Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 5 Feb 1903, p. 4

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laboratory of nature for this spe- | cial ourpose. On most of our farms angle | worms arp the dest if not the |@ a only simoil “workers inuscuwy |? ADOUT the are. aronabig ee moot practical sub- NEW AND STRANGE :»—_—__.. sollers that, (are at Work on any |@ .. - in the. end and far Vhen the ground is dry, earth aoe H z decor worms bore deep, but set Eades 2 eoee ouse surface with dots of the. cream. SKIM ae FP roe THE GRrowine shower they come to the surface, - J f eae ; CALF. Portneine ros Rds subsoil "which re HINTS TO HOUSEKEEPERS, palpating: is the latest cure for a! Co eoardh ey deposit on the top of the 5 me, consumption. The patient ae, its 8c; dark, 2¢ low: - } 1 ee sue ws Dum ci cnt i aeread = also come wy every | GOOD THINGS TO EAT. id How ad housikeoners know any-|™ake ascents at stated ri ae ine ae ys, 14 to “se cgi “ti oS PREFER CANADA TO VELDT NAVAL RESERVE, 5 ’ ( Be he pee seas bringing a load of | Potato % ice except as a basis|‘reasing or decreasi it a ren “a Bee as, we can on the feeding value of subsoil to mix with the eee cies, mii Be Spent oppo anak OF Mitr hay SME ARE ee en ataote whe ce aus Maree Ate Maer gary jth to. Be Iatzoduced, eda, . TO Sie Mears er von ee | and ate leaving a channel to jOne stalk of celery. ge aeees ty and nutritive value rice} A piece of ski a ane aa Reach Ottaw; Session of eesia farmers. all over the ‘land who have|leai the’ air eat sepa L me a ie paras Saat oe Soe a very high rank.” The ri i skin cut from a hw Pri y UNITED STATES MARKETS. An Oars ere “At th no true idea of its value or how to | arth moisture down. (Spoonful of butter, half a small ing nations are said t: g dy will show signs of life for ten rices of Grain, Cattle, ef} Louis, Feb. AD OGARS Gemateh sates a DAC f Parliam itt faerie Briefs Fr al preserve it-as its best value, or h o worms night workers ; | onic) alt and pepper to taste. {for © Said to be famed | days after separation pe 8, — Wheat—Cash |of sixteen member benim f Parliament a bill om to food it tothe best advantage. |qcythb of tho cool carts phen” fee Re ‘and boil the potatoes... When {ia runimpaied digestion, and still to |covery is important. i in Trade Centres. July, 7 ite, Se See So gegtia | ae em ene intros iced ieee ae Over the Globe. depths of the cool earth whe: e milk boils a he r¢ ch physical endurance. Rice- i . uly, 71fc. 3 ment for the establishment of a Can- = Tas ape of (iement on the skim |sun shines, but afterfalt shies ae eae elec Py s Gas eating Japanese soldiers, in the war damaged cet pene oie ae <—T Butfato, Feb. 3.-— Flour — Firm. pe art deena ps adian naval reserv ‘Although bes “yoplat ohana aig hae _ by | very busy. is difficult to realize Ing till With China, were able to outmar mip AA) oy ay: i ‘orento, Feb, 8, — Wheat — The x | new force will be defensive, CANADA, - Pee. hana ec, ore woe the extent of the changes brought | the south, rice taleca combinati or entor has devised market is lower. Sales of No. 2 red | ¥ he intention to place} Victoria, B. o have a big ‘ Fer ere have Beon making. Note |about the land in this way, but it serv pocuar ene 8. The bel var nd white at 70}e middle treights. [P24¢: j= anion entanaarong a {it Lin eRapmicorce Ceo perenne Aen nae te be mers Who estimate lis estimated that earth worms. on |, Black Bean Soup.