fa ore MARRIAGE LICENSES issued by A J. G. GROSCH. ° Srkicrty CoNFIDENTIAL. “It Shines For All.” Sse Vol XII—No. 5 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH 00., THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1903 ener LOCAL NEWS, The Milverton aun Local Ne: co | ‘That January thaw did eot some a Flag Store, C. 8. Kerteher Everything you want in canned meats = Weitzel-& Muhr's. . | 1 mo. 5 $6 00 ; fa cal or a ool 50| Mr. John Pfeffer made -a business 6 00; 8 00; 6 00) 3 50/ trip to Woodstock on Wednesday. j 2 ua 19 3-00) 2 00) 7 00|- Fresh and salted fish at Miler Kelterborn’s. Call and get a supply. it oe ent rg magehne ng phe A first class price will be paid for her. : Db i first Insertion, and 3c. per line for each suc- | Atsvelass hard wood delivered at the seasive insertion, Sun office - G. T. R. Time Table. ‘Trains due to leave Milvérton. H. A bartender cen generally deal out “full” goods at xuy old-scason of the year. . E. A Terrance is confined to ®| his room through an sttedk of ton ™ | silitis See advt. in another column for ten- cers re the aber of Burus ‘ chorch, Motning’ | a Tae Stack “Food” tor horses, cattle, sheep, is poultry &e. sold by Finkbeiner B julty. Hours 9a. m, e. Finkbeiner Bros. D. ; weeks’ visit. with Office abov store, Milverton Berlin and other poi —= | Mr. Albert Langford was success- to 5 p.m, hardware iends in Waterloo, ints. Veterinary. ful in passing his examination for H. ENGHL, V. S., Milverton, Ont, | teacher at the London Normal School, Graduate Ontari o Veterinary Colle Recon: terly services will be held in onto, treats all diseases i Scientifically. All calls promptly attended | the Ela Mevhodist. church next to, by telephone or otherwi ‘yornight.|Subbath moruing, commencing at Dentistry and Chronic Discuses a specialty. be hints ij q coat ae v. eTRRINARY SUR- _ Noman now a days thinks of pick- t GEON, Milv. y of Ne up a daily newspaper without TBE nateofOutacio iter rCaings non.) amie foran account of a railway treats all dise don cates Calis by elephone oF otherwiee promptly | 8c ident. nided to. Livery in connectiow. | Miss ‘Chalmers, of Puole, left on fie Bist case horses wn ge at all Tuesday for Sarnia, where she ral e 81 1 Ari: Baggage tuner, “Commerc aething a aero beroerainioy one | _— = a == | numa de the Hospital there: i Bead French mustard prepared with | ©. 0. F., No, 99, Milverton, meets every | horse radish at Weitzel & Moh’, é ei cnd oat "Tuesday of every month, at ‘Miu Minnie MoLatgh le Ge. weal: So’elock, in their hail over Scbnenker cide Mics NonLeee “ Rothaere Vs store, Visiting brethren al- lace, and Miss ie Johnston, of Ss ways welc: Geo C. Res arphage, are sping a week or t A, Barth, Recordings Secretary. with Mrs, J. G. Hamiiton, a4 wy J. 0. O. F., “Silver Star| “International a Food” is the C. Lodge,” No. 302, Milverton, | yreatest fatvener and grower, fur hogs met ry Br 3:30 p.m. in their lull post af Visiting bre ways welcome, B. Goulter, xe ; W. K, Loth. RS. tes Penis bok sold by Pilvbviner Bros Fasvinators are again popular with Business Cardy little W. D, WEIR, Asctionoor for t fief Venti and avatlo Deeds, Wills and Aildavits wale. Baill Bo D Village Clerk. Office, over in Store, Main street, Milverton. ally difficult for the boys Fie who's who. i visi adil se books, scribbling xt books and all sap room. Agent for all maps and all seliol: appuratasy— |Jne, Torrance, Milve DORLAND'S BUS LINE, us incets all trains. 8 frarellers oF proinpty aienited ta Maple St., Proprietor. Motes Wm. A dear ye maid ith her Lean, went out for » ride the sneau, ire ad ewetgl val EERE » and brought the young ae reat =e ae “Ataple onitiene touttists, . comm Lit by el 5 RS sina Sib nearly $500, and with a handsome new Gindstoue Feutver and. custly robes, Will cuts oe a dush.