{ A Character Sketch of Dowie. |them six per cest intersst, anid that meee lg this interest is paid out of the de-| KERR—NuRsE—At the residence ofa _ Dowie is sbi tina eerombnddous| poeits ia iu: tantter tbat does not trouble os bride's mother on Wednes- | : Schiome. He is a declaiming Methodist | thein. Ys age ae Zens a Ea “isha Christian Science attachment. | He ells them tots, all comer lots in| Mr "Wak Hr Reo of Lumeden, | : os Ass. » He arpyails to people who feel, -but| Zion City, and warrants a rise’ in Th lo not think. ey are weary |yalues of. one Spacive sper .cent. in a fuk eavy-lade y go to Dowie | five years meat a3 ley are,satistied. = The World Wants a Man. und he gives them rest. His music-is| He sells them pote in manafac- = an improvement on the cornet and} tories not yet started, points to | THe Publishers of the Toromto World Will dium of the Salvation Army 5 he risea| the fact that these stocks have already bia Spb Se ca @ ~ ubove General Booth's depressing | paid big dividends—this is enough. The publishers of the Toronto Ter poverty and lachrymose pleading. He} He uses the Napoleonic idea that | World want a representative in every uses their good cheer, but “not their/an outside war is the best thing to| postal district in Ontario. They are|@ . iz mpi eep down internal strife—he works | [Ving fo ‘secure subscribers i 80,000 sub: Z He takes the. religion sbis “tired | the counter irritant—he is in « con-| Defore the end of the present year, Miiverten’s Greatest oe sedeaene Baptists oe, peer tinual warfare with doctors, preachers, |The World scored a distinct suecess = / have, and builds gn it. not | courts and police. He foments-this|as the art One sane Soe as ee antagonize’ them by fine pics argu-| foreign ~discord, and’ posing as a|P@per published in Canada. It is $s Bet .ments. martyr gets the loyalty and love of all Saag oe eal BOR tee ~ f OFrG. They believe in heaven for them: |inside the fold. Year, or $1.50 for six montha. Bright : selves and their friends—he gives it] “Judge Tuley says that the chief /and entertaining always, ‘The World to th asset of Dowieisin is human credulity, is conducted on broad principles, ‘ a A o% ; ° y : filled with’ good reading for all good *s Thoy eee in Hel for teow Dow pice sit edge any Oy fod roi god New Soringe Goods : »-mies—he supplies it. liar and full of pig. mers’ daily’? beeause so much space As : E They believe ip a Devilhe lets ee has sixty thousand followers is given to markets and farm news. eZ them nes their Devil. ho pay him in tithes one tenth of |W. F. Maclean, M.P., Editor of The! 2 hey need beauty, and thinking to Disie Teenie: eis morth in bis own] World, save this The World bes now * The heaviest shipment we have ever § 3 lift oa oat of their sordid environ- | name seven million dollars. : bgt iment, he skillfully introduces w High} How Jong will this thing ast pe ieee) Peet passed into stock this week, and ‘Church Choir, and everybodys child-| You tell. But do not be a foul and|to’ The World, Toronto. mentioning|@ that is sa ing a great dez il, but -its right? ten take part, and receive a discipline | prophesy it. will go to smash soon |this journal, will receive credit up £0) ¥ ag a : ~ + in order, cleanliness and decency thav|tt appeals toa certain cemperament, | {he 15th of April or nearly 15 months, It consists .of the eélehpaed. Ca S is most beneficial. and ministers to acertain type of mab. | Woy subscribers at $9 wi pete : 5 He takes. their money and paye| If you want quiet, orderly, well World tres for ons Yea Prints, New Dress * Goods, Silks, Em- 