pe ee and Green. What frayed your linen? Not Senliges Soap— _ . REDUCES No, indeed! = Ro — Ask for the Octagen Bar ee oe sen te tt Ett “Ma,” said Be tte boy, af sought. d Kitchener’s post as comman-|the teacher to whip me for fer Pa chief ndia is. worth $30,- did not soe "Certainly ae BE 0 a year, and is tenable for seven seat ”’ replied the See Well,” Hg years, eplied the little fellow. he oo to- ee Shee I didn’t 20 MILLION Ou. SOLD EVERY YEAR. es a ‘ Hi ess {s the absence of \, and mil- tong fave B been se i pet bel d by St Jaco EUMATISN, bene cured. ane oe noon Ols “Dirsctios ineleven mpany every bottle, sa. Reward, $100 ee! Catarrh in this section local ic earn a || to. be a con: seivational ‘ais Mon ations), geatment! Cure oanutac ‘tured by Tote ‘Onto, Te the for dinglors dress, eNEY. fe 20, oleae. 1a by. Drageists, fall's yaais Billa ae’ the best. 1-82 SETTLER’S LOW RATES WEST. avi Shicngs | Skoo. Nomi Westen from Feb. 15 to Ayal “30. Colonist one-way class tickets at extremely low rates hey stations in Ontario ana points in Colorado, lentana! Nevada, tdalos Washington and ‘California, also to iver, New ‘Westmins- ‘A beneficence to the unfortunate in’ German vities is the pouuietpet pawnshop. We alive MINARD’S LINIMENT Ss qe Oil City, Ont. seph Snow, Norwa; le. Calter: NS. obtained from eral gen ‘Toronto, Ont. Mrs. Jones — ‘‘Oh, dear me; plcase tell me how to w S$ — come im- toed Nene oye Biers Landry, senr., Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N.B. bee! e in oe thirty-eight Ramis Dended npon for th pauper relief, In ing county. districts of Hmgiand one in every forty-one is a recipient of] ‘phe average human arity. : cs aethe| ead onthe lise teeralt diseases of e throat and lungs, Tt acts 1 e ceakitet upa cold, A c subdued, tightness of ne chest relieved, even the wor. Heved. while i. recent cue a “maybe said never to fa ical ues whe aoeive arincinics canis of several medial herbs and can be de pulmonary com- I body eorietne 8 Ib. 18 oz. of calcium. Pure cal- cium is at mee worth nearly $300 || an ounce. regular flow of the secretions and impart: 0 the organs complete power tn pe Teen there functions These valuable i iredicnts enter into the composition of| Mr. Newliwed — “I t ee AG eae ae and serve to|I fe aie can't’ aa gore 0 get nderthem the ngreeabl? and selorary hhedicine they are. Tuere are few pills as rffective as hey in their aetion. “| Wha Liniment Cues Dandiuf i you, dear, m The South African colonies and } ved Germany have no Hee. Ss your eis if ri os, t eta even crown |you-an angel any cel led by an auto- | wouldn't worry oot cistbee tin iway you do. NREOGA. ca CPAHE | _ROYREH | _——— YBRAPRSRE “Cen you strange the sbove sets of fumbled fetters Into the names of eight we ‘To the EIN THE Diss RIBUTION OF THE ALOVE os 2 ii ike & complute lit wate ve at wore entosing scent se Rises, PARISIAN MEDICINE COL, Low WRI ONCE. PR yeu of rises arsons send answers cy, Sigal three send in eae person Ss oa [ The Frost 10 ‘Wire and 6 Stay Fence Gs the strongest and heaviest wire fence made—good openings for good agents ; write us at once for: terms. THE FROST wine FENCE GO., - Ask for catalog. WELLANI Ta cases of about 650, Herrings; “$1.60 smaller quantities. Labrador freaiaze! 