Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 19 Mar 1903, p. 4

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THE MARKETS": market is quiet, with prices hae 2 white and red are quoted at ominal at 694c on Midland, and goose af G6c on Midland Manitoba wheat steady; No. 1 hard, 87c all rail, eee! in transit. No “1 Northern, 85c all rail, gclading tn fdinit2) So. 1¥ uned,s Gogo! Nort Bay ; No. 1 Northern, 844¢ North ay. Sats—Trade is quiet, with No. 2 | white quoted at aie aida frelghts and at 30c_ hig! ights; N white, 324 east. Barley—Trade is quiet, with No 0 extra quoted at 46 to 464c middle freight, N 484 to 44c waldale feélehte, s—No, 2 white juoted = at be. uigh ireights, gud at 70c coat. Corn—Market aa) with Canadian 45e nominal at 514¢ Rye— middle freight. Flour—Ninety rer cent. patents un- changed at $2.65 middle freight, in ers’ sacks for export. raight | a eae : COUNTRY seep bean Trade continues dull ; me- 0 $1.75 por Tub, and $2. Dried sopien=Noshing doing, ath _ prices oe ae ~ Bvay orated, WFondgehe tmeriict ts quiet, with prices unchanged. Strained sells at 8 to at per Ib., and comb at $1.25 to $1. |The market is quiet, at unchanged eee hs NY $10 o1 |, $8 to $8.50. Straw—The market is quiet for ee lots on track, at $5.50 to $6 Vine Eee ee cans, $1 a gallon ; one- ee » $1.10, 4 and hal-gallon, 6 i nas is dull at 40¢ fee bush ier Canad 2 Poultry—-Market dull, firm. with prices $1.05, and small lots, $1.25 per bag. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Butter — Local trade continues: and without feature. We “finest ae SY om pe rints, 214 to 22he; Pads 19 “eee Market is easier, quote Se any held-stock —Finest September, 1 ‘seconds, 12} to 18¢; twins, 13} 14c. HOG PRODU! ers: $22.51 Smoked Bape 18. to 184¢; rolls, ders, 11c; backs, 14 to jaie, breast bacon, 14 to 144c. ses ‘The demand is better. We Tierces, a fs Oe: a tubs, 103 oF 1c; pail: ce oat BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. ii ai miheed eneat, 7B “Ake, ae delivery ; 5c; No. 1 Northern, q2ie ex mare Mi 694 high Tress. oats, 27 Norther, ae 0 49c east. Fi Manit patents, $4.20; seconds, 0; On- tario straight rollers, $3.50 to $8.65; ~ in bags, $1.70 to $1.75 ; patents, $4.10. Rolled oats Millers! bees $2*bags, and bpl. Feed — Manitoba Eran, $19 to $50; shorts, $21 to 14 to 15c; $8.25 ; fresh killed abattoir hogs, 100 Ibs. ti & ae + Les 4 eae 4 3 a a St Townships, 13c. i - eroayery, 20 #0 20}¢; seconds, 17¢; Werte rolls, 16c. Eggs—New laid, 174¢; seconds,. 11e. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Duluth, March 17.—Wheat—Cash, Prices of Grain, or etc No. "4 ‘hard, 7c; No rthern, T4e; > T5te ; North in Trade. Centres. x 720: May Ghia e tote. Dates May, 334 Toronto, March The Minneapolis, c] 17.—Wheat— on 3 No. wi a N ixed, 39c. Barley—56 62c, in store. Rye— 2, 58k. aid Shes ee Bove z Northern, ce to 78c; May, 75%c. 7 No = 5lic. Steady; ple, 47 t 52ic. corn Ba LIVE STOCK MARKETS. ee March 17.—A business was transacted the Western. Cattle Market. to-day in cattle. Exporters not pte plentifully, and. the’ mand was not brisk, iBoacs ia etl -acktentaa ie strane fairly at m BO aia eta: reas D0 to $a a6 | Atlantic steamers, and several more _* in bbls, Manitoba flour steady. No. |elays in their departure for Png- > 1 patents, 4. and ni Jan beet Fairly $3.90. Poche: bakers, $3.80, bags | 8004 prices were paid, however, by included, Tor ny ofthe buyers for ch« Thee tes very searce, and |8TiPtions of these. Butchers’ cattle Gee at 817 here. At. outside |S well, but it is doubtful if — the points bran is quoted $16.50 to sent prices would have _ bee! $17, and anor at $18. ‘anitoba |™intained if there had been of bran, in sacks, $19, and shorts, $21 |these larger — receipts. ‘The markets e floo’ ith milch cows, a would have been effected with con- sid eps “sisinity, The markets for hogs wo ady. eee were 56 cars, con- taining 726 cattle, 212 ico '2,000 hogs, an calves. The following is the range of quotations : porters’ cattle— Per 100. tbs. $4.25. “Ss ee 8.10 3.65 2.50 RESTS $33as s SoeRe So Sou 83 83saa 3-3 boon 2 Sg eae THREE EXPERTS WILL SIT. a | promised lecture by the renowned inventor oe diphtheria | ™s e on ‘erminal Facilities. An Ottawa despatch says understood that the comes, to inquire into the report w a transportation question aud thi sich and railway Bh ee will each be represented expert. The