THE MILVERTON SUN | cs ‘5 ‘edin ley, Lindsay, | ¥ but friend advised Lydia B- Pinkham Yeasts After using three bottles of it, I feel like a new woman. “T most heartily recommend L Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun women suffer with female troubl es. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. 7 andhas Dearly cure sured. ‘who have been troubled with hs re acd hap tle Mae Sestthe has ae cents, to Steady ae For reiiable pons\; cere repre: for nursery stock on ac- count of the high prices that growers have realized om their fruit this sea- son. Qur salesmen are turning in big bas: to us this year. Be one of them amd carn good wages through the winter months. Territory reserved Pay weel Free Samp:e Outfit, Ete. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON, Fronthi!l Nurseries, (850 Acres.) Toronto, Ont. 8nvos,mar81. Weak Women and ailing But wi abined. ‘women, there ith that way, Two troscuente, is tocal, one is constitu t, both essential, + wayto iehein must be. co! imarle while you lech, itanoehaascroana inflam: fq mucous it Jacole local woaknesies Fapigoes sive renewed ‘and ambition, up wasted about renewed and Shoop's ength, vigor, and energy. Dr. RR genoral tonio Worthe system. For positive local help, uso as well Dr. Shoop’s Night Cure THE PUBLIC DRUG STORE. at. iw. Monk ne a.m 7.26 p.m. liverton: 4808 te a, 12 p.m. b. Going South. Tralee 8.45 a 8.15 ie Dorking BEE 6. T. R. Time Table. GOING SOUTH. GOING sont. pm. 732 10.50 642 10.58 6.49 06 5.56 1142 7.01 AWEUMATIC. TREATMENT imple Precautions Which wa Prevent a Recurrence of A prominent citizen, who had for years suffered from rheumatism an and incidentally a copy of the pre- S ees aterial as- 5 found that assist its atment 38 as follows: ture fi¢ta your druggist Fluid Extract ee Pro- % on. 0: £8 ind Syrup. Siradpatilia. 5 ox ke one reaspaanra after each sat and at bedtims This is valuable information. This cs home: Save the prese In Place Copyrighted, 1908, by Associated Literary Press. that set as fno0sh Tever mrs ” she added shuddered. He aiid te | Repke the revolver always in | good conditioi foe It was no vest handled toy such as | @ woman might be supposed zines ae sl and watched the girl | with | is mish tos “Perhaps Ne wilibe as well to tal you | may torent Frank,” she said at length | ha stand my care on also why I cannot prom! you, dear. It is best | that you atigala understand.” } have no wish to eas ae AE ee ” he demurred. not im) mportantexeept your Teason oer nae wanting to You ad. mit that you are eecbaens aa free | and that you love me. ‘Those are the married—yes,” the sae Heche tensely, “but free—no. I would tell you, dear, so - ‘hat ope the horror not speak until I have finished. she added as she placed a chair so that it stood directly before | her own. “It is the gun with which some day | | Iam to kill a man,” she be; ing into the middle of her story. “Do not stir until I say that you may. 1 rannot talk you interrupt. It is hard enough to tell even so. “Then don’t tell,” urged an, “You never will kill a man. You are afraid even of the dark: | “i lark, yes,” she ad | softly, “but when the -moment of re- | ve fe comes I shall es to kill, with | | never a thought of w! il follow. They may not kill me, but twill mpend prison, and all because fatee. that wed cw oult ast and when miy Pan! went to your Klon- dike grieved grieved, even though he had jennie that ‘in one frances of the great artist se ee I would study and become fami “For a year I had his letters, ‘Then said that mails were not so I had ros oa for I knew shat evil must have befallen. “{ journeyed across this great land to Gre frozen north, and re I learn- ed the worst. ras dead—kill by its steionde they said—his friend who could shoot him down for the lit- tle Lee that he had. said it was all an accident. Me who handle guns do not e accidents, Is it reasonable to = of He had fled the scene. ca New shies they said, and he was lawye where was a lttle photograph of Lo ith ot e he Sate, T have made other sketches—you have seen them—with the face clean shaven f Cain. By it I shall “Now I study art no more. I draw fashions because it pays, and when I m idle I haunt the courts. 