MARRIAGE LICENSES J. G. GROSOH. SrricrLy CoNFIDENTIAL¢ “tt Shines For TN Vagengenas sath eee C Vol XII—No 20 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1903 a : tae gee fone G + wall E. H. Dier- a eee The S$ overei gn Bank LOCAL NEWS. is Get you wall paper at E. H. Dier ao McCloy is visiting in] THE TRADERS: Eee OF CANADA. eas nee paits oreprhig wb BE Pins Eyes ip og ERNE ia’ fine sil mraterproot coats at Uh Oe ee ced Mr. Alex Jacobs, of Berlin, spent a ‘ay Paid [, 500,000.00 stal Authorized $2,000,000 |. Dollio MéKay, of Linwood, és Fiesta sencn ts (ok conn highs [The ret cata rome Peruna | Capital Up $1,500, Capital Authorized $2,000,! at present the guest of Mrs, E. H.|nis parents, ‘3h Assets Over $14,000,000.00 A china bowl given .away with RE 4 ae lami Capital Subscribed * $4,300,000 Tes Wm. Barth let ast wrod 10 Remember the football excursion t0| every .25¢, worth of rolled oats at B.| Loans made to responsible farmery ry : | Tavistock o ome Friday afternoon. Be| H. Dier! < 3 work at the tailoring with Mr. ierlamm's. on puelte Hees names. Head Office, Toronto rare of Wellesley reste = 2 “e gis Mrs. Andrew Torrance, of Wallace,| Sale notes eashed or collected HS. HOLT, D, M. STEWART, v. H. Dierlamm bad Ming emba BeeeCoe ee see Besar ary Te enon inmate seek ian hes her oqausta and? United States collected Pres. Gen, Manager oie Haken SPOvIREe spent Monday in re a Bile in height. parents Mrs. Martin or discounted on favorable papee aaa the ailage with Mr. E. H. Dierlamm. Milverton will be up against the Sterling oxelitige bought and sold. MILVERTON BRANCH | « 1 fina! Miss Maggie Rac, of Oi Springs, |hardest team in the League on Friday.| SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Biaseannte ovine trarh 118) ‘and) spent a day or two dae toe an > ne make f in the excursion and witness th a its of $1 and d ; i | 1902 must be paid at one e must e| Deposits of $1 and upwards reeeiv- Now open for the transaetion of | 190! must b eae ie Sue Lari g old acquaintances. | contest. and interest allowed at current GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS wath \ ¥ Mr. J. 4 Seek ey led] Miss Lou Kay. sal Me: Deposits of ST and: upwards teceived:|Vpfr, Guy Frecborn, the old veteran | ™_ dee a hy dae eemiantica et Callum sone honey ae nisataa a et "RR. JEFFREY, - Manager srbabanieel sand accel an ston ‘onto | 7 Savings Bank Department are machine manipulator, is again | University. Listowel, naked Sunday at Mr. D. ‘ieadt dapoaita “Froip (2, with his road machine andisin| | ea pee ford’s. Road Finkbeiner Bros. advt. in this Interest allowed: on. deposits trom a dsmand that he does not know} Try 25ce. worth of King’s Navy i date of deposit, and current vate al-| where to go first. Chewing Tobacco, the best light ‘We received another letter from Mr.) 7880 = lowed, and a half yearly. chewing on the market, for sale at| TRS Whaley, describing his trip Mh wile is in much need of a ‘ : SEE SeSohe ei ete, W.K. Loth’s. through ‘the Rocky Mountains, but jt | watering cart Deposit receipts issued, © dratts] to the public that he will carry on the arrived too late for this issue. It will bought “and sold, coulleninde made] pump business as New|. The league football match betwee ear next week, i Messrs. Grose Bros. hae purchas- prowptly-on all. points, money orders work and repairing done. He. desires| Stratford and Tavistock on Friday at Shae jother-handsome bay. r ‘avistock resultell ina Si neither Thos, Whaley has purchased| The isk on oat Park has issued, notes discounted. Special at-|that all outstanding accounts owing os 7 to the firm of Noll & Co. be paid to | sides scoring. Mr, Geo. B. Goodhand’s howse and lot been fitted up and will be in good tention given to the collection of ‘far facta daesaio’ him not later than June Ist. Patrtoticlaesieile badks; scribbling on ith and i a ea ites ape for the races on Victoria ye Rod Rariney - Manager|: 2% Milverton Football Club has| books, school text books and all sup-|in the course of a few weeks. Dr, Gilhert Atkin, honse surgeon, & ode ’ made arrangements with the G. 'T. R. plies for the school room. Agent fo sa dio See pital, N.W., is spending for special excursion rai Bre aa aoe wall maps and all school ‘apparents.