# The Milverton Sun “ the best Local Newspaper in the County | as Best. Ad of lis erie fs lent Advertisements are charged at er line, nonpariek, for the| Bo, perline for. each sue- —. BAECH ee Mrs. ioe Hoenn and_ family, Doering and family aid and Carrie peers of 3 G. TLR. Time Table ‘Yeains due-to leave Milverton, ‘i Mixed... Uxpress d 3 p.m At ixed ,, 8:25 p.m THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1908 pines captured with © deadly _ weapons in their possession should be -eated as would-be murderers. me The Sultan of Boia well sabe 7 Mr. Gladstone. oe aha terrible atrocities towards women and | 0 ohildren at Monastir. = 4 i | Mr, Buchannan, the temperance oh - organizer, is greatly enamoured witl the Mormons of the North-west be- "cause of their total abstainance prin- iples. He does not, however, say _ anything of their matrimouial excesses. ate hoy, death: of. Lord Salisbury re- ~ moves from English public life one of its noblest. figures. He was thor- oughly conservative and somewhat ~ indifferent to domestic legislation but "he devoted himself with brilliancy and ardor to foreign politics. Itis largely | _ due to his cautiousness and sagacity | that we mustrascribe the avoidance of any serious embroilments with foreign nations during the past-’wenty years. e was always regarded as a safe x nan, Returned to Rural Felicity. (Brantford Courier ) Ww The averoee Hasuiltonian after his wild week of sitting. ne the front stoop of his store, warehin; setting life again is a sac “Must be a Joltier.” (Atweod a We eae ahearty welcome to G.T.. ~R. agent . Weare sure that Mr, and: Mrs. Gray will eojoylisingin Atwood, Not Awake Yet. (Wellesley Maple Leaf.) udely awakened.” erton. vJanors! comprised no less than seven of their league yet it was only in the darkness—and some say after time—that they managed to} Mr. Jobu he| Spent Sunday. with friends in this einily of Waterloo moe ¢ the home of Mr. Ferdinand cise unber of our peo} inter talking | in the g library plant tM Metre an ton this eee gents drove back felt Baceblervilie aw anda; ny Th ey, h § get a ebance ta eet Bb PEE PEGS BURNS. ir. and Mrs. see J. Paterson. who have been visiting friends hel retuned to their home near Buffal last we re . Boyd, of Hannah, North Dako: ta, was renewing ac- apainieiices) in this vieinity recently. Mr. Albert Robinsen of Brodhagen, is spending his holidays at his home ele rice < work of the new ehureh is almget finished, and-th e act well T r to be completed at an te, Some person of predatory ropen- Mite entered the one bt a Fond Watson last Sunday nl md inade off with some clothing. Noth else ae taken. The’ North Mornington Sabbath School Committee Bee. eit eens for a lawn si id M lexander’s, oth Jine, Hina, on Triday evening, August 28 Carpe: nters are at work on Mr. Levi Watson’s barn tim! ‘ ROSsTOOK. Ed. Schlotzhauer is looking Wy happy over thie tact that we hee been Presented with a little baby gin Mr. Moses Schlotz! at a poe of Stratford, fly nat week, belng ie. OS Ratz house to fot Diehl pa een. otis includes oe oe shop on the front of the lot. Mr ds has resigne . Rai day Tn the ville y ite aati going to the ye Wednesday haner Jett Rostock on ‘Tuesday for Mount Forest where she is to act as first bridesmaid at her brother's wedding, se &th Line Wellesley. Miss-Marjorie Beggs, of Linwood, spent a es days with her sister Mrs. Will Wra: Mr, ices McPaddin left on the harvest excursion for Manitoba last week. Simpson, of Carthage, Joseph pare) ie eupeset for a a iionth: syith Mr Alex. ‘addin, Sunday in wa