rail- Way expert Poirot to is understood to be Sir William Van Horne. The Government intends getting the com- mission under way at once. recogniz e paramount importance | the transportation and em, Special attention will be given to the prompt handling t the commission way at. Por fords, WhIaGi tune eopoiue ot transhipment for grain’ brougl down on the ete which navigate lakes. the upper I CHECK TO 10 WHITE E PLAGUE. lise tise Savant it Claims He Has in covered Ser A scene Pee sertim covery of a st which calves can be mai mune to tuberculosis, and which, he confidently expects, will similarly "applicable to. human ings. ease es Yate THE FRENCH SHORE. Modus Vivendi Passed in New- doundland Legislature. aC 's, Nfld., despatch e Legislative Assembly on Wednesday evening unanimously r jewed the French — shore modus Sa for tfie current year, after a powerful speech from i Boss tended u grievances at os coarlicad mom possible usard destitute SPEECH FROM THE THRONE Shiaten.” assuring the grth in OPENING OF THE PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE. In the Tuesday Ontario Legislature _ on of last week, Chief , in the absence of ant-Governor, delivered 2UH FROM THE THRONE. ice Moss tl deliver: the following address _ from throne, after which the House journed until 8 o'clock to-morrow. Speaker and Goatees of tl Legislative Asse! have much ste in Bean a you to your duties es ti session of a new Parliam In common with all his Majesty's subjects throughout the British Em- rejoice at the coronation. o! s “King at and Ireland and his Ma- Dominions beyond eas,”? and as loving subjects we sincerely pray that he may long be spared occupy the throne _ of his s the sovereign of a loyal, eae - prosperous people. On of the people at this the frst .: 1 that make: good citizenship. Br ro ‘The legislation of 1897 providing for supervising and regulating the importation dren fr itish Isles, has, I am pleased to say, resulted i ore careful sele nded for settle- ‘ovince, and in the d security from all children fo hom ublie and Normal growth the Provincial University shows i aken in high- eee? Med extern = pF school term. You wi! consider legislation with regard to these matters. n view of the great demand: for electrical energy for industrial and wise, for the utilization to oie aos iene wates’ powern ct Ane bill to provide for this A fconterents?e of Pes 1 nd Ministers was hel the ‘city Obiect Will be laid before oe One for the ‘purpose of com- Bills will be submitted for the Sidering the. financial relations of | omsolidation of the Municipal Act | the provinces to the Dominion. ‘The |9nd for. the revision of -e conference, to certain ey, a or ike vant a % conclusions, subsequently met at Ot-| The veports of the various Hepart = ee ‘heir conclu. | ents of the public se will a: Dominion Government laid before . you, including eae ped ee ot ear a greater |@2d Northern Ontario Railway. fda Baia Uabie lands ot the t= Phe ees, for the current year Crown was located by settlers than | Nill, at an carly date, De Swill be a : : » Phe: dR Les Bagh ory os: Yphe |found to have been prepared with immigration from the United King-|All the economy consistent with the E gh excebtionally \leten # ee of the a servi feel Sinica cate eciaiee THE HOUSE OF COMMONS: LORD MINTO DELIVERED THE SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. n Ottawa despatch says: Parlia- a nor from th al’s Foot Guards. he band of this regiment was present and supplied the music. SPRI 22CH FROM THE THRO: Lord Minto proceeded to the Sen- ate Chamber and delivered the fol- lowing speech from the throne: Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate, Ae nen of the House of Co non Iam agin to be able to congratu- ajes health was s0 speedily and perfectly restored, arrivals rey to the Department COLONIAL CONFERENCE. in ores being nearly” double uve eles during the ct eae thee i ane ose of any previous year, z a paebant SUS nider the Togsiation "providing sae oe eae Senn calle ng al a Bs aemintives (nae pPy: his Majesty" s Government in con ut six thousand certificates = ction wit e ‘coronation. The already been . report of the proceedings of the con- f claims not ference including the documents will be disposed of as soon as their submitted by the Canadian repre- validity is established. An amend- ENORMOUS INCREASE. Nantel hes <alteanly: basa ‘piven ent to