Obituary. The late Mrs. Grieve, whose obit The Milverton Sun Js the best Local Hewsnepsr in Sa anh ~< of Peri it is. Bes Medium, $1 per year, strictly in advance. not sopaid.—M, MacBers, Punzisue: th. Li Rat adhne Bes suisorit Fe $1.50if) she first met and. married ee S| husband, ty ago. She a we to Canada in the ae 4 , William Grieve, sessive insertion, ixed Uxpress G. T. R. Time Table~ Trains due to leave Milverton. GOING NORTH, Beer Coats Mi 2: GOING souTH, 38 a.m... Express p.m. Mixed 6:4 pa. sized: | THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1903 or a to be rest of u Tome hi he around wating ML yerton. leaving Miss Justice on the Road. ‘Three men and a woman, tr; wih, ‘plat vull do me,” returned ” you, Jem “Oh, ti estan. oun “Dil’ave a pint aac same ag Bill.” - ‘An’ you, wissus?? addressing the 2 shark-faced Sal © w'Me,”" replied. alt 10 ani onsesuty. @ manner, “Oh, Dil just have a ee wl Virned tense speaker ; 3, @ Berlin. correspondent of Com aaa | Intelligence calls eae to # payment and urging jondon (Eng.) Pelegraph. Hain Kiknaw’ ot Berlin, is Spending few days with Mr. John Schneider, . Kerr did the first plowing in this section, even snow on the roa Mr. H er is spending @ couple of days at h vale Ms setting things right here 88 Katie Moehlman is at pres Moshiman, and Edwin Klenck intend wheres nee have secured jobs. Sth Line > Wellesioy.. d Hi ¢ weather for a few weeks, is alata be around agai d arah Henderson as returned from oa isit to Thamesfor: Vi ie friends Some of pile party at Millbank the other, even-| ng. s Etta Henderson-is at present Hl, we hope she will soon. bet Dewat, who ha: s been engag- mot you hey’, Bill?” said the x won't !” hastily re- a tent with a pint like the a No Bank ppc in Germany. iy “you'll ’ave | m resided with her youngest daughter, Mrs E. Hawke, “A few months ago she went on what ae to-be he r rom which she never re- ered, passing away on the night of the 13th inst , maintaining to the end her hope and faith ina glorious here- after, , During her illness she suffered a great deal but never complained, nduring her suffering with thal Christian patience and fortitude that characterized her whole life and which had borne her through the trials an vicissitudes that the ear ly settle: were subjected to in the pioneer dye? In her last hours while loving hands were doing ull to relieve her suffering she said she dewred to all, Her strong and un- the difficulties of - her early life an the truly Hotiting Mhelp and counsel gave toh sorrow. that she feottt ly regard and tenderness which ea men in the technics tia te it was only the man Schneider of Seas ard of Health of Ellice ent r. and Mrs, C.. Lippert, Mil- Herman Schneider, Geo. : Waterloo at an early date, mmond, who has been e MePaitle len ig at present in Moorefield and}. the young people attended 3 season of gentle peace [to her who had known suck unremit- | fur as was wer. She was a/*) faithful ge ve be Presbyterian | 8° vras er nature. ~ Tn ae eitly” dave dhieh Taw aadl far Be: ween. were the homesteads in our ;|sprely settled Inn¢ a, her home was t the years rolled nm and with the flight of time-came a and quictnes: ing toil, and then she was to be found. Sonar visiting the siek and afflicted, oo to tueir church and arely. ubsent from aaah ane ues on the Sabbath day. She had a family ‘Of. nine children : yi Solna and Robert, alae N., ex-1 ts) John Camphel Mrs, Jobn Stews t, late o} Rat Portage; Mrs. E vid, See and William and is] = Thoma place on Mor a afternoon to. the Ko th Mornington cemetery, followed bya large concourse of friends and relations. fhe four sons and two sons in ae