‘Notice to Creditors! (an -the Matter ap the Estate of Alice Lewis, Deceased diel is Berry given, pursuant to . §. O. 1 ie «estate of Alice Lewis, late of the townsh ip of Mornington in the Count: y Perth, widow, dece: died a a or about se ard ga of Janna. “A-D., 1903, piers 5: juired 01 before ee SECOND DAY oF JULY, A.D., 1903 . fo deliver or send by post, prepaid, to es KR. eres ie fexecttor of the d testament of the said ae eagneeeg full ‘ ‘pep belay then, Rely paeethe aby ffidavit. 5 vAnd uetice is further given that imimeatacely after the said second day. 1 % vai erin Dat sof May ie Ah Haiarro, Exeeutor of the late Alice Lewis s damage here at Palinerston this 20th day worth, | mechanic he should be well patron- BRUNNER. ‘ — Oe Loney and H. Di The Eliog Township road machine | spent Sunday, the Tguests of the Hd ‘k on me ene in plas lorni has some good the rode aes ‘this trans under the} MTs Lue: able - managenient of Mes te e coutract tof drawing ra pie Sea Prost Wh: ‘Charles Schmidt and family Where 8 pent Sunday ‘at Mr. Joseph Gatcke’ orningto Mr, Louis Kalbfleisch, of Milverton, |io { you get tl He pike pe de strictly | probibit ohour a al lors recognizes thata ape bird is of little avail and is of little or spent Sunday with. bis. bro ther Geo. The oh rain we 0 use as a bait; that J. G., our local very welconie and we bu be thaukfal turnkey, has been given’ authority to| that the storm did not pass this way ign his duties sete: peri ment to demolish .sheep some months, is now making. his|freedom upon the highways; home with Mr. Geor, Kalbficisch. that building operations in i With the aid of crutches he is able to ea is expected to be brisk before be about. He expects in the coufse | long; that C. is a comet at football. ices Ee of A week or two to walk without the | | aid of his supports. ge a gta W.F.A. Standing In Group 1. mopar Tee is The standing of the teams in this e two hurricanes that passed Cag vows! Of the, We Es Aes pommel y and Wedne Won Lost Tied day evenings suid last ses did oie Stratford . 3 ‘we notice we have | Tavistock 0 + mat 0 2 been eee ates we here from other: plese 2 1 Rotini New Hamburg. 6 0 Me “Joseph Near had his stable, See ee which was blown sideways off i 4 foundation by the hurricane. W. dice Distalesed’ trortisiig Empire? day, Pu back to its proper shape on eae Friday. ‘The work was done by M Tun So far, Australia has cost Britain : hi 1 practically nothing for defence. It has an, of Moles- | jnyolved ‘Britain in no war, a and bas were the guests of Mr. and i ; Mes. Jas. Terry on Sunday. helped “B: ase Fullarton, of\Newry, and| with which Australia m, Harris, of Brussels, vee in our pas provided convenient head- oH. c. ZOEGER, +Furniture’ Dealer, © “NEWTON, - — ONT. village on Saturday on business. Gade Ronee bad his ae stack, which was blow ie ches guben Wernestay. ‘wed pas on Saturday. was in our vince on Thursday on| year of ihe. profits arising froin. the ' Gstablished in the Year 1817 Paid up Capital and Re- serve Eun The (deposits of trust funds @nd other ‘moneys and to co | periodieally at current rate. Corres- ‘ pondence invited. business transacted ee P. Winslow, _ Manager, Stratford. ; iain 00 ante tie Ruaire aatoee things BANK OF MONTREAL |tvilosstcxaitostaht™" Rio aie cite te ofa ‘ Dotal Assets (Oct, 81, haebaan ca oe Bees caer all the cans of, whey. Bank is Bled to receive! is mel naa mnpound Tnterest che tiles for the past week assistin general banking left ioe Milverton o1 insurance business. i Je B, Goforth, of Mitchell, paid ceived notice from Joseph Chamber- | fey m. Doering, who been Sicaged haniiig inte to Sh pon) ha) pa eeu a Two Views of the Bachclor. became frightened and ran into a bi ae The bachelor is a coward and a escapes a which Dr, MeKenaie dressed, and he Milne, whe has been in ae fox. e the fel a arsives when in ahs presence of trembling rosy chee! avis in the optical ee when beauty areeter einaichis n Paesday courage oozes, and he flees the field ——_ without even learning of the cow BAECHLERVILLE. have 8 spite of all we can do, Spee Aa Ges Fane fan ait ibe good advice. we can giv Solid and Progressive progress has been experienced by ‘The Mutual Life “will appear evident from the following : Duncan Stewart, COMMERCIAL Ton June 4, 1903 “Rall wheat per Bust pring wheat, per bush. Bey per basi “Apres ver bag ay as Baier p ee “sone fags per ae pound : weights. -. Jim per “pound Skoulder per pomid Taw ‘Phat another year of very substantial pute Melellan’s brick hog- of Ganada ( iS zt of last week. vast areas of the barren wilderness ‘Business written in 1902' $4,527,828 Mn rs. Wm. MeClory spent | into fertile lands of peace and