wi oe eepinet “officers: is : ross a strip of land to English Bay. ations statesmen, Secretary Shaw| Se, Larke OF cows antl @lllmhe situation is perfect as re- fa) Soe, t meeting, and arin certain | gards picta: ess, natural drain to be its author. but fle hus] Seasons and hours in each| ico, harbor facilities ‘aid commercial Mpiainied the hon ‘ and every year. vantages. - It has‘already extensive “Go as 3 Whereas it is expedient and deemed | Wharves and warehouses. many large “The n kne necessary for the better protection of hotels, churches, schools, &c, It has Lis knew the tte pee Property, lawns, gardens, trees and|many buildings of brick and granité, e under ted}and som pa ao SGRUNNER. e most of the f farmers are firotigin, veeding. and thoy are. Present buey with their potato, + Sand corn ? ow finished, and it likely Bet th the building ‘will be ‘up ate 01 ng. Gc Ralbflelsoh, who.hies been be ‘aid up fora couple of weeks with a ‘Any this ie should give him a call. ‘pairing don Mr, ‘spent a couple of hils gon George, ‘other addition to. his eedas erectinn a6 m1 Mr. Ernst Vo; Sunday at Mr. John Poppert’s. rates when the ane said; ask eae The foundation for the creamery buil put Re-/ing at large on any street, lane al J. "Ka Ibfleisch of Milverton, days last week with et Edy i di tit iy int onoe J put ing an-|thet gt, of Milverton, spent BY-LAW NO. 93 joo Segoe surroundi: and swept y Bein: Pe x en. onuranatiie eee pur sine Tefronts on Burrard Tolet and extends jside-wall’s that @ By-Law be enact ya which cows and other cattle shall be would do eels Sess ob NOTRE SATS strects and is lighte and electri pure ps eas pe provide ‘pes Iaid under the monn iain stream opposi w ies inlet from a ww No. ts, governing ite. th ronning be and is hi rate ie 4 other cattle, be and is hereby repeale | Gor caiales be an leer to Vistas Nanaimo and San Fran- thereof. oe: ones ‘hat all cows and other cattle e Canadain-Australian line sail from TAs eae ae ee Syd- ecember, The country raary, March and April “ane | In each’ and ever ye all opwsand other pattle be ty | dudieee ere crobitan ieee 8 SS Oe ee SUDA sous Nanaimo, directly acro: | Strait of Geena ane anes ht. The scennty all about is mag- nificent, the Cas Ppa ‘sland across the watér at Es i July, August, Septem-|the west, the Olympics at the south- and every year. 4 4, That all cows or other cattle fo round ri g at lar during an time prol obibited in the next ew H. C. ZOEGER, Furniture Dealer, NEWTON, - ONT. ceding sections of this By- in Shall Ge liable to pounded an , sub-| delightful outing. Opp: sport are ae tance, Toute kon f in ae hills nate ‘the ae teat ing ir the mountain streams ce sea ishing in endless. variety. stay of week here would be well rewarded. Established in the Year 1817 ipaid up Capital and Re- . serve Fund- - - - - $20,400, Dotal Assets (Oct. 81, 1902)$120,822, ‘periodically at ¢: pondence taped, A Sonera ‘bank ae iness transacted. Bor Winslow, Manager, Stratford. BANK OF MONTREAL s Vancouver therailway follows and ace vividly aie vaters wooded shores are iz ; ,000 ii i agi ocea 674 sale pe by himself Pris agent, remain any surplus money unelaimed such cow or cows or| hy Is of the same be paid into and form-part of the iG Solid Progressive ‘Phat another year of very substan’ progress has been-experienced by The Mutual Life of Ganada Inlet ing general fet of the village ngles to the railway about 15 mile . That s By law Pal effect and|into the mountains which descend ee ‘fon on the first day of | about 5000 fect to the water which is May, A. D. 1 Bincee atin ta depth. Shortly es tes second and third time| after Port Moos ebb turecune ie ty pares at Milverton this\was the terminus of the railway at WeDo wit “pisarre, [the of the inlet, the railw.y Reeve, | tosses. over a low lying. ridge and —_-___ Mr. Whaley Continues his Trip. Fae ghee a pes tial Winnipeg, May 1st, 1903. ere which gaa LeaE Perhaps your readers would like more detetied deseription of my ip {has al ateeee nea pr cpenimlasion La tas ot shiek die a Tile cloug diay line.) Vietoria| SOuiN Atneeise,.Atribar “Tuvope ‘aud with a population of 20,816, capital| Australia. The rovineial oeyinm of British Columbia, is charmingly|and penitentiary are = % f th situated at the southern extremity of | Steamers ply regularly to Victor ‘ia, Sy aus el rom the “yencouver (Ialand, overlooking the] xttex Jenving the Janet m the following : straits -o! mainland | line crosses Pitt ea nee ane ‘Business written in 1902 $4,527,828| across the straits are ee Eaten eae ceils tuigstom wileh a 527, : a mpie mountains and. far Doceeeth fate ost view su ty fs halk, On ‘Business in force ec. he east the white cone of Meunt ane side of the river extensive allu- 1902 $34,407,370 Baker is conspicuous. i flats have been dyked. cs ren: te that of the south of Ei nd 620,000 eaves of the Taos fertile ee Iuterest Income, see the tow: iarly English in