acted as pall-bears. The By last_sad was. The intelligence of the death of Dr. Frank Tarnball at, Goderich on fete ceased was well and favorably known since childhood. The Doctor’s death was the result of an accident through the upsetting of his canoe in an at tempt torun the Maitland river from Auburn to Goderich in. high water. Tt has become a custom in niany places among athletic young men to Before jeaviows Auburn anxious friends tried to persia: him not to make the trip, butin vain. In the scent down the river it was neces sary for the canoeist to run-seyeral falls ; the first of these had a per; drop of two feet, this he passed’ suc- | cesefally. tthe quarries about two miles from Goderich there were tliree more falls ; two of these he got over in reafety bat in SeeInpHig to run the last one his canoe upset, but being a strong switniner be struck out after his boat and which he overtook in the} fails current. He drew. hitnrelf up ut.of the water as far as possible and in this position he was found: about a s_Chaliners leaves us to abt he will be: much n Tuesday nd every- halen: hoor Incorrn % Gadderich hacbor. Mr Hector Hays, Mr, H, Vigan: and another young man. iy Mikes out itu- ny bse appears in erm ‘eolumn, | ine shipped {9 the ‘home of hia I rnington deceased her some 23: years. ap ied ei The. pele took place from Bea sad 4 lets ; Brothers and Cousins, wreath of "| cinths ; Miss Skimmings, spray flinching determination to overcome| ° a va | Mabee, a spray of roses ; Court ° carnations and hyacinths ; Ture at I spray of roses aes Y | Upsilon,” “large wreath of roses, lilies ry {Turnbull was a young mau who Rev. J. W. Cameron conducted the | Bs 231 Si dicnlar drop of thre feet and rapid ‘it the more you'll think about from the can the Goderich Lumber Company where his without avail, His remains wer e - ye ADVERTISING RATES, living in Galt a few years they moved| idence on Sunday afternoo decided to clean them out regardless of cost spacs. | Year. | 6 mo; | 3 mo, | Imo. apc inio.whaé wan: koows ot that tine Milverton ‘da cls ees aaa Ladi w One column, .|$50 00/830 00} $16 00) $6 00 us the Queen's bush and settle Spor uae Vi apes pee, oe ee oe is week 37¢. Half column.| 30 00/16 00} 9 00| 4 50{ lot 16 in the 11th concession ees cal oe fee setae 4oc. Quarter col..|:16 00] 9 90) 6 00 8 50] township of Mornington. ‘There they| sr", Tore ie se Te L ‘ be g 35¢ Bigath col.,| 30 00} 6 00) eas 2 00 | resided continuonsly until the: death + ee, Ys rE adil oe “ - ve pe Que inch B00: 8 00]. 2-00% of her husband. | or some years after| Bae eee ee te - S his death she still resided “upon the ean ee uneral was eg re pie : cers sh ale Bo. pene nope, | Homestend with her. son’ Davi, | 93 she Cusndion Order of Foresters! 3# Men's Wool Socks, regular 25e.,. this first insertion, and 2. perline for each suer| now reeve of the township, and after: Mive brothers and Mr Jee Age oes . Jas ie, Berliv, acted as pall bearers, ‘The floral tributes were immense, a float haying been apeaigy engaged to carry them in the procession. Among those who sent foworsits Tpotibes the names of the following: Mrs. and Dr, Rutherford, Listowel, wreath uf roses, hyacinths and violets ; Goderich Medi. cal Association, cross of roses, carna: tions and violets ; Miss Sowerby, To- ronto, spray of cala: lilies; Mr, and Mrs. Brydone, Clinton, spray of vio- norpe, Toronto, spray of cala lilies, tulips and roses ; Ste and . Pugh, wreath of tulips, carnations and. roses; Dr, Hayden, nations, lilies of the ‘vatley’ and” bya: of nations; Auburn. Rifle Association, | pillow. of roses, lilies of the “Our Ci Nair, cula lilies, roses, car: bations ‘anid hyacinths ; Milvert 1 Wreath. of roses, ubull, wreath of roses, caruations, ilies of eed hyacinths; Mr. rs, A iter Fraternity, Toronto, “Delia ve the ates tulips and Goderich "Township Rifle aeanain wreath arnations, hyacinths and anchor of roses, carnations, lili the valley and hyacinths, 3 hot yet, attained the meridian of his wat .s | Principal pata after which he sieved Thon University and, graduxte d For neatly three years he pract Abvut two weeks.» sold out his practice th : Tuna Mer eitine, Bek phish ha. idtends i His sudden and unfortunate taking off bns cast a deep gloom over the entire community. Much sympathy is felt for the family and aged parents whe feel the blow the. more keenly, iv being the first in the family circle. Pecrolia Topi The largest elin tree known of in these parts was cut down on the premises of George Donald, lot 6, Plympton, bose week,’ by JK Tie’ wee meas. ured six feet 6 mane inside the” bark, hirty cords of stoye wond. Brooks and his sons a day tocut it down, and a govd week ae 0e with difficulty and brought to the office of hree doctors endeavored to resuscitate pea eee : aa See OE eT ERR ORT PasuVteyeieeioaay 2) 1 ata work it up. Que limb” made a fourteen feet long and two and a fee feet in diameter. SAREE AB ADHEMInERUMnE ne _ Special Sale of WOOL HOSE and CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR Having an overstock of the above lines we have rae « “ 5c. " CHIEDREN’S UNDERWEAR All wool, size 8, regular goc:, this week 2 30e. 7 35¢. i 25c. 0, i Bock s 22¢. This is cheap pgs even evan have to carry them over till next New Felt Hats in all. the latest shapes and colors, and at popular prices. 3 25 dozen Misses and Ladiee KID GL OVES, sizes 5% to 7%, assorted colors, were 75 to $1, your choice at 50c. pair. For the largest assortment of Prints in Milver- ton try us. We’ handle the celebrated English Prints (Crums make) We still have a nice assortment of sample Gloves. left which we are selling at half price: Our WALL PAPERS are to hand. Get our sample book and look through. We want $2000 by the tst of April. you to help us make up that amount. VW. K. LOTH TRISTE ICA WA aba ea Sg Your Hall is the Index to your Home Impressions favorable or otherwise are formed. upon enter: ing the door, Suitable Hall Furniture. gives the visitor a feeli ling of cheer and: welcome,. while a cold empty hall produces the opposite effect. Hanging Racks and Settees, Hall Trees and Chairs in all the newest styles and at very reasonable prices. Remem- ber, you always get just what you want and get it right here. Now is the time to get Furniture. values in all. lines. Lattended ‘tox UNDERTAKING in all its branches. Sunday calls at residence, Wiederhold & Honderich We invite Seer baneneasyneenapbonneentanes ee Call and see our big Picture Framing and Repairs promptly Night and “I Told You So” A good customer of ours ays whenever he don’t buy our shoes his wife has a chance to say “I told you so,’ Of course that’s no reason fora ‘‘single” man, but -there isn’t a single man can’t see these reasons: 1st Fit, 2nd Good, 3rd Looks, 4th Wear. The more you think about them and about as D pie rescue, but too late, col ve can nee ee alg, G. Grosch & Son = Ss made from the most:stylish suitings of the day, in ike aU A A Proposition For Men eke Ifyou have not yet purchased that new suit you need, you are the man in’ particular to whom we want to talk. The buy here will fit you, they will be best style of the day if you so desire. We makethem according to your dictation, from your choice of fabric; and we have a great variety of choice materials for you to choose