H.C. ZOEGER, Furniture Dealer, ‘NEWTON, - ONT. MAYBERRY—At Stratford, on Tues day, Get. 27, to Principal an and Mrs. arb twin daughters. ED. i Lisgroen nel er on Tues- day, Noy. 8rd, Clara Elizabeth, ; BANK OF MONTREAL Established in the Year 1817 Paid up Capital and Re- “Total Aseots (April: im) 135,0000,000 t The Bank is Pr ared to receive | Pai ~deposits, of trast fands and other ;auoneys an ' Pohee iy ae purient Fates! Cones Rondance tnwiteds A wenersl Henklng } business transacte ep: Winslow, Manager, Stratford. ‘Once a Customer |i; Always One.. The uppermost efforts in «our business is to make our Watch Repairing and Jewelry . dealings such that the buying public will realize the advan- tage of making this a favorite Lh in their Jewelry pur- »chas Reliable goods for the least “money, correct in style an ‘artistic in design, is our assur- ance that it pays to buy at this|4 store. You have the assur- ance that when you buy at this store you get the best value i for your money. J. WELSH & SON, STRATFORD. } Marriage Licenses Issued Con- }j, fidentially. “/Optician—Eyes Tested Free, a Solid and Progressive ‘That another year of very substantiay progress bas been experienced by The Mutual Life of Ganadaliesse will appear oe from the following : "Business written in 1902 $4,027,828 OI OO gi Bae 2 ‘Bosiness in force Dec, Bist, 1902 $34,467,370 Cash Interest Income, 1902 $275,415 Death Losses, 1902 $210,596 Phe Cash Tucome from Tn- terest. exceede: the Death Losses for the year by $64,719 W. H. Grosch, Local Agent. - Duncan Stewart, Stratford, Gen, Agent mpound interest | Po only sangha of Mr, and Mrs. aged 1 year, 1 month, mie days. Davipsow boy Phui ee oer a ‘david: son, relicit of the hats Davidson, aged 77 y inte talents Wants POMBONSS TDI. Rome cable ee the New York ig to their assel pike an. aaioge toleayve his nat ry by ireb ana 8 the long ter vetiect Churel modus ef which, anon te: Dane theor etal the claims of the Paps for the imperial pensations the State would be willing to grant to the Sy THE New Harness Stu Is Now Open A full line of {Heavy and Light Single and Double Harness, Collars, Blankets, Whips, Combs Brush- es, Etc. in stock, | ro-| A nice sett of Single Harness, nickle mounted, hand-made for $8,00. d)Heavy Team Harness from $26.00 All harness guaranteed hand made. Repairing a Specialty at lowest rates, G. F. GROSCH, Next door to Grosch’s Shoe Store. Short Stories Re Retold. he i 0 have Femarked Peal ved vias ale’ ere forgot to sign bis peal this is the first time I ever w of @ writer siguing his name and forgetting to write a letter.” nee ee: Justice Armour, whom Mr, lesworth succeeded on the better,” said the indge, "ES home and read the rage? that ve he first eland, Milestone: recently been erected along the roads, on each was printed: the number O..9 iaseues ueievadanee ls but the incident only appeared in the first edition of his boo! £| Carbolic Soap per cake, 5¢. H. Mohr GROCERY, pee 20'lbs, Redpath gran. sugar $1 25 ff oe 6 Ibs Cooking Figs for 25¢. 10 lbs. Green Coffee for $1 yellow mak ar tk Bee Postum Cereal per pack. Shelled Amond Nuts per lb. 15¢ | Large Onions per Ib. 200. 5c. Sage and Savoy per bottle 10c Eggs 20c.,' Butter 17¢. H. MOHR. Klin rack at he time of his nomination for the Presidency of ae mie of the candidate to him, “Ladies aud gentle: men,” said he, “I have the ing to the ehairman aie dickens’ aid you say his When Bill Nye one day happened on the modest sign of the late “Major Pond, the lecturer ieitnowsor the Rverchy House; tn-New. ork, he sald toa trfond who secon panied “Here's the man that melts the: leanne let's ee if we cat Dotter lite,” nt, said : “This is oe ae Pond, I believe.” “Yes, sir, What can I do for you?” : HARDWARE If you want anything 0 the Hardware line come to the store where you can get every- thing“ from a needle to an anchor. - Have you seen our Nickle plated Asbestos Ions, which will -hold the heat twice as long as the ordinary kind Now is the time to look for heating apparatus. Let us heat your home with a Leader bihewuted agian, uc waaive cet a job on the platforin,” returned Nye. COMMERCIAL “Ah—ye! inajor, slowly. “Have you had experience?" WWell, is cae Ive seen before the public for a ox, November 5, Fall whout per bus 9 | of a cabinet and exhibit yet” “Yes, “May I ask oe “Dve been with Bar moi. Sat ear seh an the poupny, my be: he largest ostrich egg in eaptiviey.”” d_ Kipling onee visited Rudy: the 20 |late Cecil Rhodes at Lekkerwijn, one H}, South of ‘his frnit farms at Paa ne morning Rho went “hie, farm before bis cuter ot 80 8. rae Furnace. - It cannot be equall- éd and satisfaction quaranteed, Examine our assortment of Bailey’ 's Scissors and Razors which cannot be equalled. Buy one. of foot our Scrapers and wire door mats a and you wili not have dirty a! floors. i : : ‘ 0 Famine! fa inspect our variety of Heating 8 0C| front door h the follows: in still lar, eee type: Stoves. “Por the Human Rase—Brealfas z tones the mind, invigorates e body. Keep your horse comfor- fs 40 Kipling reading | hie paper in “peaceful 65| innocence, but very hungry. pave need much ingenuity to guege thor of these broadsides. Before buying elsewhere || itv jtable by buying one of our Horse Blankets. | Finkbeiner’s Hardware, Milverton. Grosch Pfeffer Milverton’s Greatest Store. Our name always stands out in bold type at the head of our advertisements. Our name is a houschold word and you will always be sure to obtain here, at our store, the biggest dollar’s worth for your hard earned 100 cents. We are better prepared to maintain our leader- ship in highest styles and lowest prices, than ever before. Our departments are so stocked as to excite the admiration of all who pay us. A visit and our prices lace the rich result of untiring energy, forethought, pluck, push and nerve, back- ed up by capital, within easy reach of economical people, it matters not how limited their means. It will afford us great pleasure to have you call in and see us first, to make us a visit. Just the Weather We Want e are ready for quick winter goods. We have an abu ndance of everything in the way of warm cloth- ing for Men, Women and Children, We are prepared for a large increase of - trade this fall selling in Furs in big variety. Mantles and Chilc Jackets. Blanket and Filannelettes. Underwear for Men, Women and Children. ° Hosiery and eH Ladies’ and Misses’ Skirts Suits and Gia for Men and Boy’s. Eggs 18c., Butter 15 to 16c., Dried a és §c. Large Onions ic. Ib, Poultry wanted, highest prices paid.