Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 15 Jan 1903, p. 4

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, Not ‘Act of the Par- | im the year One | omens. “three, | iad, acy ienered,acorging, to Thousand Nine 1 Hundred anid Wm. Baily, of ‘Loronto, at ‘Bepartment of Agriculture, ‘Ottawa. » despatch from Chicago says: Frank De Witt Talmage preach- rom. the following text: Psalms » “We spend our years as a tale is the acs iataiey di gicae: titude of listening. him hi the gr Powerful, r ast |wse the word, its saviors or redec ‘e ay have its Frankensteins, re have lept and eugires and pee shall a called the chambers of | aee _nspired psalmist, considering Imi assing of an earthly Moy used beaut simile. whor et aright how “we | a/tale that is 0) BEGINNING OF THB T, estes “fetitous of life must in the liv ives 3 ot | shall die of delirium’ tale of ~ One.” | dep. |nebitit |heart not only. a { cee, also all o} issed of quicksands and preci acs its murderers and a eres es ae has always bee! uu uld not sit ho! hour, a nee ancients used is ut to t o hteditern sae satet Is ee the authors itious stories hi marriage altar. be hors ei gand re- had written ath: ‘The ‘publishers of aged auth writing the. stories th i sub: earthly. ‘tale rot life has ae be added theret life is a spol . Good, ‘The tale of the human life pi rit- of the present ALWAYS A FINISHED TALE. us to great paper in og they ae ay: ev en th. epitans Save heed on tombstones, what done undone will finishe An r bee > ‘A SPOKEN. BTone® were is yet one per-| But ‘s overwhelm ance geese may decide whether or | thought we must not overlook. huaband ken story. s- [they elimb e_ forever, bi forever could, not aie We ou tases Soper, e hose ers were able to rte their nearers toa mad frenzy. has been corded that tee the Greeks st “Hel if mond wen aid eee Ae shout't 98 ed from the lowest depths f grief to the ighest Biupacies of Gast What would be the effec the hearers from them sigetiations 2 But thi ness to God us strive ter ace ea aive netiah aiid purer 3 ead how a great king 0 i. seen 2 aes confi joners Ever: wi y our Divine Father? more pees of a Pace want | ay e tha’ ld si sini word | bears a eve earthly pa aoe Moved ones, will you not get age upon your knees and ask God to make this year a year of divine par aipe and triumphant hope? “ARE YOU THERE 2” LOUDLY. loud-talking telephone ee eae recently invented, Neither part a conversation need disturb himeat oe to go to the ee and when} ae etween Soa! SEES ary have ony to “ppeat [Ot it _ your is there. | % perhaps you are in ihe midst ofa with som people in se abo some a then he has me erely to Sa: a butt your d <ialephone ‘is peices more listen cient tare ‘ell Text =) or tiitmpbent and holy * y » Stand the Seriptures (Luke Pat he the ach Goethe oh ei acti by it ©'and consorted with Paul and Si ea Mat or Other latter many pont: THE S. S. LESSON, 2, Sues, “2a able women. C, en ii isidi INTERNATIONAL LESSON, ~ 18. the Lessak Acts xvii., 1- | (II Co: 2. Golden Text, Ps. exix., 105. {ceive 1, 2. And Paul, as yo Wea, went in unto them, and Sabbath days reasoned with out of the Scriptures. rom Philippi they had travelea |°%®" Siew: 1,000 salen: probably spending | !°F a night Ds Bee make euch in again the seat “prisssios hive y/o the oracles of God (He 2). —_+ at, fon Paul Belicvern there, From is ok faute’ the rote tote ae DEATH FROM WILD BEASTS. is was not the ae tout here Ani 3 hicodonl and Acha He a Said to Bee on the Tasos in Far. upoi way India. Thess. hic] In spite of the many plans ve whole [ave been tried by the Indian at wilt Thou ave me |¢rAment, there is no diminution, aa 6). As our Lord father the contrary. Hig resurrection expounded in | eid he Scriptures the things co: lous conjectures, cerning Himself and opened their un- derstanding that they might und ast habit, was to ne fA tales hia ‘the ney