from, and last, but not least—the price will be right. We Guarantee You Perfect Satisfaction With What You Buy Here E. Knechtel. A young man named McLean, shot| Feeor a. “ The Dominion a black fox near Huntingdon, Quebec, {schmidt had Conon Bron wih the Fao LIFE § s URAN CE co oo jand sold.the pelt for $00. is ent cotta A = the second of these rare avimals to| [hich they can Gs te porecoenee ca Se Ee Il before his weapon t! thie er. | Mr. Wilbur Copland of Gravelrid, nt Sunday at the residence of full court of Manitoba has |shd'Mes Pete 3 foyss ts 4 ™s + school poses The Manitoba) “afr Christ Prost had.a bee on alse wore disrettied. | |day last taking di The Bismarek “Tribune? gives some | yi, [aries stati M lown his barn which ° fo judgment that the “Territorial The ae prea passed through this | government has the right to tax the | Place on Sunday last, and called at | Geoadinn Paste Tanag. Company |e ete ot, abd. Mra Thos Fs SELECTED s up, |fire in his provinces lead with twenty-one mem- (By Double quick prices placed on winter and other goods Eaties Norway follows second with | We that counters and tables may be cleaned for SPRING| fourteen who fir another correspondent) Fd & z ® z Fei ht of day |reniained in the woods and along ti OD e land of t The | roads o seeount of the early break- GOODS. Badge State. lines | ° in third place| UP of Seighing. maine, nnesota an ee neillor Samuel Boyle was in At- Mantles, Overcoats, Underwear, emir" ced The ae onlay Aenea are scatter @ McLellan has’ again engaged ie = Louis Baechier toda hiceavinge are urs, Ete. sonw Paematee mace Liste See aie ¢ ba d SarrH—At Stratford, on Mareh 11th, | : = ra re |here this year, and hie customers usy These bargains mee Eng reer and Mrs. Angu S/depend on getting good work done lev maeeike lea ae Pai Will be cleared out regardless of profit. will help to get things ready for Spring Goods. $12. and $10 Overcoats for $7.50 $10 and $7.50 Ladies’ Skirts for $6 $10 Men's Suits for $6.50: $7.50 Men's Suits for $5 e are informed that our old friend At the Luth-|Thos. Coxon has reasons for being jp lostork, on | happy. ‘ SSRs ore Mone te a W. D. Weir's Sale Register. ary Scesboltz, both of Mily . On Saturday, March 21st, the farm DIED. stock and implements of Mf an’ r x TURNBULL—At Goi pAletiati. on Thurs-| McGregor, lot 2, (west half), con. 9, . $1 Men’s Gloves for 75. : a March Beth PraikD. ‘Para. Mornington, shat mile west of Peffers as Pas Sareea bull, 3 30 years, i month | station. © commence at 1 4 pair Men’s Socks, 25¢c. line, for $r aut ane Pa ~ Men’s Underwear, $1 line, for 65¢. GRIEVE—! At Mornington, on Briday, uesday, March 24th, the farm eerie March 18th, Elizabeth. Gri poke iinptethen s; and "household Japanese Waist Silks, all colors, for 25¢, relicit_ of Sha date Wie. Grieve’ | effects of Mr. Alexander Smith, of 1 ot ee aged 84 years, 2 months and 19/5, con. 5, Wel lesley, western sectioi Boxes Toilet Soap for 25c, days, is is a big sal everything. will be sold as the proprietor has eold hig BAECHLERVILLE. farm.’ Sale:at 12:80 p, riday, March ae fhe, farm What the people say: That mud ts| stock and implements of Mr. the compliment of the season ; that | Magwood, eriLP.P.” ‘Gale at ons certain young man tried to eut thelo'clock, pm. The stook | is in good road on Saturday night, but in. vain ;| condition and good grades. that the, sleighing Is gone, too bad s 25 lbs, Good Figs for $1 25 lbs, Good Prunes for $1 3 lb. Good Raisins for 25¢. 