—One quant _ of jin nutriti Pet poi superior, No. 1 spring quoted at Tie on aMid- |Quiet; No. 3 white, 4246; -|west. ‘The men who have received |9f, Militia and Defence, but of | the Winnipeg youth was fined $10 Se worth only ten cents |rieti, moist soil that is cspecially Dlait beens? soaked. caer ate itive, “alte and case of diges- land, and No. 2 goose at 66c on |¢4, 404c. Barley — Unchanged. Rye their discharge from the corps left f Marine’ and Fisheries, |apd-costa-for carrying a razor. No shag @ieriat) adapted to them, will,bring up an |‘he morning add three qua: Midland, Manitoba wheat easier, |—No- 1 in store. GOde = Novi | Mr. Prefontaine will therefore be the| Two members of Rossland’s new ee Xo man who is as well posted as inch of Ake in g single season. |W@ter and boil six faite. i fall ie serve rice No. 1 hard, pee aa rail, grinding in a = hey , f the Canadian navy. |council were born in Ontario. cou dt * [done shoul Generally it is served cae Na * S tere: B6ic 8 - One ‘The “details of sie Saree Z cing = rons harines hiisenot hada cax ansit; No. 1 har tas ene s under-|of contagious disease since the first — $ Tati ord ae A Sane) fast going to poses eee ete Ss not Recents ae Grows Te iilsa ewe 1 ern, 86¢ ; poetics “ar Ge Asharmh of tp} Bérlin Hoard oftreada in’on record st. 30 cents a hundred, if fed to |farmer who cinnamon, parsley, celery and sage. Bye emarket \ quiet, “with nA ore nces in maval and in favor of the purehase by the towr Pouney Spowing -Pige And ted itt | with plenty of humus in which they Three tablespoonfuls' of butter, a ley Berra eee Pen Silly, 7740. Oa monte, oe ms oie fal Cane Sine aehobl Plant Hs eeding judgment. H. B. Gur-|qelight. to Ww 'Y |small onion, a small piece of turnip eas — market rules ste ; July, nonths, but whether on \ spect an-| The ¢ Min Agricul 3 r,t ted dairyman, made - ex- fried in the co Ath tain Gat _ with No. 2 white quoted at 78¢ out- = sais : the ston will commence thr tended experiments to learn the SMOKED MATS, $a Werotahion hid aap tient side. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. teaching of fish culture and preserva a value of creamery ski ilk, — ar an ai ful of flour to the mixture and strail Be The market is firm, with| Toronto, Feb, 3. — The arrivals at|ments. ~ It rightfully. sgull, in tion haves ‘ Mm hat, fed shoats een re farmer who has often |the second time. Add slices of lem- submarine boat i a ace, or ‘0. 3 extra quoted at 47c¢ middle the Western Cattle Market wero | South Africa now, ‘There oukhobe sare pting wu on aiter it is in the tureen. gredient of stuftn i n: else where the air has tie eee and No. 3 at 43 to 44c mid-|jarge, and most of the stock was |nothing save ite tiring monotony 7 themes tin} conditi ious tt Chicken Pone.—Take two* chickens Be og chicken or isposed of. The quality of the| Baas wo! and naturally the @ wast aiid are buying horses for of about four pounds in weight, cut add to stock| ‘The Late: Cee , ¢ Cc The market for Canadian | stuf coming forward was medium, ety abe to vay as| Bas b asses iio. nie eee eee elty in tops is one Wai Eis casion with No.2: yellow quoted: leith a fewtuoea eamamnpast the |soon aa. posal Soe cotablish a training school for la wine western division ot. the C.P.R + saucepan, Bote ‘ait water, sprinkle elicious rings as it, goes at 44 to 44}c west, and gle 3 mix- | jot, Buyers bought export cattle |ever, is brisk whose vessels could be stationed in ved be ee RES by the part Ea eae ee : eae ae without mold~ ed at 48}c west, Sheng deere ee a erlek the ‘Casi Canadian waters in the summer edicine