MARRIAGE’ LICENSES ; : Teen be eC un. SrRicTLy CONFIDENTIAL. “it Shines For All.” Vol XII—No. 4 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0., THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1903 The Milverton Sun ~- LOCAL .SEWS, Aa aee Mauzanilla olives at Weitzel pee beh Biol price. rai a seat the Kertcher—Chaple. © Se ee rin the Vounty Mohr’s. ‘class hat yered at, the ey seu dots ae me Raternbeg | ae ics hake jote eckss'| Sum offen, _{Shoal Lake (Afan.) Star] Kates reasonable,» Subseri This weather-is hard on fuel. long as a hoy gets love “letters rately in advan k Sth oee eee “at Weitzel | 2 tefuses-to ent, onions, ‘The Mitford _Shakecpesran tale - not so paid. —M. MacBern, Pevtzsee: & Mauve The great catarrh rapOar, ‘Peruna, ory : f = at Jas, Tor SOTHRESINS EEE, That January thaw dido’s cutamuch | 0" SN ° # ~ as Terrance’ V r® “Wea ‘Reyore“& Bane have tte bie iss Altie Deities Bae returned | oaht M as a5) ; eee : hfe after spending a week. or two | COteht, Mr. James Chaleans bondr Fresh oysters always on hand. Red| wip striends 4 ce acres oe chalk. their wae on Flag Store, C. 8, Kertehere si the 5th concession of Morning! pee Seo that you call at Kertcher’s Red] 4,4 - p et: eae Flag Store if 08, WAR anything in Sree 5 ot Mi teva a a the shape of a pi Léa shes H. Kerr, i= Mr. J..G. Hamilton left on 5 otindas Mrs. (Re sly = st u Mrs. (Rev) T “ SS left this _ Tesnste rat eee aa te for a two weeks’ visit .in Toronto and |week to spend a week ortwo. with a first ston, and 3c, per line for each suo- | Hamilton. sister Mrs. Jas. Whitehead, of Walk rtion, Mr. and Mra J. L. Tucker are zs =| spending a couple of weeks with! ih» Nite gidlacelea . girls said to the ‘ansus- G. T. R. Time Table feenils i in Norwich, pecting editor, “Did you hear about Trains due to leave Milverton. “Tuternational Stodk ‘Féod” for| the fight in the post dffice?” “No.” f 2 horses, cattle, sie Pigs poultry ake. |* > Terrance licked a ‘postage Jonas and Samug. JAcoss, e y he Tanner—Spencer. ‘ ® | gold by Bink bei stamp Nevis. One ae _A load of Milvertoninns took ia Mr. R. Herdt, of Fondo, spent Anniversary services were held in e tford’ hockey see “= few days last wee h friends a Stratford ow Tuesday evening. Britton, While. on his te! home he $7 : es See pent acouple of days with his oldlevening by Rev. A. H. Going, B.A,,|noon of last w ante of Coll i A number of Milvertcnians, in re:| Fieia Me John Roessing, f : reaction taht bahia hean Male of Ontario ;-aleo post er mate student of /Spunse to invitations, attended the rs ine imable-you: Lani: hospital London, |. Office | baebelee 's ball at Atwood on Wednes-| | New goods arriving daily, ‘such as eveni in reat of s day evening, Fancy “China, Leather Goods, . Mapi-| ¥¢ty largely attended when Mr G joing phone connection with F runner, ‘ cure Setts, Ete. ©. S. Kertcher. diephteed ably. His thought, if not Latheian aco aad Rroste hk. The annual meeting of the Milver | ton cheese fuctory patrons will be held] “In*ernational Poultry Food” wil Jin Grosch's hall” on Saturday, dan. Jeertaivly make bens by twice th far A.M. PANTON, os itor, Ete. | 31st-at 1.30.p.m. nui ces. Fally me aa Mr. Harry Gleiser of Brandon, in Kite open e Thursday, Wm. Burton’s Rae i 24h recerve a stock -book, worth | Wtiting frem Yorkton Spe bl Main Mr, “Budd” ‘Smith, of Stratford, is dollars to any farmer, at Finkbeiner |Sbscription to the 8: e ab Prevent nena doing the vlamb |p, ; eectlaecHdeellins eee ehe ner ing on Mr. T. P. Roe’s new residence hadiatew od Pig fra eene ie Henry Debparbenat Mr: gaint ot fae we eee « Debus of Rostock, died on Sunday eyening. Over a week ago he had di has organized pap waaay: evening. Do not invest in calendars antil you ‘have seen our samples. 