4% Ibs. best 35¢ line, for $1 mS : ; ies ai? isn’t it P patente throat ecutors’ sale of farm stock and 15 Ibs. Rio Coffee for $1 Env better that parties toes beet | mblementg of Fhe nde Wn Gen Roasted Coffee, 15¢ line, 8 Ibs. for $1 tare, Monthy done | i maaer on ee ae eee Roasted fee, 15 S, S. th at | larch Bist. 5 $ that our population increased two Sie at i230 pans ei pepe iat: H aie es abe oe Nowe Morn- | Be sold. in esate The west half of lot 4, in the 14th aovner hy by Mesera, Breet’ Bios, at al good in ame, Inore o : nt ands Mires Samnel Gtewer orl of's ee Japan Tea, Cups, Saucers, and Plates, blue, worth $1.50 dozen, will sell for $1, a. snap. oFfbele dughier & ie Har 3. arty Pi Pr Sund: h E. H. DIERLAITIM trigndy near dite POP aT RP OAY, way The farm stock and 1 tnplements, of ph M Bite | Mr. Conrod Sen Wi gba dara Bother) Marnington, on Frida, April 8rd. Sale at 1.30 p r Moutoux, proprietor, Peas ial with Butter and Eggs Wanted. Pees fre It is rumored that the farmers. in} LGBT, RE |the north ward have been offered’ » Out | wil viding th [st ia eight sicibate Wthe © hose Peart Mokéllanl Su¥iasaaveah et i “ : aiivds cM achelor; j jof representatives whose birthp *|has seeured Geo.’ Cook of Ellice, to| ¢ : |hag.. been looked a¢ tnill, 2 lig 8 ing daily, which shows that we Ellice, autalnine fifty acres| — pa ere Ba reat present the guests Thurs day, pat 2nd, ae 1gor nia The Place for ae Head Offies, - Waterloo, Ont.. Results of 1902 Business in foree ease 14 per cent. 137,969. id ments at the option of Be) the Assured. Jas. Innes, President. Thos. Hilliare, Managing Di HvES Examined Free © SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Our guarantee means some- thing, we are not here to-day f and away to-morrow, yo at know just where to find us. ; Our optical trade is increas are capable of fitting our custo- mers satisfactorily. If your eyes are weak, or if : you are troubled with head. ache, give us acall, We have cured’ others, why can’t we cure you P. H. BASTENDORFF Jeweler and Optician ext door to Hasenpflug’s Hotel : Fi Your Money Why keep your money for doubt: ful inotursteey at of interest, when at all times, a erg y or sina) Lamounts, for ‘any reasonable period Fit can be any, Invested in the gold: ete Taechlerville. festa associa | “|98 Ths, Granulated Sugar for $1 | tion have elected officers f coming season. Eaokoat noe rer. lee 25 Ibs, Yellow Sugar for $1 Imperial Syrup. 5¢, a lb. The Milverton Sun | aes | THUBSDAY, MARCH 19, 1903 | ICA. GENERAL NEWS akes short roads, f i CUJLED FROM ALL SOURCES ALE Co Agta sh decided to pro- Fs aie test Hon y election in aD i North York, 2 : sts Finest Dates for 250, ae the vivil service clerk at EASE TRAE IrER RRC Late tee eis the undersig {and ‘er found. guilty of defaulting, was ate seven years in the peni- tentiary. ood for everything. that runs on wheele” up to noon ‘April, 190%, for the| Factory Cheese al-|"! | delivery of Indian Papiilies during the ending 30th June, 1904, at ways on hand various points in Manitoba and the orthwest Territories ‘ f tender containing full | particulars aiay be had by appl x % to the undersigned;, oy to-the Indian ig. the | Hone Munery owned by (Hon. “E. “J. Commissioner’ nt; Winnipeg.” "The ae ae the! Davis at King was burned i lowest or auy tender $100,000 ; insurance $66,000: accepted. Nee: Shephert the meiprionsy alleged -ex-nu n Del week after ge an eouranion for cancer, { Sold Everywhere. Made by IMPERIAL OIL CO; H. MOHR, Grocer and Baker. — The names e E. ee B. cig lgoa K. C, and 8. K. ©, are mentioned for ie investigation of Mr. ss | : not necessarily J. D. McLEAN,. + . A 3 lbs. California Prunes for 25e, resgilerly afety Walt yenr¥// The fess tures of this company are recommend ral ts Executors, Administrators, and The Perth Matual scans Company ested