reo The Milverton. Sun & the best Local Newspaper in the County is the Best bide os Le Breciuus Piston ease r etly in advanee. ADVERTISING RATES. | Year, |6 mo. | 3mo. | 1 mo. (350 fe 880 oo) $6. 00) $6 St 9 00| o 30 $ 00, 3.00] 2 00 3.00) 200) 1 sient Advertisements are charged the rate of 8c. per line, nonpariel, for vate first insertion, and 3o. per line for exch suc- sessive insertio 6 To R Time Table ins due to leave. Milverton. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1903 jety Feature. Windsor Standard, of “society journalism’? io Kansas is the publication, along |? ie list of wedding” presents, of a NM ung men who have been re- fused by the bride: Life's Whirligiz. (Saline County (Kan.) Index.]} Every farmer boy wants to be banker would like to be a trust mag- pate, and every yop magnate hopes He This Ought to Hold Them. AG Advance. Saba’ ay relate that one town a and is 80. “oink have begun to prove their talent by mak- ing fe a point to sult different in a test could tell bran from saw dust or 4-inch nails from hand spikes. Never mind ma all be able to wear a Christie and get 4 big situation. A Kindly Reference, @oronto News.) Pirie is dead. The new wiltbortecival ert profound regret by journalists all over Canada. was a rare comrade. He had giits of md of eloquence whieh few of seed. physical strength and of such a fine mental | abou dowry should have gone far and lived ipne to bis own end 2 and the gain of his o has the tragedy of his going is a that we cannot pe fruly his sun an while it wa: r through the coitnery e rry, ani oped eta nn for refreshment. A fudge announced that leS were to be had, r.awpton once a ey asked ut Ae eee itr? eeued xertior Papentan Vie jpoet: "L want e Wat walked over to. the atpye a sought the frying pan. It wa: 2 on hs. floor Here!” said the man, “Get-out o that pan, Sa, the peseinan wants a in was a harmless, negess: LiST OF FALL FAIRS. Following ie a list. of the dates of fal! fairs which will be of eet rage this district : MORSIN( MILVERTON pt. 24-25, Toronto Aug. London Wellesley. id Legan, Mitel SP §ei Rt. |. Kirkton ad ratford 6 00; 3.50} hi =| Ri | t ‘or|#, Witness for some time with very little effect, and had sorely taxed the} nomination clamor for a preference Patience of the judge, the jury, and | the more intense becomes the rca Hato) Vrain es Judge | of the average citizen for the agit intervened with an imperative bint to! Or this special the learned gentleman to conelude|Wnich ie nat ross-examination. The counsel, | ndividual creed on eharar or d this judicial intimation | the igo fe with a very bad grace, before telling | Fea bo ais on Sa ated tie proiminence which they endeavor ito obtain and for reac llow, a very to | whe swore Quarle alate main cle. a verdict Prices are right, his friends came t “Why. didu’t you ¢ to a s/ewar on yourside?” “I dids't know e B ietieas anything about him, replied | All kinds of F taken in ex- Quarles. “I might baye told ‘You change, for which the highest market ne | eauwilh bey aes will bef hat ue his bu Fudge, “that teller ihe ins in” fore ” snid ie 'Tainptpny “ST want |) w Short Stories Retold. | Saturday Night on trish Roman Catholics. A recent book, “The Log of a Cow- ge boy,” contains this characteristic far-| © e of the} The Toronto Catholie Register pefire:| takes Saturday Night to-task for the Oak | publication of a harinless cartoon in ere was a rough stut-|the latter paper. In doing so the e of | Register trys to work up a pre dive ‘The girls, it seems, | against Sai v i Saturday Night replies al , a t understand | from it we extract the following = atthe} This news) Sor teesdae | party, and received t answer against the tl “eathoien, bat the ‘om fet —they meidaite raberverel i mii. ‘Wewaw-ell, ggg-g0 to hel. inbist tha it will nok pander to thew, th a understand Life is. too short and interests too that? he said to the last girl, and her| n 5 brother threatened to mangle him|as is presented on the first page of orribly if he didn’t apotogize, to| this paper to be wariued up or cooled which he finally agreed. He went|down to suit those who are endeavor- back into the house and said to the| ing to obtain position and prominence go|in this country on speci aes neither patriotic nor progressive. The “Re- need not enquire any further as ¢ a4 gor Thave mw-made other *r-r-r-range- ments.’ ”” ‘0 In an Irish town the lads of aj? school acquired the habit of siwoking, nd resorted: to the most ingenious evening! when the aaster eanebt them puffing most vigorously. . * now?” shouted he to one of the onl. bl are u on 2 eh lik or dinary s hing that is not asked torate generally ; demand -| nothing on account of their Basionaliny religion sue hewmse! the large atinosphe! the en niuents and the prospect of Cauada, as other people do ; Ce of thett ability ; become rich becanse | ome love Heanee nidater to:the.fivst boy, “pray, what disorder do you smoké for?” Alas | 2 master's face, said in a whining, hypo- eritieal tone: "I smoke for ‘corne, ry clever fellow ! We can all see that!” The} seorpjuentt were not on oath !”|f - Rev. teat Obusted, the new | will not have the slightest influence Episcopal Bishop of Colorado, is| on the condnet of this paper. noted for the skill with which he cau collect money for charity. He once called ona man who was well-to-do, but somewhat close. He asked for barity, oa the man said ; “I'd give something but the fact i is Tve only $300 oe me in (Don’t Forget cash—$300 that ve put aside for my ee - faneral onsite Gedo your to call at the station. store soul.” ‘sai pop Ohusted, “but : x aie to trast Him with your for your Hfoneral, eh?” ‘This eouiuent suined oe e bishop a generous contribution, Sugar, orite aneedote whieh Abraham Lincoln wast thie fe relating: James Quarles, a tinguished lawyer or Tennessee, one day trying a case, producing his evidence restec pon the defence produce Fruit Jars, and Fruit, such as Sherries, Red and Siack Rasp- berries, Huckieberrics, Etc. Barrel and Loose Salt in stock ames Tane ES the Kentucky nes | e J RB. Yost & Son which he had moved only a few days MILVERTON STsTION fore, and made a few purchase amounting to. cose or so. When ‘Or | Se % POR OE POT » cal * # # cal is ae PO eT Ea | He eee Fi 3h sah HEISE SASS Sb Le Se ee ey :A Snap in Suits Have you a big boy, age from 14 to ¥7, who wears short pant suits ? HERE'S A CHANCE TO BUY HIM A $5.00 suit for $3.50 $4.50 “ “ $3.00 REABEEKEEEAEAB ERA BEA ne * * ie *€ *€ * Pa RARER A * EAE RRRERE RBI EAA F $4.00 “ “ $2.75° Don't Miss This Chanee in. Biz eet get with jodienant nt don't,” S| admiringly dat. @ bothiered with yon in the first vine. It isn’t that Kind I have to nm the everlasting lookout for Germany, anecdote told him by séll i :|Ladies’ Summer Shoes anada and Mrs. Canada want mmer. All When we point this w Whenever an ‘unwelcome calter wa tall vou that Our Ladies sting his.tfine Tt was arranged th and? Misses Summer Shoes are comfortable an¥ 4 it. a n Princess Bis at the door aod, saaressing| 1. 0-95) ABP Buebunss “nsked jus if it’ wa, ce &: Grosch & Sen ot 3 Oct. 1-2! Bistiarck arid bet 6-7 other « mot ent in silence an 3. bi arn 1cess shou Id cote in and iehog ra | dressy we are simply telling yor Yours, time for. hiur 1 uF Bag ily inedicine at ee Geo. A. Slater Shoes for Men. ALL! oth burst into titanic laughter, | Empress Shoes for Women. Express Wagons We have just received a few dozen of Express Wagons three sizes, small,.medium, and large, which we can sell you IM prices. They are well made, strong, and will last a few s. The price of them, while they last is $1, $1.25, $1.50 Wall Pictures A beautiful range. reductions in GO-CART prices. Take a look at our windows. S, REED CHAIRS, callin and Undertaking and: Embaiming. Wiederhold & Honderich THE BIG HOUSE ‘Pole ae EAN = = Good Cloties E 4 Gain Prestige.. E Everywhere. You'll take into 2 i) i} consideration “ Your Spring Looks” at once if you've the erviable characteristic ‘‘ Up-to- Dateness.” We make the kind. that fills E aman with self-satisfaction as to E his appearance.. Every suit a recent style,.2 a stylish fit, and fit possession. E E £. Knechtel, E E Leading Merchant Tailor. SAITO TiN ETAT TET. TOTP TH TTT NTE FUE ETT OTT TTT Ps, “CLEAN SWEEP” SALE ig for our We are prepa Autunm opening, but before |# the inauguration of this event we propose to sell off our Summer stock and any Spring goods we have on our shelves. There is absolutely nothing against the character of} these goods. Indeed, hardly ““eft-overs any of them can be termed The quality of the goods and the general character of the style: The entire stock is priced its original value. respresent the best and smartest. at from one-half to two-thirds