Ha h SM ae a Marker au, with | space offering for export. ‘The’ top {and will remain in the canals ‘ims. ‘ ete a Basi leadiueeteripas hol 5 ee — at 47 to 48c at out- | prices reported paid for export cattle ee most of the ev Sanads SERN RET LPL PES: gee en codicil : side points, Boe cor ete thst tay'a ven ti good easugh, and. they: “wit "ose STARVED TO DEATH § n low chambers theohgi eavenening al a RR TR Rag te patents | amounted to 61 cars, containing a little time in getting back * — nitting commer: iness between = seuikincat guinenes ee pa ad pe SAS = q aie gie: ieee Meta ak aaa cay cattle, 285 sheep, 765 hogs and A Wealthy Tnyentoris Test Proved Englan and and Canada at ten cents 4 it so i through thes Popeniee . : ' raigh i A Km! eet fj h penings in the side, MeN : Straight rollers of special brands for McGill University, Montreal, pro OON AS POSSIBLE mae wit acre irate: cone De: cack i sive ace th ts: Devine § a whistle. The hammer aa Hi Gomestic trade quoted at $8.25 tol ga" Pp, ‘25 for hole ee ip Neweet One, Aespaich says: Joseph | rests. against. the Marconl wirelest Sana would read Fo mamaante a aie Bait Aes Gae20 orbs paar Sines Tee aaa a wee aerikee the discs and so produces tho $8.35 in bbls. Manitoba flour firm;|] 390 to 1,400 Ibs ght. The SPENT $7,336,799. wile ears ie wealthy inven: station being Ratan on the “moun nearly half of thi a ea agin; No. t patents, $4.40, and seconds, ‘i + oa udent of occultism, died | taj i the solids of ; ae end, upon vhich to hang the bacon. possible on a lat Boil the wa- oe ee ae: pris tee range of medium to choice “stock we Expediters, ot Pabte Works De-|here on Saturday of self-imposed phgcat Hari SRC Abs amines : ith an inch augor bore a hole ne nt. ad i ia , ef 5, starvation. He resisted all efforts a . te ctuded, Toronto. $4.50 for common rredes. : ‘i 5 : lesex Law Association haa the bottom and when the pork is elatine and place it [than eniterbiesa the slaughter house. Mitfeed — Bran, $16 in bulk here; |:rhere eet Sais pode sTiho Coo T ee Ge cL ae en followed the lead of the York Law ing inside cover the t lh Sel until dissolved. gi n Ottawa co duce him to take nourishment, and sey RE aster Ee ee ES Senet: aad a operate aia shorts at $17.50, ee utalde points | well BrSited Geeck:| cmeme wake nat | pare oF ts Bont: EE eae ee ee hates Cte hall ho mnintlon, aunt. passat renotn elon 06s i ; 2 is ed 5 if : = See Unbeaten) AON aot S ms ‘all boil fogether a few mina Ren HOSERERO CTO. whieh hes tye. tree Enaberat Bees sertagh ee Dray shorts | ma oy butchers cals Tet over, and for, the past decal year is in the Intention of abepting ‘Mia treatment Suen ere ra : blaatiemblen cHaegtn ne = [etirring. gently to Keep trom 18; Sorta alee aD » |in addition mi hat remained | press, ‘The expenditure for the year |and that he had only, called hind in | gr si burning smoky read and ire marae ‘olds and when Boat Brown uae stops the bleeding of FLA CAN Bhorts ee over unsold from last week were dis-| was as follows: at his son might be protected | “Arter a orcas 7 Fi aun ay ee Fae torce eho Pa Sane pa baer in ee ho kar re ia ‘resh wou so NaN Ba suificieni 5B Geer SONS posed of. Medium to choice buteh-| Harbor and river works ..$2,277,767 pycuhe Beant ate ‘at he termed hi peas oe aie or nineteen vaste. < tough fowl served in thi “ sralleeasion e beaten | to give the peasts sharp ie ng ng ‘ “apparent deat fen days be-| yj. ae Meee about five minutes at a} ry palatal wise HOt apa makes | ey sal pei eee asarat ey (make them hurry up, Ther jeans —- Trade is dull, with. sup- ree (died Mr. Sheppard. ub. %o.