Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 12 Mar 1903, p. 3

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: = — i iat aac The robins are saves naturally depend solely upon its in- 0 re, The snow is fast disappearing but| so: f ancther eatter ride. young men still wish for) ginon a The sAdilverton Sun Miss Maimnie: Edwards fe under the| wider Germenie os eee} ot coed | Hocal Newspaper in the County weather at prese sent. tb Agvet 5 anae Ella Smith was the guest of/ be a false sti dvertising he riend Miss Sara «Harrow last| ber of the Heriee we ¥ Hank Denyer has engaged with ae ‘Charles Ritter. for ye summer, Mr. = le: ly 3 mo.*} 1 mo. ‘epeed oi Rea CAE lhe We entoud. z [o— aay 123 Si 50 00) 316-00 Messrs R. McCourt and J: Gilmer, 660 0 iad 00) “2 5 the 12th line drovers, passed through iso) 9.00; 6 rburg with a large herd of eattle 6 ist The y 3.00} 200) 100 see “ster. MeMillen, of ; Pr tar aegis Inst ee nding a week wit par: . Bape ecres tients are hares a ah 3 ptdine fo ach uc see he- y _and y of the méasive insertic at 2 E.R: ane Mrains due to leave Milverton; on i Teast his Sepeeon witli Mr. : Brydone for. the summer. ae it will be hand The Expto: ed Mc Monroe Doctrine. ~ Monroe is best ‘tiv to dnter gen eratians as the auther of the so called onree Doctrine,” a deelar 4 in: eventh’ annual message , Ind December, 1823, and THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1908 Sky Sweeplng Orntor, _ Louisville Time ebate “as. > irast’ fake: of States would not. interfere in ittinger, of the| penn politics ; und now "this beligy is eloquent cess | was pea ty chs I that Europe ha terfere in Amevicau pli! pats that _no European. power Canada’s Favorite Son; Vehotla be allowed to acquire territor eee is News) oh ates Sehictuan canted Pele a cai -|oveasion. of. proclaiming this ext > wilted Thaler to find tha uke ordinary doctrine, was the rumored pede pare pened ae? nce of the Holy Fis wakes reports of hie physical con: aed Spain in the reconquest dition. He cannot doubt, jn face of | American colonies, recent mnntfestations quaatieee the|ed Monroe Doctrine is manitostly nn g the mass of his rule of international law, but merely affect tion | maxim of policy ibavgnurated by WOFatT pattice eens | Monroa 5 rae na othes eountry regard his breakdown ational | Recepted LION the out in fi d shut With the aisieiek ex ter European | ola “akacdonnia th ow there should have: been ry | tacit understanding between ami representatives Of feat poweis, which there was nat The modes of acquiring tervto he the Avaew law are said to t be rough ao) Occupation of land not é compensation for his labors vetoed (2) Presoriprion ~or om PAG FOtae tt Se DERUS eervice. 2 iccvealin/ ties edlinderable leh ete ut The Professor's Advice. tine. “(3) Gift, pure (4) Conquest in-war. e A venerable professor of a noted | thing. does the Monroe doct wedical college was! addressing tho! come when viewed in this light,-or he 4 = ing out-into the eon of act coe: Mon Betas Ais Willy likely {a some degree the had a thee value, What becomes of ix exainple Beakoes who have preceded he Kees wa their un : upgo-the.-Tilipinus? a cteat merely an je ea city en py pretension with nothing what doniestic | trials. When one of you;ever binding in’ inte asks your’ wife to ving, do not | Gera 1, which . worry. if she is not Seatte at the ap- petted time. Have a treatise @ on your ‘she hein he Geruians are a..pretty level fiesta clus of people, not given te extreme views. ‘The opinion of noted German. prole ( ont Wag ies: peta uer, of the Berlin. University, on The varnee at the Feast. [exipty pretensions of the Wei doe- trive is someching that must commend i (Toroute Star)” itself to, all th Ogi tful seudents) of political economy. there is noth doctrine. nothing powers,” he adds, ts "prompt repailiation” — Prof Wagner begins his ry ply to two questions su oe by a opinions of the pred turers “before him, 21s ower tariff, that the iuauufac:| in the interest of the German people, ees had sakes 1 vides in the interest of the Eurv: ey ought to be ely —— as a doctrine be people after continnes No people and no i E a Yapolean atthe height of fe «similar