the act enabling the mor ‘© the public by his Majest ’s Gove recent contingents to South Africa eee Trade Increasing by | ernment it jondon. I feel assured to share in these grants, will be eaps and Bounds. that much good will result from submitted. ideepat saya inging the leading public men The progress which is being ‘made! Judging Ce apetes Hetare for|the great self-governing colonies. in« (ing branches of mining is| the first eight months ending Feb. |to_ direct contact with each other matter for congratulation. The out-| 28th, it is estimated that the | ane with _ the statesmen from other last year was the largest in the| close of the present fiscal year the | 14) history of the industry. Special at-|aggregate “trade of the Dominion COMMISSION, san TRANSPORT- tention is being given to the de-/ will appr the total of $46 i and iron ore, paces or $35,000,000 more than e great ane Oy population in- which constitute so important apart |in the mineral wealth—yet largely Os eight months agerexat undeveloped—of norther! a trade, on the basis of imports — for | fertile ber | consumptio and domestic exports poses Ge the | amounted to $291.284,. or the £ Be of $27,808,956 comp: The evious year. During the|to our Northwestern Territories and history o: I ai boa |fiseas yet imports for mp-|er products ti past excep- were exceeded by domestic ex-|world through Catiadian channels anks of the co} ‘o Abe estate of the late Mr. Hart e-|Legislature. Yo! or the timely gift of a/| fisheries, mainly due to the falling ilding, and to | off in Bri oe aan bia salmon can-| William Macdonald fo: en- | neries, 000,000 in products er ait viding for a building | of et for the past on mpus of the Agricultural| month give the ports $15,- Co! nese devoted to; domestic science. 25) and ihe exports as $11 munificent gifts sho he 957, as compared with = 499 Hcmoinal (aeitities thu Cowedae gricultural education, and was foreshadowed in the speech from | jy greatly Eee oar RE RN 3 he throne, will consist of ree| the colle members. The mercantile, steamship |" 7 and are so asked for spec’ vit object int view will be bral ted sion heretofore sane, the ac inadequate, and T it possible to meet Tully the “Se of this oP is gratifying counties by _ the estal Houses of however, have no 0 if and it is or tie furtlien extension of system of public chari rder to better eouterions diseases: in’ many, of ti Provines: it appea ee he lows :—Manufa pro- fon products, $7,00¢ uintry are due lest products, 00, oy rere — $2,000,' 600 in exports of tl 5 my influential citi- 331 and $8,367,227, promising that wife and two cl trappe: s, young. ie from ft Prof. fecha Senistation with respect to s : ae liquor tra measure toba College - your consid on. It is greatly to be regretted that, notwithstanding the liberal pro- made Tor the in- ered in .commodation is still| Ryan, and a trust you will fe a a Ae S neces to notice that 0. Ge okaes: than the county the intention of the 3 submit legislation |+imates for 1908-4 ‘brings ne total} ier this | estimated sekare more. affective [for ¢ tet “SLT nd their products, 3 000,000; the resp aera Oepten aemies verted Sects tas sams FATAL KLONDIKE FIRE. Five Hotel Inmates Burned Death Like Trapped Rats. A couver despatch the ie, which destroyed the Au oi Charles Burnside, i {fate. Williai fir charred body of ad the Soria death oy Sufocation. The Bu came fro! unfortunate class of Portland, “Oregon hat pha DEFICIT IN BUDGET. Expenses More in Excess of Rev A London ate ay day’s final batch of ci branch “ tl 391,21 [national debt t r_will approximate $767 th with. the mieastres ae ted called toa bill for this pu a sults = in lected | = pondet children. Under by. the attention co be from the, exist! Epo: the ave been pleased taaptiee? the |o00 ass 2 gran have of ondlaster Homes have been proveaatly he [5 00, oe be: is neal es g ee a To % of the Royal Ci se . 01 parts by ete ne" In round |The whole quest! 000 ;| occupy. 