- MARRIAGE LICENSES J. @. GROSCH. SpRicrLy ConFIDENTIAL. Che “It Shines For All.” Vol XII—No 24 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO.. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1903 7 ; * MALCOLM Machete: Editor and Publishé: The Sovereign . ‘Bank OF CANADA. | Capital Authorized $2,000,000 “Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 Head Office, Toronto H. 8. Hour D. M. STEWART, Pres Gen. Manager MILVERTON BRANCH Row open for the transaction GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Savings Bank Departm: Tnterest allowed on deposits from tate al dave of deposit, current d, and sional half yearly. Deposit receipts issued, — dratts bought nea sold, asics ions made promptly on ull points, money orders ed, te tention given to the collection of far- mers sale notes. R. J. Ranney - Penees NTON, ke icitor, Ete, Daheae very Thursday, Wa, Bufton’s Block, Maia St S Dentistry . R, LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate M ‘of Royal College of Dental iets "OF Ontatho, Honor graduate Regulation. of tee work a Specialty. Olfice above Finkbeiner Bros. bard ware ature, Milverton. Veterinary J. H. ENGEL, V. S., Milverton, Ont. Graduate ‘Ontario yeast ary Uollege, Tor- mi ento, treats al diseases of domestic avimals ‘dentifoally. calls promptly attended to, by telephone or otherwise, day or rs YY treats all diseases aS ouiale Calls by velepone or otherwise promptly ivery and rigs led First class nee Paatettets ast Baggage transfer. cialty. Bocieties Milverton, meets every of every month, at . 0. F., No. ‘ast I itneed lock, in their hail over Schneuker & Rothaermel's store Visiting brethren al- ways wel Jeo Roe, OC. Rs A Barth, Re Seek Beasbae: . 0. -B., Silver Lodge,” No. 202, Milverton, meets every Friday night at 7:30 p. m. in their hall, post office builds in Visiting brethren always welco dvlph Mitler, NoG.5 John Drury Bustacns Cards sri nina SANE WEIR, Anctioueer for the Coun- terloo, Conveyancer, Moriaauce drawn a fF fivh Division oe met. ge *Filiage tie ®: Office, over Store, Main strect, Milvarto <a alsil ae a ig be n DORLAND'S BUS “LINE, Milverton, as mevts all trains. All citizens und tears eau pramcely aitended to. Wm. jorland, Maple St., Proprie "Motels HOTEL ALBION —Plesssntly situated on Ontario St., Stratford, Recently, thoroughly renovated. Ample and excell for mers. Li ing rooms c and Deanids of liquor ‘and cigars. Courteous ‘0s, F,-HooK, Proprietor BX! Jon Ree, 2 Gigars at the tin and latge stal we tis bar. ie ‘class accommt 5: (Ee GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. commercial root nd cig Nguoi atrecta, C, Haseupilug, Proprietor. Ont. The ee ye Le ee eiede cial trav- rs at the bar. plenty of shed room, Henry sgl prop. | Kertchers. hy ae the 191 =a raised a new barn ¢)ing ber gakedis sf Caritigts s een eik aa brocice Rad a. |For Betringwil wher | It is contact with the air which mal mea pe Reform Association will {| Apropos of this we find LOCAL “NEWS. . Ned Dever raised a new ‘frame Sean Saves Millinery at reduced prices at W. K. Longe vale oats, 7 Ibs. for 25e., Loth’s. at W. K. Bananas, ide. and 20c. per doz. at Christ Church garden party will be Peinciny last. Miss Myrtle Ferguson spent Sunday at her home in Atwood. rs. E. Knechtel is at present visit- Men's suitings that were $1 per yd. ee 50c. at The Grosch Co's. sale. gang of crooks and pick-porkets is in to be following the circus. Another shipment of lawn mowers just arrived. Finkbeinepy Bros. A number of Milvertonians attend- ed the horse races at New Hamburg on Tuesday, Millinery seasqn closes two weeks ‘Try our Miss Beene fax your hat. W- Loth. A Montreal. storekeeper are she ate tracts women to his window put a mirror in it. V Mr. Joseph -Kertcher on Monday kold his barn and lot on Pugh street to Mr. Joseph Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. sol Berscht, of Mildmay, spent or two this week with Mr: sen we L, Pfeffer. ‘When the average actor announces himself as a ‘‘star’”’ his associates are apt to pronounce the word backward. Bring us your eggs in exchange for ge} goods at our sale. Goods at greatly reduced prices. any time aati the day.