lunatics February 11, 1909 THE MILVERTON SUN . WHERE THE V.C. 1S MADE. | QUICK WIT SAVED HIM. eda ey ey Lyt! ta few di Decorations For Bravery Are Manu-|The Way a cielo ‘Fooled: = Paris | 5p a ‘ends Pain raed factured From Russian Cannon. V, R.-Beriet epant Saturday H ‘There are two facts not generally |. In the Giese d Ee M. Claude, rin AND k WOMAN = WORK known in connection with the Vietoria | chief of police during the reign of Na- ay was a business a One is pest the eae nee | poleon IIL, there is much that is fas- ae at Ae ee Ss sort was responsible for jardon, the dedign, and the other that ‘every eerae to lovers 0 of are storien: \ Mrs. Nixon. medal is made from bronze ne a Olnnitete 2 ener aCes ane Bert Wray has purchased has formed part of some Russi: pee in yee he ‘was nee Ae 8 | farm | fiers Mes Abe: Gibsons once guns taken in the Crimea, A supply. | clever cri 10 SAW e police | 7th i -|of this bronze is dispatched b; 2 ief’s resemblance to Beranger when srs. B. yer, E. Peppter War Office essrs, Hancocks & | the poet a ahs the helght of his pop- jana A. ac seieie caoday an che Co., of pe Bond street, silversmiths | ularity a escape from cap- | 9th line. to pee: ng es a ais ture. The GletuaL tad webietagets ee se Cone: and, ee of ordered, while the pro: Paris and was living as a rich student |@vewb, were visiting at Rev. W. facture of the V. 1G; at entirely different | fn the Latin quarter, shen in the height Nixon's edt re of its bohemian splendor. ; : sect case of ordinary medals, Claude thought to make an easy es ian ee ‘with her sister, steel dies are made and the articles | CaP’ of his man by attending a cer- . Hel et is at present on steel tauiped out complete with one | tain famous ballroom at the hour when DP tet e hope to see him blow of the press, so that they can dancing was at its height. He tells turned out by the hundreds and | the story: reuzwelser and Sbousater if seared saan “I had no difficulty in discovering zs Berlin on ss, however, is mi him seated among a swarm of pretty | business last Thursda: a sand-mould, into which the molten | oir; and bewitching danseu: sa es has been spending _ Nature and ae work com:| ""\'ter being taken from the mould| “Conv! there were but two ways mnie time av Mr. W. Harrow’s, left bined. have produced the grandest ‘aser works on it for several hours, | of getting the of a cunning re woman's ills that the | until all the detail is brought up surprise and salselie walk : world has ever e design appears in bold relief front straight up to where my as In the d old- ae days of | the matted groundwork. After leav- | seated. I walked gn with oe : our grandmothers they relied upon | ing the chaser’s bene es medal a steps, my eyes on the ey: my man, the roots a and herbs of the to War 3 a dark skinned, manages ‘fel- o F cnttichtn eat for inspection, and, ee Peale is ‘hen a ei eas 4 ie and: mitigate aiiering:.| fitted with its top bar, steel pins, ical. 1 saw by an impreceptible e spend 5 Teed ng a week with The Thai ians our Western | connecting ring, and ribbon. Toe fiat he recty shee es, rs is V. Me we ; Plains to-day can produce prt a 6 name nd rank of the pient ee ask ee ; socmape bese re / herbs for every ailment, and cure | are ultimate! mn ons line on the | 2 Pee ation “ner. u'vtt, of Berlin, cha‘rm Seven that baffle the most ‘skilled bar, and the ir of the re; egimenk in I was almost near enough to cap- Gis toa Eta : th cree sicians who have spent years in | snother immediately under it, thus: | ture him when I'saw him bend to the | he ee a i: xi ear of one of his companions. Instant- | B® ae he “Methodist 1e tal 0 f drugs. era Thomas Atkins, church op ‘Monday. hi tty 10th Hussars. i the girls surrounded me and ees ee From the roots and herbs of the | | ses a5 =, eae exetbed, ardent : ee ese field Tydia E. Pinkham more than | while in coil space at a ae i snd purchased a thirt; the back are set. fo e day, the e hop pe Sasi of the -world ¢ go gaye to the omen month, and the year of the deed of ee Dari, ae hick my | Kcoep ths Pi ors C ’ D octent and effics, | bravery for which the Oross has been | rascal escaped, w 6 the women press: | Mr, W. 0. Bundy is ve ents mo? ans awa eagerly upon lene erying 0 ness in saW-l0gs ea cheadiveg He Sious thaw aby combination ot drug. ss “ deci It is Beranger!’ over a ees: thousand feet of i cedeeg Pinkham’s a operle INDIGNITIES TO PARLIAMENT. “Th gic name presented upon im the saw othe and as saleienibg und is now recognize: the Seatntal spirits there the effect |cets im he expects that ore. si remedy for ‘womans ills. Recent Suffragette Episode Not the | of an electric spark. All the dancers|Mr. Bundy is xe mg Sane logs Mrs. J. M. Tweedale, 12 Depanee First Intrusion tn History. | of the Ce stopped dancing | 2d hea es Canada, write ai Symons's recent es. | 8d surrounded me with acelamations a ict tre capade in the British House of Oom- oe eaten and young ils rushed POOLE. “Twas a great su sree rom Jems female ious troubles, had thi bearing down pains, and du vine my mon: ods I suffered so had to go to i D h “Y Taoctored for a long time but the doc- | fered to the character or proceedings | times repeated, of “Vive Beranger! treatment rr io help me My | of Parliament.” Amor oe the | Vive Beranger! - — oy ate Bs ’ saw inkham’s Vege- | case, recorded by Stow, in his Survey, | « Master mutter, of Badon, event Demaued anvirtieetrant gob «cf Sone nobis s lewetliow, and (que Cea tae te eee ae tome cob his unele aiisioed tata eae é Paandcned Be trick. OR fue pont of being col- tax Os Hinge I kept on taking it |¢ sit in the House all day, though | red Jingpe etok sch, erion and an entirely differ- | 1 member.” Robinson, who was guil- | Gown oa this shrewd inday with: her friend, ound that Lydia E. | {° of this intrusion in 1584, remained game, which must have succeeded ev table Cor pampauee de'| for some little time in oe _cuatay tter he expected. 1 certainly| We regret “thaw ke. forme. I would | the Sergeant-at~ had so. ints of pete? to the | -thomeyarove, in Yraltenteedl etabl c lees I it is afflicted wit s, was dismissed.” Nearly. Skies iusto song or whol Ss. ghee cae spemt - “veoke Pa centuries Inter two, strangers were ee eae avisettes tn the | ond with her isle. e Me- discovered in the ion lobby while | y; 5 ‘What Lydia B, Pinkham’s Vegeta-|‘ division was in progress.” They, En Guat Wear Snide eg aural ce be fo pal eemegad ir Mrs. Tweet however, unlike Robinson and Mrs. f ing with h do for other suffering Tra’ ‘seem. pana hantt et at that time, and at all ter vi Lars with ES deprived of their little niche of im- ) times I have bi tain good ua- é ee eS ot 10 ‘and were merely hustled | tured, sympathetic benevolence in my : quietly out without any notoriety at | appearance such as ae sae ot}, bus‘ visit i Pek For Sale all. On another oecasion a stranger | Beranger show to this bens, were business isitors in Stra ee cme the House with pamphlets “Well, if the youth of ana counter- “vs a: tre Porry tidtoarn of: the: {ilies Tesi eocen months oi F or further par De ee pe eat foe SEDDE OF BY Sey per, and d wish 2m ilverton, Ont. rews, elected for Barkston As! ss te =" “14 he de. | Was well tricked. It was not for m ay w ea ng in Brun- Chia tes open ores igs ~ | to own to these giddypates that I was Ie. try, had the misfortune to he defeated | not Factory but Claude, the police- was sold by s i 2 1 2| at the general election that followed e agent of all the prosecutors, ay. Mr. Geo Canadian Pacific Railway! | before he was able to take his seat tae? and lawyers who under the Nataetbion Wee the purchaser. Determined, however to taste the joy