10,000; saninas| Gover rnment i ists of rep’ “Phan ai 000,000 vent Sao ‘Temper rly $7,500,000 om wil I ya ed} tax a De to § fe append r contribu- provided point a commission 0 be f cally see ‘mined mpartial jur- REDrsTRIBU ‘TION BILL. As a result of the recent ee dif- | railway labo val other subjects, will Be Giumisted’ te you. : TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. Gentlemen of the House of C mons: The public. accounts. wi eS id before you, an nd also the estim- the: coming 3 propared | with d \d the rapid growth have | to economy inion. Jon. Gentlemen of the Senate; fend still to increase the prosperity and nope ae of our people. TICES OF BILLS. vase amend the Canada nce a Clane: =o amend the Domin- Electioi ier Scott — To amend the Tailway Mujoc —To aid in th hice ion migration, for increasing the pol) 00. pe pas The ae Selon t in the world pet Ahad in the e Mountains, in Mexico. “of Bassaseachic fata 978 feet at one drop. ral Agent Toronto, Ont. TRINITY Fosors Fo poosoed LEADING RESIDENTIAL | UNIVERSITY erg soaps destroy the lothes and render the eos able to eczema. 0, REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Octozon Bar om ti MADE A DIFFERENCE. I si xy to his wi Why, ‘secret,"” she replied regretful ‘Well, did you tell it? I didn't know it was i Foetal NEW CALENDAR NCW READY DR MACKLEH, Uhvemsrry, Tolono Hay Bale-Ties paola! Standard and High C BALING WIRE A Sonne ses certain professor's. youn, end by. bursting, “nto s fog Ake did pot get meh by it, how- shaking his head, he ob- cease crying; tears e “That may be,” rejoined his wife, “but I should like to know whose | ‘ears you have been experimenting vith.”” ened AAS ONE-WAY RATES any points in the states of Cal- aie Oregon and Wa: VERY DAY m, Pacific ‘will se ae the following Satlabpuet River termin- 325. 00 to ae Francisco, Los other California | trouble begins. Tickets on sale Fob. 15 ae “is, 1903. $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lake ity. B $20. ie to Butte, Helen: un 50 to Spokane and Wanatchee, Anaconda and 3.00: to Teverett, Fairhaven and New: Whatcom vie, Huntington, «and Spok Seat! $25, (00 to Ashland, Roseburg, Eu- P gene, Albany and Salem, via Port-|me stand all the time paene because I wear April} my shoes out so fas Packets on sale Feb. 15 to , 1903, 1 From Chicago and St. ‘Louis pro- rates are in effect —Th a aie Union of apm is the snbstance which ventolds u agreeable to the most del rg sont “Well, well,” he exclaimed, he waeclded her first, apple pie, sates itd "yous nade that se yee eee One nouter'e cookery | Worth can impose on the world fg | 2ook 7, replied. the young wife. “It roke in, ‘thi Sache aes is the pag, I sup- pose.”” SETTLER’S LOW RATES WEST. Se ee and North-Western ery i api 0. Colonist one-way seco ets at extremely low rates hae stations in Ontario and aa 2 Bast King street, 24 DID HE? ° r, and the little oat shame and disaster are his only |” or" sxperiences. id a tl er, and all eyes looked at Rawlin- yon. “T had a terrible experience once,”’ | 0: te said. +!The y of it h cl ¢ now. ate possible to imagine upon a ow-creature. “Jt was in Germany it happened. { didn’ vell, and I ome blunder in addressing | sulted, and pot. extricate yourself from ‘the maze passages into which has led you agr $25, 0 to Portland, Tacoma and hheriag, are rolled fi in powders wh nausenting to the taste. Par accomplish training Strangely enough, - thei long be reaponaRAlity petent shoulders, they impose o world, and are ap’ reputations and temporary president, and took the der, the object Ot At WE OPERATE OUR OWN WIRE MILL Write us for Prices, LAIDLAW BALE-TIE Co. lamilton, Canada. Ths largest exclusive Bale-Tie Fact for themselves. neha grown, and. the; to which these ailments give rise. to se who got himsalt fate trouble trying di indeed?"’ ~Henpeck poletinin areca ce bigamy.”* How’s This ! 3-8-12 any rate he declared’ he had been in- demanded a duel on the 8,’ he declared in tones ‘shall never leave ean expert o! ‘ou open one afte! your curiosity Johnny — “T wish my folks pape r oat let on my head, and dad is Not a Nauseating Pill. e Ingredients, and makes up the pill t of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills compounded as to preserve their molstire, and they can be carried into any fe withiout impairing their strength. y pills, i order to Keep them from ad- ncles's Vege: |G able Pills are so Bo o¥ ‘dint they are “BLUFF” WILL NOT. Shoddy character and Sounesrels time. People have found this out 0 succeed in keeping cap tus aDR veara® 865 las ir boas “te are bee questioned, ——++ MISTAKE AT THE START. int to notice the wome: of a ape e: had met to organise 6 ub, Mrs. U. ig Ledus was clected es sala, _—sapeing tot some one please the meeti ery-looking chap at a hotel there. Phat it was I t know; but at | I