pre n the raise given to 1 States pre ests it ataite peat! nee invers tre they think. Public Soa the! as to ju “attending ban: froin * ats fy citles and town oie nswerir e _ second guention, Fi ats found Str of. Wagner » “It is only the tbe wines of piaions “oF - enropean ooy and} gi ck Pinsieht into and récornition z oping. iL the ARES of the interests of | 1 disparageinent of din-, Llidd| Western, dp Boaters Hose who attend them, bat Barope : whiel iitherto have been, i i ief seats. of RES why | Boro) Germany oven, takes the eine this empty pre pension inta i she wwteee people thet tion, for every Euro rapeat cou! bene conside practical, political, course, which | wil wt report having & | _ . | Said last foued., date r pro . law, He « dictated: first | |Good, 3rd “Looks, 4th Wear. wp mine of the Monroe doctrine Tenia as apm ae see the -world ecelvaivaty “tani bat. if we once. concede” ex Bredbta: nance ie toi th a, to the M sarc 10th, the: farm | muplemeny s of Ro oe h 17th, se farm aaues 8, con. 5, Morning ton, Bale to commence at on At the Grand cans Ho ton, on Satur east half of lot On Safurda st, the farm Mareh j) stock and Hmuptements of Mr. Joseph * by i Gregan, lob rnington, inlle west ot Petts [stati m. ale ta cst nee at 1.30 wi Tey et 4 ia the 14th a fifty ac |in the same, hore or le art an ce f ste thereon. jay, Apr 20° pan. Moutoux, arene On Tuesday, Mareb ¥ es far ‘ock, impleu y and houseloid iy aa stern Seaton thiu 1B farm. On ae enue ie ate condition and good grade pbxeeators’ sale off in Cbrisell, eT atte w M. Bist. ing will ock and hapleniants of 1 on. 3} ‘od Sepia Mornington, n Fy at 1.30 «Notices to tre py of (Ba oe of et of t y on 5 rth, fariver, chap. others 1sih DAY OF to send by Bost ¥ Hie ae t Of said eutitey names, ape ind futher take notice th Dome ONS: Exeeutors. UT val re ets, Sea to. or ARIES HIE aby ili wala jane Special Sale cf — a WOOL HOSE and 3 CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR s: Having an overstock of the above lines we have Fs decided téclean them out regardless of cost TR AG Hs Fe Ae EAE Riv WW érsted Ribbed, reg. 45c., this RAR AIR is 13 1 | ES Men's | 4 as ¥ool Socks, CHILDREN’S UX DERWE Alb wool, ‘size °8, regular gcc. this “a te This is cheap buying, them over till next fail wnbe errrers New Felt Hats in latest shapes and colors, and at popular prices. $ Ss 8 STR TB AS HS AIR AS AAS HB I Misses and Ladiee KID GLOVES, orted colors, were.75c¢ to $1, your ad choice at 50. Wie For the largest assortment of Prints in Milve ton tryus. We handle the celebrated English: Prints (Crums make) TRIE BIR IIS i g We still/have a nice assortment of sample Gloves Bey left which we are selling at half price: ey ony LL PAPERS are to hand. Get our 3% sample book.and look througl. Li BRE ete anu egy S TS IR FS FR LM) We want $2000 by the 1st of you.to help us make up that amount, Po ¥ ate ARIE i RRR RR ACRE A . Your Hall is the liadex to yeur Home Impressions favorable or otherwise are formed upon énter Toor: Suitable Hall iture gives the visitor a -!cheer and: welcome, Call_and see our big and Repairs promptly Now is ee time to get inet in all liges. Picture Frami ‘ERTAKING in. all its nches. “Night » and "| Sunday calls at residence. Wiederhold & Henderich “*i Teld You Sa” # A. good customer of “ours|= says. whene be don’t buy our shoes his wife has a chance: to say ‘‘I told you so.” Of course that’s no reason for a “single” man, but there n'it.a single man, can’t see jthese reasons: ist. Fit, -2nd MTT “The more. you think about it the more you'll think about them and. about J. G. Grosch & Son H 7 | bE JAJA UU enn uu A Proposition For Maem If you have not yet purchased that new suit you need, you are the man in particular to i om we want to, talk. The clothes. you buy here will"fit you, they will be made from the most stylish suitings of the d: ay, ‘in. the best style-of the day if you so desire. We make them according to your dictation, from your choice of fabric ; and we have a great Sane of choice materials for you to choose from, and i.s:, but not least—the pric® will be right. - We Guarantee You Perfeci Satisfaction With What You Buy Here. pean ! £. Knechtel. and Parasols