—-Mitehell Advocate, andl Mrs. WJ. Thonpeon will tre g roons ad li see a cigar: ae mtaos, FAO . Provri tor g doh n rope ‘Po ay a3 e ge e & 5: 2 ies Ail large Meatlog: ie Mrs. Thompson. TI 4 is _of sntertaibnvent will bea party, for which band- GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, M | rat-class accommodatio: F scavalers and, others. Fooans. - Good liquors and cigar: SAL Mill etresta, GC: Unseurflug, Proprielo a diges: of points — Mitchell Advocate 2 sealing presents ne e leud. Red i a “eabe) HOTEL, Milverton. On gt | rie Store, we . Kertch i is swage eae mcgesarpa nity Bes Cgepenan ae that the aduionition, “Mind your P's ‘Misceltancon rd hung in the _ JOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, * Gnkin ig TvoW, psy sshowian eit Frésb oysters always on pand. Red om DR. B. ae Lee veal t, Liceutiate| Miss Jean oe t, of Haimp- stend is spending « ter @ays with her ister, Mrs. S. H. ate versil of teeth, Crown and Bridge} Mra, s oe ison a few. oe Sins and eggs i aked'l in n omenenge 0 per bag is paid for potatoes Sh r bread at Weitzel & Moh $1.00 Weitzel & Mohbr's, rs E. Horne and P. Livingston ‘Spent i Senda with friends in Mitchell. aL r James Fax at Ps Tek Taatiuats meeting next Wednesday | P: evening, Feb. 4th. ‘Do not forget the Farmers’Institute ii See advt. in uot See that BK call at Kertcher’s Red tore eetings. ther column. p In confectionery and fruits we haye | the shape ofa Sap Fi Miss Edna Roulston, of Listowel, i show has been greatly reduo at present the = her cousin,| Millbank Farmers’ eRe meet- Miss Aunie Wha tog on Friday. Ladies are, specially Mr. James i of Toronto, will |! tas baie Mad Miss Daisy Armstrong, 2 Guelph General Heep has been visiting at Mr, R. icklin’s, Mornington. Miss Susie and Mr, Alex. Dillion, of Ottawa, are at present the guests of Mr. John aie of Mornington. On dunt of the eens bu nua e Burns church, Milverton, there will be no service in the Met ho, dist church next Sabbath evening. sing at the Farmers’ Tae. meeting next. Wednesday eve r. Albert. See lett on “Satur- day Ne Owassa, Michigan, where he will take a course in a business college. New goods aS daily, such as Eaney Ghina, Leather Bons | Mani- eure Sets, Bio C. 8. Kert ve Mr. W; well filled.” with eee operations will commen course of a week o: ‘dat 0 is aad sawing in | The annual meeting of the OB aealaie rheld in -Grosch’s hall on Satyrday Piss Sutherl: ha aD) Stinson and sare - Stinson, of Glenallan, were the of Rev. Mr. aud. Mra, c eae over Sunday, nds of foal for 25 cents av ecain: ities and John Hingston of te Coan ty of Grenville, ne Richard raft, ie foe in this locality and Listowel. : and known for what he | The 6 pou: Weitzel & Mohr’ idusnatione Poultry Food” Mee de MR ined, Re Ubesley, general agent fur the Frost Wire Fence Co, together with his ite are on visit to the Manse, Milvert dollars 40 uny farmer, at Fink beiner Bros in Burns chureh on Sunday nex Thsencearine -ineeting will be held ‘on Monday evening. Musie will be sat by the Palmer quartette of Continuo adve: sie con. fiden The prev union is thie oaseeea be cece before the pubfie without being foand ou people believe in a man who can ash a Methodist church sheds, a ra | trial by the public. robe. Loser ean ee same by caliaal W. C. Maybe vols, proving Noricr—We are desirous that all Boer is see Rain cee outstanding acsuunts for threshing be ettled before Feb. Ist, er that late 5 per cent, interent will be sae : Jonas and Samvet J.acons, Newton, Ont. tiserni t ew county council met in the a uwo divisions, when Mr Arwstrong |! went oser and supported Mr. Keump. officers were re-elected. ie and Mrs, Osttermole and Miss Wornum were among those anxious about the “St. Louis” and relieved lust Sunduy to greet their expected | Met" int pet an ties uve, Mise Ese Doherty, of Phare |Oeening for rersanatin The mem ¥ § if oer for the yi ar follo stead, England, who is to spend. the winter with her people here. Misa] aL coures into] ¥ Lumber, Lats,” Shingles, Pumps, ete. fir Pinte aoe Ge iene Bewniiers ithe 8 were ‘iin scored op] ere nC Fl ageiest tha bhai pone Oon H. C. ZOEGER, ever a patron sae likely to reach aJ it: state of iniehviety or was observed to- Furniture Dealer, be gesing ua deeply in debt he war ae is P's and ONT. | jobinely ‘wld 40 “anid hi Q's”, NEWTON, improving the quality uf gathered butter, Wornuu and her evusin are having a jully Sus oe aud XM wr Bulreety oie sane trae ah ‘1 ‘i pointe aon aii Bacon” fer the yew ‘and Mile Beth seoretiry perishes Thi muater of hint Stravep—From the premises of the} sxed_ and it ing oie he peaks di undersigned on Mouday, Jan. 19ch,| was decided to huld vhree seasiout and + brown eullie dog with yellow gherks, e tripe e paich on back of lend, th, when a