5 per cent. interest wil A beautiful house wedding took eee at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. anced, is ales and was much | wi plat by those present. tl Dentistry atriotic exercise books, seribbling books, school text buoks and all sup a 3 Cri ge |= the sol rum Agent fr] ett! operate on for appendicitis, and ling: reoently with “Me and Mew |i : wall alien dat sce appara — Buen estan pale Waltiesteuraher ise Minnedosa. I sana i ae > we aan aris of Ofive shave iokbeiur SETURL hed ei «Torrance Milverto peat) Sy K Lb (Sent You a paper containing their] white br ‘oses, maiden hae ros poses tae ilove, to sehele i bad been subject, marriage notice,” e carr was Stock Food” 4s the |and succumbed in a few minates. s z ~ | greatest fatiener and grower, for hogs 3 Th White fish = trouez cts. a Ib. at T = he ad snow hylaw compels! Weitzel & Moher’ ev en tokeep the walks border ne un lee eres clear but vision is made fe hin we had the pleasure of spending pees d : 5 oui ae et. them ready for market ; guaranteed — VOue by one o sald -ubeclors af Mer me tenth ina of estic animals | sold by Finkbeiner Brow, ei A is t ¥ Tn wedding presents we lend. Red! fair to those wl shovel their watks t e . Jhoue or othe di Z 5 to iia a: Deaaet wk cat co Discuses a specialty, | Flag Store, C. 8 Kertcher have to wade through a foptoof snow | Mac Taylor of the Milverton road, 2 is a Henan tro te ers who died on Monday evening after de the popular coup) Messrs J.P. Grilfin, W. K. Loth being enufined to her bed for 4 petit ond Mrs. Tanner tft on Thursday 10% au [ud Robert. Hanna’ weee at Toronto] treet. eae tin wish, Beg disease, [thelr home in fon. Theit )} this Aa tending the meeting of | 4 Ms: any friends wish any every Panny | i = ‘Conservative Associa: Rey. Ganon Danu, B,Ay of St. eae al Village in tbe erly days oe ae James’ Cathedral, pace ivered | being a vigorous and active woman. D a ees ae ay the] his Rina Ireland x in| She was a native of Yorkshire, Eng oor Methodist church sheds, a} Gy, hall on Tia tie even if | land, and came to Canada over seventy seorienn dine sate hy calling (haat Grek “Atle: Ieciure. wnacccri| seaneaitn wad tested Farge wale anaes liver of Listowel, oe Pools “proving | humoroas and iustractive, The pro: | her parents in Turouto or Little York : ing for this adver-| gramme was varied by solos from Miss|as it was then called and al-o an the Romfor ho ha at ing | township of Markham and ees ees "| Anniversary services will be r and an excel voi nd |In Toronto she met her hasbend Popes in ae fuctory on Saturday next, preached iu Burns church, Milverton, |Mr. C.F. Hamlyn, of Wereintoaly sarvives her, though in feeble health Th thy of th i Rise 4 ; 3.|on Sunday, Feb, Ist, by Rev. A.J. | brother of Mrs tev.) T. B. Howard. | The couple came ty Moruington early wether Mir, and Mra Wot tne Barth, Reeoriit tie Sectaanee McVilltwray, of London. The tea-| Mr. Han:lyn. was 1. excellent. form {iu the fifties and settled on the sfarm | who received splixh will be held on Munday even-| and nenul delighted his audience. | where } ¢ died. ‘the er ab pene X Fis Silver, Star] ing, Feb, Qad. Miss Tucker and Mrs. Howard pre-| mother ota fi seven, fiv Y eee ee EH ged wil od rot ngs oh he ait ‘The new county -coonel wit) -meet |*ided at the piano. whom are still living, and are as fol- cresidence to-morvow at 2p. i, in their es Got ie ie og ‘Tues re r, Tn confectionery and fruit ie wes feed Bs aes es ihe ceed re ry. R OnE brethren always. welconi. | Robert Avnisttong of Blk : Joveph on the boundary, Mrs. Jol bh aines Cuthbertson . TN. G4 W. Ke Loth. RS. Raver attend Of Biber owt OU ie aieay nesoriment, Red Plag | Willtsain* Duthinad? ced Mec dol anietly selebrated the fittieth annivers all probabilivy again be Store O58. Kerichior 24 Ba for the Wardensbip. Mr Armstrong) fo? a PAE Nh Maret Pah #& ——— | was close in tbe race I ; V ‘Another old resident of Perth] Paylor was « sister vf “Mexire. "Joho, D. WEIR, Auctioneer for the Coun. Bake rene onty parsed away [Isane and Wm. Atkin, of Morniugton, ties ot Berth and Waterloo, Co T+ hee he dk ea oneal toring of last week, in the Beak at v-wowan held in high esteem aie i fon Court, [States, has dewanded “eherish® in| Mr. Gottfiied Guenther of Milverton, |"! 