This is really a golden opportunity for thrifty people to buy both Summer and Spring goods at a huge saving of cash, This “Clean Sweep” Sale offers choice pickings for early; -comers, Prints, Underwear, including Muslins, Dress Goods, Hose, | Wall Paper, etc.» lf YOU ARE INTERESTED GORE AT ONGE E. DIERLAMIM = Che £ Bot Sun THUBSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1903 GENERAL NEWS| CULLED FROM ALL SOURCES) A number of U. 8. banks have failed. igantic mammoth has been dis- coved is op lhe Indians of the Chiller. Valley, . C., are reported at Thousands of visitors are arriving in. Hainilto on stoe the carnival. Mr. J. H. Moore, G-P.R. agent at Atwood, has been removed to Den- fi The safe of Ballantine & 6 foundry was blown open by bur cae ars at Preston Friday night. ‘he London Evening News poblt cation on Satur fte atch pnekAy alehh veers, Winnipeg con! ing Toronto bri hour fares Rev M. L. chareh, = ior hospiti 3 ing -wi ith an “Thos tanen to St Gi He ractors: are offi fil i back, eansed by being pinned beneath a wagon Young Mr. Ragheteller. setts he r ight and ge qu If he gets Yight praying for it. ahauld he. reat ot us be charged ten cents per gallon at retail ~ Ross land Miner. “An “effectivi horses running a by a Nebraskan,” sa Inventor.” With ver 0) design ing a bellows like purl is dtawn over ont the sight com- in th is ig condition the animal nd and ae until the object oie the fri i fore. The cu small beige geiscnt feather casing| be mad cords are inearted in’ the bit-rings iefore passing back with the rein.” nt 8 | about 330, ‘000. Ba ae ae beets he ‘makes a poor looking har. Beas Tee ew. Bae of London tandard — (Uon.) Mr. Chamber Many New En ing arate cotton mi have closed ape! cn Ow tothe w favorable state editor and| rye Banner, | ‘ound on ing con- of Ellice, phell, one of the for the hands nani, ¢ sch with two others and 5 Neer coke tag number of. people tured. Ella ee | the M who sta iri_ giantess, feet 4 inche in eae, whi to Edw th Janadian Anak, whos a niches. ait cb ber ig recite bat the basuful Ella held few weeks.ago. The fund that is being dpe = presentation to Premier i amon cash ands ars 2 k Rigi ei ided yet shen the presentation will | £ le, but the committee who are| Totkinn alee aibectaiarone sell. yeotct ably SreliHoll Bie fan tia aeashed 850,000, & qi eS Ree SE a aia d P: Nia ‘gang. Ont} ntenc n’s Industri: | man named McKay is Lawrence, a near "Fingal, Elgin Go, v mutilated to sume extant a a sad it not been for ollie likel; have pd 4 “diss asterou Chas. Stock, of es rm sy narrow escape from wae ning being upset from a eanoe in. Ston La oterboro’: Elia guide, w him, met a water gr ged. Sopeltpeor ta canoe until rescued b i li Marnetat re rene | Speaker Pow author of those betw een twenty-one fe are set down 6 emen, of whom there Faatens ldodsana in the. according to last census. Tho fas, Sen five yea se did twenty ser 6 resel 0 8 The frst Service men, re v ane out unmarried men. ‘Thei training would be of ten pe m. After them, in the trouble, 6 od recruits and the asg: gedeay ‘or to teach us a lesson which w muc ie need’ w when it say e¥ uito: ed wo eeteaine Raletan which do not concer e ocenpied an attitude ted, for uo one is so las ithe ni fia “The Ola Constr pers are quite right in sayi ve been des: ‘vedly snubbed ieee that ee th can ne id Trish, ca even in AC fees where ane ixed and have no quarrels 0 should be everlasti a ng to’ the racial id nding things to whi should give vi ‘ish- The Campagna of Rome. y that In Gertpany thousands of idols are im ed | Scene on earth than the solitar; FJudge| ins Sekt. Let tho Tee r ailer imagine t Blaz Peak by. | Barron for stealing a watch from a mer rine wild and wasted attacked Me sabe t Bord: of Downie, re- holog: investigation ha foagee sblenalt marl d-which will likel: ear he Banat is the bli rid feat Suet in con-| Albon Monae ie itself Foung acyueducts, pier upon pier, “melt into | th) and twenty- like shadow ah eee age are classed as re- tsi of finera) “mourners, passing nits ose olde i ld would be a ‘te most $4 Ned pats as re- em which c 0 in f{ltiited instalments at the option of 1 with regard to the t, exeept in an Im- m 5 we Pe probably be}Revision of Voters’ List ated intrudes asf abe matters. ainly a Making Idols for the Heathen. (John Ruskin.) Perbaps there is no more ex *} | of the Campagna