1 look for n e ised the re- His turning disconcerted her, the gun wavered, there was a i ae ue and the ee seared Musgrave’s a MA ry of horror, the girl aaa to hi vs seer killed you!” she “You, my dearest friend, I have shot! It was not for she ae ah Ee fs meant. was. wrong to kee] On, ae She sank tae beside act en- Have You Liectahke eg Dyspepsia? How it Bisiea tas wp, invades s:eep des PP ta make rich, red sav mgs bank ot pet quic fe: er) invigorates gestive organ and presto ! the nerv- ous a rbarte disappears. ‘You'll try. Bat Voatine 6Onageasbax, At all peers a deavoring to roll stanch the blood that pe sabe be) intended, ite you did not Was Of Paul} 2.3 eart. your brother Paul By EPES W. SARGENT. eee “That was my mother’s name,” she ne pins return Desplains Barth wile Paul lay in his chamber, see if it was limbered up and—it hap- | lection, Momravs buried hi | Pra up the sleeve and ed in, SS See he met hoarsely. man for whom it aim at lained. “Paul took it so that when er, Hon! “That revolver again?” asked Mus- | wor Sot he same. It was child- grave, with a laugh that did not cover | ish, but he was but ” the irritation that it was intended to) «It was common to use other names,” conceal. “It seems to me, Jeanne, that | said Mu: DARA harshly. “I was Jack re always fooling with that mur- | Joyce up tl derous loo! thing. oul” "the recoiled and half ‘Not always, was | turned to where the revolver lay upon sponse. “For whole eae it tes inthe the Tee a si ding was al- | yp draw a mont and the sound of the | ene it out and clean it a it may al- Feet tea be Bega no inquiry. | eady and may not for- { 1 “Lam the man who shot your 1 broth- grav ae i aes was manta? uy gun bunk. I did not cartridge was left in the I snapped the hammer to see that one ned.” Overcome by the horror ea the recol- is face in “Phat picture ae neve with the scar ending. ‘The sear fs the result of a hotographte Ps a defect in the [lade some maderecatte te 01 sear. You will not eee ‘Bae it was jmatch caused eae excitement and ted im a victor J. M. Fleischhauer 3) iss: ‘s.° was ‘given awa er Smith, and ene HYMENEAL the in eeremi oa and gr for fare ode Mere Se ne by her Bete en ed t and Mr at amily Large white ribbons, where the ceremony Kennel and daughter spent ane week: MINISTERS PRAISE Cc phe performed by Rev. Mr. eron, —— of North'Mornington. The bride, who ATARRHOZONE BE aaLe Was unattended, looked charming in prey ; ite silk trimmed with lace a ‘At high moon on ‘Tuesday, Jannary ite ites Gongratalations, over, Rev. D, K, Smith, of White Head, WELL 18th, “Maple View Place,” the home |the company was sum ot .S.; was cured of catarrh of. Mr. and Mrs. Bannerman was the oS Tining reow ta enjoy a dainty by Catarrhioxene very pretty but quiet Mamy. valuable: and useful DRESSED wedding, when their second pan hifta testify tothe esteem in wi Se & Rae ‘Maree was unite the hol eal otlowing =m 0 ‘ the young calDie ee eld by t from one of Nova Scotia's D eehee ap Cae weenie linge Aue carey: eo ee ee Tetten wi churchmen carries conviction of the PP Petes ot Glee Tee en oe the groom's farm at Brom |faot that Catarrhozone is all righ Performed by Rev. J. D. Ber sa (ner. Guests wars Drascnt Moles- | w : a : | “Bor years I tried all the advertised 5 0: Maapiston, “at ttie. Reasenor ogee eon aes Tstowel, “Milverton { remedies tor Catarri but was unabl —No need of letting your ae New Eaugs fo get relief wntil I used Catarrh- i s S ozone. I d the Inhaler ebMies bec esi ane Misery in Stomach hawt am bour tay nostrils became tre shabby. An occasional and clear, so that I could breathe sr i r Soe easily through them. ~ one visit to our works, will wy ha cto-day. and |Catarrhozone helped me immensely. 