J, FLETCHER'S GLAD NEWS: bopD’s KIDNEY | PILLS Picks ais Oe cee AND HE IS OUND MAN. Granton Man _ Shouts ae gs ‘7 D The satisfaction of haying the Y outa aap ati| washing done early in the day, and well done, belongs to every user of Sunlight iy ap 0B i at. gton pg ae 8 it. Qubstioned as “ bites in “the worl 55 v f Se particulars ot his cure Mr. Heal) ait ee oe 1s. ‘000 blocks of marble, each’ two hick. id been troubled. for a feet thicl with pee and Kidney ‘Troubles! A LITTLE TALK ON A GREAT MATTER. very cheerful frame of mind sea ‘The man who intends to get a new aap ided to try Dodd's Kidne; 4 Binder for next harvest and hasn't yet placed. his order will be inter- Punt it was a lucky day for me | ested én what follow when I did. Almost from the first || THE KNOTTPR is a very import- they gave me relief and I was soon |ant feature of he iinder. If pntirely cured: it 45 complex. it. will. probe Yes eymbogs is gene }. my wassey-1anns 3 Kidney Complaint is pe and bodd’s Kidney Pills ‘did ” NOT UP TO HER An Eedailiah lord who a finally ventured to remark you are really and. truly an English Yora 2” he answered, pleasantly, hou that I 0 see an n nish lord. ee now are satisied at las st a ha ot ia laughingly. rep! Pie the truthful tte” iat Thar satisfied. good deal disap; pointed." Ceylon Tea Is the finest "Tea the world produces, and is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. ‘aran tea deinkers try “Salada” Green tes. ' Deda’s Kidney Pills ever oan to ture Kidney Complaint, id more money left ther that, | romplaint takes the form of Bright's Disease, Diabetes, ropsy, Rheum: stism, Sciatica, Lame Back, 4+ or ne ably give trouble. The cine SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE. Khotter ‘s in one, v0 at OF friend Be other thosen. nocd “in = npihiers Sane Heny feature of. tho het! a married BY | MA HARRIS is fights. ref wih o/vaked Winuelf Yes, lots. He has oie ‘Knotier Sains it in this par teu me MASSEY meta aN PIER | a time saver, uiseg a: ulttie’ trie in ie 0 the ais when I want to put away a few rote ane collar % Hold hi what al an old ae parcel ad hide it under the He grinned ironically, SEL quirer passed on a sadder an eRe sae ‘The ceerag: sagt arn in the tightener. out se SiwéNlen, Coul Could Not ee Tere Nk Of S ‘veiling friction here. Jingle—‘"De Courcy Sigs (bouste ane snecesstted Leia up ail aay Pane Wahi trace his ancestry ba ut six was |to the Normans.” Winkle— swell, ie BarHspteely pea eseds eanieta fe Normans are dead and they won't mind.’”” = any oi his predecessors. that the total sum is Deafness Cannot Be Cured applications as they cannot] a 38 ition of |iachian Tube. you wfec is nothing bi of the mucous “We will give One Hundred Dollars for \ny.easo of Veaness (caused by catarrh) rat cain y Cate: y tese & UO., Poiedo, 0 Druggists, Te ‘amily Pills ere the best. for rifles ite in 1887, to- gether with 1,370 19. pep iste cannon. Use Lever’s Dry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens. and flannels,— you'll like it. eer re espn aula Me Peas ieee! are the only pecs fisrt: Reh aver Ueenseatca te Flghe to Weake whe Choe yellow ket nn ® iach For Over Siaty Years. '® Soothing sg Sy ond take no other kind. 1g 1 of a Be sat $540 per Pau f Oil is the next scent in point of valu to otto of roses Minctd’s- Lininent Cures Burns, etc, ‘Stratford, 4th Aug., 1903. MESSRS. C. ¢; RICHA ARDS & CO. Gentlemen—My neighbor's boy, 4 yea in) | Robinson, 55 Clarencd | Got's scalded fearfully. A few days latex Ottay ite welled to three times anne Your Gruseises wil recommend Munyon's Bbeumatiem co pares ask him spore. ‘orbearanee is always more heroic athan Sehting. | A difficulty does not furnish a rea~ son for denial. given such virersal eatilaction ey ; Minard's Lintment Relieves Neuralgia} OS Se MES a AN ASKER BY PROFESSION. A cocoa-palm in full yecoed will yield as. touch Ge ton of nuts in a year, and a date-palm from Lewt t5 go & cwt: of Gates in a: season. wrote bale i a na abo} ceived ni the latter wished to leave her what is your future ones a'am he—he goes abou eli, it that ; we call it | it asker.” ‘A Waterspout spins with enormou: has been minute. Aphra Behn, published in 1684 Minas Litmeat tues Dandi M. ERT, ‘General "Merchant here are ces of stories which | rr prove that when iakeeesare he} “peels know, what he ei balkiog wife of a well-known writer oo e from a servant that ser- ice. as she was going to be mar- j yee a lad: “6 ae : “Indeed 2” said the lady i “It you please, ma/am, he’s an aa understand. What does The Great speed. Its velocity at the se a level estimated at x mileo The first novel by an English wo- list was “The Adventures of the Black Woman,” by Mrs. magnet has been made weighing ld; fell inta a tah of boiling water vane) cate 3) grains -wlhifch could lift 1,- 560 grains, or 445 times its own weight ae Linimnt forsale everywhere heep used as beasts ofyburden in North Indig carfy 20 poids weight iece. GOING TO TELLIT. IT. heumatlem Cure; the kind that | f| cares in a few days the most ob- | stinate and eeiats a m1 have a friend suffering from that horror, or from lumba; figst dose. You too. Tm hall, of Varney Post "Oto, “County of Gra: ‘Onta! writes: er Pelast Year I was contiadally | fia hundreds of dollars in (clues which. Fis $e ones e Birst dose aunt relief. lam math cured. ‘GREAT Bailds sp into eres and. health the bs most shattered systems ms. It is mal caipalalnts, Or or general debility in either sex. ‘Hundreds of testimonials from the cured ones, cy | A GHANGE FOR CLEVER PEOPLE | It should be easy for people who drink delicious Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea to say something that will induce their friends to try it, 1$545.00 #.o22| Twenty-five cash Prizes will be awarded in order of merit to those sending in the best advertisements for Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea. First Prize Pon ee ee ‘1 Second Prize .- - a ee 100.00 Third Prize - 40.00 4th to 13th Prizes, $10. fore) bach - 100,00 14th to 25th, $5.00 each ~ 60.00 $500.00 Baca, eginging. with the: Ae ending April 4, a special advertisement eae that week, special prizes, or a grand total of thirty-four casli prizes. $5.45. * CONDITIONS ‘ 1st. No professional ad, writer, nor anyone connected directly or indirectly witn the Blue Ribbon Tea Company may compete. and. Advertisements must not contain more than 50 words, and shorterones are preferable. 3rd. One of the cards used in packing Blue ‘Ribbon Red Label Tea—there are in each, package-—mist be enclosed 6th each batch of adyertise- ments ath. The competition closes June 1, 1903, and all conipetin advertisements must reach one of the following addresses on or before that Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Winnipeg, Man. Blue Ribbon Tea Co., Toronto, Ont. Biue Ribbon Tea Co., Vancouver, B.C, sth. No person shall be awarded ay than one of the main prizes, but may also ie based on all the advertisements submitted M. f the Winnipeg Telegram, has Kindly consented to judge the advertisements and award p All advertisements that fail to win a prize, but which good.enough to be accepted for publication will be paid for at the rate of $1.00 Unless expressly requested to the contrary, we will consider ourselves at liberty top oe the of priz ae decscsad chad be allialcgei canis ea brightly and ona fda raed leter ith addres and date from one