Festoration tind done so. much harm (a of privileges that had been so nea their idol. I escaped from the ova- DONEGAL. SPECIAL TRAINS soy oe took pomemesiony otk sant eee wil, waa Decoming doticous id FOR SETTLERS Sink File “stranger weer, vet under an avalanche of flowers. ss Ida Danbrooke left last Satuy- 3 without any intervention on the i, A RTS ged y to take charge of ~ school in NehorSereeantsatariny The Wonderful {5 a § Danbrooke will be es travelling to the West with live stock iss shpat aaa Baa en eae ree els | Bowort hengis Nese cated daring Hench aad The Arrested British M.P. startling of all forme of insect fe)", ond A tthe ne tor oh Ra 7. Will Thorne, the Socialist M.-P. for, although the females can and do | yuiidents nf w of M ON Be Rs ue Pane 8 eege 1 Pte ott res! here, but now of Mat of the British Parliament, who has , its usual met increase | are extended Settlers travelling alone ‘and wit! been remanded on a charge of having fc mie een mf on oi ae Iaving erat duly Bone Agpug A oe She employed to rush the aed t eae Rem Y ring Toros 15 p,m. akers’ shop: ase « ist and Tourist Sleepers attached. and splendid physique. i ok Pein Roepe ae any 4 C.P.R. is the only direct and throu, Passa ‘ ‘The old produce young at the ra poe Pa ei trons She myaeed ih ing in the brick yards though their | sie porch Hees Soper He. are 2 3 only amounted te a few ibis 4 te: A SATs Sermat Aalerrd tonths, is spending Be “aay ather 4 ‘See W. H. SANDERSON, thinlines a week. The future M.P. each can produce eee s ‘Adeat, Mily never h lays schooling in his | its eae a on the following day. | Pr O v an eels ae gent, Milverton ©} tit, tor he was sent to work quite | It positively frightens one to work oy siege : ny | this umultiplication out to a conclu- ne ee eer ethdisé chureh C. P, R. Time Table et that provided for him t in going to and for it means this: Su} hy ge Riper on he to quote here. a 1 and fol- dow it’ with 28 naughis and you will be withta a few millions of it. Benea‘ hese chefs!” oie one New. York olag | East. Going West. | trom ‘work. speaker he is Leena to another. ae W. Monkton ie a. fluent, and ae na ‘ba terms it, he | you seen: travis hadireae jonth, : 7.26 p.m. He used t Cafe Royal in ke atverton 11.08 a.m. Paris, But ae seme One es Os my ae night 1 gave, jue to show off, a . chlce oRGS Bin. bho poattl ner of 200 cov ‘The afternoon of : zn 15 p. acess the dinner. 1 found him motoring 4 Dork 9.15 he park in a taxicab with two Wrench ) ee yore ee dancing girls, Of course him Be 4 Pg ge Harcourt, who is now | and took him to task. ‘Oh,’ said he, ie G. T. R. Time Table. the proud possessor of @ two-month” |'a dinner of that sort 1 always leave d " a my assistants. aaee GOING SOUTH. have two hobbies—gold-tipped cigar- a eee m,{ettes and ventilating the House of | of food it is impossible to rinueae "$7|Commons. He is one of the famous } delicate, subtle or original okie "51 | quartette whose politi ccess goes | Now, little girls, shall we drive on?’ ”— cs ; 9.2 46 |to prove that political heredity is no | Argonaut. . wae & .89| myth, se ; a cee is ‘Austen erlain, Adding to His Suffering ee eee ins pax PouDrouls eet Ma Herbert Gied Demtores eopekted’'to a6 oul of Beunner 7.82 10,50 6.42) Stone. town next Saturday, as usual, to spend Milverton 70 1058 6.49] ,, Mr. Harcourt ty, above all) 4 Prée- | Sunday with my family In the country, een TAB at OGo. BER or one oceasion, he donned a suit of |. bat proteaponal? duties forbid. The Petters ... 