the few offering quickly changed hands. Milch cows and springers were dull. Sheep and i un- changed. Calves—Quiet and lower. Hogs—Steady and unchanged. So- lect at - Be f.o.b. and $7.15, fed and wate: Medteest: wen il 6.—Trade in cat- (each don with the prie- es a sha wer; beevets sold at 5% to 5% per pound, but tne ere not extra; pri gor er poling Spring lambs at fram Fe to $6 ea Good lots of fat hogs sold at oy TO SUCCEED KITCHENER. Sir O*Moore Creagh to be Comman- er-insChief in India. A coat from London says: n. core Creagh has been anpointed Commander-in-Chief. in ia, to succeed Gen, Lond Kit shent, ar the latier retires in. prentnety rolls, cei i Four-year-old Narr ,_.| deceased ha _| Developing FAMILY ASPHYXIATED. Family of Mr. James Me ee Found Unconscious. A despatch from Te Oat ey says: See 6 o’clock on Friday ing, when neighbors rake ae the house of James meee on Ches- ley avenue, it was to find McLean, his wife and three Sader in an i r eighteen Oe they had been that way. All wi except ee n- is in a ey, later the mother was conscious condition. The woman says that she never completely lost | consciousness, but was physically unable to arise or ak sound. eu neuaivere finally awoke her she thought it was bub morning. usband, when aroused, annua GEREN had Sree lept. Set ges HIS CATTLE POISONED. Strathroy Butcher § Suffers a Scrious Loss, cattle, Samuel inent butcher of this town, wi to is ee about two miles sath of here, ie thacelay to find that ebkes of the animals had oe pois- two were dead and a third fad, to be killed. That mals ses been’ poisoned was ex: plained b: package ot Paris green was found in a corner of the barn. Mr. Me- Candles is at a loss to know who committed the outrage. ereceras * BUFFALO’S GAS SHUT OFF. ue Prohibiting Export of Na- ral Gas Now in Forces A S spatch from Welland says: ‘he Provincial Gas © that its permit to export natural aes; expining Mar. 51, woul enewed, and a Waanheday: iat 4 midnight the supply going to Buffalo was shut off. One-third o the gas which h Buffalo, but a meeting will be held soon to decide ae matter. DEFICIT OF over R £13,000,000. ritish res 16 #1 5500,000 Less Estimates, A Aeqen from London says. fiscal yea mn Wednesday £1,500,000 below the estimates. This is better than was expected. The epencitine is not stated, but it is know have conaiderably ax exceeded the ae The mo: favorable calculations are that the deficit to be faced i 9-10. will be from ‘£13, 000,000 to £15,000,000, ———_* DRANK CARBOLIC ACID, London Boy Has a ow Escape. A despatch from London, Ont., says: Harold ent, ay f years, son of KILLED 1) SD IN COBALT MINE. St. Thomas Prospector Las Death Near Haileybur A despatch from <Mhiomas) Ont., says: Word was epee in the city on Friday morning that J. P. Bailey, mining prospector, 0 St. Thomas, was killed it mine near Haileybury om Thursday. The een in the employ | cebale Mining and | °. Com; for four yeais, the members ‘of the company of the Elgin all being well known St. Thom: : 1 a WEST’S GREAT DEMAND. Tmplement Dealers Unable to Fill Their TS. A despatch from Winnipeg says: implement dealers are spring vi in volume all estimates Manufacturers can- not rush orders, as their output ‘a majority of cases is already sold ahead. normous business ie being done in ploughs, thrashers and smaller implemen’ UPSET THE LAMP. A Little bone Burned to Death at skatoon. A depute from Saskatoon, Sask, A little chifd of John Bowit, pes le ‘at playing beside t which its ee was busy a 3. i S -e horrified mother could extinguish the flames. Ete CHARGE OF MANSLAUGHTER. piattord Man, nan Whose Yard Body was Found, Arrested. i despateh from Stratford says: the death of has Biko Guerin, whose house the lifeless body of Sithevlatd was found on the morn. ing of Feb. 26th last. °| Silver ees ae conse Yield the ani-|a y the fact that a small /|¢) fe PE Three Taken from Philadelphia M The British revenue returns for the 1, show a total revenue “approximately trieb. $j; made another attempt on Wednes- dry, the pie was taken, 5 d| mitted to Mr. Salaries Will A’ despatch from Ottawa says: on. Mr. Lei General, has given notice of a solintion in the Commons which will bring good news to over one thousand piamlayeee in the outside service of the departme: resolution PARAS for a i catebalt vance in sal essenger OAH) letter- pee box collec- stampers, sor! ‘ourth- dans clerks. The i cee average 150 a For messengers, porters, letter- canna te: and box sollentors the new sch will be as fol rade; A, ae per day; ey de >, 825% grade ©, $2.25; grade D, $2:50;! grade E, 75. The ‘present, schedules are 50 cents Jess in cach case. The verage of |i ay number working days in the year for each! io»l GENERAL INCREASE iN PAY © Hard Working Post “Post Office Employees’ Be Advanced, man “is aa cana the in-' ‘There is sivas of the men oy allowing those pe ereds B after Wes three month In the case of fourth- lage clerky othe minimum salary, which is now! ~ ee sphly $361, is itseoaned the annual increase of yee is preted up to a maxi+ mum. o! qs the case of stampers and sorv= ie mre salary is raised sk $400 to The action ae the Postmaster- same measure of been accord side service generally by the re- ah increases of salary. PROFITS OF TH EMINT. lespati ey oe Sone says: thus decreasing the pro’ ja a