—The Grosch Co, Messrs. Pfeffer Bros. have just re- ceived a car-load of feed ogra, Mage will be sold at the level for 58 cents per bushel. “Skelly” Gordon on Tuesday ram from ‘Ayr He left for his home on W: Rineaiee morn- ing. ¢ Mr. Louis eee hee tae been employed in-“Grosch for ‘the past four m evening received a teleg: ou saves ate week has secured ucrative carey We ‘Canadians liked ral te O’Rell as he generously said th: many Pe aieiges or so many _Dretty a elsewhere as he Toronto, and that the Windsor hotel in Montreal was the best tayern in merica. the cure of a burn or a an egg. a burn so.painful. The varnish and exc pletely and also prevents inflamma- tio @ annual meeting of the North be held | Mj club rooms, Stratford, on Wednesday, June 17th. The local liberals will meet in Grosch’s hall on Tuesday evening, June 16th, to choose t the Liberal 10e delegates to attend the annual meet- ing. Oranges, 25c., Hom, be Rites 40c. and 50c. per ince epply to it a close foeel has been w’ flog out of water-as hot: e comfortably. ical "oifenge thing is to moisten New parasols’ at W. K« Loth’s. Prices right.. his is the month of weddings—|M commonly called the bridal month. an exchange invitation be i the ently. r less. seconde to ihe generosity of the guest. os te society old-np a skirt paket. veg ery (aadadion aie btain the faculty of holds up fhe bt ona The lee sy, & ease ge Miseeliaucoa eee Sagres desier S Soins Baie Breegs, Oat” we Try. ‘California raisins, only 10c. a alt ‘at W. K. Loth’s. t- | will be helpe he never saw| 4, ‘o prevent 'a braise from becoming | M cold water and to cover the %; A certain school in New York, |w ngs | 7 Call and get a doa hat for 25c. at The Grosch Co’s. sal The great ee hen Peruna fer sale «i Jas. Torrance’s. First of the season- garden party, eae evening, 19th. Faisiecion lie. miss the big sale every after- noon and evening at the 10.’s. Miss Mabel reget of Logan, a! at mreeapt visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Dunbar. The sels still continues at the Grosch Co's. store. Everything must Sam. Smith, accompanied by ue Sao Flakbeluer, spent Sunday at Carlingford. Mr. E. Knechtel has replaced the large plate glass in his eae broken by/the storm of some weeks 4 Miss Ethel Egbert ae Mr. ee A ehae have succes in passing heir third year at ’Varsity moblege. y The organ fund of Christ Church d by your patronage of the garden party in Mr. Sam. Whaley’s on the 19th. Admission lic. Mr. C. S. Kertcher has secured the catering mere booth privileges of the monste: held at srewrthane ee 1 Saturday, June Ss Strawberries ! Strawberries ! at 0, 8. rtcher’s, heada nares for fruits. ic-nic W. D. ir, auctioneer, is onthe: ing sales daily for The Grosch Co. at 7.30 p.m., and will sell for veeks. Call and get goods at less than half price. Patriotic exercise books, scribbling books, school text Hooke and all igs Hee a6 the school ro maps and all schol: sajawentae . Torrance. Mr. James Whaley has sold his farm ae the station, with the standing ir. crops, to Broughton of Monkton, for $6000. Possession will bei ven immediately. U Messrs. Pfeffer Bros. raised the framework of their new elevator , on Satu ros. NOW. capacity of about 27,000 bushels, ‘An Irishman on being asked which only a fair hou ever, W: 8 appreciated by those pre- Seite, Whe specielises, in thie form oF a solo from Mr. a solo from Miss Fanny Wright, a banjo solo from Mr, Holmes, and the singing of the Imperial Quartette were sopeciaily commendable. The quartette encored again and again. On Monday 7. Howard and M entertained the football as at supper and roe ded a splendid repast. After sup oward was voted to chai evening Rev iJ it list was commence: ing,” was responded singing of the National ‘-Canda,” in the agence K. Loth, was respon M. MacBeth. Mr. Horne then took the chair when the gellowing toasts were proposed and dr “The Fell lows We ie Up Mees E. Weir and E. ‘The "Officers," ye Pateiter, 3. Smith an z Feoul4n any a contribute to 's of the team whom best is be th thought had put forth their ‘efforts during the season just closed. Pine apples for canning ; leave your now at C, 8, Kertchers’a. p, | taken with the trees, %, | owner of the adjacent property. ant “ Milvert ton” ‘TED—A girl to es pant and Wan’ Feet mane at E. Knech Trinity Church Fourth of July arden party sss be held this year on the third of Jul, We are ey to he that Mrs. ae. who has been on the sick list, oH fe crowds to The Bargains in all Come wily Grosch Co’s. lines—new Fay Goods going at lest ie bale price at the Gresch Co.’s along and get your ea Did you tee all a Mita you re. quire? If not, . Loth’s pieces to ance te oie verton ba a refreshments, herries, etc., at the aries party a ee oad ene 19th in: ‘table. Fit your homes ou screen ieee nd windows. Our ite s will interest you. Finkbeiner Bros. a 3 250 Dr. Lederman. and Mr. E..H. Dier- lamm spent Coron days at the begin- ning with friends in Waterloo = Bots Mr. S: umfor bad Mrs. * Gibson ane Mae Fern, of “Chicago, are Bera at Te residence s tee parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Rumfo! Mr. Thos. ao ee ment the Milverton circuit as lay delegate at the London Conference oeetar at