debate hie legs and bob tail, Hi feteinnt she Baare ora strap atiund his neck on [prageain, te niles for’ discussion inneded the: initials Gs P. -datorma: Hiine Porte lsc the system of tion as te his ehereabauis will be | bor thankfully received hy George Pucliff, sili Milverton PO, a vernments is detrimental if you sei anything in|i Carrie peat has returned | ins of the Milverton cheese factory will be| T' Remember the anniversary eal hh wat 2a) December 26th, at oy At the Inst session of the Oritdiiy lature an amendment to the aw seeeegian municipal elections ‘was , providing that a school’ we he ee M Sins 6 8. Ker ol to Milveron atiee Ho Fiatced PERE eet on cate weeks at her home in Elm it is a question whether a TP; ae a into his new the tight to accept. resignations. Shecd Taneaeel ely fitted residence on| Asa consequence of ey and |law enacts that the t eet. Mill St. on Monday. Wednesday’s thaw the poste of in u aa oak council in Janu- in some cases, where a oe af the boxrd bas resigned, no meeting can be held and matters are at a standstil Stee ee iT Kerr--Nurse Nuptials, ¥ A pretty house wed wedding on pecan the 28th ae E ae the residence of RH. Baraby, bel brother to the streins of the wedding march played by Miss Graff, of New Hambarg. Miss ‘Kerr, cousin of the groom, eee the bride, whilst Mr, Welch, of New Ham uIg, sup- ported the groom, Miss Enid hy oa The bridestuaid adopted for ai occasion white organdie with ribbon _ and lace, a touch of color being given y the boquet. which was com; of variegated carnations — Little Enid Uuicipalities and ie Southall cuatuberae'sRe county. Inuild. | Hint the scandal pre “ 5; ra 5 aus me Stratford, on Luesdny, shin Feast atudietts sncfy hi aan view fromthe bride's mother mus rageous embellishment. of : Mr. eh S| the original incident. Usually, too{ and Mes, Kerr will” leave for’ theie sleet Wal gar tbs etc teens eet Oe ait him aud Meo Re Armstrong was a tp r oi peer 1.0. ie ¥. dnatelietion: The dnstaliatian: 6 ot aS officers of Silver Stir Lodge, 1.0. oe: Wal. Sayers “nnd oupeon of Millbank, were also’ present. athe following officers were install oe Coulter; Rudolph Miller; B. : MeCloy; L. &. N. to the best interests of the comnnmanity Di and tl 1 The great eatarch Reels, Peruana, | a0 large, fs ran eon t tor one at dam Ou Thursny night, Won, Binns [Poteet men the ollawing The Asie. Since says that] brakeman on the alvernos Straten? ‘The King—Dr. Egbert, W. H. Grosch: Mrw Are Suith, instesctor at from the train’ and re. | uunicipal bodies—John MeCloy, RB. creamerirs “and superintendent of the) ceived injuries which eesulted wn his|Millor aud Chus. “Spencer; Grand Westers chool, Strathroy, | death at. the Stratford bocpial wt a Fee ie he eenoEn ne read @ piper at the Dairyments con {inte hour the sine nig! Ax the | speech advocated the appointment of vention "in w ie dealt compre | erain was ele Garlslil the’ engine |acompetant nan as district depnty hs nisively the “erean-datheriug | broke-away, a hines is sappined frou year to year, aud not tire Pass yatoun She Sich iced aie result | ta have been on the veinler at the “lk the appointuent rown of his experiments during past {as hie wns List seen th Br. | Honor, vidtog members Ald. Hawt t pasteurizing the cream, aj 1 summer in mau, When he was n tional. institatione—-De nel ‘Practice which he advised for gon as made, and he was fooud under one (eo. Goodhand, and J. Dunbar; the adopti onder existing jof the cars. He seems to have yraxped ladies—E. Horne, M, MaeBeth ; con fe experiments Fes ett a ing to prevent his’ ull, ae eee yeas i sia ae seas on of the net effect “that seny thinwn wulet the sponded to by the za installed mean improving the rast yr ae scalp was pitch, credit is due Gkiiatings Spee Al bend, and he wax utherwise, ed, | Hasenpflug and Miss. Cla, shortening up of the 4 He ih sh aft ee ing 5 Pg? cd rt that the arate cans for indi ibs oc Lave Uses et pet os a the — of the up ‘anise ee | PENG Bre me efBci eae read but a short time er salew aflin Lac cam. Be Gir. Rael, set butter wore reeummended ns mexne sen morning fond the cream mee watch avd ‘on near the wocident had been on the ie ne on, and Mr. Geo, Thompson; educa: _ Hawke—in Newton, on Jen 20th, (0 Ms aud Sire, H Hawise, ada ‘ee, S ar te as ss ae :