Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 19 Feb 1903, p. 1

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MARRIAGE LICENSES aperion F )SrRictix DORMDENTIAL “It Shines Por AIL” MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1903 LOCAL NEWS, — Take glance over W. D. Weir's wih by barrel, fresh water, at E.| Only a fow men’s Persian lamb ~ | sale register. H. Dierlam ome $7.50 and $10.00, ee ‘. d With i icicia Men's oda eeca: any size av $2.75 Pek as aiwayson hale Real See aay at HL: BI per year, strictly in advance. $1.50if| 44:.¢ Persie of Crosshill, is vieitog each at E. H. Dierlamm’s. vad Store, C. 8. Kertcherr mms, or sn paid-—MIe MacBera, Ponsasusm, | 5, Mise. K. Loch : Me. Joba Farrel, of Nithbvrs, ae Me. David Torrance has dlepated of The Beare becediot ‘ot " Sasee sh Se 8 the Sum a pleasant call on Mou hihisni sud stook én th6?7 ‘ott? Milverton have sent out a large num- ADVEREISING RAT All winter goods at a big reduction 2 ; a aon ber of | tava for-s ball to be hetd 3 | 1 mo. ; ierlamm’ number of our citizens ~receivi + “habeas a Eee Dien opts a tender missives on St, Valentine’s| Adam of Listowel, One coluin.|$30 00 890 r es ein racial: Ura Red StS Datil Toreasien previous co. the |&® , } eS) : : a n oo reid Wh sale y eet on | sale, sold the timber for $10 }00, mi eee ube feuits we mere uesda: r spending a few days i Oniueh fs 001. 0} 2 00] 1 09) ing ber friend Miss Martha Roulston. (Aion Siena 3 eg ae total of $9000 for the sale of | He tiogte s porian ~ Red Flag 4 Miss Ruby Tucker, who has been pa of colored cnps, saucers and} « i ” is the : i j a . oh t Advert charged: at | ps, sau ‘Won in Western Canada’ a8 the The ne is fanaa fo’ A Stirsipr Sigler dione os ee ponshaok Joe we are glad to note, is| paces wort 81.50 a dozen to go at/title of a story published in the| will freeze a February dog” ts said first insertion, and 3 patllae for each suc- e- $1.00 at E. H. Dierlamm’s. ~ Massey- Heras \ nee for 1903. | realized i in Sis aor cold spell foe sessive insertion. Me, P. bie essere of Wallace, Ae: Toh Bigimanmneaand ies ten by J. Macdonald | years extending all over the continent. = "| spent a day or two with friends in|, MrJo Dedaie aiear ua ae te, LL. ., the . talented | The fogs of aspen) wore fea G. T. R. Time Table Milverton last week. eich Mr. Win "Zion, of Milver FeBNE Canadian author, and prese upon by the weather wise as usu Trains due to leare Milverton. Mr. and Mra. Wesley Exbert, of | ton, this wel J Dunnville, the guests wo De nd Mex Bebo 8 | Try 250, worth of King's Saye = she! babe avaroniea preserva: gaged to furnish the music, 600) 9 00} 600) 3 50} oe a f | 800) 3001 2 Miss Pierson, of nailer, is visit | 30 y Chewing Tobacco, the best light | t ‘4 ‘comes. chewing on the market, for sale at lerpeaot’ coals ah agaiees ae: cn aE: Pid V. Taste, ‘ H. athe kes. the conceit of industry out ot M. < Mr. Archie Naismith Las returned} Rey. H. Curry, of Monk te Ge However, the late influx of fri Sot epee oS | een PA | fom er abe heb Steno pip aM | a Bane tga ue Sc, 10v; and 1240, at BoH Dier|i8 the p sheraionl epee of. the] church on Sunday, inorning and even. | i2% spring ai ame he, sngur’fackory,ehicli- hea now blown ing, god preached in connecti pe down until next season, isedeca Church, Montreal, fund.| Dr. Bgbert, f Mr Carry is not‘only a good preacher, | pe rformed an operation o D p.m. Mixed : 6:44 p.m. Mixed p i e that you call at Kertcher's Red a= a Fle “Store Yt you want anything in the shape of a present. PANTON, Barston Solicitor, es PDR. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate} The 35th annual S 8. convention ot Daal cies papal will shes p elds De Be gta Seah stock, im, leaen but ie leo. good fipancier, and suc: Yangbia, of Rostoc a Methodist church, Listowel, on Tues-| °° ah 2 Pp oo in raising more than the |moval of a bony ae ye ‘ ee nd household effects will take pla z e au and Wednesday, April 7th and on lot 13, con. 9, Mornington, on|2ecessary amount to be pened the small toe, whic! David Fleming's monster sale work a Specialty. 