” ‘Transient Advertisements are Say ay at the ri 0) The Milverton Sun Js the best Local Newspaper in the County $ f Perth, {t is the Best iatoass* iiatencsanruable $1 per year, stciotly in ‘advanee, mh 50 if not so paid. —M. MacBrrn, PunisHeR. VERTISING RATES, space, “|e |6 mo. | 3 mo. {1m $50 00)83 00 oe column., ate of Sc. per: line,. nowpariel, for the first insertion, and 3c, per line for each sic: aessive insertion, G. T. R. Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton, GOING sourH, 10:88 a.m. Express. 9:25 a.m 112:40 p.m, Mixed . Houde. Mixed 8:90 pm THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1903 Andrew Carnegie, the democrat of Skibo Castle, has a bad attack of swelled head, and it is breaking out Be about the mouth. +, fe Mr. Christopher Robinson has ar- rived-in England to. assist Edward Blake in the preparation of the Cana- dian caso in the Alaska boundary dis- pute, ‘These men are as able a pair of jurists as is to be found in the whole empire. 2 2 ate Mr. Wallace Nesbitt, a young man, and one of the recognized’ leaders. of the bar, has, heen appointed to the Supreme Court Bench to succeed the late Hon. David Mills. His appoint- ment will be very favorably received throughout the province. ath The proposal to change the name of we John meleataph} é on. Mr. Sifton, speaking at the Catadian Club banguet it le-| the mnguitade oF these grants. Tables inion, * Great | Lord's Mistake. (New York Times.) ht to believe | © is prayers the request that one be sent him for. his birthday. Pon awakenin rnin, ‘Thereupon | ® he turned over on his pillow and cried if ‘d, don’t you know the dif- ference nereese a bieycle and a tri- cycle? Where ie see iy. (Chicago Post.) “Dear Miss Scrubbins,” wrote a dozen for anyehing that happens, ' whether! fr it’s hy it should be necessary to all. apply to me for'an excuse at Sentences in Contrast. (London News) For blowing a the brains of a boy in Elgin County, a man was given year in jail. Tyee atentin ing ten cents from a Boy: in Wentworth. Segoe What kind of justice is this? Who is ‘0 blame for @s crimes of Bad Reasoniug in Speeches. DUAR Sentinel-Review.) “It isto be feared ed few members of Dominion House have made much study of either Tate or political Hudson Bay to ‘Canadian Sea” is one| ec of W. F. MacLean’s many fads and| should be passed over by parliament without any consideration. Poor ol Henry Hudson, who lost-his life while tying to discover the passages of in- gress and.egress to this wide waste of “waters, should! not be lightly robbed of the poor recorapense he received for his death, met, as it was, while en- gaged in his voyages of discov ‘Phe Toronto over is urging upon e talk is with whieh they, take up the time of Parlisinen Preserving Niagara Falls. tawa Citizen.) Y ef | give eome idea oft the size of the ai madians are strengthening italn. Gi n! Motor Co., eV benm: at 1850 Ibs. MM 5 Mande, of Moorefield, called on friends The recen' a goes ernment return of lands given to railway companies has set some news| rs commenting on mpiled which will 1 alienated. For Area of Scotland 000,000 Thas ie will be seen that Mackenzie n have Y years which have elapsed rovinee began. Canada has aided the railway enterprises of he west with great generosity. Bitar she has a right to demand adequate service for the piste Alle Ue MONKTON. . Westman, of Stratford, was in Geo. our village on. Monday on business. Mr. and Myx th McEwen, who Ca in futur as. they leave many warm} ds. peer Rowland, 2 Stratford, y-in our villa; Me: Olivers oliArpobd sano ved. ts our village and resides in the-ho lately pene y Mr. Hugh M Ewen. Miss Christina Grubber, of ee ‘ood ee is in our ee oe week, the guest of Mi Miss jis Campbell school ferthch. companied by three Listowel lady fiacasy dteee be hdena "On eae ovannes ioe BT a RIE OH . C. Horid, of Toronto, repre- contaaetel bel Canada “Cycle and ur village on Thursday on business. hite has purchased a fancy pony from Mr. David Smith for a good s| ‘MILLBAN = Bigain Bros Wellesley townish eight months ol k whieh tipped the r. Ed. Hammond and daughtes a tHe ei age las SGouisven les eervicesteill be'bela ta Knox church next Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock. nsual Friday an d coe eH an ihe e QM -- Hot Time .. . IS COMING. As the hot time is now approaching we are ready to sell you a nice