HARRIAGE LIOENSES J. G. GROSCH. SvRicrLy ConFIDENTIAL. Che It Shines For All” ‘Vol XII—No. 14. MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1903 | The Sovereign, Bank, OF CANADA, LOCAL NEWS. Mr. b Lancaster of St. [spent fae at Mr. Joseph Sclirenk's s. me F n, of Morden, ‘Pepi fathead 8 $2,000,000 | y SeeMan saat ins Cagital Subscribed $1,300,080 [Mist Sleighing is completely done aid in ‘Head Office, Torditte any places the roads are bao “H.S. HOLT. D. M. STEWART, “4 | box, re Gen. ea A they say, * torments a joman like « pain’ fuside; “but: she is | not ill very long. bia. Vv: of | MILVRRTON “BRANCH : transaction zeland family left on stuck where they’ will w open for the GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Deposits of $1 und upwards veeeived. ‘or Ta few day 8. A. | Tue bepenid bo Me ilok Savings Bank Department Interest ullowed on’ deposits Stony Gate uf depusit, ald “urmentcaaes lowed, and conipounded half yearly De} bou. sale last: week for 3 was bred wh Adaw Hemi: acwdine Revie: ] ale | worth of pe Tobaces, the» best m the market, for “tens issued, f cullectic mptly onal points, issied, notas discounted. drates E ; sale av a W. K | Mis fin Miron Hf Crosshil, ls ‘eft ou Alta, where situation as fia with one‘ large mercantile firms of that city. ¥ Me. R. H. Hamilton, spending x ol or two with friendy Mi S, tention given to the cullectiou of far we mers sile notes. a Re UR ae abe - [Manager Legal, ristor, Selicitor, Ete, Wu. Bartou’s who has been -A. M. PANTON, who” with the fave sex, will fe sige inissed. was Owing to the uipropitions: s the weather the debate beuwe Suratford xd) Milverton teams on uA ash ownership had to be d wn Saturday evening ie fae however, ‘on Saturday eyening of this week, Prost i mode oa alan we Bits al *Dautel Surgeons of Outario, Lorouto, University. cs ie aul Bridge a.m. to 5 pan, Bros. College. ae onor _gielante, of Re; ott hardware | & Mr. Fred Silvery estit eee has ton, Oat. Tor- sauce ulna eral or night, | Nive | man Hh bh | divi vine-of Listowel, cess and one of the finest things bout | it iw it lightens the dente of the ven uhird, At the Tilson farm Aaee er £! Tihonturg eek p ways yw 3 Bath, Hocardin canbe Me aren fy? ae toaw ee | P Me business, 8 welcou Loth, R. av D. Wait, ee N. and tins consented to re add: ving Avctioueer er for the Cond| this oid ble friend, terloa, Convey McK non, to all to come. nnd oh | Mitchell was 1m Fle | Boxer ap | ted of aries. ay The home of Mr. and Lunsiltont Aine boon mad the death of their but xgeniz ne lie took ill on nor y Morning bau t{ cutil lite in the wei alarmi Atma hicks Saat dying the same ovenivz. Large din ro E trants of Tiquors sist cignta =a "Toe, 8. Hon, Praptieter ZL, Branuer, Best liqns First-class ectounat and smuch Zsseaihy is fe in their afflic Yeomiecs fr ts uew x Eresyierian chur ft ors fat gare # dt Mill ets, C. Basch 7 std; joiners works ED. ee ling and glazir ‘ smith work, ori igars at the the total cost when completed | 3 ity of ober peat Henry Rose, prop, iV abioue § Mixecttancow SOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, Lantiber, Laths, Shingles, Pumps, ete. Our r HE) building is to be led by the Tet of October. Ss tect, wil toe charge wo ell, “ot Kinca aa Fipakin a young bari av the Guelph! $165. Ti | Uh ae te in Drumbo where be will spend y village spent the evening at the resid- | | baw ave | for sale at Jas, Torran Sem WD. Britistt Navy Chewing Toneeo, 3 s for 250. at W.-K. Loth’s sale fens plogs fo M Smith spent-a day two i Sooke sik friend Bvaeale: ss Lizzie Tew, of Woreester, is at eon visiting her sister, Miss Nellie Tew, ¥ ie “pet 5 Rizzi jeson of is at present visiting friends in ton and Ellice. Dr. anal of Atwood, i “Av H ‘0 his friends one Mo Miss Abraham, of Stratford, day evening next. : present the guest of Miss Lizzie Schwenk. Mrs. oM. f Brantf rs nin ites ercarape eet Sra Wednesday, Fe February 25th, Mr. jer sister, retitned horke on Monday, (Daniel 3 COE ee Mine E:hel Pengo, of Atwood i AL present vitititig “HEE sister, Mi Myrule Fergus of thé! spall ge eal Evers-Eidt, in marriage at the home of the bri ae the ceremony rforined by Rev. riiznes, ot NenstadG._ AS bridegroom was