1 to 5 p.m. | Suh, Deedee bate i the Silverton circuit, the removal of that member. ‘The Piukbi ard ware yesday, March 10th. Gere ye ey einer Spon hi a Me Teatiee ck ees ue owetian isda ing Prodgnts iveiiont «Rea Vader was the result ; nf an injury fat fomewpbibes marken neaelogttiak "Mr Alex. Smith, of the 5th line of iss Binet Ca omerislice eived some sed by Veterinary place of decent, old-fashioned outmeal, | Wellesley, bas sold his farm of 150 Tha Mileeriod B e; Fics o a lie that are only tit to sprinkle on a slip. | acres to Mr. Chas. Dahms for ti 500, Re J. WH. ENGEL, V. §S., Milverton, Opt va aide wall: 'The sale was made eR Mr. W. |some time ago’ decided to hold three | abe Graduate Ontario Vetotinaey els ¢, Tor- | Pry D. Weir, of Milvert Jus —2' cases of new dress an a} on goods ne Frog at EH, Dierlamm’s. | retest meeting of the mana t in Grosch's ball on Suturday evening oO sts Dentistry andGhronic Diseases a specialty. Agricultural “Society will © nd from every point o view was | ey 00 Saturday a! : Patriotic exercise books, scribbling hea “in the Sow office on Sai ee considered a success. ‘The musical {Conclusions with ee ‘yt aie J. MV; BARR, VETERINARY SUR-| booke, soho a es and all sup |e Feb. Those desiring | programme was excellent at ie i wal lage town, ‘The game was played GEON, Milvert ; plies for the school room. Agent for|to transet. business with the. board uch applause ; {i contd 0 f piano |! ond “and a aplendig id open'air pivot Ciao: Veteran Gneg Morons.) Sales and wget scat | Apparatus, — piety be presets not later than 8.30 instramentals by Miss Olara Ghctonek § bbe as, Torrance, “i clarionet solos ig “Ba de master ive eet Soak A number of Milvertonians journey-| poagets. Uae Commercial diving 6 ajed out to Swratford on Fric ay evening ee ee “eel Sune a i Senter no a so lo by Mi Peete: Miss sided ab the pian resolved—that the eG a sing by uunicipalities and subsi oa 8 a nicht to finish, but Stratford papers ackuow- | the nt ole was quite aN 99, Milverton, meets e every ae that re home teanr was out id Sep ber stiy of the In- esday of every mouth, al e score stood 7:0 in favor | stitute is over 300. their hall over Schneuker & of Wes visitors, 3 8 stones store. Visiting 3 a See those beautiful muslins at iE welcome. | Geo Roe, ©. Rs A.| Tovivation cards ere out announeing | FH, Dierlamm’s, Barth, Revording Secretary. that the wedding of Mr. LB. ag an rmative 4 >| Evers of Edmon, North Dal _ A lady writing from Baffalo, renew~| and Messrs’ M. MucBeth and G. Bd Miss Annie Eide of Neus _,|| ing her subscription to the Sun, says : Goodhand. of the negative. "tie i ., ednesday after T had almost ere: tbat I had not ciding ‘oor mitt ee Hae . noon, Feb, 25th, at oe ae of the a Peas Sag ake J! aise et Es ing brethren always welcome. Joho | twide'y father, ‘Mr. Bide of] ead about your dream on the cracker ue . ad 4 “Conter So aN lb A Nanaee Meee ae) known | box, I wns reminded of my debt to) ‘oan wnt saturday in another ‘column, has been estab. Waieatos acer in Mee and is a son of Mr,| You, and hasten to make amends by penn the municipality should, lished ae eee vhree yenrs and is sed Fienry Ever: euielosing one dollar. Send. the Sow own and coutrol eve ae pablic “fran ki he best, if not the. Ws Pp NEUR: Anctionaer for the Coun- : along as usunl-as we are ulways glad | chise, will be a feature of the pro of Perth and Waterloo, Con r, Get your wall paper this season avj to see it come. rimme. The affirmative w: it b i Deeds is, Wills and Mortgages drawn and| EH. Dierlanm’s, ES affirmative wi ye ‘Affidavits made. Bailiff tebe vurt. Tt was quite a surprise to the busi- See by Messrs. A. MacBeth _ Fillage Clerk, Office, over Grosch's Shoe! The Orangemen of North Perth met | ness people of Bra Ae ad the J. Coughlin, of Station, and | worth of eee whieh hear Stare; Muin'etreet, Bilverton, in Listowel on Feb. 3rd, and. atter| wavelling public las eek to learn de seuniee by Messrs Sich end) was ‘written’ in the year 1902.” The : transaction of business appt the} iat H. Ham, who filed ‘the ee Dr. Hybert, of “Milvel A’ good las pon enDS Sus ca. tdi fe officers: Thos. — Oruick-| of agent at pat 3 i R. depot for us, meets all trains, yens and de travellers calls promptly attended to. Wm, W.O.M.; 8. S. Rothweil,| the past two years with so much year by $64,719, Se neni the | Dorland, Maple St., Propri Dep ©. M5 & Chap.; Win. | satisfaction to alt ane: had been gett goods arr dally, ee ae fact that this company has been pay- | raha, RS. f. 8.5] slated fe cknow, He went to the| Fancy Erin" eer poe Ment i i ts yenrly .on all business rea aie ie 3 cure Seits, Eu 8. Kertcher. White, Adam Strong, ‘ Lecturers. : Tn addition to fi ing Wee a ¥ Exot often is is there such a gloom-cas | th r meso about $6 per uties in connection with the railway | over a community as ther Soyer is insurance—: a ophetbien a plies te found si lo take a very netive | Milverton and the surrounding country | unequalled by anything in the. his and efficient part in church work, nm Be en the comparatively sudden and of life insurance, considering that. t! ‘Te tha bests eaid-thatit you believe the aescati congregation wil sad death of such a highly reaped pany has been dung a large/busi Etize- semiple tod “a 3 Pest you hear you may ene all y uf M citizen ee lin IGT d ids Niquors and cigars. Conrtvons | Bein by getting sone of Bie good, sth ae s. F. Hox, Proprietor | viiings you tee ut the delicatessen store | taught a Bible. clase’ in the Sabbath | Conn a school, wax President of the Epworth | autinn te) EXCHANGE pias? Beier Ont. x ale Lengae nae amember of the Official ioe one. He was ie: 7 Ib, pail of j jam also pe oubivan the stic church and ant ¢ aus Hotels The grent catarrh remy Peruna,: 1] for sale wt Jas, Torran preseason ieee ait liege stalling wnicipal — olitaeee a 4 RAL HOTEL, Milverton, foe ora ™ dang Ene First-class. accommodation for poe on a ts tas ge menial The home of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad | fur in securing such Iy | Society. Ho was also an elder and liquors and cigas . corner of Main | Schwindt was the sce a Fyfand ow 26 will cert manager in Bikad: chureb, Malverton | and Millstreeta, C. Uaseupflug, Proprietor. nt one da: F a sae = wife Use recipent| of Me. Hani the Post extends a corein piano ae orga.) welcome to our new agent, s M0 f HA ea tog! i basi ices seer Seine Bs a he pacha Resta ie a Ey hausen, who took charge las f ly f ets and one daughter, to ‘Toronto eae eane: ess, Only nag cnoeat ie Wines, Liquors and g tga! he same time} day. He comes from Mil hiu Connell’ Sere gars at the bar. Good warm stables and ‘qui B sin ess, at Biaoys es pation and be seek Avis ee aie week ago last |! “plenty of shed room. Honty Rose, prop. | whid ofa beautt-lalready proyen himself an agresable| Monday he was nga: ae Uruling tw is ee vealed _ hiladelphia a pains taking offivial. Mr. Mit | logs to Aacenue dony _ namber of} hansen had the gti to bury his| home he was taken ill “ breumou e Mil | wife during the past year but his|and went to bed, from JOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, | vertor vicinity aes, soe sister_keeps thea ion und cares - Rob _ Lafiber, Laths, Shingles, Pumps,» ete. ich ished |for his little son. The: Baie ca p Brunner, Out the ieacieee 4} come to Brussels as soon as Mr. Ham's | but 10 was “fatal iw s possible : the 3 P ily vaout house in bp the enn of the dixeuse, ZO T ing w now. We trust Mr. Mil-| succumbe Sunday pane Hi- #. Cc. EGER, xpent in singing-end all ki inno | bausen will find himself very much at were interred i Fresh ny Furniture Bealer, cent amusements. Mr. Schwindt, who] home in our town ax he will find our abd pe rhea is an_ accomplished eleven ee, _the| citizens fair in aoe dealings and accordian, gave many selections, | agreeable to get along with.—Bracsels which wets well cendesd.—Cam._ Pow its é ot was taker se (9 order=at Miss J. Bur Miscellancou

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