00 by the cask or $1.70 per 100 in half barrels, $3.00. THE DAWSON: COMMISST. £0., LIM! Poles TORONTO. PURIFYING WATER. For O7cr Sixty Years. ED socceat Te soo aah tase, oid by. dite Trenty-frecetts ipaip speculation.” Miles —— soos do you know?” Giles — ‘“‘Becau: es | put ete theses vee Ngee rot inckdent Beppe ng I et ‘Trizo Rew — Mrs “< . eet Vhasiow a poothing Syrupihas been used for over aitiy ‘But, papa, things have changed ae nae er for thls sdren wit | since you were yaung.” “Yes, they | utensils, s — “There is a fortune = 1-13 || Monkey a rand Soap cleans kitehen y i. eel, iron and tin . Folks used to wait fifty years | knives and ates and all kinds @ golden wedding, and now they | cutlery. demand st a€ the start.” aeeee ‘The easiest money to spend and m be a difference of opinion on| the hardest money to save is that iciest cdigjacie: Unt there is only bua opins| whictt you hay ion as to the Follability of ‘Mother Graves’ DET eRs SON res Worm Hxtermiuntor. Is issafe, sure and et oe Mlnard’s LioimentRellets Heuralgla ‘Is it Beod luck to have a black The largest is Sembee Tae la nae = Bia 2 sae » largest, armor-plate over rolled és | Mnar's Liniment at for sale evere suppose, og whether you're a motse, Dusaldrt, BY ae Grae oe re ae ress last. year. It weighed It is not only because of their great wearing qualities that you are recommended to wear Granby Rubbers Style, fit and finish are almost as im Russers have a stylish, clean cat appearance all their own, and are made in all the different shoe shapes. “Granby Rubbers wear like iron.” Will buiid for yon good health’ . through good nerves, by using South American Nervine ADOLPH LE Bovis, B. al's well known barri .. Cure sure Si three days; ‘reliet fnitemtly. 5 “Whom do you consider the great- est hero in thi asked stranger. Ed. Sommers course.”” “In what does his hatin consist?” ‘He jilted a girl wi iver eticey: “battle pries aghiew ears I had suffered with im- d 509 Milliman St., Baltimore, Md. Eeatherstoue — Bs WO! Wi mane neers with Jim Burling a. secret Electric ae > chiefly Savers from water, is now employe 62 * nilles of Tali ian rail and Een Pills to be lacking, . What it ao in size The comedies pane so US that The full doesn’t pay.” ‘‘Well, neither does he.’” ‘Tnos, SABIY, of Eglington, sa: fave remoyed ae corns 1 from my feet heii Holloway’s Corn Cure.” Reader, go thou and do likewise. y teod wor 6. suitanlator caer ly delivery. State cash iso tare Sia Address, SIMSON ICK CO. 1 ‘Toronto Si, 0. Tele: “Qld Pawkins says his business ti The Manufacturers INSURANCE COMPANY. Life isTH ANNUAL REPORT. For the Year Ending 3tst Cessmber, 1902. INCOME, woz. Net Premiums on New Policies.. Ket Renewal Prennuins. Total Net Lianslo gees .01,054,815.72 Interest . 186,074.12 Total Incoms............ §66en oh aes -91,240,889.83 EXPEND? SURE, atured” BE arin and Investment ca and ee nuit Death tl peal i to PB iders and Surrender Values. Be 9879S “$318,550.83 Total Payments to Polioy- penses and Office iurniture. axes. : Dividends to Stock-hoiders Excees of income over Expenditures . ASSETS. Municipal Debentures, Bonds and Stocks Loans on Deb s, en ierest Du Net Premium 0 ng and Deferred. se eeemtiand une in Banks, Total Anata Mone - 84,406,329.19 LIABILITIES. Capital” Stoce $ 84,406 329.19 ‘or Security of Policy-holders tne € holds ogre y-holders tne Company holds ae Soe of Policy pany Bie ve 3,753,892.00. ORE LG thet 1,200,000.60 (c) Uncalled Capital, Stodie Total Security to Policy-holders, $5,581,010.56 Applications received for, inst ranee during 190: Minctd's. Liniment Cures Burns, elt.) Sep" tsostancs:teved cy ws any previo’ WILLIAM STRACHAN, Parent. ROBERT ANCHE: Hea Montreel, DB: ROLLAND, ito mntreal. We ot MAN ron’ i ON, eed, x P. BARN IDLE Esq, ‘St. J WM. MACKENZIE, Esq. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors, ae following office were re-el President, Hon. Geo. W. ; First Vi ace dent, Lieut. “Gol. H. M. Pellatt; Second Vice: resident, Low death rate, low expense ratio, and high | interest- earning powers all Bearcats the sound bacrase se which the com yy is doing businesse eo ae mor oe sent all policy-holders. ‘the it ance cette: and copies of the be ned te See 6 Sied Office, Toronto, or to any agen Company. i COMPANY IS THE OJLY ONE IN AMERICA WHICH oesees. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES TO TOTAL ADSTAINERS, _, Have Miraculous Escape. e west-bound Grand Trunk ¢: s, due at Whitby Junction last he rsday morning at 7. ying | plete picture of fasion ant se D inextricable tangle in a field | that could be imagin 00 ds east of the station tact Relay the stovell HUMOR OF THE ACCIDENT. Although a railway accident is a some doubt as to the accident; some say «|2ble incident game under the notice hers of the resc It eran tting up Ag ain was uicced of an en-|tired, and shortly baggage car, two wentiialed Lae had fallen _asleep. day cars of the three Pullman sleepers. were about The ill-fated train was in ,}of Conductor Chas. Stuart ae si |gineer Ireland, both of ¥ the very light list of cas- Ro casi pales EIGHT PUPILS KILLED. lties, POSITION OF THE WRECK. a ene ny | Fant Train Crashed Into Car Fin 4 With Children. the track takes at aac raion extremity of this curve that the ac- and Hn toppled over. the collision the pupils oe Sees thought he will die. The scent y everywhere. Arms, legs, an feeisspart tue position: ok. the a poe on aie mise of the engine. cags and baggage car. One Eats Tae of the day coaches, No. 1,403, The Pullm: POISONED CHOCOLATES. {, |Suspected Attempt at Murder in nt, Wabigoon. A Wabigoon, Ont., despatch says rock, on Friday last received a bo: of chocolates by mail with a stip of wri a dozen. being broken on. the whole doctor co warn i THE ACCIDENT. fave @ulshea, niet Station Agent R. cas-in his | not. be i i remedies The donor of the chocolates is un- both east ae vi kn but there are evident signs ing the approachin; i far Fa ape hap pa a tampered | 0a’ ‘ i H h ded | fre ecute a thorough searching investigation into facts of the case. —+ COLONY OF SETTLERS. Will Set Sail for New Home at En ch. A London despatch says ready trains arrived from Belleville ine of Rev: Mr. Barr's colony Toronto, each having on board large eorps of doctors; by the ime of their arrival, however, the Whit- by gro bees attemied to rtre tos | of the in} ped KE DICE IN A BOX. ¥ Mr. John Fallen, one of the first steamship pare sl pets in farmi Re: MURDER TO GET BODIES. Gi Startling : Revelations erie in sr, they escaped so urance Fra an T don't know.” One reason perhaps that so few of} .A New Ate naan Says _:—As- e as & result there are tetas to agp ie eee bodies in vhe ci e i ih a 1s tt 47¢ out: Only half awake, he stepped = ominal al outside. aettorm. seuing. tl the enon dull at 71 t | eipiemted nae en wheels of the en-|to $6 The orman’s skull was “uepre aorup—Fivecgalon cans, $1 on $1. led lent resemb! nd alee chil- de: 1 —A man named Chiverlon, at Gold- le | 144c.. en there and applied immediate x of |® settlers for Canada have been book- he has set £1,500 to start t ing. in Tr. se Centres, warket is quiet and featu ; e quiet, with prices un quiet, witl and No. 3 at 48¢ middle freight. Ry to Sle outside for market is dull, high fre ghts. Flour—Ninety cent. -paten: unchanged at $2. 