sth ‘qt Shines For All.” MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1903 OF CANADA. Capital Authorized $2,000,000 ‘Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 Head Office, - Toronto HS. BOL aoe DM. sub n. Manager miLvERTON "BRANCH “Now open for the transaction SGENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Deposits of $1 und upwards: received. Savings Bank Department Tnterest allowed on deporita from Gute of deposit, end carrent-rate-al- lowed, and Payee iialf yearly: ol Deposit receipts — issued, ratts bought det suld, collections ade prompily on all points, money orders issued, notes discounted. Special a tention given to the collection of fhe mers sule notes, R, J. Ranney, Manager PANTON, spa: y Thursday, icitor, E + Burton’ Dentistry LOCAL NEWS. . Smoked side meat at W. K. Loth’s. T. P. Roe has a number of good horses for sale. put on his shop. We are not boat ing wee onions at Seme K.. Loth. ‘he great Seer seme, Peruna pas sale at Jas, Remember = pies, 4 a Morning- ort Fair at Milverton—Sept. 24th and The Sun from now until Jan ‘Bier one bai Send a copy to you friends. Miss 3 Maimie Edwards was in Tor- onto this week attending the wedding of be cousin. Grosch Co. are advertising pene in eaiae column, be sur and read them. Miss Myrtle MeKay, of Palmerston, Miss, Baker is lying. sick at residence o! fe Waing tr sated jes Holders of the red show ticket may have it exchanged ny time by filing Se Mid citioe ofthe: ‘secretary. ane Sangster Satis deme sy oe a few d ay’ Wienke, Dr. rae ‘of * vertu the est Baie and ndicitis. We Ricks ratte tee Saldvene ate SERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate | harvest to a considerable extent. ce Secs ne or Member of Royal dake quantity of outs still remains in took. of College of Dent oe Datecios Honor grudaute ot jon of teetin, Specialty. Hours 9a. Office above Fivkbeiner Bros. m, to 5 p.m ——— ‘A sits ner. Day promptly aetonied to, ock, Newton, Olive in Hawke's abana as ¥ Colleges ee coisa raplly attended ne 0 ath vise, day or nig] ght. Shvonie Discuses & epecia ‘ERINARY SUR of Newton(Grad- C ‘oronto.) s of domesticated animals. lepbone or otherwise pronmiptly 0 Livery it E a Eeacantar v A. | partment, & esBilyer Star 2 Ber meee ery Fri ig Ey nea "onthe buildmg. Visiting. brethr ren, always, welen A mea Miller, N. 3; John Detbars R. z ninéxe Cards =, WEIR, Auptinubes 205 the Conn- Vipterioas Cae at ills ie ioottor ‘hu fh Divis Silage “Clerk. over Grosch's Shoe Store, Main strec' ier iverton. Hotels HOTEL AL ‘BION--Plewontly rca arg Wate ‘of ligiars wl cigars, lerk ‘Tos, F, Hook, Proprietor A Ont lt Mie en ja cigars at Bice alae sence: Go aul lafge stabling, EXCHANGE tied L, pee RAL HOTEL, Milverton. i ercial “GRAND First-class travelers ind “Oth rooms. Good stabling. ors and: cigars. _S. TMDL strests G. Hoseupfing, Proprietor. y of shed rom, Henry Rose, pro} hintbaes refi favored. ahs sey fond orders “| solve in tw 1 | this i's 72 Todd. of Nowiasiee i mn, Out. The | a0, a Much cra ig Ou to Metiager Raney the W. Alles, reps are ie was wid len is attaching a chat inawer Bae threshing separator eek for Bd rere pee wi oe charge cane an thos ioe to. use it. Dr. mar ra ey Be piety OF: ea ee oN di Tow Pieeats S0) Sic menue ani etl before returning Reivae abies practise. Ms; Thos. Riley Ins his uew house well under way. ‘he a Theuedoraa one wid copulate To destroy weeds take one pound each of sulphur eS of lime and a water Hy "weeds and it Cea for keey ze ae eae gx0' ee public acto ome on shar in’ the Fi “Mis NoKay i #il the ieeaeta alia ae Miss Minnie MacFarlane in the junior de- ‘The attendance w te will be gratifying intlgeuce to the ools ith hout any pal Bs ope this ee: ing for the expected rev GaenGaas next yeal ir. R. R. ee who has been See in the Sovereign Bank e Mr. Horne’s removal to Exeter, as on Thursday last notified telegram to go at once to Spr ingleld, E jounty, where a new branch o} enkaee being oe He ie t uightand wss eeded by Mr. wea aud tamily in Mr. Rumford t the ‘cas Bt. ehegees out nes rabies of his their te years, soja in