who isement for an article of foed sh se areiipleasegaee The test advertise: Bere Tie one al Hill Lakes Woemoe Soo Oey IE aati al Vertis Seck your Inspiration in a Cup of Blue Ribbon Red Label Tea and the mey is yours. THE RIGHT PAINT TO PAINT RIGHT: Sixty one years ago we made the best paint we knew how—knowledge and experience have been adding value to it ever since—it’s the best aint we knew how to make now. And just a little better than the best. Write us, ig this paper, f {ul homes are painted with Ramsay's Paints, A RAND # pon Paint makers, brgcg Se ee Lado’ Wear of al Kind ia Bb erica bs oe A Hodes Huagings of rary | smitisz AMERICAN ‘DEBINa at ait ‘Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa Bominion “tine no Stoannahina : on ABOUT § we aes ioalezs, epply.fo-any “agent OWN ee ee BONDS. fa NUMBER Ti dtateBe Boston. “Montreal and Portland. 2-8 RUBBER GOODS ee ase aa styles. En- PATENTS = eee Gents’ Suits Cleaned pie Poctan na to arerpool Wie Cuevas: rior acrommodation THE poke has Maat trea P. O. Box 1142, Mon’ excell We hi pl pal Sc gal er Bond: LEMONS |} Srstfeiesss" WR TE FOR LIST. — Val E ee ve DOMINION ORANGES ave Mexicans, | WE Gaitorsia shh All the above at | Carload week. the above al | aes fices, We can also handle your Butter, Eges, Poultry, Maple Syrup and other prod: toad tage for SECURITIES Corporation, Limited, 26 King St. East, Toronto. THE cigiodee COMMISSION i Market St In Peace and War Or, The End of It All Stig Ret hissed, thrusting ne t she drew | jere-we are again, Brenda — proton ol etal eight emok [i ght: place: Ne!"” she answered. i SEER $ to thorny pathways. {is ‘nothing to be one but fac : she asked simply. for ealcn ia e © ealled Ge Trist’s | events?” mst we walt upon Siphs was wenmRe a Ww vould suggest . . Sik Ke a Trapt thane oop ot 80, t00. r= more .capecially Al inued, in the na ser inactiv smiled slo Bore conviction that must be ve strong before you would suggest ahs ‘1 feel,"” he said, se ih b womie isa for |tineration, “that it’ y o aautia Instn BAW | Keg thei apart in Hesston fain tothe: growed He. 3g y iio cba tein of ie with, nit “ston Ss rs “And I sup Trist kie its Hs < never wauld| we must do Moc san a neon’ heve eked a d “Oh hig Naa ahtieked the “eoldier, “Who te s ot eikiice wal Aeetad : 4 oe t is Trist . . . you brute!”’ “The they are,”’ she whispered But Hhston lay motionless, with hurriedly, “looking into the el mp ‘hand open mouth. was in Hascl eaa ee ine. I will s And WATERS Bip. |: When vied eady, leave it in the passage she cried, ‘what ban ere oitemece i Ae a v 5 ’s Ointment is a Be Jooked. ‘ints her ae sherpl, i @ hee a ey gcertain almost fiercels eee every form. of itching, br a eerie and protrudi the manufacturer We guarant epi ough he was ashen~ 3 color, pee any ‘sign of on. Even hs wild Tege niet Ge sit come back here, I will take it, go rt you?" he asked in a| down, and take her straight away,” voice eae while he oe fingers skillfully touched oulder in a quick, searching way coved learnt in drawing rooms. “Ng — no!” she cried impatiently. /om the girl's act. ene perce ‘Bute you have wine bt" ble flaw in Trist’s plan, and he oe her thoughts. ae all know,”” es replied with You el] ‘There bi a tant’ St BUGh aout lence. on. her face as she turned djaway and hurried from the aved a deep. sigh, and the fire with a hope- * Ae po: Wylie was obeying patient smile aM He was watching them the | Reta yom: lenlentaiened ant crosend. estat leoming toward him. He stepped she whispered, “if | fback from the ‘window in ease one of ng is to go on.” ramuenk reat a d toward Huston, who | dainty elf from the torpor | which had followed hi: Sle would have/at Trist’s hands consolatory or | doubtless partly" wiley ho opefu remark (ees -mrould {poten eoasitton’ of ig aria ated ee a young ‘Dod! sieeeraivedie red the war Reawenis, Raweeen, he fel ‘ceeananeede digllowitay her glance, Weak Stomach in the Spring =: LB ctilececges and Dyspepsia # the uted Result of Einausiad! ves and Weak, Watery Blood —Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Jet Beople_siier mare oF los ss| Mrs. NM, Sharp. 