4 s my coughing and hawking, keep your clockes looking og Le and cured a duli pe that was oon- fresh and new. s and fern. tinually over my have groat i De, pleasure in yeoomenendin Catarrb- —wWe give satisfaction. of Kansas C ae ene will be no dyspepsia |©70ne! I hav. ed he | best. 8 “ bi entered the parlor on | or pelenia a8 or eructations of | '@! ‘ for Caterrh ang ae A! —Sole agent for the Brit- her father’s arm t ins 0! i ae d ae feeling ee a tne hroat, Iimgs: wn ronchte! : x a Lohengrin’s. wedding march, played |lump of lead in the stomach or heart~ |" : ish American Dying Co., $}ty ss Sadie Bannerman. pe burn, sick Deadashe "and dizziness Thera is certainly no remedy that f Moztreal room's gift to the bride was a and your food will not ferment and apoken of ies clergy as of Moxtreal. burst of pearls, to BE | pemareeone Sreuko oe entn Tn eea “and this. ean i pear resent, es ors. y the fact that it gives, remedy perfest satistactlon he only that: reaches Dae aetna artesian Tht pond tae sere eee ee hd | : ed “stop” a man with a single shot, the | stood silently by. Her face was ghast | Diver Athin's Hood Store pene aay ent coos rama sort of weapon that was meant for | jy ‘ite, te thes Anawi wuteterae | eb ative Tae aaa: 8 men. and in the blue eyes was horror un- oe ee fae take |" cdy. soothing and heal nity of Feta Barons i the fen | speak ee WELLESLEY. stomach and intestines, and, besides, granybody whe, Seba: it Gan ;”” went on —-—— 30 2 hozone r - and yet repelling that | grave after a moment. “The boys un- | The remains of the late Mr. Tacoh h bla a |e : ‘ion ae nie Ss Ltreatment the dainty little artist should serpte 80 | derstood and let me go. I left the Déebel, a dry merchant, of |piack satin hat to mate fe brie a, me sound much time to the care lack | country and came back to New York. | Windsor. were sent here ‘To- lrocetved. ‘inainy, if presents, | healthy s cen a muzzled threat. All about were ree | I had neve: law. To escape | ronto. where he died very snddenly them being « OE Lannie When Dapebein works, eine stomr finished sketches, bits of French sea-| that profession I went aska, 1 ast Fri having fallen from 1 from ber mot nd ich rests—gets itself im order, cleans |‘ a Ee ncoks ie ‘ade coast, ideal heads and fashion draw-| could draw rather well, and I came “ fifth storey window of the King |stamtial cheque from weak tatters The feel cating | mmneitice tebe A oa nian ings in odd confusion, with a hand-) pack at a time when the northern nov- | Edward ‘hotel to oes pavement ae happy ee. "eft Monkton on the to the ot and she at ue a Stuart some toilet over a dressmaker’s form | els were first coming out and wh traim for Toronto sat Rig nts ‘ou is ete: in one corner. | coud draw Alaskan scenes ane ire ae amid apie rs of con and Josolute’ relief Ais all j Stomach “he specie Jeanne herself was Cena ee demand: rice. a ‘ es ery is waitin ing, ues ‘e0on: PANNERMAN—SMITH. you decide to begin ntaeig Diapopale: nine, a tiny mite of a wom! “I made a success and spent m; At: oad APOE ist_ that eoronet of golden hair Taeinueeng z| money looking for Jeanne Desplaines. On Wednesday, vena e 20th, an | popes Diapepsin re < esd | fragile face. She was scarcely five es There is money in bank that aged of umusua x in be thoroughly ae of Siralgeatton: at’ all druggists, me ee the gun was oddly out of pro- | Aare kept until I’ could find a gee knew, where he = ided. he