ii the BRITISH MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. daily ba tance, an 5 every half yea : : bearing bonds o! British signe tes Loan Company, Stratford ~ t four per cent. interest, payable st investment. The deben trust fon Co ounty of Perth and the On deposits interest is paid on is compounded Hon. J. Israel Tarte, speaking ot; 4 farther attempt will be made to Searetary. Maly to j the fA aioe celebration of: St the train which has Mee Department of-Indian Affairs, Wm. Buckingham, “ 4 Patrick's Day, said he was conside jxn Aint fu: Win IME Abe EON wa, 16th Febraary, 1903. Masioua f ing an Lari of a seat in the British |foundland for thirty d ef as nah papers inserting this ae i se a ert sement without authority of House of Oouinions. | a —— ~ sf Reaume, the mentber for Ae oe Departnient' will not be paid. England daly rei her | Essex, promises to make fume eg in —— OUT-OF T WN { supremacy in the the Legislature, relative | af the World, i to im: [tempt fo bay hw over vo spor the] LCOS ‘District ing ready for emergenc’ Rose gorermuieiit, that the Argentin of North -Perth or Bag iow tate the opening. of the Oacari USTOMERS a : Tiorcae einer haserieen bontt 1} in ae at Toronty on. Wednesday the British Government, and also che sta ow bowas. sprang on’ the: honse F “ ; | Te Tavern-Keepers, Step-Keep-} - erliters risa hGION Sali Thess, ry Mr, Gamey,. the memier for Mani Ses and ait others liste essen? now being builtin England for Chiii.|tevlin, who from his pls stated that he had NOTIC hereby given oa agile the performance of The Christian Guardian asked one|cash aud the cation for Lfterise for th Li of its ministerial friend fe an artic, and states in last we letter in reply, after res s inability to find ae? for. the work, nt on to say.—“Am always busy | a; on this hard, hard circuit ; driving a stituency to ie the Ross Ges | ment. He cha money | commensing on the: Tet day of May me from sage Ai ton will te received by the. under- Peon Secretary, . the aap apa up to the | : ank Sullive nacncle 0 Sar} BURNT DAY OF: APRIL, 1908} orted his Siatemodee Gente nts] Applicants will be required to far- A jand letters between bim and Sullivan. | nish the-names of two If youintend purch: u agues behind: my work good and suffi: too old for this kind’ of “circuit, any-|He also at one meeting had bree | cient sureties hen makin uch ap: ad fate plication. Any application from # y a1 Stenographers secreted behind piano po poor to [boxes and their notes will form a part | § retire, too old to be spending half my | of the evidence before the comm time behind a. horse, over worst | The disclosures hy Mr Gas sible ri hat’s to;a great sensation, not only olhouse bat throughoat” tha enti province. Hon. G, W. R the dead line, and am forced to do moved for ajedicil comme toil and: said mania aaa inglnds work which even young anti vigorous a into.the charges. Mr ee one-third of t the ele who are osed the motion, ee that the | the time of making: sah application, | ondut what you get. saliectea across men shrink from. There is nothing |o for it but to die in harness, like a ber |ineesigation should eted by conn wie CLI Ces ee arliamentary pre 5 March Ast,.19038.,. 0” Often send us flattering testimony concerning ~ a - These voluntary testimonials are evidence of the satisfactory timepieces we sell. to. our patrons to call-and inspect: the goods‘and see-for yourself ‘| There is no use sending you a. catalogue, -as | there is only one_way to buy, and:"tRat-is:to. sec J. WELSH & SON; solani | Manage Licenses Issued Confidentially._ watches purchased ‘from us. asing a watch it will pay you Stratford. ae