MUSLIN, LAWN, PRINT, \ QRGANDIE or PIQUE at the right prices. x RAS ARIS AS AS As AS As A Hs As AR AE Our Millinery Dept, is still in full swing.’the as- sortment is large and up-to: date. We would ask you to leave your order at the be- ginning of the week in order to give our designer an oppor- tunity to give you the best ar a satisfaction. Try our se aes Drip Syrup, 85c. for 20 Ib. pail, Ww. K. LOTH RERERE RRI RR ETD RRR ee only. READ TAREE RAR KERERDRAER ERR ARER Ca day’ services ‘ill also be (From another correspondent.) Miss May Paokert; M, Stratford, “attended. the Piano recital pian by the pupils of Miss Nellie}. rome K al: The Amerieans, bi the Government the necessity of atrengthening the Supreme Court by the appointment thereto of the ablest men practising at the Canadian bar. No consideration but fitness for the position should be considered. The salary should ‘be increased to $10,000 per year that men with a lucrative _ practise might be reimbursed to some extent for their sacrifice in the In the past: the limit im comm Niagara ‘Falls by harnessing the power on thelr own side and decorating the banks with factories, are pu! a tremendous appea ural beanties of the ‘special protest “| Sonata said. to have been | 801d dilatory in Ss eae d but the in- tentness of i dgments. is not al- ways Sede one to the importance of the matter in hand; and’ their judgments are often brief, scanty and unilluminative. More men of the type of Judge Armour are wanted. ae Andrew Carnegie that account would n expensive way of gratifying curiosity. i Ae Successful Trap} It would appear that the name of| pr, the king of local trappers is-Thomas lerson, who lives in ‘Oniettise and is still talking, | th and insists. that. Washington is the] In a natural capital of the English-speak- ing world. He says that ‘‘the colon- jes ave nct’ increasing, ~Australia is a mere rind round an empty interior. South Africa is 10t a white man’s couatry, and the English goyernment’s policy of encouraging there, especially of women, is a crime. Canada’s only chance of future is to throw in her lot with the Americans. Your colonies put tariffs against you. The colonies have virtually no manu- factures. ‘The Empire has lost the in- dustrial race to America, but England hins produced Shakespeare, who more to me than the Bible. His birth eminigration | apiece, the raccoon a rats at 2 $277.49 ie yee each, Migehtned in the fall, or-6e.. can be obtaibed: "for the Hiatt The fishery overseers should be em- powered to act-as gaine wardens. The Eternal City. In Rome there are one cardinals, 35 bishops, 1,369 oleate pice is to me more sacred than thej 2,92: a sepulchre itself.” aa Mr. Carnegie asa beneficient fairy queon, are now finding him out, His-deliberate and wanton’ attacks on Qgnada find no The The English| 74 which hitherto seemed to re-| 000. spiritual, to. ev while ia the large ‘Protestant, cities of. Germany ther Q took makes an.ouslaught on what ir called “the bastard individualism af.his Pitisburgh exrot bonus anthophy,” and ‘he gen bic je ‘| ber of lawbre: i; her 2 hag witb heed iimnite the largest nom- citizens. “458,082 engaged copples. in, the whole of Italy im t 204,098 could sign the a riage con |tract, tuat is ovly 450 out of each for ti heprediny? [Selotticehe it. Learn Dress-making in Two Weeks. nia |aad feel almost as good as fi Valises at‘very low prices. so J. &. Crosch & Son F189 only Broval RG TADIG’ progrese thoy ara making under Miss Ross’ teaching |The following were the numbers Gustave Lange attie Hammo Genero, B-Sehuinann Miss Lilly Clar! March Riley Miss Florence MoFadden vol Battsohardt Misees Belle Jack and Mise Rose n Der Bise Gustave Lange eles Bessie Young Beethoven Miss Lillie Clarke one desiring to learn Saunders’ method of dress- making No charge until satiefied. I hold a ificate from Mrs. Saunders to}: Miss M. Moorr. SHOES FOR SUMMER You had better be prepared 39 |for summer foot comfort. You i{here. Some: of our summer shoes.look like dress footwear your old slippers. A full stock of Trunks and Aigents for White “Sewing ~~ Machines,.. best ,. family sewing machine in ¢ sate a world... holstered Goods, all away down. salesman will be pleased to show. you. through. 