home of Mrs ., Kingston, Ont. spa y that Paul had helped m A. hockey match was played last ton when her r youngest dav laugh: be pais risers sank into a chair from | e never dreni a Weduestise between our school ‘boys ie . OOLE. which tie Saeest the fashion maga-! you vr a autos seal were “she | and St. Clements school ‘The he bride 3 queen 2 or Il! Health is no Ex- ise ee Murder sons have returne the Ebiaan- afters few monthe’ A (Toronto eh Spd ge se or sd ON. with frien nds here me thats aim the. gee . Herman Ee a Malleales ‘hwa shall havelthe high ped EAU oD ‘ ies ar ter, Mrs. Peter eh college professor and the rugged prize fighter. f an accident. You just Mrs. C. F. Ottmann, ber daughter fe asta, n scarcely be hanged if you will. — a life for ‘the lite T | Henrietta, and. Lily Kube went a erent en SCRTEen bE sae 2 robbed you of.” |to Tavistock. the latter remaining on wh ate i ron, een He res vunstealy to his feet, stoop- | pap aatended ee aE eat wae eee ed aod saised the revolver from the |; Mts Harmina Koebier retuinned, m 4 at Miss [reat univ | hon tence: ‘piease to learn iss Bi? Aor, banding it to the sllent {pete Sor derserom Ree Eko eae , ecovering from hor reosof | the ovr ehaps it would be better If I did |" {yb oken engin the cause of a |* yt the accused be pe: ag oes ee said bitterly as iat made | twiy days’ shut Jown of the woollen | match e Chalmers and Miss Jean tree ag a a e the proffered weapon. | mills lest w bride was a crescent a Pesuhe have wean te siting, for the | Fi stieal ailments, Buch, As epilepsy. “tt mill relleve you of all consequences. | "The Farmers’ Institute meeting will | bride received Meedtan ER Avene With talent ya Toa It is « question whether anybody will welcome death since now I know | be he'd next! Tuesday. when a good |» 8. absipuee’ ee Los ePpere: [is either same enough uehy that my love is hopeless. I will go to | nrnout 's expected. Very interesting Whieb. shewed the high |has been visiting her cousitt: here, euough to be hanged in th counter dio.” | je be dealt with nd a good ateem in which fhe: young vounis 8 | Salome Roth. the *refimementa of Unsteadily he staggered toward the | programme in the evenin us en ee by. their anany: friends: te —_— mal code are properly reel fini door. The girl watched until his hand corer hanoy 3 3 Is Your Throat Husky ? defence. groped for knob, then, with a sud- | den Baier of feeling, she rushed tow: “you sal not! Seed passonatly You shall not!” she now, for pear Mee ou by Accident Tt was only tl F a Extn act Dandelion, one-half | good who turned the bullet api ounce pound Kargon, one ounce ; y e Gompound ‘Byrup Sarsaparille, three happy. It was a disputed the wisdom of God. Tt was an accident ar yw that te know | that at though and pi “You sill have told you?” he cried in “God is good,” she said ar arently: “He has taken my broth but he has sent you—in place of Paul,” and she suffered him to draw her with- tn the circle of his arms. Change of Climate Helped. Some time ago the Virginia state line was altered so as to include a patch of territory heretofore belonging to North a‘ Carolina. ‘A section of the land thus transfer- catet iaiabietaws cabin where dwelt an aged ne; ma An inquire Beleitor, Saag to negress enjoyed the idea age, began the conversation by asking: ‘How is the rheumatism, ai see praise de Lawd!” he the neuralgia?” “All gone. yes ews “And the “Frisky as a ieee “Why, auntie, ieee ‘on earth do you habper | to be so much peter all of a sudden “wre miss,” replied the proudly, “Ah always done heah Virginny climate’s a heap eaithiabrs de climate of No’th Ca’lina, Ah reck- on dat sho’ ‘counts fo’ ma change fo’ de bettah.”