We make Granby Rubbers and Overshoes out of pure sew rubber. Can as much = Rubbers |: cost the maker more, but they cost the wearer less, for one aa does the work of two “Granby Rubbers wear like iron.” ca cry pe Piamnt was trying % stoi hour of going to Press. ev- frantically © PRUAX, w Pe Xp Mnolesale, Druggiste, MARVIN, Sivmoleaate “Druggists, ‘Toledo, Patarrh Cure is talen inter: Jubobs Ol is truly poral {te grolant in geld, even for the nerv Pretty well ell bodily like magic, it always conquers pain. Prussia has no fewer than 2,922,- 000 Poles in her pop’ are towards our Govern- WHEN YOU’RE RUN DOWN I fast baila up, Seu er aan Nervine, ‘blood. Inaiver snd servo food taste jauick- est and most thorough in its St a ea 3 = f yan Senne ‘and rich, red blood. J. W. Dinwoodi of Canipbeliford, : tried ever medica Last fall bottle of pirate ang I want to no, I never thought of it sec- Ague and the innumerable complications a s."" Mrs. Hen- —\'¥es, |chaps Tike you. end financially DY. ae Try out ‘any obligations made Winslow's soothing Syrup has been used for over ott ruccoss. KINNAN & brains. id t t pe throat and lungs and run the ee of my 8 a physician's | the taste, and ananrpns ly | merits in his own case—havin) and corrective. no fe 1- At bare Seago t — ‘Looking at Looking at cheerful Keep Minard's Liniment in the Heuse, cre is now’ a settlement contain- ¢ 600 persons on the top of the Maca of Olives. For Over Staty Years, Ax Oup xp WetiTaiep Rume for their children: while ‘take no other kind. Gladys — r ‘thought you said he rich?” Mildred — “Oh, not mately said he ‘had more money reg Why will you aliow a cough to lacerate ling a consumptive’s grave, when, by the timely use of Bickle’s Anti- Gonsitn five Syrup the pain enn be allaye Gangecavolinl Canin array leans to for relieving healing and curing all, affections of, the throat ‘and lungs, colds, coughs, bron shitis, ete., eve. The Parson — ‘Believe mo, dear friend, that if Heaven sends mouths, Qui ai be rantha and others all the itis a Great Public Benefit.”—These sientfeany words were used in relation to Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil, by a gentle- man who~had thoroughly tested its ness, and is an incomparable pulmoni- “I’ve carried this umbrella for the last two years."” | “‘Pretty near time returned it, don’t you think?” t makes you an dismal What makes you a ‘new Wrekin Sout th Attica, Cuba, Porto nd 18 of asm ficat uso as any atlas published, Wermell i¢to any address for 5 two-cent stamps 60, sma ase sone “State ena ine, MERON 719 ‘There never was, and never will ba alversal panacen, In one remedy, for, ‘a ae to which flesh is heir—the very ni {many curatives being sch that, we tie germs of other and uneray ntly seated iseases rooted in the system ling tat ne disposes to sound rail ahing. weep Dear Sirs,—I have been a great suflerer from rheumatism, anu lately been confined to my bed. Seeing your MINARD'S LINIMENT adver- rt your medicine. 2 LEWIS 8S. BUTLER. Burin, Nfld, ,118 brewers of beer in the Gaited Ktngdom. Monkey Brand Boap cleans kitchen utensils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and forks, and all kinds ry: “How's the earth Nh divided” Baca write scance—restilt, proved appeties: Northrop & Lay mda of Toronto, have the public thelr Superior Qr ite Wipe ie pies SO GAl cee and, gauged by the opinion of “sciensi bis wine approaches near any in them Alldragsisss soll tt In 1897 only 6 percent. of British childs w the ea tatetsie: it por cant. in tow fn: county districts. Ma's Lnineatis use by Physicians new fishing boat recently “built a, 200- pow’ for eautie in the net: Ask for Minard's and (ake no. other France has just over four million cres of vineyards. ig one piooo stand » tra thea o tlme. eau | Common ise nt eats eo ontreal, 2.0. 12 4227 aller quantities. Labrad THE DAWSON COMMISSION Fresh Frozen Sea Herrings In casks of about 650 Herrings; $1.60 per 100 by tl lor Herings he cask, oF 8. Badejea! in half barre 00, | LIMITED, 5 “Tonovro, be said of any other make? pairs of ordinary rubbers. will end and how it Minard’s Liniment Lumberman’s Frlend The Frost 10 Wire is the strongest and heaviest wire fence made—g: for good agents ; write us at once for terms. ‘THE Fros? Wine Fence Co., and 6 Stay Fence ced openings Ask for catalog. WELLAND, OnT. Wruurea, MAN.

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