‘Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and . sold only in jead "Black, Mixed and Green. hoan tea drinkers tey ‘onal Green tes. Bight pi Tages comets are due pay a wit the sun in n 1903. from ibis or from bad smells; yet me the perihelion date of one, the 3 2 pe os ‘the on soaps. (ber, 1902, that made from Fane fae oak keep their |D’ Arrest’s, comes in January, 1904 o uni oila {the influence of Jupiter. Their unlight ames and. perihelion dates are: May » 1903; Giacobini, May 15, 1903 yeni eee, co ‘the Bikes cae. "Monarch Suffers’ %i | es: i oreo much eronter o o.froqueney his) ac gay weaiicen: Diekey's desueue toon: monarch puitaracaeons sates ing 20: be writes eee that eee will cash.’ WHAN THE LAMPS ARw LIT, he pubs oe fp pet an settee), Hal book to have} “Leavy, our farming | passing ee band vor ver name|his head. “I want to be alone for an S| hour or two.”’ “Why, what is the it It is truly a wonderful en, OH ‘N IN AJ They t go the Rides work a permanent ci Fe be Ganley Sake _ Granby Rubbers} : The Rubber that has the. largest sale i in Canada, simply on account - ecenaie: Rubbers wear like iron” 1 Win 1903; D Ata rest, anury 3 15, s have i DODD’S KIDNEY PIL’ Was Cured Slick and Clea: sden, Ont., Jan, 19. “Dodd’s Kidney Pills many people know too well. ae ABYSMAL DEPTHS |= OR BLINDFOLD ON THE BRINK OF PRECIPICES ==> to Poaten you had left me [yours, cs <7 ies Sp diany speeone ven & pr bh = ei to please you in servi Spitaler, August Xo, as 103; Faye, = 48 Wild, (Brotesque phantasma — a se i tat af Wack eS TROUBLES OF ANX- RRETE POULTRY © WERE. EASILY fei eres OF BY cokes creat mber "30, 104. iat you! eee carload, or more, ofa - stat Consciousness returned but sions or will s Cpe ly. ing beyond a sense of lulled pat and absence of suflering. he power of sight oe a concentra W. G. Cragg, of Dresden, Had In fl found self lammatory ae and ; myself ; but where they met at the ei could Pesca sek and Lewes of es Rhounation, Me a ns: W. slept in a nal ept? = T_ must Bays een i bp & LIVE PIGEONS ing a ate apart the curtains at the years, do my requently. exhibited ae my store. I tried doctors na mates as petting. an; benefit, till I heard of Dodd’s Kid- anes Beye spel ae freedom from mel pid ee Six boxes cured me com- nchol. d harr. el al-| ney Pills and your Rheumatism wil itself, Staaten aaa ilan of Servia was| When iron is melted it is run off in call of | “sow” are called “pigs. eee ‘There is more Catarrh in this sectioi [ah ette, country than all other: diseases pe together, and until the last few ing degree, marked ee Was supposed to be incurable. lor the |® great many years doctors pronounced {t @ local disease and prescribed local and b; faili requires constitu: ae ase 2 tional In “Lloyd's Register of Shipping’’ Hates CRE tae , Toteds eney & letter | the ‘only constitutional cure oa the wae otes |Ket. Ie” fe taken internally ake dents the num-|!fem 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of thy om. ‘They offer one re cure. als. hey | ma lassey-Harris Ilus-| anxiety. “I have to consulta rail- r. groaned the iuneee “| Nay, guide, Se nmation of the lun longs or while you can ‘,]}sumptive Syrup. ephis: medicine curt ce and all throat and chest troubles. 1. | mmediately reli eves the throat and lung: rom viscid phleg lenapp, in serie is 8, 6 But the most os sive was ay Battle Abbey, in sus for which 000. was paid £200, penne CALIFORNIA- OREGON EXCUR- ly, SIONS. c : tect | Address 1B . H. Be nnett, Genera Age tion nt, 2 it. in al 60 to 70 miles an hour t belay 2 sega foree up to 24 ponnde ae oe Seance foot. reg Uin Cures iia y fo. s the ex-reeve. peg 1 nid re es mentioning te BBP ame pee Med eine Eran cn scarcely fet sround to in ff A.W. BRYAN, Woodbine Track, TORORTO. Tl he ee rays of the lamp: showed a with He" ceiling paint