Sfilverton the ‘Rumford ade many Fuster ata Aes rlepaeiine from the village will berregerded as a distinct ily were Srna 7. Mrs. G. % Bal arth, who will spend several weeks in Forest. accompanil spent «couple at os in t this Sg, Bn with |* WEE Ae Ril n i‘ this point. Misxéeltoncom JOHN am éealer in Cedai ha Rbingles, Pumps, ot ete, Mr. C, Seigner is having e new roof | M, Mr. is visiting his son, Mr. P. tio er. / During MoGiewart, General” Mane oe any The and atrophy of trade. cor who has been indefatigable in his}; ‘orts to make the bank popular with the public. Buttrick fashion sheets free at W. K. Loth’s. Mrs. tae eae is at present visit- ioe teats a Mrs. J a8 aa of Alpena, Mich., spent a few'days last week with Mrs. oo = Mr. Schmidt is now picking bittonete crop of raspberries off his bushes. Bastendorff, of Drumbo, H. Basten- dorff, Milvertoy The 28th Regt. band of Stratford left on Wednesday sc Tarte re be present at the exhibiti a James Egbert, i Howell, meee spent afew days this week with rothee® Dr. Egbert. of Milverton. ee bpeerer: Aid of the Methodist tend serving meals in Mr. eh ouit'e warerooms on Fair day. Bed nee ee Nora Dakota, wl oti WhO fof Warloc ouple with vee ™E Ku ef el returned to her home on Saturda; Although the winter aac draw nigh, frozen rivers roll, ie i saad forsakes the thou of ice “y dwell on — me: coal, isses ‘Tugher mick and eer of Drawbridge, ser Miss Ella Hawke, of Newton, were the cues, of a Misses White on Civic Holiday. ‘Watson and enti ig after North Dakota, ‘they ve re] fal thne and all are gv andy’ benefited thereby.—Atwood Bee. ie While A Mr. Herman Miller’s on Wednesday a horseshoe passed. i e ilton for repairs, and will endeavor to one | Keep the machine goin n exciting cra took place in Milverton on Friday, when a team be- Jonging to Mr. caer Pfaff left Duck- low’s blacksmith shop and dashed down Main street, out inito sheseniy a distance a several miles. ‘he wee ness and wagou were badly saa A Frenchm: who charmed |” with the singing of a young lady in play, roi | in his ptiian an citedly ited : ! Encore ! An seh aitting Pe a ide of him caught him by; oat tail and sai ‘Po the devil et “hee Core. Let | the same girl sii ‘The Post at ca 2 ‘Sh gy artment urges s 2 who send lias through the mail on the age left reg comet of the envelope their name and post office addres: ri if not alee ton rat de: etination it be - promptly returne sees instead of going to nie: doit letter those who left this week to aitent “ES Industrial Epic hae the follo sit dougheer Ke ae br and Mrs, EU jie bare + ites sr: Mas. R. H, and Mrs. Barnby, an Livingstoa and N, Houderich. Mr. J. Chicago on Saturday last, owing to abe eerioue-illnad a Mee Otuieet s who has been on a visit to her mother a? on two oj earnest wish who deeply regret on. —Listowel Standar Bes ‘serious tow: con A oo can get along without a en ae ae, waterworks better thas slong without dee spirit. Give t made wy citizens with n, — sicit Ada: would it you have paralysis re are Nae mmunity so engro: ig themcives a they are indifferent to rogres: th of -the ae at frown upon is ft only for habitation in sppro- China, or a job at driving Read The Grosch Co’s. advt. in| gressive column, 20) D. Allen. was threshing | r, with the result that the two|S uel yer pes H. Gunther was called to oh For jigl tase goto The Grosch Co, ale ‘anted to learn the mi niteesy at W. K. Loth’s Mr. Simon fi eter is spending a Any or two hii mples, sete oS i ee the soliditiog ee for the fall B—17 young well-bred vies andy two a pring. coli, “one. Sampson and x by MoBvide. Apply to John tans Milverton. The following books been havi placed on the panile ay ave work, St. Rereseie eople, Arnold’s Essays in ponies, n the ck, s he Little White Bi Gordon Keith tik Abner fel. Pra ec es Jourey’ «End, and With the British gion, ad yaad a Miss Eyans, of London, will take charge of W. K. Loth’s millinery rooms on Sept. 15 eee The Library Picnic. ‘The pienie held on Bxbibition Park on Thar. last, under the anspices of the publi library, was from every point of view a success. “the