750 1112 7.01} ) 140 overalls, and crawled through a | fates it me. ‘The Professor— dirty manhole high up in the roof of | The Si are to blame, are they? Well, J St. Stor in order to x him- | it’s natural for a week ender to come i self the working of, some particular | to a lame conclusion. i portion of the ventilating apparatus i of the Ho e. a Wedding Presents! —Call in and see my dis- play of Silverware Hand Painted China, Cut Glass and Jewelery of all descriptions, at the very lowest prices, P.BASTENDORFF. geste and Optician® __ Milverton, Ont. eetese' 8 in enthusiastic breeder o! retrievers and spaniels, and entered no fewer than thirteen dogs at the re- Club Show. ing August more than 1,400 “‘pa- "receive nt at. Our Dumb Friends’ League’s animal hos+ 4 ico, making seven keys, fifteen dogs, twenty cats, four birds, one fox, one monkey ‘snd one squirrel. lie ae the Sreattord |: Collegiate “nacivate intend to increa of the school by ing an eddition. If yon wou'd rats ee yet pete Gough Remedy e home, try hcop’s—at Beast ee. It in ie ouehly unlike cathe er Cough pre- Its te ae WT be tntirely x reed. “Young m ns oa told today that you were the ‘worst boy in the neigh ood.” “Gee! If I was a man and any one talked that way ile? iy ttle boy licked.” now. Take off your coat.” An infinitude of capa fa the ebief et fe Inherftance of ali great Four men sibte Yajuned on Monday an. the farm vid. ‘Thompson, wanton, through the falling of vane ‘témbers: in od barn that v der gots irs, Perey ead: paralyzed, Las Groh! ry ee broken ip two) places, Wi ama Jas. mavechinonl? are buy tn ai vk crus The Lapin of Oenaus a Btatiaies ames istinde the fo value of farny od Ee = whole of |Ganada is $86 dn acre, dnd foh On- tavio $47; milch cows average $84. Farm tan average of 824.60 mith, or eae ihe: year $208. Domes- ae: tan average ot of ‘$18.50 a ionth, oF by the'year eect ae “4 crt aia tell, hem asked the been an able he'p t - who has ne. y capab! at with @ great ied ot aactne. TRALEE. Messrs. Waddell and od two cars of hogs from, Tra Iaat Graal Wa Oe o cars of ttle hs PD ay. Whey wi so ship a load of hogs on Mibritede ys ey) $6.75. RCo See eBay Ask Yonenelt# the Question Why not use “Chambers ain's Pain prompt and satisf: tion relieves the pain a have been permanently sured by i Pal n is a liniment and is ‘ied externally to the ‘ected 28 and SO cent sizes. For rt sale by all druggist BIRTHS. VIPOND—In Eine Sih, to Mir. and ts x. a daughte We Vipond, Cab Hire, ‘The price that one pays for a taxi today is just a little different ars what wi » the hire sedan chair in days of old. "athe te: mestic accounts of “Mistress Nell Gwyn” read: “For chairing you te ours, it shillings 6 ee ae 13th Oct, 1675."—London Chr A Golfer's Tools. One of the most striking features of If is the variety of clul ball into the hole. partners he eg fortnight’s play, The t of species observed is over eae rete Post : ii ler believe ue oe mdereatny,” anowered Pics Sor- ghum, “xo long as it to tell them acarihig I rpellever"Wash ington Star, Croup positiveiy stopped th 20} thimutes with Dr, Sboop’s Pe os edy. One test alone will maxolgroye nee truth. ‘No vomiti no aoe “Hii y on. ASTHMA CURED Mrs, Farndel, of Clementsport, N.S., suffered all her fife from asthma, but was permanently Mrs. Farmile’’s recovery affords whe'm'ng proof of what Catarrh- Now, perhaps you ne: tor your co:d, or bronehi ma? (Why not try Cat Thousands have been cured b: and cannot x rs f im five inure very mu eh n one, day Catarrhozo en min= ur, ¢ aS by ahs tate av at heuee ied te due enti money will an you me ie un rial i paration to be aN ite sted me oY need that it is the W Bgis st recomm ade and se 1.00, smal 5d cents. by mail tr a N.C Polson & €>., Kingston. ‘Onta = sniton. Fr > teh farr a mada last Ne ar had not a report that the of our agricuitural probab7y corr: f mmch to le ie at pawn rood f ne endesvors to suppress. ae also is too true, a. on nil! hands, pee nizi : mat ets be Sree any kee nment! reports ep ‘alence of - wee ss to farming, caused by labor, and the eff ell eared for. ete ae | oe ‘and than can bev oft the wo by 2etachment E ed f jeeepi tin