| Lan aa deed, Beas. Saba aameton. of plug shogld ” be pl a e Dressing. Take four apples, ©°ld water directly atter meals. brutality about this method, as with Mia ” plies fair. dium bring the doc! sais HAS Nic cep eme pm erga od, e ilies pt in th Sanat Gaipee ed ‘i Seeweee Sees inary stick or goad, and the $1.75 per bushel, and hand- picker, dead I shai ete tee eal ene Rae ras alive ad wall Arizona 3 z expira- ’ oil and ince ‘of fadines is satd lesh is not bruised. $1.90 to $: ti 629,211/T am dea ik ppear ny BOR Paes Da # ¢ tion of three or four days, he states lms. oir oma BET Gas Sao ind th ¢ oe A farahies - olenbar risen spnstatuss Drie Race pies — Market quiet, with |ket changed hands at from $3.90 to | Miscellaneous 331,988 ae aria’ dine eet hree Woodsto yuths e bacon will be nicely prowhed 3 pee nt ok gees Headache, toothaché, backache or |for usc chiedy in hotefs. When no prices faebang d at 4 to 4tc lb; |$4.124 per cwt., there being a big fa PAE cel ae were charged with Siatrasede letters: and ready to take out. ouster aed van Then add enough most any joint ache will be relieved | in use, it, pr ance ‘ail and evaporated at 64 to 7c. number of sales at $4, ‘The prices Tatal $6,786,799 rom: a8 post-office, Deeming them mealy bi Be potato to. cause the |bY Henin the feet thoroughly with |.@ sponge aes Honey — The market is quiet, with |f export steers and heifers mixes the above expendituré there HORSE PECULIARIT: Aressing to be dry. Add pepper and the shoes on. pro prlees unchanged.» Strained, Ste | vere 0't6, $4.75 per ewt. |was advanced to tho Montreal Tar |. A ee salt, and yee Mucilage has been found to be an | Water tank. 84 per lb, wh comb, $1.25 to $1.- ; ee en sig 28h mee bor Commissioners $550,000, making. . P Sweet > ae .. |excellent remed: A 7 the gle eC e! - ought 0 $4.50 per ewt, ere |the entire expenditure $7,336,799. moula ou bri out rfecti ; : bias Ae Ss 6 Experience With alg pet rere 5 Buding W ae ee for ae eer eae SE RM ver iS sporige and press Yay, baled — The market is un-|were not many stockers and Jerks pit revenue of. the departinent was the a pant Meat a perfection estimate farme ea es ; Dn aes Soaisewee cliageonettes |'wa pe changed. Choice timothy, $10 to 4" “were maintained | $930,169. - aes ane really eee | ee F Pec ical or ied Page i ‘descend $20) 25 on track, and mixed $8 to |wi aps a trifling easier tone. |" ‘The report says that some im- Seine 3 Th Tp 4 85. fe T ia to BABB der. Le a might be made in. the) Board has refused: to grant burial $3.80 for | pla n Manitoba and British” Co-| permit, ar vines ueeG shakeela che dane mut upon "ae foe Sucre ee coating about bigny pier otato pudding. Mash the pain, while the paper excludes|is _subm S the ubeteee — half a pint or u he air, ponteh tbe sponge Beane toss cupful — smooth As b silver fork, | For a stift Ber * Straw — The market is quiet, with a ants car Tots Sie epee quoted at $5.50 to Kors, A quantity of light stock-|fumbia, and the Lower Pi ight. als as in the pork. while _ subme a subs Stir “with it . the beaten. yolks of |ete-, war oil a Sie wibine der neta hens orth : © (three eggs, one Pyare a een ps ‘aoroughiy with the hands. then | side s PAS: Ga de eS Ae, eae gl roca wea OF ee eects ahaha ie aed oa ie but a short ore es ee fectly sub- cans of poe Se et Cas re cern annie oe pay sree waihliae connected with one $i per gale one-gallon cans, $1.10, ero worth $8.75-t0 $4 Ber| the