4a E 2 2 2 cannot be better prepared than =| i = a Wi iederhold & Honderich < Being overstocked at present in all lines we have de- cided to sell our goods away down, In Leunges and Couches We offer extra inducements, ranging in price from $3, to | $25, in Velour rug patterns, etc. 220 Curtain Poles With complete trimmings, in Mahogany and’ Oak, for 25 cents each. Iron Beds, Dining Room Chairs, Extension Tables, Dressers, Stands, Parlor Tables, Up- Call in and geq prices, our UNDERTAKING and EMBALMING a Specialty. Wiederhold & Honderich ay i Good Cisthes - Gaiz Prestige ee E Everywhere. You'll take into eonsideration “ Your Looks” at once if you've the enviable characteristic “ Up-to- Dateness.” We make the kind that fills a man with self-satisfaction as to his appearance. E-very suit a recent style, a stylish: fit, and. a fit possession... £. Knechtel, Leading [erchant Tailer. eerie * 5 EH. Cheese oes will ship 150 ese ot Ape cheese from om of Ingersoll, are pai at Bie a ob ~ Joseph Leiter, the princip: a in Chicago, is now bankrupt, having compromised int his creditors at cents on the d A cattle ae on the G.T.R. Warm Weather Goods: — tna We have a splendid selection in any of the following lines White or White Co White and Colored Musing Parasols Summer Cream Lustre rded Lustre Underwear Summer Hosiery Millinery Straw Hats, Ete. Get your Summer. Wants Here. E. H. DIERLAMM |e: i= THUBSDAY, AY 21, 1903 GENERAL N NEWS” CUUJLED FROM ALL SOURCES Rey. Dean Kilroy, of Stratford, is ill. reported to be yery Sixty-five children, arrived at the Macpherson Boy's Homo, Stratfot oe, Taster Ate regs has eae supply. The Court-of Appeal dismissed tol ‘ood for everything oped! of A. Mipesropbell, who was! unseated for Sault Ste Marie, thus k aving the seat stil vacant. Mr. Wm. Godfrey, who for years acted in the capacity of G.T.R. sition stowel, was banqueted © eatogial tan eee prior to his leaving for the west where he has secured a/ situatioi Daring April 232. families entered | brought goods and implements. The heady in- cluded’, over 1,000 horses i. 800, cattle. Building is active in nee, e present 431 -stractures:-are i U and Eas geraeme valde 15 $1: . In May, 1902, the value of the buildings under $350,000. Mr. Harcourt has introduced-a bill pieetiee that. when a High School i open to pupils from adjacent couuty on the sam ieee pupils, the. adjacent ageripseaet and fees payable-by such pupils. The immigrants are passing Se Regina, says The Leader, “‘ not tens and twenties, FY Hitiainess and thousands. Bagga; ie is pie along the station platform, ang on tl trains going north freight Soar to be requisitioned to Meier rk the baggage department.” A Carberry soil dealer through Medicine Hat Ai pee with i 1500 head of Mexic ican hi “s.. About: construction was | last architect. is assed | years. ; that runs on wheels,’ Sold Everywhere. Made by IMPERIAL OTL CO, | 1 I ae] The Sovercten’ Bank is opening a | branch at Zuri uartette of Chesley anglers che Sehty sight speckled trout in MeCulloch’s Lal ship, one day Gh es Kent,, the young, _motical student, of Buffale, tted Miss Ethel Blanche gr ig cA ‘amilon nurse, in committing. suicide, Bs to-jail for twenty years. ssrsiiG.G. McPherson. and J. P. Mabon of Stratf vere: In preparing to dowble track some of the road'in British in Sulli 4 ivan town: = Columbia the| ar caused a engine. t, Stratford's truant officer, is GN all boys under fourte Anyone employi ing | ® boy under that age during the school terms, is lable toa fine. Commencing June 1st the G. Bi ad will Bat three extra trains on between Toronto @ busters men in towns affected by the | por hange. Is is epired that Lord Northcote, Govern Norti jaron adeslieh, ee Station Reena and Northcote is a daughter of tot Mount-Stephen. PEN) ft he t logs of which the dock Was constructed, and ten ‘teas far $20,000,” with Prospects of much more. The oldyand the watersinne ‘ere when ne Senator Mark Hanna once gave a dinner to fifty farmers, and as a de. Lay Sei anumber of fine iggy Seabees day before the dinner the melon were plhgeed, filled sith champrgne d n ice, After each former got half and he ed the flavor so much thot he put the seeds in his pockets x the next season's plan Shey had nover tasted such fatades alee will be some eighty few mines at the annual and about ‘The oe ase is due to-the sutig out this. y the Part examination, the, a it aay # satisfaction is expressed ‘among | w of time, and th oh Toledo real estate, man Naot Ba declared