346 Du ol ess, indigestion | street, Peter! ponies ‘Ont., writes ela aa tue epntne | 22" Fors as tro ble | ‘hut many do not realize that this | wit indigestion, ‘egndition of affairs is due to low |into nerv vitality, spares of the blocd, aii} jrfering fr sted “ni digestive fre like ol vaur increase in sligle nile using this great food cure xp | t new, fiesh- ‘quently arise indigestion, headaches, pizzy spelis, sleeplessness $ and other (distressing syinpto: Pies ee eee and si r do ile being uch ae Rppetlte. i is sharpened, -cisertion | assiinilation are improved, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food cures in- ag igestion and dyspepsia just as it | Toronto. against | ures other ailments, by making the |imitations ebgs portrait inne ‘signal ood. rich sotaccecriparaiy “nerve |ture of Dr. A: W.- Chase, the famout | rin vital power which runs |receipt book ation: are on ever} action,” said, in a oad ast she turned her head, and |“ jetw er's hee opposite.” What are we to | on, were tnattered Dr, Chase's Ointment The at | thought shes saw I d| Mrs. Hus iadd to the body. | Ei, lap “is tele, minutes’ start from that | “You ed anxiously below her. i "Yes; they are on the stairs . , ane Sofas gts promise me on your honor, that he did no’ hurt you promise you,” she said, with} jain * then he left her. ways alo’ low= lamentably short of his duty. After |staj a thoughtful pause he merely whis- e dawn, bearing the body of her husband’ dow: =|ward her. ext instant. she wal bo out er FS loved hand to proct: hima) » Bot even she — practiced, gifted woman ofthe world as she 1d not meet him che 8 a part es seat f a cere to be glow: oth — an agresinent it. dabot not be mere mere friends (although h the friendship existing between oman and something had fulfilled the promise then gi aida her Gite dnewateel with that noiseless footstep whi the noment. “1 did not et ee An be took hek hand his all-seeing gaze detected a slig) that moment ie. Wylie and man, who is Ne plas ig +hat of si sowarcl or a. Tob he could not conceive a third al- ternative dust ihex, ‘because ane) Oy know Alice ae avon. 903 well who was drawing-room, here with some neces- saries for you.. Will you come with me; or will you go upstairs to your i I go with you?” staminered the beautiful nomen ightered whisper. “‘Where lie leant against the wide batusin ay eto eathed! rapidly. She ally alarmed, but even fear MUL etlitiney shor dndondiable “I will conduct you to a safe hi ing place to-night, ant Bronte au Tri in a tone full ae patel ar euhrey, ed up. ‘Be guick iden: bey cause Brenda is alone upstairs with| 2. him, Mrs. Wylie’s eyebrows moved v8 Hee baientt pe veil. ie} ig! iy ed nervously with m. ae ment; then she raised her lace, but t yo said, dibly ced blush- ie like a schoolgirl between raised hat Dena, anger ke her ile away Ol rong wir above ‘the chicken. yard. Her irom panting to conte! n Theodore Trist's ime Oo mect somehow james! tied, The flood of an; sided sea from her had better go,” she answer- breath, mentartly when @ person is on the ink of a great discover: the next Ininute ‘she was running while ‘the*footsteps of the ieee sugitives died away in the roar of t oe eo,” she said to herself, whi an answer to ee suimmons a heF own 09h. tate ofa very