plent Z Sunday evening with friends here then without-aid feminine piety Business in force Dec. j Posliff attended a baru-raising atic keep vigil over his ev lay acts 81st, 1902 $34,467,370 | Trowbridge last Wednesday. is sturdy empire builder remained tthe people are saying: That | at his post t the path of ;Cash Interest Inéomg, i i 1902 a ke. Like 1 looked Tonely on’ San if ‘ that | boy he is slowly pessing into history, i 210,591 bas look up; he young ut his fame ‘is as far-reaching as Death Losses, 1902 $210,596 | + stee would suit better. . | civilization, his name indelibly stamp- -WheCesh Tacome from Ta- (By another correspondent) be GY tHe Dae DORE. age werest. exceeded the ~ M s. Prost spent vironments aera ee thal Se 5 r n scenic ee Losses for the Mond: ith their friends Mr. and) 1 ic; tures above the footiights of futare Uyear by ~ _ 964,719 | Mrs. Barnett of the Maitland. ever wena": Ri é ‘ aaa, (sympathy ded to ose who fell vietinis of the severe aE ae W. H. Grose ind storm which passed through HOTIGE Local Agent. Bie Bie oe week. Stratford, Gen. Agent rs Mr, y\ veut byeateexelone ramp orki Mr. edhe Goren ate De spending a week tiled, Wes ete wv rsue ina! with friends in Black Horse.” Wings idols, and worship at their shrines A Western Editor p pays this tribute to a type which has not its fair share ; z tory: “Phe bachelor re- state. In its mad career it tore down | preseuts the tuost congenial and big A. Posliff’s, besides upsetting fences sio1 and scattering the rails in all diree- tions. istory of pidneer life, He it was Mr. and Mrs. William Buchannan, | who pushed out into the wild- and Atwood, spent Sunday with Mr. | wo: s i Wan. Coxon, buffalo, Indians and coyot of our boys drove over to| lords of the prairies, and by pers on Sunday to view the|ent efforts aud under rained buildings eaused by the storm| want led an herote life by Mrs. S. Boyle spent the holding alti on their friends. son raised his new barn logs Wal which the very fighest eat es will person having store ale wil do well by | on the undersigned G.E. GOODHAN xD. | Milverton, Ont. ence Ne Ira Taylor, of Grey, spent Sunday in the bar ost, who hhas been on | fhe sick ist for the past week. Es rs of rain last ry Kk was eluding tothe ioarte of Notice te Sredit Lops | oa ea ‘ is the order of the day. (By another correspondent.) ed an addition | Noi js sec ith his ou Whedyeand eas! oh a Dave as achar- redly recotnt eristical id Te claims 3 ve stig zation has been! on or before, ad ap by the re- inthis burg bat as yet no eubetant ial sdecision, “hag been aes | n Laubert hes recently in: | with sai alternately fox (Gre assets ate Tt rexard only 50 two wee “n sb allt yDON ‘Clinton, Ourtketo, at “| Grosch effer fMiilverton’s Greatest Store. Read over this list of exceptional bargains, age for this week only, goods ee are clean, fresh, and up-to- Aste and just what you need. 10e. Vihite Cotton for &e. 100 yards White Cotton, 36 in. wide, all in rem- “nants from 1 to 6 yards, mill ends, direct from the manufacturer and bought by the pound. ~ Just the thing you-need now, wonderful value, worth frou 8 to 1oc. yd., this week, while it lasts, 5¢. yd. 1@e. Handkerchiefs for Se. dozen” only, White Lace H andkerchiefs, centres, lace edges, worth roc. easily, this week 5¢. 5 dozen only, White Lace Handkerchiefs, worth 4oc. for 15¢. each. 5 dozen only, White Lace ~Handkerchiefs, worth 5c. each, 4 for 25¢. 20c. Towels at 10c. each 4 dozen only, Pure Linen Towels, red border, size 18 x 36, worth 4oc, pair, this week only 10c. each. plain Boy’s Knee Panis at 40c. pair. 2 dozen Boy's Knee ape blue serge, werth 75¢. pair, for 4oc. pr. 1 dozen Boy’ 's Knee Pants, black woo! worsted, one $1.25 pair for 75. 2 doz. little boy's Overalls in blue, only 45c. pair 500 yards Factory Cotton to be sold this week for 4 34c. Men's Summer Underwear, Shirts and. Drawers, worth -4oc. each, this week only soc: per suit. $5 and $6 Men’s Suits for 10 only, Mén’s Suits, alts sizes, selling at $5 and $6 each, for quick buyers only $3.98 per suit. = BIG VALUES IN : Summer Underwear for Ladies prices toc, 12%c,, 15¢., 18c., 20c., 25¢., and 35¢, 35c. Men's: fancy. summer haif hose for 25c. pair. $8.50 Rain Goats fer $5 13 only, Men’s Rain proof Overcoats, all sizes, selling-at $8.50 each, while theylast, only $5. 4 pieces of Organdie Come in shades of Vink, Helio, Green and Blue, worth 45c. per yd., this week only 25¢. 2 ¥,116 piece Dinner Setts gent ig at $18 per sett, this week $12.50. Don't delay in picking up these values life is too short, delays are dangerous, come with the crowds, your gain our loss. We pay 12c. for Hees, 14c. for Butter. ; Groseh & Pfeffer