8 conasts ember of Mie aitacasi0 ek Grosch’s Shoe | the foriisa of Ui mar in hy He had been ia er reuieios wil Bs y We iierred in the Methodist cemever Sune Rise street, Mileereo. ce of “Obey?” A g heal some time and. his} 0" tuterred ry 5 i RE aa «| death was not. unexpected. The des) his (Thursday) afternoon, York, atrsid of thi E : ee eee BUS LINE, Milverton, er century female, has willed and |ceased. was bora in jeintromlau, ia ‘itigene. and | se a demanded, Tu” hal Were Prauia, Gerawiyein Nov, BAEOHLERVILLE. rae Be ended ta, ¥Van Rh esse 1825, aid was by ocedpa tiv 5 ah : . ion y cecapatinn a. shep-| | Miss Magwie Cornell, of Thedford, Dorlan le St., Proprietor, herd, which pastoral Jife who has been visiting’ friends here. Caras D 8. —— at returned to her home on Sat unday, Toters 2, rs. 85 he urarried| | Me ond Doeriig GUeny @ Over : f in Borin Siang : Lap Adit the Tne of hie b eight John Pelitke, of he NeW. Ter- eiideentlie eo Ca in 1874, felunpemitln bie webthen eS settling at Milverton, where he eon- i '. tinued to resideop to bis death. Tr Ire Too Bosts Je oie ate ae yalbee a ee ane Jast his life partner was called a prenat, siny, “sade uiicaeo tie Sige aliens yx Ontario St., R i eae pugel ute Ample an x dent | ing.” Bat T do, mamma iy F i 0 A accomntatio pn for. vonriats, "commercial | papa ask hiny how loug he hac worn MOtiince: “bouvostinn.. =" RGU He d he said he had worn | Telephone convection. f tric bells. - Large’ sample ing rome Best fe reniaiot Tiquors and cig: ¢ ‘ourteous S7navEd—From the premises of th % iTnos, F. Hook, Proprietot sigehinked on Monlanetcn: has returned} “rhe death tb place at his rest King # course dence between here au much énfeebled. Sevens and es tions in dressmaking in that Hen tt forning fh) a BMPR aa daughters survive, namel DGS Gere ae : Ft ae rk Ghee : rth sellow elieeks, | Guenther, Mix BM Berger, aud Migs|Mr-and Mrs, Thos. Coxon. hnve re-| age Biceeeed wae EXCHANGE Hor Ly ‘ til ‘i it BA, | Oe reat ok ae eae oe woved from this burg to their new | Millbank, previous to moving on the John Gropp, Poprietor. "Tes Lar © pe 3 a it elite iy 3 hoiue ‘on the It eoeeon “ae! farm. He widely known and cigars at the Ma First alent apo } Guenther, Listowel ; Mrs. i: ishes-of thar ine. go highly respected t by ‘a’ large ‘Bitcle’ or tion and large stabling ae 4 © lirtens an quaintances, For ey on which were branded the . sack Cockwell, our violinist, ts was Regt oh 8 ak oe fs BAL MOTEL, Mieerton, | P.. Inforontion we to bis| Bliiee Exeter, The ae retty busy these days selling tintber | township, and for many ye ; AaG Dritode ig ; wheabocts Salle Uhankfally re | Oa rank ia nd supplying anuste for parties precentor of Knox shureh, ; sabre gis if, Milv was re-! und family travelers and “muh large sa ah by George Posliff, Milverton elder of the Lutheran churel: very il coeds ERO, dicdters urenes are a shad seh aie abe . Foneral took place on Sunday after 180 Phe remaivs were laid of w lage iat shii ctrects, C. Hasenpflng, Proprietor.| $1 per bag is paid for potatoes. at son, the services heing prenched by {to rest in. the ee Weitzel & Mohr’s, Re A. Blunick, pastor uf the family, | lonkton, ce edie QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton. Out. The Seas este “spenk @t a covey of | who spoke of the sulid worth of Mr. : me est nccoinmoilation for commercial trav- | partridge: of fhisakbee iM heel | Guede mn’ Chrtvea) anda citizen, | sadness, etted th tana Aid: the "sa Bee bare Ets Nae : ae They Lindo ad of swans, an tisaline Jarks, a| He said that: when” Mr. Guenthers Hd | aS oe ostig fine wie ay again: ‘tyvive dol Tet niet. ae 2 vac 5 erthe severe etorius of ta, arene SA wat htcig SA ages wee | oa Se acai ta church it Sak ey hee Prost BuAeIHARST gPe honse: during Rerorer ig tac: Gnade plenty Bt otled booms Hoty Rose, prop ghggle of geese, « spring of teals, n wymoattanece: fall of woodeocks, a pack of grouks, a mow oeh PP, Se in Cedi Posts, sedge of heruis, a shoal of rooks, ap ‘0 the ee Sets, ah is : Joa, Pumpe, ete’ ete.| trip of widgeon, a =e ‘or walk ofjauces were presei ees ents te eee iets Ont snipe. respects zo an citizen. ie Suet