Thursday, February 25, 1909 THE MILVERTON SUN BULL BRAND RAZORS AN END.TO RAZOR TROUBLES A New One if it gets Dull Within 2 Years SEE IT AT Public Drug Store Sole Agents d10a10 For Sale ‘HOROUGHBRED SHORT HORN BULL calf seven mi onths old. For, further par leul: TS - ‘ih eal maa EDWARD ‘DENYER Milverton, Ont~ 2m ae For Sale"or?Rent Hovse. AND STABLE AND TWO LOTS on Mill St., The us solid brick with two sone mae ee Teel f good water. If it cam sold it itil Ad rented, For further og apply t particu- JAMES|RICHARDSON, Milverton, Ont. Farm For Sale 100 acres, 18 acres aie hardwood yash, good olay loam, 11-4 public sel Ritians tenn’ school} torey brick house, 24x 82, with kitchen 18x24; good bank barn, b and near the road, only three miles to Linwood: atation; can be bought for $5.400. iPPly to J. W. BURNETT, 4b Macton, Ont. An Gael To set Fence Posts in more modern styles of wire a severe str: 1 plans for this have proven fairly success- ful, but perhaps no as ul, but B) been tried which gives Boel absolute- ft being noticeable. ‘six inches of concrete about two tot of cess for corner or gate posts. Print by Repuest Mix the follow! in a ‘bottle and ene ie teaspoonful doses igs meals and at bedtime: Fh xtract Dandelion, one-half aane Compound Kargon, one ounce; Comin ane Syrup pareapaaiile: ae Jooal druggist is the Portes ia these raous, hai rimless i eorpenct ae tained at nominal cost fro ar home drug; This mixture is said to cleanse and he clogged and inactive idneys, overcoming Backache, Blad- der weakness a of all kinds, if taken before the stage of Bright's aids ease. Those who have tried this say it peaitinely 2 overcomes pai clears the urin by shaking well _ urination, n the worst forms 32 CENTRAL :: Business College This jase epee we rrefront ai the largest and Dent practical ‘alning school in Western Ontario, We ha three department: roial, Shorthand, ai pe roeh ine . Our geaduat ood positior Students are enteriug cvery week: Write us for our freecatalogue at once Eltiott & McLachlan, Principals . Deca HC DOA ad he 4 MAKE MONEY): pated Pelhamis Peerless Fruit and Write PELHAM NURSERY Co., 10wjam20 ‘oronto, Steady Employment For reliable local now for Ont. salesman repre- semting ‘Canada’s oldest and greatest nurseries in Milverton and adjoining é@ountr: i 01 es that growers Our salesmen ere turning in big mesa to us this year. Be one them amd earn wiaee: tirviet hem the winter mont! Territory, reserved. Pay weekly. unpie Outfit, Hee. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON, Fromthill Narseries, (850 Acres.) r Bmnos,mar81. 090004000000 0O000O00 S give it a trial wonders ee many ipersonn, Dr. Hamilton Follows Nature's Plan No physician was more successful in treating stomach and liver troubles than Dr. Hamilton. He avoided harsh medicines ed _a wonderful pill of vegetable composition that al- . Hamilton's Pills are bilious- ‘3 e a charm—vei i—yet Teepke ng and health-giving. No whece can a sees tonic Neeative be oe ee Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Try the Hai ana be comvinced. 250. at all nett: The Right Side prayer that poth myself nation may pe on the Lord’s side. ees dave Corn Cure Easily applied—costs but a quarter —that’s Putnam's Corn Ext tacior, fifty years in use. Insist on “Pu nam’s only. OLD JUNK Tam buying Bhs kinds of Serap Iro; Rags, Gouna ti pcre tapes Copper, 8 ree Thacritate will dea with op hoid goods. “Twill call on you as soon ‘opens. ED. elo cae tes Feb&Mar . Station. SETTLERS’ T RA | NS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN By Canadian Pacific direct line Settlers and fomilies without livestock ‘should use Special Trains Regular Trains will leave sien rite Toronto Each TUESDA’ 10. daily antes end APRIL a Sleeping Care Fastest Time COLONIST ard “fh ALL TRAINS jor Lae Col inks t Mhetas Only Through Service to the West rr y to nearest agent for full Information and ree core of 3 Safa . H. SANDER ‘Agent, Milverton. 