67 middle treights, and seconds, Strong Recs $3.90 to $4, 7.5 $19, and shorts $21 here. COUNTRY PRODUCE. eau te ade is inactiv -|picked, $1.9 prices unchanged at ssp Aico a ‘0 64e. and comb, $1.2 Hay, baled—The market is sitet unchanged, Choi $1 pa trac and mixed at 8.50. Sawa mhe market ts quiet, with ar lots on track quoted at $5.50 roe Jon cans, $1.10 other ote of bie bodies of the vic- ‘oul ry he ae continues chickens (young), 50 to 60c per pair; frozen and TD less than to $1.05, and small lots, siis | to $1.25 per bag. HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs aro steady, with car ots of Western selling at $7.40 ‘© 12c; shoulders, 11¢; yaa) Evi to ide: breakfast bacon, 14 to Lard—Market steady, We quote :— Tierces, 103c; tubs, 11c; pails, 114c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. eal, Feb. ee ee a i 5c: $2 r et—Blanstob bra shorts $21 to $: bags included; Ontario 8 to $18. Aide CGE cited short ‘eut back, Roe 50 to $24; light 24; compound re- 1 seconds, 18}c; Western 204 17} to 18¢c; rolls, 164 to mie x, Milwaukee, Fi seg my cemed 45ic. epalueh, Feb. “34.—Wheat—Casi No. 1 Northern, erie wate: May, 78te; Sear mu aggage cal was of the purpose Be collecting on the comparativay ight. ga cet is | poli Bu rae “Feb. Wheat Prices of Grain, Cattle ete ‘im napols c ‘onto, Feb, 24.—W eat Tha 2 reless id red quoted at Te mi a N spring nominal Atheist 9 h tl extra quoted at 464¢ middle rolebe better prices shen before owin e—The market is steady at 50|reporting a Deiter Snbcat thar Y d at $3.25 to $3.40 bbls. rs No. 1 pat-|w: ‘Mediu 2 $1.75 per baa apo nate 0 $2. Dried Appa WADE quiet, with quiet, with Strained eels at to Cars on |Belanger Admits That Ee Murder- d Segouin. pure Canadian 2 12; “lvessels to South Africa Delayed | js H Ma: UNITED STATES MARKETS. |fave ‘eb, pete ‘Atican ports before getting a No. 1 Northern, 80c: North- | chance to discharge their eargomse Ti i erm, 784 to 9c; Neate. ae one nists th the Bar! ac; sample, 46°t to 4) therefore RooeatatG to the Ii oie ae 24. 1 Ciosed—theat possible. If this request gar 73% 7. complied with the service may have tween yellow, 5S1ie; No. 2 corn, 503 tr igs = 2 nite si FEW PERTINENT FACTS beri fe bod e—No. 1 in stote, UPON THE CEMENT INDUSTRY i 2 OF THIS COUNTRY. : =_ People in the Rural Districts Should a Into This er. In viow of the great number panies being eeaet - 0 $3. st BB ceore ein. $2 "10 to $2 1.50 to $: oe =: Pe mos! ng Bran—in bulk, LIVE STOCK MARKET. oronto, Feb. 24.—There was to li ent run of live stock to-day at the whi and nearly 1 hard, Northern, 86¢ North |ev watae r sold. Prices | pri fe - | wi intai revious quota-| Much discussion is now going on gana ot 31|tions. T ality of # r he press on the subject of the 1 at |product. brought forward was emin- dd ue overproduction ently satisfactory, and some buyers nada, were a little more disposed to pay he rotelpt of @ wire trom Ohitago to ere with an advance o' Hogs tice steady and unchanbed, with a light supply. The following is the range of quotations g e Hiren ere Cattle Per 100 tbs. $4.40 $4.75 4. ach Tt Gates, oe 10 x “00 | panies with their promised urput : I Sows oes day. Gi, ae Selecta, 160 to 200 s Thick fats. Lights. gas 338 ria ity tsi CONFESSES CRIME, cA Moni peenateit says-:—The Bayar of town of St: Bustacho, was clear on Friday Theophile ricer, fhe brothersne of the murdered man, y Detective MeCaskill, ma Sage ambitious than the urham Company. For instance en Balicetio Portland Cement Co. is ave a capital two and a- hal au millions of dollars and an Se of mo’ - | surpass of satisfaction. us thi of the affair to his wife or anybocy else. Ra Seas <a MAY ABANDON SERVICE. etual cost of burn more than they peetend “tego ‘exit make cement f awa. despatch says But then, lot. the promoters take sels = ithe direct line from San ida | Courage—a’ sucker is born every min detained for weeks at neh and = fools are not nearly all yet, Pel de caRey TIVE s STOCK. ¢- | Liverpool Men ee Establish Direc’ London mena says modation be given 3s at—Nothing dor. to ee abandon: ary fo ed. ree after a sharp fight.