2 W (i See : cpa Be el Mi earns gPRSP broideri utewear, Carpets, Muslins, d : 3, W “The Mutual Life «If you believe more in doctors. than . Att Sateen Waist Cloths, Flanets, prayer and faith, the.plain old kind of} Whole or Sioa tenders * sealed” e Methody mourn bench a and addressed to the undersigned will setin og: y o y - of Ganada aba¥oe AA ae eye bute ae be reecived anti Saturday, ‘the ten Linens, Lee ne eee ee and g be ae = of February, at noon, for , | (Formerly tlhe Ontario “Mutual Life) ke eee Chueh rou Gta your {mde eluan me Briciork, tons, Pillow Cottons Staple ; f00dS SUC cal try, inting, el ing, a pte ee Fi artistic and aesthetic desires, sorely |slating, ote.required in the ematice | @S Obirtings, Desiams Tickings, Cot By Way Gt Combecatss. 2ou 0s core We the Sacliprinin (oad Soniesion ote Presbyterian“ tomades, Battin, Grain Bags, Wall Paper ST seat is Wi ot poe ak. of He Soeur ee Binning, and other goods too numerous. to men _Expense rate. per $1000 to sai Ge Lt tap ehi he : ote - | posits, ofedureed know that this is{architect, Main street, Listow totaFineome, 1901 —tuit5 Cana- ad banking ; bat just so long us the! The brick (170,000), stone and sana, |@ tiOn, ; dian Life Companies, average $36 20 Dowieites keep paying in to Dowie| is satan Dy, by the committee. i S, bea ne ‘To the Mutual Lito of Cana- he lowest or any tender not adieteds ~ $16.88 necessary accepte: BL “E. Binnine, EmErRson Boxp, 235 Combined Death and Ex. Architect, Sec. Build. Com, Crum’s Prints ie | Pense rate per $1,000, 1901— Listowel, Ont. Fernbank P.O. Were never more popular or in greater demand Tn 15 Canadian Life Companies is ae ‘FOR SALE. 4 average x $22.70 Peters Pence, either. = cae ae than they are to-lay. In them you find the finest Tai thie Meant Life. oF Cane co No, Iam not jealous of Dowie. Peas areal of Hip, peti patterns, the fastest colors and the best value. We re $13.91 Peres mnot jealeus of the Pope. |97, 18, Elma, ene ‘of. 250 might also say that the patterns never were more béauti- = Brom the “abo tending] ocaernes oak pate ee meies gsr, xeres lege Plaseleweli | fut in fact the Indies have gone wild over them, — But = i os Pi % 7 es ai nat a ie ea be ere ce erg Large, orchard. lange frame Snouse,| we don’t blame them, who wouldn’t : § Se a SRS ank barn with straw shed. Fifteen Gld Price 12 4-2e ya. 6. pasts will be: : ; . acres in fall wheat, For farther par- i gece willbe weasels dsch: ‘Short Stories Retold. tichlara re Me cea Also Canadian Prints, {fast colors) big range, and “i Hh. GPOSC: ‘As a junior counsel, Mr. Justice Bs. Te | Shape 4 beautiful patterns, 7c., 8c. and foc. ; Local Agent. Hamkins was once, practising before | ord Campbell. In addressing the ~Dunean Stewart, jury, he tetera toa en and FARM FOR SALE ; i Stratford, Gen. Agent /pronounced the word with | two Bee, we [esllables—brotam, "Excuse me,” Being the north half of lot no. 9 Muslins . Ti: Domina aid he Jordehin,. bland iy bat Teo n. 4 Mornington, containing. 96 : > Pominiso: ait . a woke ee oy Bete Sle: Ae pace eee Wiger eaterva tiie one We pride ourselves in-our Muslins, you never saw 4 LIFE SSURANGE ¢0 would be nore intelligible to the jury | Spring MAES Waltteuecde hee such patterns, and cheap too. 7 * ae ara Heel ey £9 Food Syslnne: House a i Hee = Prices feom 19¢ te $1.25 per ya. ie ms arn wil etrawshes x stablin; © “i e: . a your lordship,” quietly replied Mr. | fait cize, School on’ the premises. 