winners fins wade the logs more valuable than ike ser they wily et May 16th, 1903. befor sisting 88, be- ae Wi iets 4 toe: |P. H, BASTENDORFF': deel brick dwelling, tank barn steble, f 0 particulars apply to The Ringling Bros. eireus will Stratford on June 13th. pe tion al i notable wheat corner of 1897 and 1898 apeoimens of Mumanity Rel te be found on on ») Head Office, e continent, and, thi: 0 | for bullet is sta than an a3 ty rit a sppeent § that such is the e: eee as tested not lone in ‘since ay dence one of po cane eer that a man, bulk| ¢s. jaar wt ium Jasuranes is ae The Dominion oy, ncn oyu LIFE, ASSURANCE 60 ae ~ Waterloo, Ont... Results of 1902 1008. advantages to total 8 ch pet forms of in_ continuous or - may be 7 = eters insta insiaiments at the option’of * Thos. Hilliard, President, yoke of oxen #! the trial weighed 3.20 pots Re bo ak allowing 160 pound cd = Eye Comfort... .. Eye comfort is obtained’) ae the aid of perfect. aa ates, The | oxe their trial] ing glasses. moved-obly. 85 fect tn tht onrne length © men were accordingly Genecis Satianltene sg To sea a DOr or THE Sun, Miz- e Dees Bir oP hereby challenge 8. Z. to run for re eoanctiale James Mv vs EP a Sete FARM ron SALE. That valuable parcel of Jand con. of 100 acres, more or less, For’ furt! AMES WHALEY, Milyerton, Ont. Our spectacles and lenses ; are guaranteed perfect. We carry the best and most-* up-to-date guaranteed Jewelry: - ver shown in Milverton. Ifin need ofan engagement We handle , the i Guana Stratford’ Daeber: Hampden ratchet thes est time-piece in. the worl {Crosby Bicycles at $25; Jeweler and Optician” - "|The Place for. against her, quite in the Addisonian style, that the ee at which she held them created enot commotion to amount toa asthe Oranges 25c. and 35c. per doz.| At fou of traffic, Her youth and_prettine if they did not aggravate thie | did aggravate the commotion ; policeman arrested her. jin her defence, sai some silk petticoat, and other ‘things’ high muddied, but not an inch higher. clinch the matter, § ions ne here will ina : ar or so be a further big cutting Why keep yo down § in the number of candid: A! Mo far ful mortgones at low rates of interest, SS B.. when at all times, in large or ‘1 ighs« f : Waly towentedeanc she Bakery, Grocery, Confectionery often Postum Cereal 15c. per pkg. | a Mos fs ince California Prunes toc. per Ib. wearing a new and particularly “hand Cocoa 15¢ and 2s¢, tins, Old Cheese 1s¢ per Ib. pete, Cream Cheese 15¢. per pkg. had eee in the identical ‘lac, wand Eggs toc., Butter 15c, desired eady, if the judge give a : denionstration in cour 5 tnjadictally fascinated with the per- f it took him fifteen ge her, with apolo- And so progress continues, even in Ameri ‘ica. H. MOHR’S Clean bptent ee = Don t Neglect Painting ft ithproves your homes wonderfully at a small cost. on. Weare offering irt. or gravel in quites ‘ten men to operate it. two gap cars, with ear! minu Fiala es large fish was cant ig pa axto ip ve nt was 76 Pounds, fs feck, ar pret ea belong je sturgeon. variety. It th seen in town for Megas: Falls Record. was; the ‘syed At tail-on coltision of vo feign : trains _ occu Welland; on as Me, R., on “Friday tof last. week.- Ark Brand Weather: and. Waterproof Paint at 35c:qt., or $1.40 per gallon Every Quart Guaranteed. Your Money’ ny money for dowbe . gold. ‘bearing bonds:of the British Mortgage. , Loan Company, pea tiors. r cent. interest, payable’, reli every balf year? ‘The safest: , 6 ed to Executors,. rap Wr ee andy bis Trustees, as by the Statutes o} ae tario, Chapter 180, and by L biden -in-couveil of September 3, “Y902, hey are made a legal investment fo> she 2 The County of Perth and’ the y sees pea teddies Compan; in the bonds of the ‘ERTS MORTGAGE LOAN an ice interest is paid om daily. Batipees, and is compounded. 4, i. every half year. Apply to Wm. Buckingham; ManacExy Oncea Customer» Always One. ~~ The uppermost efforts in’, our business is to_make our - Watch Repairing and Jewelry dealings such that the buying . public will realize the advan- | tage of making this a avons es store in their Jewelry pur. chases. Reliable goods: for the: Teaste= money, correct in style andy artistic in design, is our assur- . ance that it pays to buy at this; store.. You have the. assur= ance that when you-buy-at this: store-you get-the’ best’ value for your money. WEE z