growing as ot nate Sen TOL eEL INDUSTRY GROWING) | listance away. who da sive in tl of some men, ah a orange peel, |S! 2 a E at Mon, 60 cwt. Canners were sold at $2.25 : en Guerhsey grade -heifer calves aoa a ee they Gave never seen them |224 milk enough to make a stiff bat- [comsortante SD Onions ths market is dull at ne $2.85 as ewt. Milch come and} . ES. EE Production leaden Nearly 500 be: ake, stirring in the first crust treatment highly recommended E4007 ee Sahel for Canadian. springers brought $80 to each. e+Cen ti _ Poultry — Market firm. Demand |The “demand continued ead TOUR OF THE FARMERS. A Toronto eae says :—The ‘ steel industry of Ontario has made sold them at iter months, obs axo. fox Wh oe a z Hey were ae pes) 5 A eer nn: ‘horse dentist’? was sent that forms, Bes ee by im eigieed magazine tor Boland ‘itty, but no . or to . - ew s St ae a or ae 2a Aes ey ae ear He inrous 2 a otatoes. Put a small handfal of real “vith. Lea dust it with com- to each a di take, wi site [hops in three quarts of water and let;mon washing soda and apply to Gg car De Of vets cet as not informed that the|}oi1 one hour. Place the potatoes in esupuOn. keeping the bread wet per jusual, but the market absorbed all) 4 Vaited in Great Britain With In-| marvelous strides during the last i ay 5671 ear. In’ 190, i fered. e] “$2 d 44 to unchanged at $2 to:$10. ant 4 ‘A London anapatch fe pro- ys: sates Manitoba a dollax's worth of fli animal was vicious. a i a “He counte Be ae ee aatncs fo). ae In CEaNee GET ee (eee one haleseny of salt fend | sem Ceo ani En Re amine Geese, 9 to |Ge per Ib, and good veal calves con- SRE nap Aaa ie oe PR gat eo ne oe cay aca CGS Oe alo rama eer ne ati UA pita etd : inte to be in domand, Tee wie areces the calt-buyers would pay him. Tak-|only one. stallion there,” concluded ee ee oe is unchanged, | ‘There was. a-brisk demand. for farmers. who. ave expected bpaheet het iron industry, _ ing $4 out of the twenty to pay for | that that was the pati Teak Heo a eat isd cote SRG ioe offe * cara of Cane” [lambs toaay, and pricos continued ai a WT. ht decrease. In ip iatede Gai ptkecacis wearers | tered the pall’ andy wan. wusily> GOu? | One Ten tien Heeuke done Rint dere pea nares anes Ba oe OE ea eae x ion, Immigration ce iad “seed meal, he had $16 left to ng Du he team UBbu pide ATG L catenin amen can, Ueleraned : American $1.05 per bag. Jobbing | quotations given for shee. Ae) A atts tho. visits 1, as compared CREDIT OF THE SKIM wT man in charge returned, See aitaninis: (and eR srcietings eBoy cies lots, $1:20 to $1.25. eR eery tes follows: Lambs, $4.25 | '8e0y Jo market towns aie iia worth $1,70%,.'| : Thirteen thousand 9 i The labor of feeding ani elon groom — could parcely, belere whipped cream. Flavor the cream x Its Treatment. $3. 3: pucks, $2. a 50 to: % 3.25, ge irr ers will lecture and meet Bawenah ee eee during the last would be about the same, enone his eyes, as he had himself jor years|with a little sherry, whip to a stiff THE DAIRY MARKETS. ‘The t st the hog market éon-|inquirers. To have Western Canada| - Last year the wages paid by the two. years. SA cecieesuwb tiga her ! PTE Te te batven oe te rman [been the only one who. cou hianale Vy ott blis in eee center ob a Hat | Coe revelation that leprosy exists a Tatiy, actives |e een cit’ any change in| described at first-hand it is expected Steel and tron. indusee ies of the | Seven hundred congrog: in ealeulation woul 5 gkim | the horse. The secret of it was that |glass or china