check. e fe dweed or wild morning rlory is asin priest Eeugeh nlowex m spreading. The r cured by Catarrhozone after all other pees pro means filed. vince’. feed wheat contained ers ss seeds of wild oats, penny- recs, have'a eax tanstard, wid buck: neat: te, The — on of trees, and a menace: son that it is sseglectt, it. these foes of agriowiture, which a akin tothe tussock moth ragweed gro! he eae a ma he in our shade t: CENTRAL :: Business College ‘This scat in efront as the larg-st and best practical training pp aes Ontarto. We threed Gopameruah shorthand, ‘elegray Our graduate positions, Sttidents care entering every week; Write us for ourfreecatalogite at once” Elliott & McLachlan, Principals to good crops: Beomaont Distress. or like a your ; stomach, or it triamguce i in th rena A nos ‘son one Moree Diapepsi we tna’ * ae reli mach. m. ry is at a bee your food and digest | as if h ‘mz jt a few aa cond again, and certa’ are Every family tae ought to keep hap to pro’ oe ¢rme Diapepsin in the house, as any. Pawel tives jane of you may have an attack of In- Satent heey elector gestion or x Stomach trouble at any af o et rs past are sufferim, might. eee aes pr: eparati ‘om will gest ceo ing you eal and overcome ozone. Cn at mites afterwards: | a dor ee te empl "you, or | t em Bees to fi | you have heart- hes, Dizzines: wa arin £5 ) with nauseous | epee sery, eure ain ecause it your stomac! } | iet all your | your + Pharingelst | Fe ca: t to coure acase cat pepsia, or Indigestio: NOTICE! SEDO OSe If you have decided mot to get @ winter Suit and wish to place your order carly for spring, femem= ber that Fieischhauer the hag just ree 4 nice bange of SPRING SUITINGS whieh are now open for inspec pon k ‘bet fore clean, press and re- pair Ladies and Gents! prices. 1 pe | Bolle agent for the ritish American Dying tu. of Montreal, boeeeoe J. M. Fleischhauer Over Atkin’s Feed Store N ee brate th 1 rth Ors y at T ngemon eal cele~ Brusse PHYSICIAN. TELLS 100 HE TREATS AREUMATIC PATIENTS A Laat ean Valuable Advi In the first place upon my patients the importance of careful living amount of mi ¢ had pei patients followe ted by the foll and t Fluid Extract Casc Sarriana Compou pies Ceninss help, unless attention is paid heumatic specific a Speciaie Gives I always impress regular habits, edicine will cur results where instructions, owing blood tonic on. ara arsaparilla 6 One teaspoonful after meals and vat bed Tt is paynanle to drink plenty of water during ough action on the almost imme- gentle but thor- fe advise all our et lers ae prescription. are valuable. The inatructions Ox Blood Shoes These are the very newest thing for spring wear. Call and see them... All Overdue Accounts must be settled at once either by cash Y & Wm. Zimmerman oe 'Lax-ets 5 EONS J vA “SPECULATION ” vs. “INVESTMENT” dividends in. interest—but they pay it. able whenever required. THE BANK OF HAMILTON invites investment de- posits and is peace to receive them on most favorable terms. BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANCH R. J. RANNEY, in almost direct ratio to the risk. T must appeal to the sound common sense of every think- ing man or woman, that the return from an investment is Stock speculation, mining, and other similar ventures prom- ise big returns, and inyolve big risk. Savings deposits pay small Safe, sure, certain—at re- gular intervals your interest is paid in cash; and, your money is still there, to be given back to you at once, when required. It is this comfortable feeling of security that has induced many shrewd investors to forego the attraction of large profits on their money, offered by other forms of investment, and caused them to keep substantial sums on deposit in a chartered Bank, where the Dividend is sure; paid every six months ; and the principal avail- Local Agent