toa peat? eeteht on pedis. Lord Jesus Christ both out of oe and out of the’ ecehed that be the 31 ‘on. has guest ionabiy 3. Fabcnine and alleging that |S° the right way to Bele must. needs hat fered and “orting to the novel ex) again fae wee neat a that employing Goorkha soldiers in a this oe whom I preach unto y of the worse pobre = i W niet [Lor - e I Sportemen.sat6 - nd (28 Chri P is the oe "perfectly fang our Lord Himeett erleay: they ready bake ap 25, el is Ww rt th at x A pl Paul's ete op those. who knew AVo! the Spica the und |e! lina nts in his t Antioen in Pha Ae crept ae oy 16-1 en ey. ach he summarizes Bxod 1s, Nine United Provir bers, Joshua, nee and But they wills ‘ond “quotes eu Ps. nd bag the Ist I think Daciae ald eme for to Gen. iif., 15, et) much ‘on the tes of Lord chener’s blockhouse 83 jone pie h, then Oe nde fas at a me of them believed | reward, man-Killing. anima *** but the Jews which t slain, but ‘the Goorkha does not need hot, ‘belig moved with envy:* * * # lady. mobtary to set all the city in an upro: iieet werdione tor much: Vecrbighe The believers were-from Jews and i congenial wor gentiles, the. opposition ‘was sro fra TORE GEOL wigs temas ones pit my a Goa"and se ‘ronkiog through t He ned TORTURING SOLDIERS. Eve ava eed athe Getmen sniitery a wnthorities eee eos Same norte Lo e determined to put down with firm hand’ the have been subj commissioned sta Apes Christ but, ti his, | they do thei: uth sete: against Him and LG His peo! docaiving cue /sat 6 7 noes that have turned the | commissioned ofbcer {wane upsi ide jown are come hither: tae of Pione t there is an- eight m onthe eee King, one Jesu to je cry at Philippi was, ‘“Dhese : ses being Jews, do exceedingly at atoen be r¢ 10), bw n his room (RCE aac aka nusanee euinka ‘ Por tuming down at t us, they Twelt ih So Artille: sentenced to two mont t and omens tothe: Fake Sone of the Third peer Sibrdemieed:\ +6 Imprisonment for bad sevartadh Ronnie’: ma an deen the churchbe Bur Gist God be as tseely and it y Paul, |could not travel be le speed than sixty ote gan ho world has not riv uld stand phe oebate that the "Phar e ey “experienced en- aid, ON PAST TRAINS. c has often been urged that man 1 at’ much spreties Ability. Tomson—Jobnson has no ability of any kind. Jackson—Nonsense. Why, he can ask you for a loan insuch a way that | oe thank your lucky stars for the op- portunity to accommodate him. the angry husbani “['m glad of it, dear,” calmly repli ee other half of the combination. xr did look well in black.”—Chicage ee = ‘The aioe at see Holga the | rec ae sessing 99 bell: we make A gre fob pee in Lond on Christmas Eve, 1762, b aay Benge were nag admittance e Theat 1a of beef cooked | t Windsor weighed ib. ‘as cut from a Devon) ast, bred a fed at Wincor, and took tw: ieelve hours to roa: that our T-wasn’t go would nid diograce ‘that enough for wher are ear ite Pleased at it. | the “The fools are not all dead yet,” said me ae an eerince ete, good: conte poo t understand, te why you su ib ‘of Diana are|gineer has, however, it de not the per in | clare’ man is running some of the eget “and that Rue engine at a mile a sonal ie has person who Y Worshiped very often Cae: 840, And the. rathen immedia’ lly sent away oat Sins | night unto he speed had’ been sixty miles. The Prince Matetayenits. over xt |$500 every: Christmas on prese’ tobacco for sailors. Mrs. hodus"Welle “George, , they began with the promised m "To the < rs sf be |—<T ? Promised you a ingen gee on. which they Great Scott way wos —Before you m {, 12, These weeg ser rene ae that ever oe hi ae Bess al Chris d the Seri | daily whether those things were so. well. for itetre=! Tent 2G —“Oh, it. is deca ed ‘al to egg my food exercise separate Eee like’ tho ook of laying Action, with 6: | excelled d | the th eee oe thats he trnths 5 janeh by. . The be- ki ‘Oh, Miele ca mother, — SSS