Aoi last week. Mr. Eckhard Reiner, of Wellesley, who recently underwent an operation and his recovery despair ae half a chance S. W. P. and V. will bese out every ree that AeAd ever ie for fe jue Py Pinbbelner’s on “opal act ‘Walter Turnbull has been suc- J. Boyd their second year in medicine at Toronto University. The Sun®ay School std in the, school house, corner 16th , Elma, and Mitchell road, hs hold a Die |G big succes: this year will probably eclipse it. meeting for the purpose of pee be known as the Maple sore first game will be plo; when they go to Donsge to try con- paces with the pe eae On day evening of Pe abeas ‘on Eehintdon, Park be- ica. two picked teams from the vi ‘There is altogether too much liberty which beauti 2 landscape. It isa popular error that shade-trees in the street are the ae can be mutilated ithout let or hindrance from any tres batcher or other person nst quote subesections 3 strect shall be deemell to be the perty of the 0 centyand ¢ pro- @ Tends ads: grow and tree yp r left eanding: che te docet tie sass y of the owner.of the land adja- cent.” Rev. R. H. Barnby kas returned | ™ from the London Conference meetin; was a regard to stationing mini- sters. @ changes: made in the d trict ate Le follows: Central church, ting “system en the billetin; ished. for Gppedidioftiey is in a very precari- | thes! fous condition ng med Battleford, 110 miles distant, ed on Friday | a game | the fy jal deo of the corporation, and thus | Pfe or removed | M comes along with designs on your| Pfeil THE TRADERS BANK ~ OF CANADA Head Office Toronto Stratford Branch Market St. «(eae Paid Up $1, 500,000.00 Assets Over — $14,900,000.00 ns made tonresponsible farmers on their own names. Bale noves cushed or collected. Be! a] on all and. Unite d States rain sh n favorable terms. or discounted o1 Sterling exchange bought and sold. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTIENT Deposits of $1.and upwards receiv, ed, and interest allowed at current rate Rt R. JEFFREY, - Manager ‘We are agents for the new stecl hog and water troughs, something good and _ stro jomething rene, Call for farther particulars t Finkbeiner’s hardware. ‘The biggest sensation at the New esday, w horses from a light 6 2.19 pace or 2.15 trot, and a winner, securing fret an ve mes Torrance on cass receivedl a letter from his son Edgie, Binckfoot Hills, where mosquitoes are e of yearling si and as te widlone ke tiacea © Bde employed on e ree abe taft and the just completed tis survey pf one pte ay and are now busily engaged on the seco: by ear to fare well, as the bit of fare aga Eronkte taparon kept eee tions ‘back, but now everything is with e nearest post office, but mail is. brought into the Barr colony, about sixteen miles distant, and. from there a vider brings it inte camp, once in about every two weeks. paaheutytt will continue as “tong ai ie is an work and claims that. Football Match. would take first if he should happen. ing a baseball Lo was h the ~ digoe thom promply sei ile “on erent Mr | y tte finan “pe ace Shvaton ein Fo) do you think he/N. Honderich at appointed secretary | iq Se ased one Ray eautae mol take you Put?” ““Rocauge he's Tobe ting after which the follow-| jive wool. ¢ sixty or seventy of the rest-of you sir.” officers were elected: Hon.-pres..| people aecompanted the team on i he Maced Bile at W. K. D. smith; pres W. rosch ; sec--| special train. Ae ob a: Loth’s: 300. a yard Reet oh OLN opate ssa vo Yelp teed exbibitiontat football, ‘The “The Tete which was put : 3 é §,6O™M~| ho seomed .to have the better in Groseh's hall last week by Stratford pele Pie catag vate aisha 80 , notwithstanding that "| theatrical talent, was gr wi A igi cree morte Barth by Leth, two et their best Skel ” Gerdo more enthusiasm but were work'through the Milyer ivere compelled to leave cae fiel E out scoring. Dr. Rudell, ie a ver importa iy teams lined up as follows Milverton atford Be kari goal MeNichol Rea back Weir Bu mseho l Arm Chall half-back { strong 1 es Eassou right wing { Wason Campbell pe Paar Robertson ith, ene centre eres } left wing me Wavistockians became champions of the district through defeating Sees ford by 2:0 on Wednesday of 1 wee Atstvexton and Stratford are artie for second place. It is to ba nope that Tavistock may now land the championship in the semi- The best team undoubtedly won out. _ The Bavistock. people should be in- iacland humor The first bade between * Tavistock and St. George, at St. on Tues- day, for fh semi-finals sled ina tie each si o goals. Itis belicved that Tavistock: will win out ae own ground, ore teams in thix resulted as ~ Lost Tied 0 me, ration Hambarg. | es of Bork se Haviland ~ Yeo