ted tch. bone pletely. blest Cure the kidneys with Dodd’s ae FRE IRS ee rd» a stranger to x fo: ne exhant re: me s! are +e the ‘side o! the eek to y ser- with, is now in hospital at Ayitiecn Gre aol. Ladies: and ters Furs 0, H. BASTED0 & 09., 77 tne St, Enat, Toronto, yes; sh e and sce you as soon as you y strorger; but you mustn't talk, of my sleop. I could not believe my ey youll: have a relaps es; but I was not long left in me now, my ee he said, etable ily are very Ponta in thee aetlon: hi g sleep, coupled when awake ete u oe 3 fore, can take them. aa oe of, nape cassie n 4 —_ Tn inning, 18 cubic fect of ordine 7 ea ig cog ta END A ae You need not congh ‘all night and dis ry gold ore a re-| turb your friends; there is no occasion of yournnning the risk of contr acting it~ y esr age oe ong pe fe ‘day |irony. CHAPTER XVII. anguish te h fering, aching nd a, aw bra! na ee a ar ake Son & long, - te. |ance to concealing on time I could realize noth- adually thought heavy curtains drawn round | perceive ee thin streak in light of a lamp or a he hea was Strange to ine 0s I ¢) fatiat: what an © re I, then? ‘ow ie had ittle by little my n~ me, and sa Htooke like an sse inader “quota effort, succeeded in draw- ers to he nurse. were among. friend: ster rge, gloomy peretisled not T To. ge lecia tainly ge Upon my thought, dov Wor are the a ie, letoratea with, pak burned a ti be- Teas tat to- woman — 3 bles far write them down ae nist oe you. that mtly the 10 manufacturers had a bors whatthey think orit.. You can uso it Moc get your money back {f not cured. Go a bo: lers ON, BaTEs & Co,,Turor ry time said there we a Be a ch nge on or the other to-night.” ‘5 Bn enese® Ss Olntment |; FSi e be I?! asked faintly. a eee it aptint who have | @ jerk; thi of a red, autumn | ered T asked ee eee nst the fire place looking Ac Titstet thaleett 1 wasn mec all right, and will for the ror of doubt as to sae reality of the vi rs believe lie acai baYe told me that Pe was coming to sce’ me as ties = the sight of my dismay soon as I was better. Her answers it from Fr Wife is evident- nate no means satisfactory, but I ly an sonexpected ss ticity "” she cai could Perceive that it was useless to | mockingly ee wane for bri get seems likely to be se paea oe me right one.” f my ext She Fer and apts minor ailments ones sufler. se ne 1 end. what people. Tam with” 1, ae ae 9 e said | Sold by Arpeelate i at 25 ce loctor, too, a ‘0 ‘The “Dr, Williams’ Medicine Co:, Ont. I will Ww Bred | rarer ts and young children, Ls ‘ong, ge will be ms abe, to find out ev we das poke your- |, W hat fase poms ah Montgomery’! fol “That aay Sa (Out of bed for the late: species setually Dan fies p lc combthine y very sus- | t injunction to Then st time had 2 peUbe into Jud- 7 I love, gcheniee das the pallow of ee ony fragn r PH e will Poke ice arly small In He the | ante. ec the aia c rnoon, I had fallen asleep Sor eee over the fire; suddenly I awoke with Saet iv ‘their food ee Different species of ants have -diflerent species "s reticle het lay sh of fungu Bot z sou feel the tigerish ferocity Dr. | chaloe rOhitngneis cera i and absolute cure for ach very: form et Tobias is ie diosa nd prot ing ries, all is gn is own 2s. He Hen an kind timontaty the dal Hy reso ant oak 9 our nelgir every florist and agricult ae sun were streaming across me, and Hing full upon the Face or Judith, ene! n ironical smile curled — her x nd positio pie ‘aid 1 oa on down?” he as! r her; I could ee y my y fae0 in my hati and ppeari WW red SHeneals, [der care that has been given you that if I wished to bebiy well I must i be Ith my mind calm and not ask/you away from ‘those wret ched th jodg- eee saw te er 1 might have died? |Gn tn, a A dof Hens it of ages still ook in the same devilish be material to ion, ane paet ts powder) will