dish. Shred or dice eee enie: fue euci. aD. ont ae with prices generally unchanged We FaATaiGhl F We quote: Hog 5S, % ao-| will be of groat, service + in stimula TOL. agounted A Rada service. oe milk worth 40 cents a hundred, . The | ‘82 docto t knowing that the |the pineapple, a1 cme erection of « special eee quote—Finest 1-1b 18 to 20c; |Tects,, 1 50 og ey rego; tick fats |ing emigration, which promises well|in 1901 $274,5 The of the Board of bats Gael daxwesd nical were charges |orse Was vietous, Th pag ton ineaPPle. san the latter with a {Pital has caused quite a scare in Qiiected dairy, tubs, 17c; choice |and lights, $5.75 per c for the spring. Other authorities Tent, into a Ministry of Commerce one talt at just what they were {tHe horse accepted him, very pro-\few maraschino cherries, These pre- appears that there. are| eu large rolls, ‘0 184c; secondary Follow 5.75 per ewe ge of quo-|urge the necessity of a careful selec-| A LONGING FOR FOR CANADA. dicted by Mr. Gerald Balfour sworth th the marke! maa [RaDhY since he did mot sbeak, aa.his |aarved', charsies +, + may be added, oof caves unde treat grades (rolls and tubs), 15 to 16c; | tation: Poniag tion of the Manitoba delegates, cs: Se a ands euoany. begun de See Soe ee aoe Sere cece tees cece a ably) smith alice “ben BA rc ep ia Sa creamery prints, 23 to 2340; do., | porters cattle Per 100 tbs. [pecially in the way of avoiding Po-/Experienced: by Boer Delegates in |molishing tho: pleturesdue ol re va whi] eal . Sa t dae ane EERE tage ee wes known either to fly into a frightful | Rico Cake a for Dessert. —Take a ote. 25,000. francs for the “ayes ene a ‘ket is easier. We 63 “4.90 |. ‘The new Canadian cause Bet a Aeec ce Mr. aa ae as args ‘ another proot of the money value peas ceil eee int of boiled rico and wash in $ | te isolate th a iron Phptetig Es EF ate toe migration office will be ready at the) soore, of the Department ‘OL Agricul-|~ ‘There is no truth whatever in the read when they. heard the voice sl till smooth. Mix with it two olate them from the other pa- aa sore selected, ordin- ‘ebruary. Tis ies avait ture, has received a letter from Mr. | statement that the King and sea 14 to 15¢; esa” Pr asa: ing eae pata ae ae ee Lane, one of the Boer delegates, who | are ‘going for a cruise in the Medi- a a jockey who had brutally punished | well beaten eggs, a pirt of salt, ute Catholics," the . them in a racé ;"yet this same rider |pint of sour milk, ps a poe la ea S tt ‘appearay ie: that leprosy Pry ‘to ie cout, stand directly before them, | of soda, pay dr pue.° 's not a contagious disease and that Cheese — Market steady We tis, ation ejand no dem castration so I wed s0 WAI au suf 7 ab ed Rory aos run no risk of in. quote —Binest eee 132 to ——_+—— Sydney, er hristian sect, initiated Pty a number oe em bene al as he not u: a hot re attae ae tor in charge of|threé days, and there 184¢; seconds, per 2c. RGEST IN THE WORLD ‘a very tedi ssage. At the lof ex-Roman Catholic prie: 4 ut the Bees he wad enough them. | the hospital, however, fears that the| an PASO to feed the poultry ate LA > * | time of writi h s . formally established in west, Exe to excite them. ed mace with the stated time HOG eee a2 EWS Mast ir, Hay i i for the Ly 4 ae 7 The Cedric pres: erie Belfast for! 1+’ Coolangatta, and Rap. ‘Government London had ninety deaths — last _ ee a ee aed oh tud farm at Berry. The weather week from other than natural causes, were either from | acck negligence, and ii One well known race mare was so