THE EVILS OF JEALOUSY Cees fered according to Hiament of Canada, in “ Win. Be of Agriculture, Ottawa.) Hes the head of a political cam tch from Chicago says: Rev Frenk De Witt Telbaay, ‘preach | ‘ed from the _ following verbs vi, 24, “Jealousy is the ve? Act, of the Per. tos pena X believe there were others chis_time , What does rage Benita: Righteous ae nunciation, hudletously eee rae yet overwhelmingly and scuthogly ed. censure. ee risiriaied fury; rage is a fierce, wil all consuming, fiery passion burning ‘at the heart Jast she es of the Reese THY EVIL SPIRIT. Maddening jealousy would destroy with the song, “Saul has slacks lee Sank i oe af spirit which made hands of the compel Columbus to die in and gene oe Walter Raleigh to te 0 Haga tates aude niaay a Y, Simpson encounter their greatest opposition from { Ss me own prof Gott ode which made Voltaire denounce B: lard d’Arnaud and bullet of Aaro: through the heart of Alexander E ilton. lousy i _ duces strange hallucinations in victi i mi the jealous surgeon cannot rejoice hat another surgeon has c tion himself; the jealous minister Es empty;, the: jenlous woman cannot to hear praises of the beauty of “ay en es Thus no sooner does any bie or monium of ,a dem which all the evil spirits of the i ‘ou I © |bigger success you have the happier ill be.’” al pla heaeaea ra = the hearts oe 4 -p = fa tennis iB Fee it than t the life of the result oS pore organic functional disorder. Sometimes in-|imuch we i used by a fall or a (Spirit of God says, ay bi 7 ass in lifted ‘his voice in Dries aaccening denice, often baseless, js the end piety vintlicities, ‘causing misery cure you mbardment of tempes- 10" nciation and the irresis- tible flood of remorseful tears. A CAUSELESS FRENZY~ ‘The saddest part of these insane pu invally visit them and |£0 distrust and venomous | sneers and multitudinous reproaches | a broodings always defea ith oved ones | eg ee aim | of ithe, Bible we road wae treacherous dealings ivals. The rattlesnake’s poor receptacle in whic! the honey of an orange mothers and polaee pas I would na lor a slur on your toes Fyelitle!” the: vespest qositt oleht t3 show dear, hel ey friend than that | old Beihany, snot, sy to help the wee phy- to the See physi- ag ord for him od. Every old law- willing to give hi young lawyer, ani cal, the freeads struggling in ascent far beneat! SIN IS THE CHIEF CAUSE. fe egies sanees has a di-|¢ insa eee the: oy -y hea reformatory institutions and thi gmnan’s noose is iar sed by other, as the Sanity sin, not ‘coms-to’ that’ Obrist widen Willing and able to take this sin out |Goq fe 2? In the Bible we read ii t haters ot the Goad. som) mosked id. Wil hear thee THE S.S. LESSON = ‘The seaonian “persecutions, fol- |" giveth Me shall come to Me,” etc. J. A. ‘tatdonala “The rae “lore get Tenaya te. cans Haast Se their ete to ni control of f all these boundar, ica Chiet saole that whatever THE ALASKAN BOENDRY Sir Michael Herbert and Secretary John Hay} Have Signed a Treaty. ‘A emhiyston despatch s: See. nd Sir Michael Bebe. |Can nai an British pomeges on Satur- time, the pressure coming trom both was sid t n miners bei alavatee Beas taken three years to obtain ng throu sa ee of the Beslan a an Can- a meri- eed i “The treaty signed provides for the |tion with the leading members of th reiere ate pol the Bri- 2h SETTLED TERRITORY, The commission is to be limited in man to cas’ Polit High to eff then came a pe eve and reveals Himself sufficiently > me fate pile a 3 his rd programme of pe ee wast be pro- ert rsemen, The ie time complained that the To- iting of on about half of it the butter es a have ample their selection for the tes have been fixed thus mare in order to meet the ie =. jaoke the world in nee ae buyers teom, ‘all pants batsthe Do- pee that the © ing Solomon | |t Mr. Justwed (to ie who has cee OT Ny Live’ Stbek Comtindleant: OEE EEE 8) POURED INTO DRAINS. Manchester’s Beer Plant Destroyed. ‘A London The Manchester corporation recently set a al bu in to es priae cS ae echnology ae me time every tradi of the North, of eS practically corporation decided ie ee rinatién om Srey subject in ey gave their consent to the 3 miniature brewery, Jat no mistake may be EDUCATIONAL SHOW. aah The Draft eeerten wil Saunas finds {te ray tiie tha draiae. | WAS NEARLY ‘SUFFOCATED js if riod | [Manager < of Natural Gas Corspeny | of years hieeaeelt best. were | of mie alas fanipus the rade became SUiriia the business. nes ae been erally revi siving and the umber of im. (morning Roy reti ms ac The rat uorg heir at d a profit it is e kia? for 28 been 5 tora, but 1] patronized ors, the e Man- ndition destroyed w| THE MARKETS = A\Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc} No. ‘Nor 75te; May, 79te; Jtly, “ore Onto. Ma a. a rely residénes, Little Yor Onis, wintor: ofiered ay "nike high freight: hig! a deal of fe pubcnet exporters were ieft No. 2 ot ‘ude freights, oe ‘y ques- | Sena the} py itish America |; Fea | mado in this matter an excise officer ie st from © ducks, 70 to 90¢ ‘per eae 3 ghiewens, t ‘Potatoor Aa ket firm. sen lots <of 1. 1D, o $1. Esher belive consciousness onter for t satis =| SEA YIELDS RICH HARVEST |* Herring Te 1 naga to Swedish rs SPECIAL BRITISH COLONY. Two wiclinr es ereraee Coming | ig | reasonable intent, and was solely for re fats fo middle of the nineteenth | the orbs he would thus eG will i called’ aie ‘Special Brit- Solo ny. tthe report of een ee Silt 2 ee or cee POPULATION 0 ONLY NEED. Lor ie St. |< Sains” GAGA fal alba ettlcle oil GOOD ROADS IN ONTARIO, Abolishing Statute Labor in Fa: System. Counsel then Procsadad 8 detail the Tabor has’ Deck Bartioularly apes: act. Rios Griseion no excuse shale for su ee gee IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. | Great gs Sheree: in Wireless [© legraphy. st A Berlin wae says Es Seiad _ been * halt ee hour, alia a verdict of gui : When asked if he had anything to ou!