assisted by Mi Bidt and Mr, G. Gro: adt; is the bride by ais Rena itt of ap d Miss: Maggie Schneider. ie eonelusion of leave Me P. H. Bastendorf will rt of this week for few days. y A nawber of young people of the vpn of Smith, of Brenner, on Friday A most enjoyable ‘time way the bidet 6 sive) gout sale— Miss Barton ot |B ere SN ae ajman, H. Eid glésring apvials. ie basins ee the sale, and the store’ to let VMr James Guutts on Wednesday |é last shipped a load each of enttle au val on Saturday atippel x paying out to 7 ‘800 ta cul Patriotic exercise books, seribblin hooks, school text hooks and all-sup ilies for the sehool wom Agent fr d all sell apparatus nee, Milve of hogs, this vieinity $4 \ At the | | mother, MacFarlane, | a wa Walley afternoon of hast week to D. The bride “entered on thes arm of brother John, to the strains of th Lohengrin ee sara played by Miss Rebecca MacFarlane Miss Nellie MacFerlane, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Dr. Frank ‘Turn uf Goder ball, « it wee ement Society. n- Thorsday, The publicly ow ava cemetery My ane ee ise rying grounds will be discussed, Mr. Henry Mohr, one of our enter- prising merchants, decided. enter the ranks of die benediets. His ary Schierholiz silence of Me has to » rget ue lecture tera in charch on Tay even- Mr. O} the eloquent “ ea ise Z Hdeliver an ad Gish Ptah ate vate navy bl “The Barly Founders “of | browdeloch’with w turban of bay blue | Tea will be served from velvet trimmed with folinge. see Admission 10. and| groans favor bride henutifal Persian lanb-cout and aalie The Milverton Ministerial Associ an idesnynid Toe 12 |dress on R.A. Barnhy. EW. Outil oF Bariisrekitonne ed pore he Life and] The next of ait ta | wis 2 bre very beautifu Vicorand We linge Hikntand ate ate Pogh of Chic mee Ks of Swedenbe paper p (on OF Mul ae a sabaaIH Reta ee After the cerem myn dainty wedding | supper was server a of the bride was prepesed and sponded to, Cuca Mey norte ; were made hy Rev, been any cold “weather r. Tornball, De. ies tHe He ho RI BAe WAS: WORN vad andl Mvaere. Cree ture antl ict Apel open weather continy i tae ae ame tclacies y severe jeer from Torani, Stratford, Ti in owe ie pte e bu ea Acree: SLB | farmers seen wo be be opel tht These “ i ee foc ie ea ey esday wil will a ito cies eiratord fase Calgary and Bani this vicinity | fields ev J has sol Winn —— PEFFERS. an j favorable w The par, and, Mrs, ‘hopes land es att ede SNARE © His Beitess Half,” was a sid nerdy and was thoroughly enjoyed by ever sinie Mis Pelletier, | wi though laboring under a ver Savers cold, won great applause by hei sGatiae od barrel juggliog wero very clever. The company merits a wide patronage. dispar Phone ae attended. the party tat esday evening ap bes Sine pleased a Miss McTavish spent Sunday with é congsin, Miss Laure Wav 5 % Joreph NsGrocor are contennnting a trip to Albert r fate hey are old eps and will-be hi The great. catarrh remedy, Beraia, During March gH Ap one way | day rat ford. ato ewan is sate nthe Dominion cheese facte Culurado, Utah, Was ie nia, .Britix<h Sek ia; reizn of happiness he Baste Peden, the! Dea oare diss aad The 3 wei peas at meet th t pat me anlet oes, ont: eitute friends “ thi residence of the bride's | Mrs. Thos. U 000.00 es Pp Sh 500, tr Assets Over sits of $1 al ards reeeiy- ea, end “interest aioe at curren’ he. whi oh sell eave the inion Anions Toronto, ‘arch and ‘raveling 4g eee e ne a elaine Toront vas ; ur neal artic try on t - a to find: ae “ae Mon: treal, so ce iar: It is an siti Bg estab i Ss married on | star wniol ie: ig one of the ritish North Americ: as of the wealthiest, Bees ae Han mie security to senon Bee another colur Pan oe lithe son ra Sart on ide foe for 8 fathe and ‘hts, s eH i uty of S81 part: oti oe 4th, au ne ed ‘Mrs. ‘Min Weaheatas aboaalt tre ent Ww aay heli boasts that } he can seas zo You got you vs, | than a dozen girls To: terior ee J. Gilmer, vers, | a fing eae ‘terete i new oe ies hee ar. Ab. P nena Baila Mr. i itr, peemeg Sata a sed with the gi Frank Tivttion is improving ~ pith Uae oe heme was inspect- From Nhigira where h Allie Stewart-has engage ork at general housework iu-Milver- will he greatly pissed What is Mil