x is generally the bribe-| tera who a moralists ion. have pros ythroughont »-tiations rel ae \ Shing tbat ae sewh recent . sound like ; ie the @ well-known a ent the Shrewsbury i all the contemptible hounds in the Kingdom, none should be re: ded with 'm recent municipal elee -to think of whai Harker ane 0 of fashioning anything wvile material. One Morris, the suc- iP trou “ape couiment ation di -tea cackle ‘following yea iho | Aeetn 8 |. election rs cessful ea anaidote, a soli de £60 to his agent the prego diy nae ‘workers,’ and lared his abs saison dh ‘did shoe ————__ Short Stories Retold. | Say olf von Sehierbrand tellsan amus- 88, to leave the country for having given too intimate ation prone the iser. di e out of such | whi : Solid been Eee by The Mutual Life | - of Ganada Sime tanner 2 oa from the -yBasiness written in te dsiness ‘Bist, 1902 Cash: 1 ees aslo ey G275,A15 Losses, 1902 sone from Tn- wart ner Gen. Pa eue 4.527.828 hs Deo, j $34,467,370 tin Tr, wil antinas froth nine in the morning till ten at night, and Ashi pulled egies by a string at ‘bedtime. On the morn: for ae United States, it was kat es with its wo face towar street, Peper ine Samat placard a the edification ot the police, reading: “Thanks ; I’m of Two heme Sessions. St the approaching sessiors of ibe: Parli the Leg’ | lature of Ontario, questions of unusual interest and importance ®, | the bereaved parents an esoraactasdenartael e paper will he mailed tally to any address in Canada tes, fi now till th Parliament for pay cents. money order slg xp tal noce to News, 106 Yon ge St, searer and the paper-will start next t day. $= BAECHLERVILLE. What the people say: That A. will not be lonely now ; that C. has a nice 2 |driver ; that people had to clothe their ge | their ets durmug the culd snap Inst week 5 pr that J. is busy exchanging erty these days and Mrs. fi ohn Phelke lett bas Sak oa their home in the _Nortliwes! Terri y, after a brief *honeyinoon here.) The best an of their many friends go with them. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cockwell pean snnaes with Mr, Henry Prost. Ge mye hese in ae lai She speed eacefally away on y, Feb 19h, The remains laid to rest in 6 Sa Mine Thief pathy of-her wany friends apy brother, ‘The mei rmon will be preached in the Moukuin Methodist ¢hurch on Sunday moving next, Mr. |. Doering’s family, who heey on ae sick list for some tiyhe, have recovered. AGauinben stented oe eal? of Mr. has. Broughtov on Tues 1 hauling home gravel for a barn which e intends putting up this coming summer, Mr, William: Lonley spent Sunday last under the parental roof at Car- thage. Hofferd has commenced or "| working for Mr. Joseph Lambert. deeply interested in the governments attitude wwardsthe various proposals |" In the House of Commons the ques- tion ofthe tariff will doubtless receive much attention, and ~ amoug the The Dominion — LIFE ASSURANCE CO. ‘Head Office, - Waterloo, Out, GROWTH IN 1901. _ From the Director's Reports the Waele ng figu: pt are Ae renee Aker exhibit rogress Of as compared with the pi ee Tees Ain't of anplieatons ses olicies eae 0 Neti Hanae 8 gained “3B 542, tal at ri 8,879,332, 4,421) 1524 soa 3,057 ag 454 o fas O15 8 eptionally ‘strong position | of he the Sombany, te eoundvess of fts|! having occurred on since ae Cor CL eBAe eaadee fact fying the Sear, “a ythat our apie: are con apres OD 8) oon our ould ad standard, are vor of this Sree boon com /M. Bricker, Thos. lise District Tuepester, Managing 1. Ont. Director measures of great national importance tobe submitted to Parliament are bills for the creation of a railway’ commis: sion, aud for a general redistribution of the constituencies, and doubtless proposals for the extension of the aid Trank Railway to the Pacific | doubtless last four or five months. Ne 90 | which appear in The u haa! in| ticular attention is pai on perl = Peto pies Is au const. session at Ottawa will The News, (Toronto) will be repre: sented in the galleries of both He and will endeavor to give interesting fad impartial reper of all proceed- 98 | ngs a de bat ‘Lhe News now prints daily” ble 2 | elusive onblex from Europe, and tel at eving che news |! Staff corres “nis ieee Ottawa, and Winuiveg Seed cache ta ay despatches News alone, mo axe is an ee ee 0 ee finan- the for the control and distribution of | ac . | Niagara power. f FARM FOR SALE. ‘hat valuable Breed of land, being lof 31 and Ww 4 1ota8, co d lot For further par- Peulard i Mrs. T. clea are negal, P. O. FARM FOR SALE. ee B= e longing to Mr. Jas. Flewing is also fe ser the wholesai That valuable “parcel of land being d sugar bush, has a quantit Bete bee anand tn 2 he far is sell drained end fencad and ts red by a never failing g ring and mi h ae by ‘lasses Bieaslag: For further par- ticulars app! OiDavib fuianwa, Millbank P. O. —An additional 50 acres be- H. C. ZOEGER, Furniture Dealer, NEWTON, ONT. ===-(Grosch Pfeffer Milverten’s Greatest Store. Genuine Bargains Up to SATURDAY ONLY Business rather slow on account of the storms, and consequently makes us ‘hard up ie money, but these prices ought to bring it. Your in our loss. Read over carefully. FURS 2 only, Black Astrachan Jackets, sizes 34 and 6, 27 in. long, small curl, our regular $45 Jackets, this week $32.50 2 only, Black Astrachan Jackets, 24 in. long, sizes 34 and 36, very glossy curl, — iy and quilted, were $37.50 and $40, this week. $29. 1 only, Black Astrachan He 27 in. long, this week $15 vonly, fur lined Cape, 36 in. long, Black Box Cloth Covering, Thibet Collar and Fronts, was $35, this week $23.50 5 only, Caperines, were from $15 to 18, this week $l2 50 1 only, Caperine, a eee oe was $65, this week $37 only, Persian Lamb Jacket, size ee x4 24,7 Stene heiica Collar, Reveres and Cuffs, nice even curl, worth to-day $150, this week, very special $118.00 ga ga was $.2 Pie Lamb with _ 10 only, Ladies’ Suits, were from $7.50 to 15, this week BA.98 4 only, Men’s Coronation Over- coats, were trom $15 to. 18, this week 10 only, Boy's Brown Reefers, all sizes, were from $2.75 to 3.28, ‘this week 25 only, Men's and Boy's Winter Peak Caps, pull-overs, regular oc., this week 25e. Lot of Children’s Etc., exactly 1-3 off. Hoods, Tams, Lot of Ladies 3-4 length Jackets, ranging from $10 to 18 each, all colors, new up-to-date ones, this week $9150 We Gan Attend to Your Wants a so a Our Tinsmith Department is in full running: order. “| PEPAIRING and JOBBING _ promptly attended to and eatisfaction guaranteed. When ‘in need of a Stove or Range, call on us, we have the Jeading ranges. Ewe nd, a full line of -25 Ladies Jackets were from $6.50 to 12.50, this week $4.75 2 only, 97 piece Dinner. Setts, were $10 aoe & each, this week $'7. 95 Fancy China at Bie educticns We pay sc.a lb. for Dried Apples Good Brooms at 1oc. 6 Ibs. Figs for 25c. Extra choice Lemons i5c. Rozen Salmon 2 for 25c. Cream Cheese toc. We pay i.10 per bag for potalees “i Grosch & Pfeffer