6. EF Rk Time Table Going Going West. 9.00" tad tw. Monkton 11.18 a. ot pte 7.26 oa Milverton 11.08 a.m. B 712 -p.m. Going eles one m. , 815, p.m. Dorking °. 6 a.m. “m. G. T. R Time Table. GOING SOUTH. a Milverton Gone NonTH, am. p.m. 782 1080 6.43) 0% Ontario Liquor License Act! License District « of North Perth Notice is hereby given that Mr. John Yaoat peace ade application for hour m the oth day of pret lock p.m. 909, All persons imterested will govern themselves accordingly. R. T. K ier Dated at Listowel this 19th day February, 1909. per! usfer his tavern Kieense im ornington Townshi known as the Milver sae Station Hi of the | wi Townsh' of Mommlagton had the Col joners will i the City ‘Toronto to World.) mong the big dians who have distinguished thefr native land in th several ave- might imagine, and Canada shares it ‘Phe speech in Chicago was mot morely @ verbal triumph, bi which now-a-days there is little dis pute. Mr. Macdonald is well known as. cleric in the United States. A leade in the Lay: be acceptable ii those of the church. as the Rev. J. A. Maspenals ay a editor The Globe chosen tes voice the ote: of Canad ‘a to Abraham Lincoln. Rev. J. A. Mactonatd ‘has to s Tom Peat jn matters mnected with th aes of his leg: the Chicago cratoric event Mr d peerless, and Th clined to regret that there are 0 casions men it has less Brite in hi spell-binding utterances Do You sae eel Control? SaNTS ntly keyed up. If you are nervous, perhaps depressed—look r over-worked nerves for he ar estarving for the is k amd corner of ng, wot fatigue, use Ferrozo! i best nerve system voaie siore a all dealers in 50c. boxes. Spare the Birds (Hamilton imes.) New Zealand is being taught tesson that Canadians should long ago North Canterbury tically ruined the doubt that the re of C dian wild birds has cost our pee it tee eat eee Gentiemen who are Bald Investigate mad. see ce for yourself the rt covering in wigs and mapess 8. Prof. Dorenwend Patent ‘Toupes w worn on over 90,000 heads by ‘all lasses in all stations ef life. In’ this jcular structure ste ond fon is perfect; as light as a feather; is securely dajasted to. the mbed just as your wi ke any man look ten. years younger, besides the pro- ym ¢atarrh, opldn: neuralgia, ete. Call and see them at the Queen’s Hotel, Mi Iverton, Page day, Mareh BRONCHITIS Catarhozone Cures Bronchitis of hree Years’ Standing after Four{Doctors Failed A REMAReeE CASE y feel it my duty,” writes Mrs. Boyd, of Leonardville, N.B., to you know eles I have beem cured of Bronebi ree month's standing by tater h th the least change of temper- inclement lo: head. m posted four doctors and honetit + mended to ‘it, hard rubber inhal °: oe aiae ta lays the buskiness and hoarseness disappeared, and my voice became stronger. The runaing of the }ose and ‘stiffness of the head,’ fever- ishnése, diffionlt breath img, were all done away with before T ee been COMMERCIAL sree $1.00 1 : 45 60 Fall wheat, new. 9.14 117 4.89 Barley. t six weeks" Seatac? me is speedy, pleasant and permanent.” ‘atarrhozone is a new, scient ie treatment, and is guaranteed to cur Bronchitis, 3 ee a2) oR ee e ee E S B a 5 a well as by the It is both a local au ate tional remedy. The Inia! shundiee: tecimetiscta Shey whist spreads through all the air passages killing etm site\ snd falling opi spots as it sraaeteea in the driven off +by Ferrozone Bs Sasi ie ILS aD the to althy condition blood tablet: are Catarrhozone