We have been talking to. you about our big stock of Dry Goods, etc., but hardly'|ti Never he rude wish a bald headed ‘The Fisheries Depsttmant nil re would football players Mr. Geo. D. Grant, North candidate } elected over Hon. t majority of 160, on Ta Racoons, the rin the forest, are becomit The Dominion _ For the | commend a further probibitio erent oa sic ‘ate LIFE ASSURANCE CO. e meets a bill will Head Office, - Waterloo, Ont.. ending the time for Results of 1902 fanother three years. — B) sy removii; the mercenary incentive to catch tae ate | fish it is thought the Pig | better chance ed denizens of ng Scarce, furriers say that next winte: s # thaterial advance in abe prise of el There have etl red sever jos line, to’ Mr. your has disposed of Bi on he 3rd line, west section, to N t Yan KR. Gerber tk Jos. R. Be vshart. Bane Mr Jk who resently bought, Ritter s farn m, hey’ property ever about our fine stock of U mbrellas andi P araaate this season one of the! finest and best selected assortment of these goods ever shown’ in town. Any time you aren necd of a-gocd Umbrella call-and get}! our prices and compare them, and you will no loubt be convinced that we sell as. cheap “as others buy. Rain and sweat et i = aa have no effect on THUBSDAY, epee 12, 1903 We_ have} iin I ies i J. Gaui t fring gun bosving bissname, | Feb, tied’ men in New 84 years of re invented the re at bears his name. 75,000 for 100 of United ; eréat shots “without stoppi attained the speed of winute, and 100°shots h forth in 24 secon effective at one mile The - talk setae farm’ “noblest employment, pointed oveupativn,” has little power Ae be held. in itself to impress the to inspire the farmer b hot thé occupation tha the men who follow acter, i “ li brains, s sold iss farm, | | 2 He received | ~ A-series of pruning demonstrations | es ds "The btlets. (ik uiona idl thidekag’ in Jane, The kill at two miles, and it is very demonstration will be understhe chat [sf Mex =. G. a tel Hiwatt Pedexcapedivan cand vibe round in some ged | portions RETAIN thaccloe Cash St Surpide to? Pe : auiders| been cutting hay for 75 years, and| fly |are still producing, though the’ soil | Inereas “}has not’ been turned up by. the | Special ndvants weet plough. This fact proves that or EAT tock hound coast of the Atlantic, it| ‘nay yable in continuous or more patches were cultivated, would eee inpepinients at the option of ield good returns, and goes.to show | the A that the seience of culture might | Jas. Innes, Thos. Hilliard, gr |hold a much. higtier place than it does President’ _ anaging is village, and| 2 Direetor arn | Rey. F. B, Meyer dlurigy # fecent j EYES to Jamaica, found a noyel called the White Rose Examined Free SATISFACTION: GUARANTEED ely. } on the 3rd} Mr Fred | his fine farm, | Aid movement is intended nied herself to marry only $3 to nisin. | tain i ideal of the home. Our guarantee means some- ae +e] es Ss are now being established in thing, we are not here to-day and away. . to-morrow, you now just where to find us. ~ inventor of | , from the|are to be held in Ontario oreh: | : ees .- His| during ae pr ee nett, under the} Our optical trade is increas- D ‘ uit-Growers |ing daily, which shows that we Ie | Association, Those will be Ba the wie PARAMS Anne: 5 aoe fis fancns Bante are Capable of fitting our custo- 1,200 shots per|by d ous in 8 . U aye been sent | April aaa Maya by denoustia,|Mers_ Satisfactorily. If your eyes are weak, or if C. sey ston, Oraighorst ;|you are troubled with head- errington, Walkerton ;jache, giveus acall. We have cured others, why can’t we edi caer cure you? at number of orchard meetings public, or even Ip iinselE. is Canada’s Good Time. ut counts, bat ducation, Indu ‘ancer is shouting for Ps H. BAS ial gence, money-|5,000 skilled artisans, sion of such | “Agricultural Ontario is sending up a wail for untold* thousands’ of hired Jeweler and Optician spat occu: is rag mand faiittiwakd naan LD einen OO OmG ae, 2, MascoPAnE @ las com: | gry : mf on Hotel, situ: the man‘instead Pats thas idl par“years, it i 5 oe ¢ more brains, training andthe situation, The Pl f racer ine wane itty aml oe miedo it hen tore sre] The Plage for |problem created by good times, but ey ae Scan anece ee AE is Agricultore and industry in Outa H : cause somebody has written poetry | y Lauffer more or less from :the soar- : y cs four Money and gushvabout the “ Ps training ae me made the business of attractive and popular RAL NEWS CUJLED FROM ALL SGURCES 2 6000. German ‘laborers to} came out this year, Th was desided in England jy Bas ses ar Imperial O11 pests rate | | x hundred farm laborers left {Li iverpool for Ca: Jast week Mr. C.R Devlin, Trish N ; A rack elm etick of sqnate timber, | Haan Ge the feevin lengib, was delivered at Bsa. Coninoicie “OMe of Oulonetl valkerton station the other day. I ch ionic! IB; cults foe The Grand Trunk Pu Bill foray 7 has been prey pretonted to-Parlia tal stack of the compl poaved av $75,000,000. are all prominent _ The Federal government intends, at e next. session’of parlinment, intro ducing’ a bill for the purpose of raising [the tax on Chio Sere entering this jcountry from $100 to $300. e town oF Galt is now clear of|§ especiaily c ne T7219 members dito the chureh dari the ccatributions increased from % an avernge of smallpox. There were eighty a 4 38th annual meeting. They b moose legally killed Inst | at. Stratford placed a rifle to his fc the entire top f his hi had been drinking ite Vaserarid had grown despondent: He» se season for A om have incress t disuppenring. The y will ask that the ed ei me ssi | ibou meav be pro! y. il: service clerks are e)| more. pay, A delegation has w were dismissed by the Oourtof Appeal | upon Sir Wilfrid Laurier, aski on Friday, both on the same ground, an increase, ant readjastiment, of the ies the court bad no jurisdiction to salaries ofall classes: in the ovtside hear the img ice, in view of the increased cost’ Sutherland #nd T. g and increased rates of my in ‘servative members aa consequently “the ieaceuaidl mercial and PIO gi hold their seats ual world. Kinhiitisusyonpg. wear bended reehig 4 soleil 2s /25 Ths, Yellow Sugar for $1 mas ae 08 | Factory Cleese al- i point North west er erritories ti of tender fa ath Prsigne ioner at | Win tender n: atcepte J.D. Department of Indian Affai oth February, ve er ment the Departuiént will bo ers i this a ainthority 0 rimeval Vo city jour until the, may it be dis- Es i tan, “day when ard "tines come Why keep your money for doubt- ee ful mortgages, at low, rates of: interest, when at all ti is stu I: hy for any nuble period, , : riibe ceatdy sntanedvii te gold: | 99 ibs, Granulated Sugar for $1 toate bonds of the British Mortgage Loan Company, Stratford at, talented Imperial. Syrup &e, a Ib, és > , interest, payable. 3.lhs. California Prunes for 260, realy every inl Feae he mates nd best vestinent. - The deben 3 ‘hs. Finest Dates for 25¢, ies. te Cieeiet it cotapney ace recomend ed to Executors, Administr, Trstees, as by: the: Stacate Chap at seallatiii carectuiodt ter st funds, ay ; The County. of Perth and. the Fon - Ways Or nang Perth Muvual Insurance "Company toes are invested i bonds. of SH jORTG AGE LOAN to tHe. “Indian nnipeg. ‘The ‘sme "tt! A MOHR, Mora Grocer and Baker. Seeretary rest’ is paid on compounded every half fae Apply to | Wm, Buckingham, ie ; Manacur: t be paid License District! of North Perth | To Tavern-Keepers, ers, and all others a pabteed ereby given ieense for t ceived meneiay fo the wr eurton foe Happening, aod PIAS DAY OF APEIL, 1908 sui for which | ed, and stid majority one-third of the electors who ine of making such-applicat 2 Reis \OUT-OF TOWN — CUSTOMERS nit Often send us flattering testimony. concerning’, interested the perfornrance of watches purchased from us. These voluntary testimonials are evidence of the by the. unex satisfactory time pieces we sell to our: patrons If you intend purchasing a watch it will pay. yous to call and inspect the goods and see. for yours There is.no use sending you: a catalogue, as. there is only.one way,to buy, and that ig 0 sees what you get: Buz J. WELSH. & SON; - must a i Stratford. Inspec the ti resident within-said polling sudivi 6 ' Marriage Licenses Issued Confidentially, Maret tet, "Listowel. ‘Ont. Optician - Byoenl ested Fri

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