George BAwards is peng “his |® ea taut to Do uearioe ‘to-day ‘Miss . re ‘Long has cetaeiad Sad leap with herwister Mrs. ‘alker, age. Mr. Horace el tgrthe still goes west. to uld:-travel with amet oun, ‘spent al. ‘aay in this vicinity this week: ~Miss Mamie Edwards es der, or lich: line lay at the hom of Mr. ston. (rs, Jno. Gamble attendea| -sthe jo of the former’s brother, ane: Gamble, of Palmerston, | | eek, a Belle — sof Newton, f 4 mT ~ cousins, the asecr Sob insti ston -is steer rs. Win. Jol sent | » iting friends in Toronto-and ‘Strats “Geo. Lines is confitied to his “hous with an pines of} sciatica. BRUNNER. you kn Mr: Herman Schneider of Stratford, |} « spent a few days at his home here last ie yu. Richard Whitney ie purchas- sed a farm near Listowel, «-moying soon. © Mr. ‘ee ‘Mrs = will be mach sabia ra He found, on investigation, that it — on} ‘Sunday ee losses. panera ae ing se sewed his pant: Keraiet in the tail pocket of as corn nie felt jer felt a behind. ven er i bee waman, no’ the da: mdb A newly-married sauntered tei: road, he sas fora dite boy cai oii ‘ings and deba: The News, (Toronto) ae be peepee sented in the galleries of and will endeavor to oe Heer and impartial Ser all proeeed= The News now prints daily its | elusive cables from Europe, and te d commercial pages, and the columns of The* News ‘contain more © | accurate, more complete, and more ex- te ive Apher on the financial, | liv , grain and produce markets, ain heal tha wlolosele trade, than those of eee Edison’s Predictions. Great Sr apank in bees Edison, the great. inventor, among rom |other things, Sredicts the following for 1 Sask Tord wondartal year,. There ig more activity in science than thers ya eyer been bef means that the horse will have to go. “T expect to give up practical inven- ion for two years, The Heston’s Jot, over there behind. ais lan, ce orge “Horace seuss Ht ds “Saturda; minister, ‘accordi sion ‘dsona: one ‘ich upon ape fein! the nicer He preached for hour, and t! : and. os ‘ ik tosis ols very progress has vee peas oe ne @ Mutual Life Bisiness 9 written in ae $4, pn Business in force Dec. Ist, ae = | $34,467,370 Eunean Stewart, Stratford, Gen. Agent inter Asa result of ¢h ue tion is hkely to be submitted by the 828 Aeely interested in the government's sion, and for asyou are weighed pass out. Two important Sessions. At the aprrvaching sessiors of the | rliament of Canada an t-and importance will come up. | the vote on the liquor li referendum, uew temperance levisia- | attitude towards the various: proposals for the control and distribution ~ of Misra power. nthe House of Commons the ques- tion of the tariff will doabtless receive much attention, and among the Meer great ee importance o be submitted to iment are bitls | on oe railway commis- a general istribution of the constituencies, — doubtles proposals for the extension of the Grand Trak Railway to the Pacific ¥ va will coast. The session at Oulaw ais creatior “| doubles last four or om months. a steam of hw seer como in view. “Te see electricity supplant aie sasere es years electricity will be in the rail- 1908 will/advance Every new teria shows | us all e have been wrong, and that the milion tons eset: we have taken’ was all FARM FOR SALE. That valuable Paeel of tama lot 27 and w § lo For farther par s. T. McPARLANE, jonegal, P, 0 acres in fall whea ticulars apply to. Mr FARM ead SALE. ‘That valuable p f land being Jot 13, Maestigton, consisting of 200 ac 25 acres of which is wood- Jand, onto a good: sugar ‘bush, ‘hee 8 quantity ‘of oak, beech and rock elm. ‘(he farm ja: well drained: ond fenced and. ie watered by a never failing, spring and rilled ve with windmill and well filled, | mph Tealiinieia bea ie straw by Jameés Fleming. For further par- ticulars apply AvrD BLEstxe, itilibank P.O. -additional 50 -ncres ‘be- Jas. Fleating is also N.B.—An longing to Mr. H.C. 5. ZOEGER, Furniture Dealer, NEWTON, ONT. We Gan Atte. |Your Wants me to Our Tinsmith Department is in’ full running order. | REPAIRING and mptly attended to and satisfaction; prs “guaranteed. JOBBING Ww Gene eed of a Stove or Range, call on us, we have the deading ranges We keep a full line of | SHE LE and HEAYS HARDWARE | ¢ SCHNEUKER & : The Lent ERT N ROTHAERMEL. | Fardware | Merchants za] Grosch Pfeif Milverton’s Greatest Store. New Spring Skirts and White Waists ust to hand a handsome lot ot Separate Skirts, perfect fitters, all colors-and cheap. These are all tailor made and the work is beautiful, don’t delay, buy your skirt to-day. NEW WHI" prices from $1.00 to $3 sappointed, WATS handsome ones, and 50. make your selection now and ries goods are fast sellers. Big Importation Of Spring LACES, -GALOONS, CURFAINS, ALL-OVERS, PANILS, BOBBINET CURTAINS Frilled, Net, These are some of Canada's choice imports, Whenyou sce them you'll admit it, and the prices never so low. ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF Carpets, Lincleums and Oil Cioths These are fast sellers, and this being the second let, call and make your selection now, don’t cost any more. New Dress Goeds Silk and Silk Trimmings Tn this department we pride ourselves. Where will you go toget a larger assortment and goods so up to- date ? In SILKS we guaranteed the fine: carry Bonnvet’s celebrated ks, and best maker in France. ‘Jshree 3 _specials in Blacks. Qur F de Soie, regular’ $1.25 line, our price $1. Gur Taffeta at $1, and our. Taffeta at 50c. These ‘are Bonnett’s Bree admitted to be the world’s best-goods; In [RIMMINGS we carty an’ elegant range, all colors and kinds. a ° Fey op New Spring Kid Gloves Trefonsse Co. & Rouillon in France, every pair s, whites, greys, if fawns, , also combination. colors, Prices $1, $1.25 and $1.50 per pair. ’We carry the famous made —bla Headquarters for Men’s Up-to-Date Furn- ishings, the finest lot.of Men's and Boy’s Felt and Fur Hats ever struck town. Every hat new and up-to- date. Call in and see the new sty'es, they are elegant. » Get your size, we will lay it aside for you if you wish. New arrivals of Men’s and Ladies Rain Ccats prices from $2.25 to $10-each. New arrival of Ladies Belts, prices Kom 25. t0 $1.75 each. Corticelli Silks New arrivals consisting of Spool Silks, Filos, Etc., S toc spools, and 25c. spools, An elegant ilos for embroidery work, all shades . . ° Slaughtering Prices in Furs 1 Black Astrachan Jacket, size 38, was $35, for $23 1 me 34 was $40, for $25 # Cape was $25, for $15 4 Greenland Seal Cape, was $. 7.50, for $19.50 1 Fur Lined Cape, 36 in. long, was $35, far $23.50 5 only, Caperines, were from $15 to $20, for $15.50 Grey Lanib Goods at big reductions, for instance Girl's grey lamb. storm collars, were $8.50, for $4.75 aps, were $2.75, for $1.75 Ruffs, Mints, te, your-own price. Groseh & Pfeffer