doctors and druggists for all respir- diseases. eves quickly and cures permanently. oe out- fit costs @: rial ae At atageiete, car iS m | 99" = in the pellet & that the. early aha pkera a ° rely | the Christian Tait th. The ajed to act as interim moderator. me. ported the a ag turists joe horticulturalists millions = . | some trival or oes motive. To needless abe Faith. Rev. G. fate ‘of the ‘Sherbourn Street Methpdist thurch, Toronte, as 5 some comm yy his lectures before the Y.M.C.A. In lecture the other ht he said tha it ee hardly leas then Shiel ta allem nin, gain were 1 to Jet the old and a new Hie “together in their mimds side by E fe austatad while-yet Uthhe ieee cnevers ‘eau ce to. restat te he in fecine which did mot clash, wi that wider Enowleigs imto whieh ne yuthor of all truth was to-day iead- ing men. reeise theory of the origin of oe _aniverse and, of man and of mo essential part of rly chap- thintgs. If they could lay never necept the story of the creation cept the story of the tag an RNAI fersal deluge, of whieh Noah and bis bp an fhe flood was supposed to hay peour their religious Galua which’ made them of value their expression of truth concerning God. At one poimt in a people's in- telectual development myths consti- tuted oe x Ess eats k, and why, t wuld it be surprising to ks a canversal phenomenon ufiliz- ed a of imterpreta Testament did are with 8 need of apologists, ani cut the nd away from fbeneath the Jost tin soaker Prospytory Notes At the Str week the Spe at: 20! Basthope and St Andrews ‘The resignation ae Rev. J. Hardie, of, Earner also sccepte and Rev. N. D. Mae Bicanen, of Milve. ton, appojmted to act as ites moderator and to declare the charge vacant on the first Sabbath *t ental M wool “ = Brydone re- a eres ah = Hivereou, im fsciding a offer D. MacKinnon a stipend of manse and four weeks’ holi days The Presbytery accepte an@ expres: ton congregation in thus becoming a separate eure Rev. Mr. Haig reported that Zion church, Heape see and Wellesley were prepared to offer $800 and $100 for rented pies =tonagie the main- tenamee of a . Rey. T. J. Thom; eee of St. Am- SHORT aon RETOLD. Most wf us are 6 seauainted with ‘tha person who asks obvious ques- id friend B., begri weary and ill-tempered, di roots: ae ations shirt-sleeves. at, B.” exclaimed Mr. E., ao re tat all,” oe: B., with elaborate sarcasm, “I’ m tak: ing my ste ines Sut for a ride !” During the trial Sita wage as na made an unsucceasfwu! attempt at Side, a lawyer ad badgered the an exasperating “degree ona evi videnstin aiaited. to pursue the course with a meek-appearing ittle “Irishmen who wext took the stand. meas say you talked awit Bhd ac- uscd an hour after mpt ~”” er demanded “Oi did," was the dite reply “And he give amy r for attempting to commi ie suicide “He did, an’ it was a good reason,” ‘Well, and what reason ‘did he give ‘Sure, an’ he said he wanted to kill himself,” Pat eee amd up- set the court. 5 “ Some of the stories ele in To- and elsewhere in Canada is win- t of those in the aoe of the fuamolred whose sensibilities are in evidemce than the s and St others who are most rnest in protescation than in effor Le remind busineas abil be was ating aroun: =| Ox Blood | Shoes they are the very newest thing for spring wear, Call and see them... All Overdue If you have dec! to get a winter on oa wish to Ae hee order early pring, remem- ber that at Pisbebhener the SUITINGS which are open for inspection. Wi call ia all I ask before pares your order else- Wa olan pein 4nd ae Accounts pair Ladies and Gents’ garments at moderalte must be settled at prices. ce 2 once either by cash pas ers ae Sate o., of Montrealy or note}: ke % & : J. M. Fleischhauer Wm. Zimmerman Over Atkin’s Feed Store Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Calling Cards Mr. Merchant Do you need ase in the print- a ou do, send in your order, and we wil supply you with as neat a job as is to be had in the county, and at moderate prices, Malcolm MacBeth ASSEOEHOEESEEEE HOD Ey PRERAEHEHHHH>H> OO ED ton ana ie wood, aid them with half the pork ae at the ae Grippe with “Preventics" for Pneumonia, To check early colds or mea defeat Mist's why rev alesare Tittle Gandy Gola Guses, No Quin- 0 Dhysle, nothing, sickening. Nice for the Boxes for the pocket also in doe boxes of eventics. Insist on your druggists giving you Preventics THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. IRON BEDS at Zero Prices There's nothing so new that ycu can- not find it here, while the cheapest beds made are here to, Over.halfa hun- dred designs «here to choose Troma at ‘zero prices. From...... $2.75 up You should see the bed at fitted with spring Completes lise $8.00 Delivered Free, R. WHITE & CO. Furniture, Carpets, Undertaking STRATFORD 80 Ontario Street HAI \itbees drew’s, Stratford, was appointed in- ter’m moderator of Atwood congrega- 4 Ask Yourself the Question Why not use SChactes Tlain's Pain Baim when you ha’ rheumatism ¢ We feel sure that the result will be pr a ha i use. n Balm is a ae ent and is appiied externally to the affected izes. For parts. 25 and 60 cent s sale by all druggists. Journalistic Independence ‘London Spectator.) only do we roslere that news- fate Aes tee ite 2568 wits they more indepen dent, ce also believe that they would ally do: tisttat trom: n” bus? ness ee ant a de- incerely and patriotic not merely speaking inspired by ‘easons, trom a party brief or Valuable Remedy for Colds ind Cro! gontcn torney at Wen- says: ‘"I have used results. I aim to always keep this rel im the house.” Sold i druggists. ROSTOCK. and Mrs. ra ~ Sehlotzhauer, of eaters are spending some ‘ime relatives in the village and visit, . John Schenck, of Strat: wee with her pons oe d seed rs. Wm. Kru: ot Be o= of Detroit, shies M Mrs. Wingfelder hed ovited a mimber of her friends for last Wed- ein g Lath Ss 5 nesday, some 2 The ladies were busy quilting, having nished six quilts, While eo men nat good supply of ice for the put ina com'ng season. On Friday last Mrs: G. Diehl had 9 quilting bee, when the Indies did « large lamount of work. Mr. (Henry Retbling will have nv anct'on sale on Thursday, March 14 Mrs. John Ropp amd children, of eta CG. & Co, , Ont. Buy Patgurbonoiv oe Nut amd Furnace coal in’ hand at ness man, tomers. the G.T.R. sheds. J. G. Hamilton The great drawback to the average investment lies in the locking up of money, rendering it un- eee ee ¢ Had Office, tant, VAilable when desired. AIVING for the moment the question of relative risk of loss, the desirability of keeping money on deposit in a Savings Bank(where it is at once obtainable for any em- ergency) ) renders Hae important that every business man, or any other man or;woman,should, if at all possible, keep a sub. stantial sum on deposit in a separate Savings Account. It is most unwise to lock up every dollar in business{or per- manent investments. To the same degree, it is wise to keep a ready cash surplus laid safely aside in a chartered Bank. A private savings account is carried by every prudent busi- THE BANK§OF HAMILTON specially invites the open- ES RS EN OE OE OTS ing of suchfaccounts, both by its regular business clients, and also by those who transact their current banking elsewhere. Every courtesy‘and convenience is extended to such cus- BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANCH R. J. RANNEY, Local Agent