—Detroit Free Press. aanee When Bees Beat Troi It is on record that a awe fer bees as weapons of war were used not once, but twice, and with Bie: “ost poems made huge mines beneath the city. While they were creating the mines oe people of Themiseyra dug down the earth to the mines am ens upon the Roman workers bears and other wild animals, together mith self in England when Norwegians made their serene upon Chester about ten centuries since. The town was hel the Saxons and some ee allies, who tried stones and boil- ing ee ae the besiegers without oe t. last urce they collect- d all the ce inched and upset them into as my’s camp beneath the city wall. This had the effect of makin things “hum,” so to ren ioe a ie corded that the enem; badly stung that ae pear move eaten arms nor leg: Paralyzed by | aS ee Jabot or even light exer: 8 pees with iffer — out Ek » Only a ae pawaital Ce of. the trow Tinimet the v. traves. whe’ and Nervi ters. “Refase ail mabutientear from me, | in her old | ca yunt was ee | ny [Pauls “valley, Ind, | | Rheumatism Recipe we?l-linown “eathority on Rheu- ma “lowing valuable, though s amd harmless, preserip- |tion, which any one can easily pre~ pare | | ommnces { Mix by. shaking well in a bot |take a teaspoonful after each jamd at bedtime He states that the imgredients can be obtained from/ any good preserip- n pharmacy at emall cost, and, be- raction, are harm- tle, and meal $ e. | This pleasant mixture, if taken res- jays, is said a case of Rheu c > ive relief, few really. give verma- ent asa bove will, greaty appreciated by mg ay natferera here at this time, ug stores of this formation sare harmless and gate or the |druggists "here witl mix the broaorip: | tiem for our readers if asked t BAECHLERVILL Felts ieee ers prices a ie in on Su "Mr. Ered Strickert, who is pooner Piating building a new barn next uummer, bas the timber almost all boone Mr. Charles Prost has his mb some tel Gite: rag. thie weak as a Me a misstroke with the hamume SS amd Mrs. Lambert, of Grey. led om friends bere Monday: Croop and nd Whooping Cough " The mothers rt young children ave no need to fear these diseases if big Ged re yeaa Cough Rem- M have used Chamber! For sale by all druggist Ox Blood Shoes These are the very newest thing for Call in and see them... All Overdue Accounts must be settled at spring wear. once either by cash or note.” Wok Wm. Zimmerman evergreans, wock train for suet ‘s of best rite. McLELLAN—KEITH y a rp tasti i ast, amid. wishes, confetti and ing took place at . Geo. Keith t the 6th ore and rest Cn. gets right hale Catarrh bo {stron vthion reh, p! , the bride oaning on al arouses ted with ce under de ¢ ne tofully ad 91,00, Get it zone ,b healing and restore Ye ton ‘This is the first step towards Ca- Lame Rhowgen Cured Lame NEG is Scans caused Dae matism nt lds a on Ghstaberiaints Pain Balm: Mr ‘oudkhe Me! of istowm, New, ‘uns+ rtise your wamts in The Sun an he the best reswhtis Head Office, Hamiltoe, ONG. » Of propositions in which to invest money there are many. Weigh them up against this NSTEAD of taking more or less risk of loss of your mon- « ey in some other investment that may be pressed on you, why not place your money right on deposit in a chartered Savings Bank, and leave it there. It is the safest form of investment in the world ; and there is the indescribable feeling of satisfaction that your money is right there when you need it—and that it is earning sure dividends in interest every day in the year. Can this be said of other investments offered you? Namely ; That you get your money back at a moment's notice: That your dividend is absolutely certain, sure and regular. THE BANK OF HAMILTON especiaily invites the Sav- ings Accounts of those conservative men and women to whom this form of investment appeals. BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANGH Local Agent R. J. RANNEY,