a rount opie are killed cach spect every day. by ae ~ the A London ene says: The larg-| was hot and the Boer dsleentee ex- | 81 of heh ssed hi lots quoted at $7.65 to $7. ured est steamer in the world, the Cedric, | perienced a longing for the rivers | dents SS Se ALL IN NEW CHARACTERS. meats steady, with aerate fame, We'|» : ainer’s voice giving o fe rilice whens at ekerelie TWO SWE When Mr, Good came home to din= thing could be done’ wi B, as Pe er he found his wife in a state aki quote a Haone AoE eee buck and-lakes of Canada. figures 1,000. 4 % “ - of signals ‘was arranged tingerbread..— Porto, Rico’ to despondency, which was quite un- LOke ime con 2a 4 4 ort cate Coe each year by accidet fe means of a stick. From that ee Beesnbead natural with her ness, $21.50 to 922, 205 UOTE ne ares per 100 Ib BABY’S NURSE. The ‘National “Review says there * Ithough the trainer changed one the tee Lina Aglare am dear, is the matter ef =e 4 93 ae eat a 9 184; ae? es bose can be no doubt as ‘toe the ee He: » ‘a appearance in no , she sepia? ‘ : ; ne seater GEE, 7 Bove ond| marvellous Invention by a Swiss |its story that the German Samper: periectiy quiet and tractable, in pal en ES he 112 to 12¢; shoulders, 116; 3 r Mochant the presence 0 rican 3 EUIEBIDRAer ee hak the matt. wee aurd cups of flour, two level tea- to 144c; breakfast bacon, 14 to 144¢. Selects 160 to 20 anic. eters ae Offensive re- Shee: BBE ohera ce SHAREHRE “Het , “88 spoons of ginger, ‘one-half level tea- Lar Be with prices 0.00 nied apes atch gays yee us regarding tho _ the percentage of middlings may be ve py her, both: invand_ oul | coor: of-aals unchanged. We e—Tierces, 1c; fe vy 0.00 Swiss ened claims to a of the stable. He ht be in her |SP , - modation for 3,000 passengers, but ‘The shipbuilders of Glas; state a ec Foakerl a ie hat of grain inereas-|}ox for a long time, handle Me fn quarters ; need not f tubs, 1146; pals, 1146; pate Spits s 0.00 |fas not been built for speed,” and | ¥en! ae an automatic baby’ ‘8 Purse et, oe Petes tar shy Asin ed, though the change should be s ee ey Combine add break ot an ia epidende of I 83 to 10c. se eto owen the ate] Te sis att to ie ‘1 aoe Pure-bred f any way, but if he spoke she would aI F leproi will not attempt to lower the 3 tt - Patton aes high class | gy. at him instantly, and act like a Kase iaet ac! ous Pour shorten Bout WANTED FOR FOR MURDER. lantic record. eral “ie ceo 8 in wild thi rv ahaa i —— — vage! : EARTH WoRMS. a violent antipathy to sane oe vo eges}. & time ago, in a certain hard 0. 1 Brought bere as oi wa ie my Bacal hei Kaneoua Ahsroem fected. $ mn of granu | Part of Bcotlann, clergyman who ee 78 aA es rt William; | 4 Winnipeg: a despatch — ro carts Additions Will “Be Made to the Cradle Men the erying tops, the UNITED STA’ e es as, 72% high 7 jounted ace * a Pe ig e) Walker 0: “4 flax Garriso: ee the | mre black bears attacked y will not try to race when a ad not been long in the place, hav- | will get along swimm se | erate sons rei i agricultural workers beaten pees “haps a ror receives: th ta tablespooofuls of Taig Geoasigne: te ofliciate at the} | “tAnd what will you So 2 auely ie mst here, 2656, Bt to Bite high peteen ot ¢ Sing Prison, ention and | consideration. | those who have abused ines ( the water is funeral of one of his flock, made in| inquired Mrs. Good. g ; 2 Soe Skip Sipe Sine Tere A Vialltex despatch a Ynountainees ee i : 4 eae i his sermon some touching allusions} “Me ? Oh, I'll be a gentleman, CW decor famed