~ ORIGIN OF es jee cek MAN’S SAFRGUARD. od 3p dite to seals that be ”” now b ‘ mouth if ibe gua jess than | ‘Ss the earliest ti of the world nee aes n 1788, says ee with inted, “active, elder! left gi dire all have en tals han and shi times with which Vo rifle his longest ilway yy line wan ti pn official manner in the early par pt the nietcenth century. ‘af oe x SANG “coun np | Cayenne, “is never’idle SOMETHING OPP, most industrious thing on A man went into a butcher's shop, jad “inquired the price of a “soup a lightly? deaf, nswer. d, never su fe, the bufeher nee ofiered ie bake ¥ mber ied the butcher, doubled ma tag auplek method! call it zie icone transmission, ea fe five itt, tad epart ted time ae Jast when Mr. | and pianey could n cs Tt 8 expectoration, thereby s : pilesin ioe" th “he gota ooking at him: Wis and whul the re opens mt A postponed Git ” appears greater tan he st ole,’ She ordered a fowl mat ENV E) She it; tossed her ley discon Chicago & tentedly, and said :-~‘It’ looking. thing '1” “On, m ok, ‘“‘when it is fixed uy vith hod ‘uffles it will look Grane eae Just like when you put diamonds, mum.’* 01 ‘The Yukon in summer is navigable : for a distance of 1,965 miles: from wthe si There are now between 3,500 and ‘8,600 light-houses in the world. pea plitte weboe te thee is. thoy aoe van, 6 1909, [ef has not been strippe: : united, ives me very much |intga Ont, wiles pleasure to inform fe ue the No. “for Pecommtendin Binder which I pu somes from Eclecrne Oil for here last s be ry bes Tim f % aa There ave cases of ‘consumpt fon. so far| summer Parmel : 3 gn Titi neo See advanced that Bickle's Auti-Gon penptive | cope les Cexetaole ae aby’ ait Baeeuts, oe: Syri up will not eure, but none so bad it wi For fe diseased pasts Tho eae Denar tno of The only . dif jerence between black | Tickets on sale the form. |t? 17 Ween iepea for return of the out- til Jul: ral er skin of the berry before grinding. ee “rol and retu: yar nek Soap will not pie ur blankets or harden them, Make them soft, white ia Z 1% 2 tf Tea is the finest Tea the world Produces, and is sold enly in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green, mt now due 8 mich ‘pan tea drinkers try “Salada” Green tea. ‘Isn't that mere idle ssip?’” “Gossip, my dear,’ intend interest. would be er} considerably more che than the mae valuable carpet in sit world is worth Manitoba and Northwest Lands SraTe or On 93 Cite oF ToLs00, » Ueas Cou 2 aa Cit! THE GREAT PRAIR coh it 10, eg business | Winnipeg, have aoe an office sale.of their stock and Manitoba. aa 9 1 that. “heat a cured MALL‘ a Aes es “tol cc Sworn to before mn fan subscribed ‘in turb- i i j be. Gxeladod “ac. fat presence, this Gth day of Dec peor) vestors in the West, cording to the will of the chairman, simulta as Bal A sure way to of | sional gambler: Don't Useful At All winter or i with and overcome any ‘des ree and thete Denelical oviug the will a task more toil be- pete and borrowed money pays no| A laugh et woritis a hundred groans in ‘ket. any ma grt CHURCH, as CALIFO: © Ge church te hes ce popeihi to attend that ah ven itor return: ay aaa May 11 diop-over pric es and fur aie “infaadda, re Bt ae ade Union uw and Building, Nery tae I of them rry?”” asked relief, ‘nat none ed Frenchman ” of Pete lies what- Be a a a ue fe Baer ee 7908 a save How much mers lots of Seoul if wish spend before oe every success. | “R. M, FERRIS, to ten spends “Novless than 14 patented opp ‘ees of Lord Kelvin’s 8 may be pn the latest warship: For Over Stx fi Wagan & euow tropihing $7 age to thirty they vie at of of thee forthe erfeer nace the gums, allaya all b oures: BATA ie tnt ened for bl acthnt Ta blew to the i every pate of tae Wo fwentg-recents a burie, “Its value 8 snoalputabie, Be, sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syr aud take'no other kind. twelve dette 8} —_—— J rg Atty to sixty, only si a good world this Ged f has ‘thy Vhat woman 6 it Mm en gid whet thes Ban mee Be Serore the eight Minar's Liniment Cu Cures Io night ad day ENG! LANDS “BLACK Dey eae t is ptaaal that the eicatinean ERSORE TRE ote oes Se rae e | manufacturing Oil City, Feb. 5, 1903, Massey-Harris' Co., Limiteil, t. to