attend was quité large, notwithstan ing that it was during the busy sea- ‘The sports were splendid and programm fe sch, starter ; W. te the Pontes Joseph Gibson. and sinllton, judges. Following is a list of the winners : Tace, under 9 PEGA Hoaderith, 2nd Henry Ps race, under i RES War, and Hester Guenther. ler M Bede ih AL Mekiy N01 Hasenpfug, and 0. Finkbeiner. “ishing race~G, Roulston, 2nd 2, Bundseho. ‘Dug-of- ee Bundseho’s teaw. | The foo towal ant ‘Milverton re the bome t The Bs pl Canes dispensed with {tend rate hes. pr in- the ition want. & ney atin order 'e Opportur ne 2 Mr. lesen Warden of the © ae Re ‘The Imperial Quartette of Stratton, the members of whieh are arnsda Fd. Walsh, was wildly ‘pplanded on i hee. Mr. “4. rendering of ‘the Holy fy wae neh appreciated.” ‘The wlolin welec iss Meta Miller were well jana loudiy applauded. Mr, playes his old time few intro- pve RR. wo: xLue M. fe Jes ion baa vie ie Id., t ney address dealt firsts wie hic Aeron tot Ni Ontario, which couutry by O00 stone foundations theiw are fiumeuse lepoxits and in this liew the that part of th ots polited ont thot rick a t be found in el deporits bere 9, be foun valuable, bat at they are in che haude uf cory few peor was the duty of Bd fature to Ase HURE AM theta suaterialor th a other uiinerals ebundanes the benefit of the people. There are immense arens of pulp wauy years Pas come. Kot practically kau the prairie ere ny Congervatany, sit | a ae to Lendon on Sati e| tural country purely, contained uety Mr. np sections of 1. sage se aoe nue! Lor Head Office . Stratford Branch - Capital-Paid Up $1,500,000.00 Assets Over — $14,000,000,00 Loans made to responsible farmer on aaa a names, Sale notes cashed or sollesten paper on_all Canada. beer inited States piri | able terms, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards receiv: ed, and interest allowed at current rates, R. R. JEFFREY, - Manager BORN Foirxy—At Ellice, on Au; eas the wife ot Peter ust 18th, ey. ofa ter Kanone at Amulree, on ‘Angu ust a7th, 1908, the wife of Mr. Knecb- tel of mh Somupr—At aihiees on August 28th, wife of Henry Schmidt of a es Drsvus—At Ellice, on rate Jago pias ‘the wife of Geo, Debus Gropp—ReIs—At Brunner, on Wed: yt, 2nd, at, ee: residence do's. father sab Mr Alb lative of ithe, Livingston, of African “NEWTON. fame, The brick work of Mr. Ww. Zoeger’s new store is now comp nd Mr, Vogan, of Woo ee, is antsy Suaiged camel ying miak Poona Ae John and AS Janet Davidson haye returner after spending three months Visiting felon 4 in ata @. Smith, rritory and Sault Ste. Marie, posta ct! yace—Bundseho Bros, tr, Mervin aay Miss ENg, Haw! dH. Hasenpilug and @. Binkbéiner |1eft for Toronto ‘on Tuesday” where “Fonrlenged race—Bundscho Bros. | itlia, will venue Pe eal at th 4/and H. Singleton. 2nd A. Gallop, H d Mervin the “saititon Tees he Pat obt. eve loft on Monday for Stratford ae ae will attend the sb Sn bd ate. ieve made a business d| étip to ‘sham last week. Hi: ohio is the most pleased loo! oe in the village since the daar told es that ies was & i aX esha from ihe attended fhe wedding of Emerson Boyd to M Catheart, of aeeeas ae Weesday. Mi ggie Ross, of Woodsto visiting lier parents Mr. and David Sak of 3 3 plas ey Str tort “his parents te "oat Sanday saei ‘oronte Market St. Messr O Weir & Waddell shipped ar load of hogs to Stratford and Cassel, Hawke Mi chia a Alon of shen oe ba poral on wie? ye ¢ from tended +! Sone ‘Mo ington cave Dente at ‘ in tract of Soe. one of 1] h is being erected ther ort ae Wi en Monday Taaae ‘incss 1 Millee -Disihaer wile Aon eat time ‘has-been somewhat under the aoa thiee we are oleae Bed note, is nd Se ‘0 be around agai action iter old family order; ohn ee one Ps ane , on Mond: o-car Abe of eects to roe sation to Strathro; mber of Neon Fea one peices pienic at Milv WMtetas dae eo AL ere: wire fhe eee mme. young m who has had claude experience th poses of a ieee uey ge the sy “tal 'm into Mr. Peter Campbell, of Winenne ae Mr.-and Mrs. Robt. © ill, spent eee a with Mr. fed abe ‘hi Tebber Ww outisimutice nt * the pes day made a