Morgan, and accom-|Will soon w ene on the road fro a eee to the widow of the deceased. he replied. E ears pe gaits ve charged |The Worcester Regiment TENDERS FROM CANADA. ‘adia, Virginia, the : with’ “killing @ companion named | here from Bermud: aid killed and cee ie 4 e War Office, Will “Tavite Then for |20" at for Army. boi s little tunnels. in every si haven’t much of a |ca ¢: < On coming out of the church the nes rane will try prone play ete 1 toreDy. ane the air }dinner,’’ said Spratts to Bloobum- ing 70 nd td been the object of his Bamund ”? said she, chi Wm. Johnston, near Red Deer, about |corps will be quartered a A t only to the | urged to stay for |sait i ionate remarks, turning to am ai ia that we Sha. all ts two ai hall rracks and the,remainder at the \° Mi Thompson, ae tid rough the Nee to “tne subsoil} that UX Ou his pastor, said :— rether awkward in our unaccus= forts will be nike to 3 ‘y will] A London despatch says :—The | 25- dais ghte: mes s ae. {ereete [dxopoed: in. last ‘eve gratid sermon, Mr. | tomed roles. : tradited, Th ved fro : the pritish Wat Office has decided to -T mill ope t z uP ja stunning. dinner —— ; but what did ye mean when} Mr Good says she was as ‘cheer- $19 to $2 ort to | criminals, and are ine ar e tenders from Canadian far- oped with her e a {P el is woman stricken wi’|ful as a lark .all the remainder of g f , bags Ineled ontario bran, in| term at Sing Sing ‘for robbery’ com- | tillery, *k § the Blue Marines. | mers for the supply of fresh aoe at Feder Hines, om them finer and in-bettcr condition to |/‘that’s jus viet” ? 72 the evening. 17 to $1 shorts, in bulk, |mited in New York Two Bee companies, comprising|to the British army in uth | ona x what is | Taddells at aie b “Why, you, of course, Mrs. D——.’ $20. Pro ates SE ee gb arity an abou 1,000 met oa be stationed a. oe ist oR. | p one cup of ¢ st “Oh, well, well, of The surest sign that an oilan z short cut pork, 7 permanent iy at the barracks and ai he ete “rootlets of plant. te ‘Ther oe six canais connected with '¢: i r, addi meant kindly Sieh we meee Ee is Bt Faas all is w the the ‘aaa = A t, backs, $23.50 to $24; ght SAVINGS BANKS’ DEPOSITS. the dockyard, for service on the} CAN WCE Tr SHE ; WISHES. + ~ soluble compounds oe ave been} the ‘Thames, which extend altogether |a then, mon, ye , ye didna ” ken|is yellow in color. Fs ‘ short eut, $23 to $21; compound Ae Nectar Pasa ta oe of ‘the fleet in cases of emer. + 4 ae are: i a ’: es é equi nber of hem og so tee ae : a ara RE Sonn! always lable to Solace per wie siest ae rae ee Seer aia Ee “ationed at Bermuda for | Venezuela Debts Need aot eee ol i hams, 12} to 184¢; bacon, 14 to 15 | similar purpose: si each morr é hogs, $8.25 Es sh hase A ee sealer says :—Lord A fiftee: iP aaeithss ol $0 per ane E Baron de ee has entered.an ac-! Bustace Ass ing a mee fea anal stocky 20 | 049, the withdraw: tion against the Paris Metropolitan ing of cholder: j was injured by @ a nail in a piece 0 0 186; | $920. 89. i i ee oad eColonial “Kitties hoard “thrown by a little brother is child was not} Tru n Friday said e understood | entering its arate in Ae center to 204¢; Monreal lim West 0 17. ts somey White it Sav to! clover, in ‘etlons, 42 to 13¢ per the taonth of December we ailowed Pag section; in 10-Ib. tins. 8 to in jages. s aoe top of the head, and there an_ nall hopes for its cov Ee ible ot tos ee Nene could costly 0, and the withdrawals $236,700. it'she chose to

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