the a@rawing-room, ais =. standing near the indov, w one. mond clasping the each of the curtaii ‘ ¢ |. Captain Hu stow: chair tending toward contemp: were on with pain, Rig her small head with the ‘svtel re serenity which was oats ass ee aid en BBG Abvanced: oward “He is quite Beatie ann Gaetable now!” she whisp jylie. peak hekchbaia. Mati fingers, clas aoning tt with a soft, protec ting strength, “Is enda, with a in her eter “he is ; a you afterwart The quiekwitved matron had re ‘overed’~ that 5 heptiires was slightly displaced, she did not press her question, At this moment Mee oes roce to his feet, and-took uj aid, with i sigrhether the to bey against away wives; vents, society will have an opinion on the subject fe ignored the fact that he had i no Way gtected ‘Mrs. /Wylle, ‘addreee: ing his cee ye both ladies im- at ee his attack Gugh): will, not beable to.hide nee es ylie Sin RY cerange, 's hand ow: he mention of keep my shall be the: sarst to welcome a |;| Extracts Showing the Way His Ideas Were Set Down. feoteluition! rugged” his pepanees and or, It was ho ‘rang the bell, Captain passed out of the room. with- a ages Vora (To Be Coxitinued). asia sn SHAH OF PERSIA’S DIARY. acts from the diary of the Shah of Persia, who has sulta re- Gently peek fyiahias Timgland y are amusing. The Shah was mightily impressed by the greatness anid Tetine pate of the London police, and w: cerning bh tueto! Be resent oe the public pea med by. certain ioxieeohily BEAUTY’S CHARM, A Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks and Bright Eyes Compel Admira- tion. No woman needs to be told Coe, complexion. a re weak, ailing girl or wo- riThese pills are good for all trou- poor blood or weak ait ake any’ other Ried fiat the full name, Williams’ Pink Pills ee Le People! ig Young on und USES TM Ie Monee ner Ease to Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be mailed at 50 cents per box or hoxes for $2.50, eae SP Maa Fashionable . Mother (languidly) : “Well, Sarah, how is baby to rae Nurs aie eu Wo BH te na’am.”” Fashion able Mother (still more Tanguay) That was careless’ of you; Saral You oughtn’t to let baby nay, with knives." “Know eee Trotter + Well, 0 be a was looking for something easie she observed, simp] Mr. Hardnutt—‘I admit, sir, that i You don’t know her.’? Mamma, on hearing that her sister had received a id Lillian, wonderingly, “wasn't that seein ig * ick 2” brey—“I say. old boy, I sup- Pose you can’t lend me a fiver ?'” Plant reeet ac) my dear boy a man with your capacity for abel the right thing ought to be able to win a fortune on the Turf.” Teacher—-Which letter Is the next. one to See | te }Oy- | “Dunno,, een |have I on bot Boy—‘‘Freckles, ma‘a1 in- h sides of my nose 2? m. pean ELE Ci BsBY’S HEALTH. Motiecnipusoyer ths amtilon Ao be spared many an anxious. hour een jes always at hand a box of Own Tablets and give them ne thelr little ones. e occasi: ts order to lent jhe e constant and|rains that fall upon them. So much | the -further com-|do the people of Britain love water this soft-spoken, soft- pass the; = poralen ie man, with 4 1 obedience. * slight ly, Idoked down ine mt Eploaiite in this somewhat child- then /ish occupati peta: "that this young mai admiring ‘her ing whether lise attire were “ft: for a long journey on a November ev = he said Still Sirs, ‘Huston ude! z shook Wanda’ grasety” with low. “Go to Brenda!’’ he meas fd ti matron bowed her A she rai existing among hi ht in | does: /and Be was ther am like _ in fone! oe ot: a7 animals, and i: tionarch's opiaten | nd ac-| is hardly fitogether “An English lady skin is ‘volt husband eat child jah was mightily impressed is sub; pa them in any way t presumption.