remove the grense with onghs, colds, inflammation of the fing: ase. motes a free and easy expectoration, w! Mich In England ves sl oe Tle n of estate sold phe year rouble ‘and | in Shae roe Kingdom was th: 6 at Liniment Cures tal, ele a victim of vertigo’ or paralysi: these symptoms tell of depleted | y nerve cells and a wasting of vigor and vitality. v are get a bottle of Holloway Cora Gare: arias aust LIKE BUYIN RIIEUMATISHL Sie aristocratic ree on being; re- it the bills We pu < ills ia your pocket and take Other indications of nervous ox. sour AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE a ee fainting ation Me pains and aches, ani Red ieagut i ua i Distemze 3 é y witl ‘y iy paralysis, locomotor ataxia, epilepsy | yp.’’ ity. All movement of the body| By noting grees Jaga! ae using Dr. “spells, renner DIZZY SPELLS ano- ACHING HEAD © | ‘Tell of tee Arteries and Exhausted Nerves—They Warn Ycu of Chase's Merve Food ohing Paralysis or eee he Rost Potent Nerve Re he sufferer from nervous head-jof the blood and creating new nerve and dizzy spells never knows/ force. inut may fall fe SGlbek Lilie: oats? apncvapatare Ge Seer exes stomach, troubles, | as ouraged “and despondent. cold hands and ned restlessness, “ir- | Sco tags Zhe staat Re ° lervous asckas are most dread-| steadier, and dizziness and fainting ful to contemplate, because of the| spells no longer trouble me, and, my |* frequency ith which they-end in| system has been generally built members is controlled by the/Dr. Chase’s Nert or its “nerves, and — hence ce sella “eh prove that eaten; sone an ’s Ner Food cures taey disease give way to health, strength d all symptoms/ and vigor.’ 50 cents a box, 6 boxes of nervous Bintan by actually for $2.50, at all dealers, or Fdman- | eq increasing the quantity end quality son, Bates & Co., Toronto, ° It leaves a | their yield. sly| Mrs. Hann, 8 Leonard avenue, To- be Pa DIhas dared to bring this | fellow Tere? lo not hesi- did bank, and I want you ife. There!’’ ety 540 a = Ps A MOTHER’S DELIGHT. no, I th chad Is to Seo Her Little pond Healthy, osy and thers aie 58 seeing thet li ele ones bi and happy, jhim~but “the bags is just the op- es 3 Own Tablets should always be used and they will be fou ma a prompt re- Tablets for most a valuable little book on the care of. aeeeoe CROPS RAISED BY “ANTS. Skill in Fertilizing and Pruning Shown ross has added Recent study of ants another to the many facts that show Cas merlicetce Sie insects possess. that some his he big! lea henvnnaee he of. the 1 | tropies is the most proficient species . “ental ruin a whole plantation over leaving the plants with rag- ments of their foliage. Un- ntly it was Ieee that the Pate here they chew them over, moistening them same time ith acid secretions, until they have one ‘Tins is gus which forn ‘The most Lie eatin: of them 07 a Bra; Jhora. This fungus is ich and tun of Ai ys is is particular py, loved ty, he nts. produce st albumen the Saisie gone ind mos [he EE seed. Of course this ee matter, well known to rtainly is wonderful that ie ed it. They attend of the aegis Ree ly 0 the Hiaiaibeeg qusis'ew carefu Ts is abies wis ee soon as h foie every here around the bottom of the pile. Some species of ants carry | tilizers to. their gars ‘They eeze—ana | finely chewed wood, sistas ab y PNG es eaten Hae c i er sim- the planta- enrich the pat fad increase | IN THE Gere EIGHT. Yos,": said the young man, as he elf at the feet “ot ie uk of be a void if there was in it?” : meant to say that m, y Me ak = [wou be tonely without’ yous A ws of gravitation fee sieetlly orareome, great amhrity,: the “aimienity ae ‘Net at. all events, ”” exclaimed over that! ex Mell, Georse, since you 1 put it in at light, I will”? Lundy Istana ‘Lightizoure nove te t above the ant int 1 miles away. fe