of Rom» under even- Te peeing paresis living | Hi world, and sent forth alone in i ai ‘ds and er en es tread he neve : ae stance is white, ‘allow and carious, | @0¢ like the dus of the bones of | Yotse nen. “The aa insite d grass waves) a; Z s fe es Me evening ie | Slawess Buddha, reputed to be the ov S motion shake} best sinoge of the god, extant. The ishly. along ae banks of ruin that| god Ganesa, whose four ative and ie tins nselves tothe poe tn He locks of is seni him, « a mal blocks aa ist | Square remnants etch ies dotoh: 7 08h not-ove left e Hy aie hi m thet an kin ot ane ees Ing <bldlien wealth t-Once uate eee) | purple poi stretche ne little eiling its wooden gods, which are sold to the | poor, although made with the minute a ‘ruins, on w! is se rents | attention to details, are not so elal ing fire o pool is Sue Couadiad defen. solemn space of “ vide country with a trained ch-towers & made by av Thi ce of a million and. a f to cope dfastly aloug the f | chi juachine- ede idole are given with any. nationa ey His the Appenines. From the pla away ean temples to .each mi e for paloun Gainer MULE oe shatimeed moiinpal who deposits at the gate a piece of money, in accordance with time honored custom of Bud- dar and countless | Qhists had rom a nation The Dominion LIFE ASSURANGE C9. Head Office, - Waterloo, Out. Results of 1902 as nese in foree, Village of Milverton Courtof Revision of Voters’ List pent NOTICE is hereby given, that | « $4,898,538.00) Gourt will be held, pu 0 the Voters’ Lists Act, by His Honve the, 5! Judge of the County Court of the - | County of Pert Grose fa ee MULVERTON, on the 207TH DAY OF AUGUST, 1903, eleven o’clock in the forenoon, to continuous ons hay business at the egitired: to.artond: atthe eaid thine and place, Dated ie ai ue oe Jaly, 1903, the Assured. o|Sas. Innes, President. Thos. Hil Managing Director na n own of thes Suid Maniacs: False Economy of Cheap. Spectacles. NOTICE ! pe NOTICE is hereby given that a i be held, pursuant to the}. ‘ zi ag, Net! ie ag Tide Act. by. His| With, When buying spectacles, Sauda the Judge of the County | Court, of the County of Perth, at buy a good pair. We use per- ; | Donley’s jhall, inthe Village of Ne | ton, on the 8th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1903, to hear end more than the common kind Sight is to precious to trifle, fect lenses, They cost a little ions in the. voters! "but rheir difference in comfort pality of Morning: of the muni _ STRAYED. From the prem buch, lot 8, con. 8, Welle: the nhiddle ° tt Phe: | rewarde “dt ye AGRI Joun H nises of Beg Hein- Eleve a Head aa Dat ur rs, vali are red; ae mo gai to Creditors and are always able to satisfy ton for 10 lis worth many times the differ- All persons having business at the court are required to attend at the said time and fe ee. ence in price. AnsON, Clerk. are ee ‘ve 10th pee of August, 1093 Don't forget that. we carry the best stock of up-to-date I JEWELRY you. Eyes examined free, Mr os colts uesseea/P, H, BASTENDORFF: aoe Jeweler and Optician s Civic aA = = | Poy o cf a lage of Milverton : d ned ratepayers Kitverton, do her W. Guentle hold & Hou colin SaeBeth,, . Howard, W. P. H. Bastenfordorff, . Fiukbeiner Bros. Geo. Pfaff, ré Kelterborn, Geo. Berkner, H. AES R. Lederman. PROOLARSATION In accordance w Holiday, , Torrance, Pfeffer Bros, F T. der- en, pursuant #!, aid amend-| and other i d ue NOTICE is hereby R.S.0. 1897, Cap z|Qnee a Customer: ; The uppermost efforts in Ist DAW Ca SEPTFMBER, A.D.,1903|Cur business is to make our to deliver or send by post, prepaid, to} Watch Repairing and Jewelry lox: or Mary MeCloy y; wi dealings such that the buying {public will realize the | tage of making this a favorite: |store in their Jewelry J a oa ases, ' i wi Reliable goods for tite leas | mediately attr tie a or|money, correct iu style and 1903, Mie sald Exeon- jartistic in design, is our assur- jance that it pays to buy at this store. You have the assur- ance that,when you buy at th store you get the best value * pe your mpney 3 guiatione 1: heriby: J... WELSH & SON, day Aw th, a . STRATFORD ~ pore eek att < l, ee ated at “siverton, this 28th day of Marriage Licenses Issued Cui. D. Surra, aly, Reeve, | seats Mccoy, Bueeotor. | fidentially. i y, Milverton, August, 14th, 1003. Many McCzoy,, Executrix. Qptician—Lyes Tested. Pres, es “ieee Sis bi ?