cover | tae one ol (eee ve with ash heaps mana | arm. ne} i Stil on: ae a cone ed no eS. gives as iach satisfac ris. te ote. W. Sentien, a a iiticad | Ba fore soranet a Be-30 stay up with} eflect, good wi sthrough l'had to ee ene aie |be retuibed from BER eae of | St. Jacobs Oil Aches and Pains for which an external remedy may be used. Price, 25¢ and 50c. THE LOOKING GLASS. watt | think that its gloom and desolation | ally spon | ciapemectcte 2 to regenerate this dark | pl: oe Panties the intended catia nancial es would } w been a, Oi must, ‘do it o1 for | ditior “Wiki Wel eatin, a h, and and beautiful He on’t fier hens aa it abe 1 isn't a fool she won im a woman |take me! heb? Nosiaae glass? A erman estimates that a girl of six minutes; from that Jeast half Three Stomachs on a Week's Vacation. Est, drink and be merry while giving the haaoe apparatus @ healing, wholesome res It can be done by the use of DR. VON STAN’S is a PINEAPPLE TABLETS. Pineapple will digest meat dish at 103°. The dis whole story except that ta berets dh food, the smatl ones tone up the digestive ; apparatus.—Price $5 cents. with sod | © safe cure—not a slow remedy. 17. timber tt WORTH WAITING FoR. Pat was late again, and the fore- man was dealing. out the usual rep- imand : yur ex~ Pat considered for a Gov gres and at last the excuse came ‘beat the profes- play, a hem confident might have you Ke neral yee Presto ta | ES earophee Bropa, Ma; Eiet is che Best ated Ihave ever soon burn down to a las Graves’ w orm either in stock, homesteads, improv- or Boe pectus Agaleted and corres le solic! A. W. GLEASON, Notary Publis Hall's | Catarrn Cure is taken in the in ee °. Sold ‘by’ all Drugeists, 75. s Hall’s Family Pills are the best, eee He—“I suppose now that Bue aaa aaa pave to ask gone fang for ey con- "| OR ent 2” “Shom'No, Harry; atter| ORANGES LEMONS the ake time sae alle pa said I it I wanted. Pa} Wehave) Mexicans, el: Pa I have uuierstood it for a long autor Koenig's Hambur, ree aa : ‘© ensure per- Dr. August Koe-| “Dr. August | |, SAB. as 14 most rlpad eve: ‘ EET Od Ce Be eta ENDEA. GENERAL AssoMBLy PRESBY. |now i a ices ye oks il R, 191 ter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple: Septal other Produce to advan- ge for ear Gi aay Qe | ae cour oe) peach Re a have more men thal women. STONE MASONS iy it the diges ulated from “time to time tae ae teks ar At awe Late srt throw. the whels ays jee om tr ee ape sor ees Farmelags Vegetal Pils Were ie ts 18 eer, West, TORONTO. ‘ore to the full | ‘19-20 a bring imme Hand Gemont 00, Limited ing, nose Cts Road, Ont pigmy camel has been sent by A the Shah of Persia to the Zoo at ABOUT Ww Rerlin, which is only 27 inches high he BONDS. and weigh 8 61 pounds. It is sn whit A NUMBER Port Slee, Tune 5, 1897. “rae a RICHARDS & Co. — MINARD’S _LINT- medy for colds, ete, | | used, MRS JOSIAH HART. other goo yielding: attvactivo in- terest rat as 6 per WR TE FOR LIST. 7-59 jneareswh saps they have simply me people get credit. for Ad “al DOMINION Lifebuoy Soap—disinfectant — strongly recommended by the mee SECURITIES cal profession as a * safeguard aigai Corporation, infectious discascs mited, 26 King St. East, Toronto. LIGHTING FIRES. A new method of lighting the fire from the top so Johnny — ‘Grandma, I wish you'd give me ‘Johnny! ask cake?" Jo! has ‘I didn't, aa tor anything. Tm as wishin’. <3 sod | Mina’ Linea & Relleves Neuralgia There is nothing equal to Mother Et shel Aother, wh when T got - ng worms, rticle of its kind has ite shall e and Hk given such is *s “e 1? It takes one to make a mind, ees Shall I to make a bargain, three to make |“ ? Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder marriage. iil.” yo j will.” 2 aces sigh)— “Well, L “amt in aps > = Art's Llninent Cues Burns, etc fe | Minard’s Uninet fa ® sale everywhers “Papa,” said the woe ba look- t tisa! Flying — curio,’’ replie @ fa-!more thai thoughtfully, “is something put they = times what it is on a deck as the water. io not usually rise to fall much as 20 feet above Wear! That’s “the greatest thing in the i world,”—in anything that’s worn: You get style, fit and finish too, in Granby Rubbers —But Fa one thing we emphasize is Hele came oe ‘anby Rubbers wear like iron.” Tn Peace and War Or, The End of It All gentle Siezpestinn: its do lepend more conventior Gantain Parminter ome | training than aaiural baat) ome you?” | Enyelo; ie ed as Mrs. Huston changed color, a i ane moved slightly. She ed toward Mrs. Wylie beneath Fah Tanke, and answered with a> self-possession: and his name is ee ter” ‘The palm leaf did uot move. CHAPTER XII, ble, “tell me all... you wish aq | tell me austen eae pecs: BRA) "Oh, * seplied ‘the beautiful. women, a8 expostisiated removing her gloves daintily, “ther ‘what harm there can be in |i§ not much to tell. a, ‘ork alone!’’ was a two casual remarks idden from tke gaze of the story of two In her pleasant room on “the | seo-| airs ond floor of Suffolk Mai Wylie awaited the a tio. sisters nner Wallan: mirugied he ‘The widowed lady herself was lit- shoulders and lau tle changed since we last St oe SS orth. 1 ti met. her the. Far . Bu se who | sil “Dut al at is a question Know her well were cognizant of th im- i portant. enough to require some at- tio: ‘extended her _ feet ty the widow with conviction. d| ‘There was no alternative. could not stand it any longer.” arranging in due order sundry news-|_ ‘‘How did you mi Paper cuttings. will in after years b 3 ‘ it contained every word ever pri ~“Oh, I got rid of some jewelry from the handwriting of ‘Theodore! and there “ind ue faa meee ; e Trist up to the date of the day when Mrs. Wylie sat alone in her drawing- Heket and. 5 room. A peculiar si followed this | bea’ ci 1 rs. Wylie sat quite Ree ae anteaters Herncred SEE Hailes es. piaie. cenreen. before he middenly stopping with [2 rprise. she sald, “of what tr ragedy. or comedy this may ng.” was a certain matronly | Otonous. door a oo Brenda foie tee “Alice has come. with me!’’ said he girl, asculine assistance. dear,”” replied Mrs. and she proceeded to greet the taller sister with a kiss ki but of s less war ‘There ‘during n mechanically strings of her smart little bonnet and looked round the room appreciatively. “How perfectly delicious,” she e claimed, “‘it is to see a comfortable Hnelish; drawing-room again! 1 t kiss the door; a was sucl contrast to piecogsOMgaleds o Piles & ‘To prove to you I shall probably kill myself! echoed Mrs. Wylie, pees oe ab Dn vants.’ Chase's eoiseabn iomesrale maka Wylie smiled preapatbeticaliyy aboot ecame grave again ins have Ber evaitcston 10F @ secon he sm mater pegie sou neigh to jained Brenda, baci it nee fir or ly shod foot to the fon- Or, Chase's Ointment Eive a very glowing length, as she stirred her tea Biase on with | ly, ee of what you are Sea “of the t isesed state | in; yes!”’ was the laughing irs. Wolie drew forward a chair, wn,’? she said hospitably, yourselves. e will have some tea before you take your things off ° “And now, Allee, the semumed, ; a Yellowr-backed after seating in the softly vels y home.” lined cane chair coke Geiss iter ‘ary ta-| ‘‘Then,’?” murmured the widow, No Energy For The Daily Work | But Rich Blood Makes the Weak Strong and the Blood is Made Rich by Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food sou ara tired, Medias “weaken euld And steerable most of the, time, r e e n blue and discouraged my continued ill-health. what causes you si The blood is Chase’: proven iteell to be the most : ate insti new enerey = fact g medicine and system-| vigor into the sys 6 buis ‘der eee can be obtained. ‘box, 6 boxes for es 50, a all deal- ets, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., ronto. To protect you against imitations, the portrait and signature of Dr. A. laid a for about two|W. C famous receipt book afterward. TI felt weak, so ‘author, are on every box. lim, {that I must run away and hide in aaa some village, which is not exactly a ch he the fire, and contemplat- | ther round ed her small boots with some satis- nage it?” "asked Mrs, Wylie quietly, almost too quiet-| in a cool, ee Vora: almost mon- ri wi Aten, (ene exfiniiod® din ia erent is so strong and reliable, and some- how 0 capable, ae I natur- ally thought of him io my emer- w ve you,”’ asked the widow at| ‘Ob, bother i whi glad to le mibet, natural and contd ing 2 | way Imag » Mra, Esston Tooke vi sti ft most im- perceptible shrug of her putters: “Brenda,” she answ ered, anys “It would hardl Be, r n Wincicneyen De ser mneae en ia Eneodn. get Lr cece: 3 each was saving refletively to either “Perhaps he will, get tired of it |both of her companio: frst does, what will your pos- imagine.’ “it cannot. be worse’ than it is jet present.”” PO te replied the widow | calmly. “It can!’ Captain Huston’s military duties | What Tee eS Sean) SE Rat MARCHING PLANTS. man Settlement. ‘8 ago atter coming les conquerors, and it Reg seems the deficiency of easy tasks. ‘ipatere the thks ladies had spoken fui the contest. hich is ever there arden Te ageais to the ters when ae social wheel aigtnorneod eir human frien ds squeak or gra as if-they fe ae a ticemenewte b ispered Brenda in a strange land, hecniog to herself, as she held out her hand. m, year after never peta any foot- ‘otch thistle does not I never er Ahouahe that rt ae ts both » avid: "NB dlspaliad 40 'wudden- Z “Ts it dispelled?” asked Mrs, Hus- ton, glancing playfully toward to see his national rt But net he ad- sid the eartl id it has ith Mrs.|taken _advantay ortuni- ist oF] ties without fear and without favor. ar eenass wns Olen PECULIAR AND SUCCEED. r % Not Trouble Yourself About hand extends: What Others Think, did not know you were coming v prevents a great many people from le-| reaching the limit ‘ol their possibil- n | ities. ‘These people can endcre un- Grae best of een o|very bad bargain. do you} “Oh, no!” he answered with mild | hi ood-bye, si see = ai-| poberaiion. ox samesniae rawing-room Mrs. Wylie or “This is the MoeAintag of it. That man will tell every one he meets be- Coe eae 3 : fore going to bed to-night that you mas ever husband could] ‘I: have ‘bolted,”* she said, reply- ition be? Bovinwhet anmisunne,. “Apne wermai< He di ere tell every, one| re ue cee With the Advance veral yt nition called to the fact that the eastern n resent Skemteatie presents, per- Cha: incapable 5 t- | hay the best example of this ii nd i conquering tendency rther upon tl pecially in the more fertile lands. In i some of the more rocky soils the na- tive plants have the advantage in| Pale A curious tact, brought out by ob- Soe of the many phases of heart, trouble, Some of the symptome of heart, -trotibi! © mie aeamteay pate) at |preath, trembling of the ham |ftent throbbing or fluttering of heart, sharp spasms of pe moi , irregular pulse, palpitation that is ftcn felt most in the head or at the wrists. Of course people suffering pee heart trouble Sly ven" symptoms, but i! hem — it i mae rag not ly neglected for a | 3 ist Of the troubles. affe ting the yy anaemia, indi- rich Pe healthy, it will naturally wake ound an 2.50 hy senting) to the Dr, Wiiltams’ Medio ine Co.j Brockville, Ont. 7 BOUND IN FROGS’ SKINS. From Calcutta comes the strange news that the skins of frogs are now being used to @ considerable extent throughout India for the pu: on the] ev t handled. ro lly aro covered: with thous a A STRANGE ACCIDENT. Russia many persons become in fear of ‘being thought peculiar an e poor artists are the ey excite comment erywhere pene of their suppo: malaria Nine “isa out of ten this “‘queer- events in Mrs. Wy- ax 3t in a to 1: “om observa- weather,”” murmured sadly into fi nda’: Ss al parently Airectaa, ssed 7 studied poesy "of tiie “artist's expres: [ai sio: am, I. think,” he con- tinned humbly Reheoetne nt of buy: you can, hanging-cormmtoes. I di baa eral wont i m House, pink or 7 Of “You fe by, rigbty ahd wh Soe tis, eit lady ned away and was busy with you will find her second cup of tea, which was al-| you wilt nome tall most col tao trom you *No,"" answered Hicks, with tis rey The church accommodation of Eng: land and Wales one sitting fee litele ads hon ¢ rh oceeties je. m nd or less seriall 14 other grown-up persons, A BLESSING TO } TO CHILDREN. Strong words, but truthful, the experience of a mother wi See SE Ys Baby's ennangee’ with tl atc Mrs. Geo. Hard acne blessing te chaldsen, and I am_ not aGahin, wetiGut Boe in the house es.” These Tablets curd the minor ane. of it bewneot ho gist, direct to 2, yaa yee: Brockville!