—|_ Don’t rush int. paint buying. Go|a few weeks at the home thie parents: a stock on Friday aftern ur-| Jas, Torrance. slow. aes sure you are getting|Mr. and Mrs. John At PANTON Bareistor, Solicitor, Bie. oe eel by 4Ee: etaroon Between Stratford. and. Tavistock pood es bets na Ss. EISEN aes the paint | to: Wm. Burt return on a speajal train ti a etter at less money se ureday, Wins, Burton's ving Tavistock at p.m. The ain ienectengies oer se cere attn| staat arty “other is abla by Finikbeinee ‘he howe an ot belonging to the —- fate for’ tho’ round trip welll (Be "66 at achalusiona too-roalilly Mr, ‘Bescor: (BkO® eh ba ea ee ee out Babar i cents. 5 : f aoa y last, i oe ee Notwithiseanding the jolt that Milver-}- Many so-called floor or paint will not | $1020. ‘The adjoining vacant lot was R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate s last year rie dig all the| ton got the other day it still has de-|stand the walking. The S. W. inside| sold to Mr. F. W. Guenther for $97. ma : Lae ee “Through and it seems, that the |signs on the pennant. flo of Dental Surgery and Member of Roy fs or paint is ates for floors and} Viphe K: sibeywille schoel. ‘whith. ‘wab College of Dental Surg vat ‘utara, | dealers lost money. “chances ‘are| If you know of anything that is|Mothing else; it is made to walk on. | aamaged last y lightning, has : fonor graduate of Torouto University. | that in view of last years experience, | interesting to the general public, ra baler Bros, carry ail the 8. W. |}, 8 ‘a ewan the: beta ‘ Regalation of teeth, Crown and Bridge| the dealers will pay lower prices this| don’t hide it away and then wonder|#oor finishes. saps Eine eas We inl to 5 p.m.|year. Beef was higher last year than|why there is nothing in. the news- eal sho led” ae a x this, ond this is‘one explanation for paper + Bring de axed. ond ar oh ve but members of me ‘Part.| Schmidt, who ‘rodded” it on Monday store, Milverton, : shih popriea rs beanlachyoee, circulated, Even the movements in| Sogation are m erueete ante a make of ge —S Aman, who, hi ms wt-|and out of town of your friends are|fec Gcuving veenoneg. un ibition Park} Mr. pel, of ‘Tavistock, ani Veterinary See iagadena tor ey 3 sid rate ideiaa of interest” ‘for driving purposes, unless they pro-| Reeve Nee PE goeth. Easthope, spent ENGL, V. 8., Milverton, Ont.|riedly from his office to his residence,|_ Linoleums, 3 . = {eure a Season ticket’ from B. J-1aday or two in the village this week eruaunte Ontario Veterinary Uollege, Tors ‘and’ not finding his better half at aryee es new pieces for spring, | Ranney, secretary, Trespassers will taking notes of Mr. H. M. Schaefer's : is faraioy ealgairod oe tkoeetenok abo | ahs kee eee ee be prosecuted, coment block business, with a view of : ‘Vyou know anything of my wite’s| If any of our citizens have fruit] A teacher was trying to interest his| ele ae # plant in Tavistock. "| Wwhereabouts?” “I’m not sure,” an- in their yards that they-value wo|class in foreign matters, and asked, |. ammes are out forthe day of swered the servant, ‘but I’ think| would advice the immediate removal} '*Does anyone, know how to make a ible Stady and Missions: in ‘Trinity UR. | they’re in the wash.” of any black knot that is visible. Now| Maltese Cross?” “Sure,” responded | church, Elma, on the 2ist, It is very ¥. BARR. ET GON, Milverton focal 0 is the time to do it, and we would|the smallest hoy of the lot. ‘Well-us| full and promiees to provide = : Mate of Ostario Veterinary College Torunto.)|, Weeg cupinins i 1 diferent designs | also remind them that itis against the how?" geid the teacher. © “Step om interesting day €3e all who ‘atm, 5 treats all diee iseases of domes! aticat ted at law cy Golls by telephone or of eons} Hiniard MacTeslane, who for ngs hs ee ee Hi eh “Somme Lepper s rd peg a a SY eountetlon- | eave. h Jerk in Mitchell's : A young lady, who resides on th eae aae pa Firat lass horses” aid tiga at tall simon: |e ings been Clerk in: Mitchel : ss omen e vn are invit Bisgt ‘class “hove SGommercial driving «| 4258 store, left on Monday _mroming wise man hath said:—‘‘Young| outskirts of A to tBeag is 8 "| sor Dundas where.he. has, an| men on the streets with their hats on| terribly upset ay eo oe ean The Grosch ‘Company are disposing excellent situation in a seid ‘Store, |the back or side of their heads and|take she made the other day. Going} of their large stock of dry goods, Hillie, as he was familiarly known,|hair hanging down their foreheads, | in ‘a hurry toa store after flour, she| groceries, chinaware &e. by eae was a great favorite wi one, | cigarette o1 ipe in their|took up what she supposed was a{Sale will commence on. Sat , Milverton, meets every being of a very obliging disposition. oes iets as cheap as old bis out{clean pillow slip from the bureau| afternoon at 2.80-p.m. nd again a ? o! every mont, at] He had a fund. of rich Irish humor| horses. Nobody wan' any skipped into the store] 7-30 p.m. twill be continued er’ % il over Sebnenker &| which made good company. He| price. " Men will not employ ‘hem smiling like a basket of chips and|day thereafter at the same hours ae c,Visiting Inethren st) ill bo much mised by his many |@irls will not marry them. They arejhanded the stpposed slip to tho| the entire stock is disposed e of Ity - seo Roe, C. «| griends and _govecially by the young 1s worth their keeping Pec alee grocer, who proceeded to fill it. The| Want a bargain visit thos. i Barth, Recording Secretary. giltde: He gain greater experience| and it is doubtful if they can keep/fixst seoopful_went plump through to} A very pea lecture was held NMG? PRI CTT, ee themselves. If any young man who|the floor. When he raised it up to|on Tuesday evening in Donegal. ‘The S: happens to read this answers to the|see what was tie matter, and dis-|Rey, Wm. Lowe, ef Wingham, spoke meets” eve nigl ae Ra , description,’ let him #ake.a good Jook| played two, outlets at the bottom|on whatshe had seen and learned i . in their Tall yt ofc builing ert Donovan, one of Elma’s| at himself a md do what ‘hie conscience | heavily fringed, the lady lit out with-|Tydiand. He told of the wonditions of F., “Silver Star] in the eee sted andvaill’ chen sake Milverton, | his pharmacy course, —Atwoo digtbean lvape eleome, Jb | old settlers, ded in Sulivan township) says ix bet Se ne ae esa Eee ee eee c G5 V Loth, on Saturday last while en route, with : i A the ee away to await her return, e is nephew, Mr. Robert Donovan, jr. Fine muslins at E. H. Dierl: tion was improving under the new rid kone eat to. Algoma’ where they wéte taki ae H, Dierlamm’s.|put up to date she had not appeared |Iays. He also spoke of some customs renee ecg Y were taking RP) Mr. John Brydone, oneof Morning- in the vicinity. of the people, He was interesting and es W. D. WEIR, bea: for the Cor well and t Sok aoalt Bink ton’s most energetic and progressive wt pet ae The choir of Trinity vin ot Berth and. Waterloo, Conveyance 27 0 sorter on the pe cond Wes farmers, has recently purchased a Rare Bho me Wei. Both Tobacco, 3) church, together with Misses Nellie aimiseien mate at one vison an | remains were shipped to Milverton on | bunch of imported “Abetietn - yearling and Lizzie Mew, of Milverton, furnish lags, ier” Oe, over Groves Shoe |S.torday night. and, the funeral tok shorthorns, | consisting of thirteen The MAgeiculvurel Pair Hoss Trot" uihie : arday might and the funeral t-ok|+ Sere. ‘The stock ig all pedigreed|i® apparently doomed. ‘The paternal| Arrangements have been completed tt whe Mili rey tephra ith aud is of the finest strains in Scotland, | Agricultural Department and a lot of |s,» ane Vietoria Day, celebration to be indertas rooms on. Sund: fter : 2 euderrad ia [They are choicely. bred and full of the|old women of both sexes se@ iniquity |) 14 at Milverton on May 26th. The remains were interred in | DORLANDS ieee AH. Tanity church cemetery, Elma. Mr. | Cruicks o much sought | an lepravity in the Bepae of a few tavellers.calls pent emsctanled to Waw| Déhovan was 6% years of age and was| after at the :present time, A number|farmers' sons taking “extra pains in eg Maite Bh, Proprietor. “lyeell_ and favorably known. in’ this| of them are bred gio from Cruick: developing the speed of Wikely colts | onde community. pone cows. f Som them are bred| arid in piging in cere rivalry at nisiahe 5 oor: AME Maas,” OW allflowers, | the fall This is foolish. Ther Ee There has b¥en a good dea} said’ and ‘Lancaster or Lavendar” families | is ohn catising mont ahaeaian aE se edd ge about the cement business of late and/and also from the Miss Ramsden| victory between the Bospitaa of Far-| yy test mater prin ters. A 4 : of football will be played. excel have pid not paid any atten-|$5000 bull, ‘Brave Archer,” ‘The | Bingle one gee bale dla eke ceing eae, thoroughly renovated ample one er ereil|tion