all ETE: fit e cultivati At Homond 1903 275,416 lite characteristics, Besides € ag-|the bank ser is reached Sle 5 ificent government Hedin which mad clewadee ihe alee about 130 Deuth Losses, 1902 $210,596 | © i 4 he handso n| miles. It is here a smooth and mighty x America, the city has many fine yr river ; immense treés are frequent ou ap pee eee ana Re ANR Ee IAC eocticas:. Beacon (ita banks, their elea Veins Sanloated Ly oe as Ue ae Hill Park affords.a fine view of the the eno mous stumps near the ae beng Se epi $64,719 | Waters and eumtine on every side. any beautiful glimpses are age} ‘(9 ) The city has an extensive trade and had of Hout Baker in Washington y W. H. Grosch, many large commerciul houses which tory, rising 14,000 fect above the Local Agent. Duncan Stewart, 8 He y level, the favorite view L-|thet from the crossing of St about two miles east o Fre i do a very lates outfitting trade with miners. ‘The a squares aro ways interesting to A al way extends north feat tone river ford, Gen. Agent! +, the great coal mine Nan | raser river 5 = — cna afford 3 eueegon ‘rl j the dilterRatienal boundary line Sse kOe Vaxcouyer and ee Sound corel Ag oa on is msde with the Seuttle COMMERCIAL y five oe auc! & acitemintronsk mallee for Bestel A cere tor aah thei via Northern Pa ‘a Muveni0x May 7. 1903] ern California, Ketice as South | Portlar igi ii 67 67 | Atuerican west coast ports. Steamers’ forn See i re Wao ool hota: widest Vatheonver for unwed. on sais per 35 Bs oe Hawaii, Fiji and Austealia! | points on Rese Sound. 23 28! stop ictoria for tse bay and mn station he ii Pos eer ed 6363 there : are petles a aaa ne a bove it nflnence with Bas per bag Le 50) points, de ! ee ae opening of th obatoes a cS joudertul Soe of the noth coast and © oply access 1 94 the great to the northern page: of the p: il by way of the Barc Bee 3 9 Hogs live weight 575 ng you for the spaes in your Ham per pound. u yk yahier paper, I an c 4g Yours r-s) petfelty, Shoulder per po 10 : ee 17| there by a foreign vessel thet wag dis-| FARM FOR SALE. jj abled in a see Z\gzount in p. ‘That valuable Fae! of iand con 7} $75,000 Ge ‘etn. She is ying D sisting of 10 acres, niore or lesa, be- | the harbor jn dispute with ouly to ing south half of lot% con. 4, Moru- (03| Short stumps of. masts on h ”-, ington. On the premises is a good 65 bdr faa e else being eelppel ft. brick dwelling, ro, stables 32 are about 200 men in thi sie Prat Giese batts! _ 69 atatic He but Leould not get in to sce pao goes i wei watered by springs, well fenced, siete ore oh orchard, well” tle drained, da] anon, Meek a eopelation ak Good hardwood b For further et fs the Paste Weretius. of the larx apply se jg!Ta ash ‘util May 1886 this site as Waa * was cuvered with a denso forest but ertop, Ont, oa tegulncaeciahl hip service e a, OF more extensive establishments. It Grosch Pfeffer Milverton "s Greatest Store. Millinery - , The busiest season we've ever had, in fact Satur- day was the best day this department has ever seen. There must be some reason for this, and so there is. You ladies know perfectly well that if you want to be up-to-date, which you are, you must get your Millinery here. Don’t'‘leave your order until Saturday, but come early in the week, and we will guarantee you better work. Our Miss Pfeffer is anxious to please you. Clothing zi CLOTHING Tailor-made, made by experts, the fit is most beauti- ful, the workmanship and trimmings can’t be beat. These Suits are far supericr and can give you a better fit than the tailors. .1f you doubt our word call in and try them on. Then a big consideration is the difference in price. We ge you these suits from $12.50 to$i5. Our Rain Coats at $12 are wonders, call in and see these. House Furnishings This is the store where you can get suited, espe- cially so in t:ouse Furnishings. Ve carry an unlimited stock. For instance take Carpets, where can you get a nicer and larger assortment, and prices away down. Take our Axminister Carpet, you can't buy these less in any city in Canada, than $2 per yd. We sell Cromp- -ton’s, best English make, at $1.50 per. yd. In Linoleums and Gil Cloths we carry a big range. In Roller Binds we carry a nice assortment. In Lace Curtains, Frilled Muslins, Spot Mus! Art Muslins, Art Sateens, Bobbinet Circans and Pole We carry a big line to select from. all Papers, thousands of rolls to select from, the finest assortment you ever saw, beautiful patterns, Call and get our sample book or have it sent to your house for the asking. We can please you and the price is right, Soup to gee roll. Kien’s Furnishings Here is where you can depend on getting your furnishings up-to-date. In Hats we can’t be beat, right on the top flat. In Shirts and Collars, we handle the famous W. G. & R._ In Ties we are right on top. In Braces, Umbrellas, Socks, Caps, Gloves, Ocean Signal and Stratford Belle Cigars we carry a big assortment. Grosch & Pfeffer