Barke, sr., of Donegal, spent a few cers at the idence of their son Williai _ dropin an ‘most invisibie ball. be- “tween the p When. The Queen a Wes Poor. In the, “New etiees nd Metior: + inis" of Mr. Carlisle, there igaenrious| Queen “Alexandra. The| fat The. wost interestin f the Princess Alewan dra tome! ts cerhen| present splendo; ors bat Hor previous homely, “nathe -ne! penta Hoyal”™ though, a D come just fro: hundred to a thousand a year = We nen she was visiting our Qe je engagement, she - made to breakfast in a jacket. y dear,” sai ¥ Ja wear a jas “Wal ite sala little Ronnies a rae j-and then yon see 4 Jack ‘onomical itera as sith a owalt ; ny “clothes. I’ en “We. are sorry report t that Mr. George MeKee, of the boundary line, ig present, bug hopes are Eat eet ie s recov The show of the last few days are greatly appreciated by Se eee Seg complaining of a se water. What the people are~ remarking: | Phat it was grand harvest weather that the gen lores is perfect year ; that o: -¢ turning out elite did ; that ome ma’ams are at par this vieinity ; that Joe struck it lucky ‘a | here, s eviesetiea in Norwich ea lemen, "Mr. ‘Birks. will now address | POv™* you,” ‘ ‘| Ladies’ Summer Mani e happy couple leavin, for their home in the west on the tol lowing day. The bride is well know. of the people of nville in view of this happy in Suits Have you a big boy, age from 14 to 17, who wears short pant suits ? HERE'S. A CHANCE TO BUY HIM A $5.00 suit for $3.50 $4.50 * $3.00 $4.00 “ $2.75 Don't Miss This Ghanee Ww. K, + Lord Salisbury. wrong h Fee, For some time tly been growing fneistent from illchealth, fad’ he ally flouts, jibes, and sneers,”” he was od by Disraeli, This Buta field to panes ain, and ver: great is the chai CARD OF HAN EDS beg to thank the Economical Teenie Com, . LOTH : ust fourteen days after the Healers. Linwood. Ang. 18th, 1903. Tae STORE! is the spot for yeni HREM Retell Gasset Rit RARER REM RE Is RATER AACA HRRE Wiederhold & Honderich: IRON and BRASS BEDS Can't be beat for Comfort, Style, and Strength, We _#FRUIT ~_ Large shipments of have them in all designs and a big assortment to choose from, Plums and Peaches} arriving daily. A call solicit-}to show you through. ed: Examine our goods: and compare prices before ante buy \ Undertaking. and Erntalidinss j. R. Yost Son Wiederhold & keer MILVERTON S TATION ranging in price from $4.50 to $30.00 Call in and.inspect them, our salesman will be pleased 3 THE BIG HOUSE. 4 Good Cieti es Gain Prestige.. “Your Spring, Looks” at once. if you ‘ve, the enviable characteristic ‘ ‘ Upto- Shoes Dateness.” ERS IT LIST OF FALL FAIRS. — | Following is alist of the a es of| some of the fai fairs which wil be of| people in this district «| MORNINGTON, MILVERTON | Indu: Tasha Toronto! Aug, £7: ‘Sept 12 London Sept. 19 : eat ston ‘avistoc! Palarton and a lt Blan: ‘Elm 3 E| = : _. Everywhere. You'll take into E consideration = = Miss Canada and Mrs. Canada want- to be cool footed this samun' AW We:make the kind that fills “aman with.self-satisfaction as to | his appearance.. Every suit a recent style, a stylish fit, ae: fit possession. the styles point this way. Whim we j tell you that Our Ladies’ and Misses, Summer Shoes are comfortable and |= dressy, we are simply telling you bcd our customers tell us. We have received our first shipment of . Fall Goods. including Dress Goods Silks Ready-to-wear Blankets Flannelettes Underwear, Ete. Stock Complete ments for Fall Trade Skirts in All Depart- HA RRR AIRE IBA FS Oe eplarere Mei EH. DIERLAMM|: $M ~ the be oars and yet be