to. facte, have becedaunianea - [Towa Agri. College bull, Scotland's) himself end is best gil in to see the cee soa verton Seniors and tite travelers and formers, 1A Dy oct. Fury to this oho of Gandara tacet fine Cros,” Lady Doug Gs aad soc | hae-taleing ceienb tora peenlge be! Melephone connection. alls [portant and best paying industries. | ot tives, Others have the| tween the craay <quilta of Migs Sac] Large sample and diving pat all ao inertia casa successful, {Miss ie blood in their veins. Some are|phonia Antique and Mrs. Henrietta from a fong line of prize winners such| Widow Jones, these quilts having, as the Lustres. “Chief Lustre 12th’’| by the way, ran neck and neck races Oe Le elaloccht' Seuich: Guinae [ae eveey Tall tate hor: ANB Unt twenty orn. Enea ern ene ae first prize at the spring show and sale| years. Iti os trials of speed and endur-| > pies tis dayrada pte test: as ‘worst BL Mapa ett stroke ses: ated | some newspapers, the editors of which |family which produced the celebrated | mers Smith and Jones, and ye — pie tage HOTEL, tere a Ont.| Hull, Que., is headed by such men as Jona Gropp, Peoprictor, Best. avons ms and| Dr. Jamieson M. P. Durham, A. P.|at Aberdeon in 1896 sud 4th prize at| ance that have developed the horee o Met as Oe eee MacLaren M. P, Stratford, P. W.| the Royal Show, Dublin, in a class of| to-day, and an unbroken and untrain- H. M. Schaefer has established tion and Jargestabling. Stanhope, oné of Toronto’s foremost 97 the same year, afterwards sold for| ed horse sells often for half his value. jin “Mieerion an stry that bids ee men and well known among|exportation. ‘"Chiet Lustre Srd”|'The trials of speed at the fall ishows| fair to be a success ’eré long. em ee, HOTEL, Milverton.| Ontario farmers as the representative | gained eleven first prizes» including |should be rather encouraged than dis- sina ubaeecverk coment lng ees mmodation for. commercial | of the McCormick Harycster Co., and|first at the Highland Society. She | couraged. The prize offered at a fall | and at present employs fow Al- F, iso gai. show for a ‘doilie,” whatever that is, | read, rv. Schaefer has the dawns of ‘and was afterwards sold for 200]or a dozen onions, is often half as pit Cone blocks for two — guineas after dropping her fist calf,/much as is given to a saddle horse. | without having solicited for th known. ‘This company toes e cited was sold without the “Chief | Cut out the frivolities and retain the| Of course in ies section ES conitey | . cement proposition in Canada i uti ies in the prize lists. Canada| houses built. of cement blocks are QUBEN'S HOTEL, Milverton. Out, The clam hey will outdo: dheit Doria |p at Banff and 2 second prizes in| exports horses, cheese, butter, eggs, | largely an experiment, 3 00: liquors and cigars. S. W. corner of Main) {, pee y auld Mill streets, G. Hasenpfidg, Proprietor. | “Cement man”. this cantiient thas RE Wi SDI SP LO AM eM t accommodation for commercial trav-| ¢, «, ane 1882, the so Lee a ea 7 un having year that she was|grain, etc., but doilies,; rag mats, Schuefer has every reliance Oaly Se aL ot So eer dor fee ai and. tho be best facilities rg ae 28 a ‘won 9 first} patch quilts, and ‘‘fine arts” are| durability, and is constructing Large . Cigars at the bar. Good warm stables and rail and wader for shipping, the cost’ and siecilt esa priz so 2nd at| mostly for home consumption—*‘God} residence out of them for i plenty of shed era = fenry Het PeeP of eescgens and Aelivery will be the R.A.S. of England at ib, Bless Gur Home”—but it’s the for-|The mode of manufacturing is Nt redi to a minimum. “Mr. James| London. ‘Lustre 15th” wi wn 15 first eigner’s money we're after,” aud the /worth sécing, as it revolution izes” ie ae "| Torrance, of Milverton, is one of thalt'| yeieed,” Aucladinig seve ‘si ‘and|thing he wants are the Canadizn {idea asnally hela with regiad’to the- Bilscellances as i hit : a Busranter prides Me sition teak | credit. pe that ee Ma ctipslas Sea ete of . e stock i = + and in his! for the bringing of such stock into the) Thercfore, the hore, the ich ee ota is a ae Sine. paar Nanda Toure take Jing to diapo of community ‘and it is hoped that his|the sheep, grain, roots, ete.. sho: od bul the dant ant Brunner, Out ‘jn this ‘vicinity. example will be imitated by others... “receive principal encow cee * ‘thoroughly rpoanlea in the