gross profit in itis silver a coin mini during 1908 amounting ‘s $194,431. The expen- and ane totalled ‘371, 1039, leaving a net investment, of $82,492. The amount of silver coined was $313,338, the profit being $175,709. The value of the copper coinage was $23,290, the profit being $18,709. __ SWALLOWED THE SPOONS. an’s Stomach. A Philadelphia despatch says: ed bere on Tuesday, and three spoons and a fork were seen from as annie Since G. Dav cperated on the ane patient last a kitchen: opera- Kitchen. furniture. to three spoons an which were recovered on Tuesday. RR aoa TIRED OF SUFFRAGETTES. Little Sympathy Shown in Gack Fruitless Raid, despatch from London says: The militant woman Suffragists day afternoon to gain access to ase buildings of Parliament, but bey, were easily jails ea the on ice, who were ex! ng shone and had taken Sieh Nits public is getting tired of these feet auent exhibitions before the Hi Parliament and the w pian whom police drove back among the spectators received scant sympathy Fight or ten of the most persistent of them were arrested. LAY HEAVY oN CONSCIENCE, Pie Stolen 27 Years Ago by Guelph Hospital Patient. A despatch frou Guelph says; After 27 years’ remorse for the theft fonisthe Genereeespiiel: overtaken Joseph irk Avenue, Winni- peg, has written to the matron of 8) the institution, here, enclosing ten cents in stamps ie, bade his gotta ence, Brown patient at the feapital T with typ typhoid ver; When he was recovering, he says, the ee allowed him t ‘0 into the rae when nian and oné some articles of dething. from the: bids = eo NEW OPIUM LAW. Now Unlawful to Import or Pre- pare the Drug for Smoking. A despatch fron ee says: On Thursday the ¥ opium law forbidding the inporiitiy and preparing of smoking-opium both in Canada and the United States went into effect. The drug may be prociired for medicinal purposes. al| Marquette bridge M. fit, exclusive of interest on haar i WOMAN FELL FROM BRIDGE. Mrs. Heward of Brownsville Hurt SS) MLAS. A spatch from St. Thomas says: aie 90 feet from the Pere here on Friday _ night, rs. ary leward of Brownsyille was badly hurt. Mrs. eward was on a vis 2 to her sis- ter, Mrs. mith, Regent street, and in ebicrnine to that ad- ress after being downtown took a short. cut over the bridge. | While crossing over she overbalanced her-. self and fell. Her fall was broken by some wires. Her gt ear was nearly torn off, her was hurt and she was also butt internally. At the hospital it. was said sho uld recover. The injured woman is the wife of Mr. Chas. Heward, a Michigan Central employee at Brownsville. SRS STN ARR THE KING'S HEALTH. Respecting His Ulnese Without Foundation, Report A despatch from London says. The Stock Market was See on Friday by a rumor that Kin; Edward had suffered:a slight stroke the par at Biarritz, But latést news from Biarritz as to the he left at 11.30 o'clock on Friday on a motor trip. ‘he rumor is probably due to un- founded reports received in Paris early on jay morni Cal. Sir Arthur” Davison, oes to the King, who is now in. Biarritz with his Majesty, telegraphs in re- excellent health. ee os aces tt ASKED TO BE HANGED. Preferred That fo 15 in Prison. ee ee a Montreal says: Murderer Ye vi, a 17-year: the pen a jane: both found ae of attempted murder, got 1 es eac! He FADS AND FANCIES. Plain shirt waists prevail. Choe and plaids are popular, extra long corset has won ae Many variations seen The dainty embroidery yogue in- creases. For the most part hat shapes are towering. There are ever in the Silver is the ite fad of Parisi- ans in jewelr, he square velyeeuate is the lea er in veilings, es, stockin and should match nes gown We see many Tish suits trimmed with jet butten newest "yell is double and w full se each wa White. gloves seem to have come ack. for eveni Peacock designs figure promin- ently in decorative: effect Black lace edged oath Rhee is the lacate thing in sashes. For the dressy soe eg tucked pe val Na Seles turnover iets el pe will be worn ai arned effects baat 2 ny be in the matter of embroidery, iyelet embroidery will maintain its vogue othe coming Season. Large spots a mixed on some of bolero are ate draperies than” ray gloves = 3 2 Over a hundred pounds of ‘opium, seized by’ the cvstoms officials, a coma, was auctioned th Tuesday, One Vancouver firm ad-! ackenzie Heike as | 0, - closed months ago. e mantis. was given for the bg of the stock. AIRSHIPS ar PETAWAWA. Canadian Aviators, Will be eee ‘ to Conduct Experimen A despatch from Ottaw: The Government wi ian Aeronants, to. anete them to continue their ex- periinedis) ae ey will peony be ited to go to Pets and GARE airship. operations there at the expense of the Militia, n has come back tawawa camp | @ fashioned sailor collar or the younger set, With the tailored ‘suits Sone peal net waists wail be much wo! vith the tailored snits moire «ilk belting of every color is. being worn, Among the smal are tur- be of yee with colored aigret-~ gee novelty of the sprin; is senpee mohair, calle TO; oi lavender sweet pea is fendi is sen only on the most atone sive Gola apes, which are unmis- Aa pega eome in gold cloth for children’s garments are pas they will be more, more sim Some of the aren of the new; openings Ottoman, Department, Hest aro small enameled plaquey n all tones of color, :