be; c: be Milverton. Sun THUE , AUGUST 27, 1908 0 | i | GENERAL NEWS CULLED FROM ALL SOGRCES Ri Beith, M. P., Bowmanville— ‘There js a great market to- é spend their time in rearing ait horses as this and make} | a good profit. i Paton, general manager of the’ ‘acking Co., who has| ome days, re- turned home this morning. closed the agency h d their tl ict. will hereaftei be gree oer direct from es ne : Collingewnod = Stratford Bea: Ae dittle son oe Downie, was kicked on the head by se on Sunday and had his skull i ankin was sum- oa a Sea opera- n frag- sciousness re- “Svhether the little fellow wi will recover or not is doubtful. Some years ago, we are told, tho z Aid So of o! spacial iat ae ge George Rowle et years; im in feelings, -not ives who e nobless, acts Was Rowley a smooth hypo- Welljas a thief? Not neces- Man is a many sided creature very seldom who believes in the eine Boobenting. to his be- | coi of both the catechisms-and the R. H. Packham, of |° to h as soon as it was discovexed that she had taken the poison anti- dotes Were applied, but,without the end coping fn Sun Mrs. dent of pes r eye years. ne ish: colonist 4 rewarded by notifying A recent traveller enum erated the ina eRe eel ey Saskatoon. ey and a rush | €8' dmired greatly the _oswed pluck of the nc “Even Canadian: said “it promi ised. everything ai eed ect 10 the’ country under false prom: arly ws the’ Ei English were, would have left in disgust, e bul dog tenacity res the Saiioe country is what has made the English. ‘inar remain apd be satisfied with his ove.” eee aS The Dinner. Hour. entle satire on the attitude of the “King.” ‘What's t with old Fred ?” asks 01 EPs got a s naka in his another. SWvot In hia diuner hour? likely !” W. D. Weir's List of Properties For Sale. men than in earning them appears in | * pan and,” says |° al jon’t ’e ull ont?" it the cords of co! Not | love ils grape in lifting his hat to woman —his worst. ene: sing him dio for the pleas cutter’s puff on his tombstone.” Society. Item: the way the editor of a Western veountey paper up a ‘iage ceremony idwn: “Would that our pen had beautitul bird of nag at the residen reg + dunea in a sublime, ha downward 0) _ North half, lot 1, concession 1, Wel: ore a ent ugha; 90 ok ee bal- soe hard pion Price $6,000, terms "East half oflot 6 in the 9th tras, adjoining lot. North half of lot 9, con. 4, Morning- ton, near Milverton station, 100 acres, wo good dwelling. houses, creek. ran bed through the far oF straweemhet, reahaol’o farm. Price 4,8 same lot sold for $6,000, great chance. of cultivation, 3 Tullge frousiNewtor ‘atation:” Price 84300, chea West half of lot 9 con. ii, Mreieg: 100 acres at house-bank Harn: splendid Tands eal be sold cheap, Price $4,200. Sate ton, 150 acres, briok ghein as goo in oy through, latest. improved ‘stal insolent caer tivation eh ery. po-date, . 9, Morning- outbuildings, drilled - well, eich Price $5,500. brick. louseorfor sale in Milverton at right prices, Ho ton ee Thursday’ or Saturday. W. D. WEIR. STRAYED. Frony the premises ‘of John con, % Wellesley, about { July, Eleven Head o ei 4 Two- meadiie 10 to their recovery jouN age si ‘ooprP, O- 2 lium pi boos issued. Al at Call my office on any Monday, a = Notice to Greditors ! Tie Dominion LIFE ASSURANGE CO. -| Head Office,, - Waterloo, Ont. Results of 1902 $4,898,038.00 6,85 antages to total abstain- eRe aeigh ianel preimn- IL benefits may be payable in continuous or limited instalients at the option of the Assur: Jas. Te President. Thos. Hilliard, ‘anaging Director NOTICE naling a speech, |t