4 . ‘ Head Office, Waterloo, Ont. Hawking, and proceeded to bring his| nile from railway station and @ wile GROWTH IN 1901. fudge, ia gammnings 9p, ay ot apie eB Pe perce ne : S Dimetor’ ‘omnibus ” ‘Instantly ‘ % i; ES Sgohitng gore a tale inthe ome Mes Hately and ercaieg” | Woe. Milverton, Ook Dress Goods . inmt “Pardon me, m'lud, but = Pe Can ay Seer ee aaa ihe lbertwoF appealing: chat instead | FARM FOR SALE. We carry an endless variety, We give you the compared with the previous year. of saving “outlbe’ Sour londst : : s oun) s 900. 1901 Bint veluatder taxes at fan dchelne assortment and don’t charge you apy more for them than . 0 “ ae ee eon $681,700 as on te more intelligible to. the ues. oe lot 13, con. 9, Mornington, consisting some houses do, but we sed into stock a magnificent fasun ance gained 2B406 Bigrage | OSES Gp Walle aN ae ule ef 200 pores, eet aE Faro lot of Dre Goods, all kinds, all prices. : “Total at risk 5,879,082 4,421 24 NOTICE! good sugar bush, has a quantity of Eepeosit ieee oak, Beesls and tock elm. |The f 3 p, cell. dia fenced and is Sg $13 TR a titans! .. 839,266 615,690/ Mr. David lap. thresher, has de- ryt Buk 30 a 5 tal cancutliphnten cided that in future he will not make eae ee eS “ihe New Siiks Re pl Eg SRA es 839,268. 915,690} a house to house canvas wh. hen collec ct arnt derbies et ‘a wet ey le Soe’ Wee he exceptionally strong position of bg threshing money but will send | f pain og ene In blacks, such as Taffeta’s, Peau de Soie’s, Mar- “te 20 ‘ ands to eee at at the end antial brick. Bank baro-and straw | velleaux, also black and-colored Satins. shed of large dimensions, good stab- singe the Compan inves fod), the Geet eieie aie ny [customer eUall hove due notice of. [eel Ba Blot barn driving shed Farn: was formerly owne Mr, Allen will be at Milverton # Tee Vi ¢ i t ei 2 oe sing Has year, aod the tut Hibes Goring. the seagan tom . {bs Jamies Hleiniog Hee ares : ery Special vould add_ $30,000 $0. or erusning ee ava ent. id oN Dawn Ed ob atged : 7 s pipes § 0 3 at ¥_ choos ae Ri Pade as Bae Re Seen Sa NGOReramewbie A ait muley owing bu aust bo) 3 Mill Hark P. 0. roo yards Black ‘Taffeta, a good fine Silk, very x all. strong, points. in tevonat this’ mace company. \ hes. sebaate | due accounts. ae Inspector, Mapagi —An additional .A0 -acses “be: | 6 aoe ; longing to Mr. Jas. Blewing isalsoia | Special soc. yd. : : z Carpets . Ont. ‘Director 3 ii iWre am Attend ta A heavy shipment just. to hand, consisting ot COMMERCIAL Axministers, Velvets, Brussels, ‘Tapestrics, Wools, 3 s stusmoox February. 5.1 wal ¥ SSE" Wants. - > e Unions, Stairs. Special mention made on our f Fa wheat 2867 Auxminvisters, these are English Carpets, ae : a Our Tinsmith Department i Gs in fullig day in Toronto at $2.25 per yd, bot cheap, our prices only $1.50 per yd. while ay last. : running order. at Ge : : : EPAL RING and JORRING : Fresh Supply of Groceries , lw i a 8 7 4 3 : Sse This week, such as Berlin “Sugars. Salmon, Teas, 4 5 p sromptly attende: ed to and satisfaction ns, Biscuits, and Sweec Biscuits ina fine ‘ a sinter Thi: z Pickles, Olives, Cream. Cheese, Good- <j 10-101 SUGRICES, fi cese, Heiny’s Beans, Clark’s Beans in Chili . 24 Pe hen in need of 2 Seove or Ra anee, mace suk Peas, Tomatoes, Sunlight So p, Currants, : wy aq! : S ‘1 5 Force, Fresh Candies; Relied Wheat, 2 ; Bs all on us, we have ft seading ranges. 2 neapple, Pears, Staawberries, Raspberries and aaa sree So hal Gan : Plums, Magic Baking Powder, Gillett’s Cream Seecee Boe BS ee 2 Dried Apple les, Ete. . = “eo SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE 232, Potatoes Wanted. ESCHNEUKER & ROTHAERMEL. = 16, The Leading Hardware Merchants | Grosch & Pfeifer ' { MILVERTON, = - ONT. aeees