from his grave and reading the stone- | ¢, 6 ganar “of Pert a man wh, aS in} whisk: for y reto1 ie y I want I can't iceae “Phill” a oe English’ utte, we died ve worked, in his onth, on “Bollea,” of Sydney, | Occasionally the young aa by the “B few months for a num! fan stan here rour Village of Milverton Court of Revision ni Voters’? List. 45 Voters" ty Act, by Judge of the County Courtof the > GRoscH’s Ti aa 29TH DAY or Avaust, 1903,. plaints of errorsand o : ihe ‘Munlelpality of persons ae business at the urt are required to attend at the: vacuo ke place. 3 _ Dated the 20th day of July, 1903. W. D. WEIR, Clerk of the said Municipality. False Economy ~ Revision of Voters” List NOTICE is hereby given that a eid, pursuant-to the ist A Donley” 8 x ball in the Vilage of New ton, oth DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1903, wand tstrot cad Lamb acon s of Morning- ton for 1! ay persons having business at the rt are required to attend at the puttin oud isos Warson, Clerk. Dated the 10th as of August, 1093. In the matter of the Estate of James McCloy, deceased leaves four Sous and two daughters. ‘Ten per cent. advance in March, rg per cea in June and nov: te that is the story of the ma ret: present eo will not be long s> ae = and material. The hay et ceiites has ecasions ow acon. on the west and has given sufii ts value for loading hay ee thessorke a on two I. frem the groun ‘tothe team and ‘man. ir. Lennog-is agit Fe yous for thé..above, ie ied, when the machi The pel e pone ey “ame Dols Tabor te y loader invented ta Witirton| Wi oe tes pm sized .coi nd: lay ie on the i ek w | wagon in about 49seconds with ,ease Milverton’s. Civie- Holiday:| te & Br UISITION AOTIete s hereby given, pursuant RS. Cap. 129, and amend- ina aule, that all ¢ tors and other persons having claiws against the es- tate of James Me Cloy, late of orni farmer, u erth, jeceas who died on or about the nd day of . are hereby required 1 | T6 the Reeve, Village-of Silverton: ee ine ne igned r: f Milverton; Boner hong ‘Juanes -Torrance, Btetfer Bros, enter T. ney, re G. es Bounetke #1 Duek- rdanee owith. the. bore ee a here? pes "sft doy, Anga 7 iday . fom Village of of socion: and _re- that all Siiarovaly obsetye tepayers eceentura ee oe eélaitey the towns ugust-27th, Civie Holi- ma st cote, jaw gery i tice 1s furthy rr auren plies is: pect of the’ fast will ‘and testament of the d on ediately ‘after the suid rst Day of of Cheap’. Spectacles. Sight is to preciotis to- wifle *» with. When~buying spectacles ~ it} buy a good pair, We use per- “| fect lenses. They cost a little more than the common kind, But rheir difference in comfort is worth many times the differ-- . ence in price: Don't forget that we. carry © the best stock.of up-to-date Hand are always able to satisfy. > you. Eyes examined free... P, H. BASTENDORFF Jeweler.and Optician Once a Customer: Always One.. The uppermost efforts in our business is to make our » o| Watch Repairing. and Jewelry © dealings such that the buying. of| public will realize the. adyan- ie | tage: of making this a favorite ~ 4 store, in.; their. Jewelry. pit’ ~ ,| chases Z Reliable goods for the Teas? money; correct in~ style anc ig ~ September, AD 3, the said Execu- d Executrix will proceed to dis. e assets of the said deoensed artis gr mie | and execnt: | tired "to any. cia moti ce, fae ee by them “at the time i ‘eh | Pa ose bution. Dated at Milverton, this 28th b doves : ance that it Bt to buy = ve, the: assur- store, you get lor for, your. money... JeWELSH & SON, | é cs, Paerey 1908. Jon