ee ast | ABYSMAL: DEPTHS |= T OR BLINDFOLD ON THE BRINK OF PRECIPICES ==> merce to put Silas Carston into my ree to tell you, and even you, where he ind, ae lies; ow sufficient ou out Beas attempt any- that he -would. epeaic CHAPTER XV. nday, the Reverend Mr. SOR ce. WEIR Or tee ule So g m sure the professor would p d thi She it a trouble to walk t’ tani who aan veceoied to see eee tienda pits are oe glad to Marti the dining-room ere uiae that a gentlen: ba vished 4 is = D ied gouiery, ‘But you certainly [jolly snug suerte here, jane BO ver; ng,” witha malicious g ert month or two ao has been sm aes ied Ho om mace be a Ubandertgl.s Si ne returning, he) ade the woman ask the gen- ame. save you ae) tro ouvle, Sarah Jeane!” cried a vo: s the ou take some dinner with Boma depien Cit ia something about the Judith spoke aE atin rand insolent tone of | Be ee aster is very “confidential an vs rictly. private jolt convinced: ehat: he had of mutual intere! at | view, or, 1 he would, cnat be She ness on the Sampath D Day, thad d “Don't come’ this humbug with 3 ” i ee o Pre ave, Wil Stokes!” tnterrupted Mont: Eecinus™ tar 1 gees wos Regie’ As rs area Pontemptn, think I am not fare Atozether for name, the Reverend Oba- | Pea" much as I I 4 eiah nd Judith started. t mean to say that you | 6? “Shall I leave the room?” to | Judith. is! “On the conti ary, Iny dédryT: wish ou to remain as a check upon your Tather's palaver. nore his his tr rousers Bae rE sockets, Ch: ¥55 and his Ae Tbtretohedad en- gt Sinfatee ence ail is en man ond prors Spe ooainaan aie upon | the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Seotes e. But | {monialain the daily rreseand ak your neigh: |S! Oo what dean ay Spink OCG ‘You can use it and thi va not 1c a at @ enemy as keen Sildenters or Bonesxsox Barua & Co, Tovonter si ie ue been a ‘wild beast, |Dr, Chase's Ointment |cona ° ing sl pected, ei EeMneg cketean coy the Inet vertisement, isn’t it?” he went on ach SORTER sc do ga: vith a sudden change of tone, and ee sald her tate, trying SUCRE =: eee ne iat Om It be of eager interest came into ae suaith's face, ae A tether pean d whom |t2, brighten answered, m - “But that was in my + Sheena ary: Walk Midas vena wiecelon » schon put my hand upon the lad at this look here,” Bill Saonee very momen ciled 1 ey stvage “You do?” cried the listeners, both Gee me more of your ey E ep ait will wa Te ate of the hotise, and mak T do. oe that ther, T eaket dn Gheittvet. plese, “you smut “snsln ly in Little ves oie an- | ee n breast to me of exerting you other Sunday. know concerning . ¥ “Well, nentiaades is there is ‘must tell me I can do for you?’’ asked ae Porter, ing tim down; in his most fawning aceei is be got, “You did enough for me years ago, {Cet tain there is by the trouble you rom starva- /are taking, 1. saa have my sho da ‘There was a pause. thar Zand EVdsughien: exccanged wresehiEe giate ° But before I go any fur- have two condi ‘tions to make: ke well; just as you please,’ Montgomery, rising. vish you eheangriing 1 shall your mind/drop, into. Little Bethlehem to- : Soaks calmly, | night.” time. “Stay, stay, professor; don’t he in know that?’’ asked as a a rply. hinl i YOu ail dnten del. to fio that, Nog bit Loabeads 06 ¥ope pices Easy to Let A Cold Run On.” Until it Bevelops Into Pneumonia or Consumption—Easy te Cura) Cold if You Us DR. CHASE’S SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE. It is easy to let a cold run on.;village or hamlet in Canada whe: You may say itn ae ae yo See famous aang treatment is not always let a cold take ccognistd “ae a most Manesally ef There oe seme ot “Tllowing aS e for croup, bronchitis, At. this | esthuis, cout and colds. hae "Poronte who years of veloping all, the equine oO when we commence: ing A Chase’s Sr of Litteced jo Well Saeie tor alight sh in the thr roa! but erpawerless in thé freaene of | over rup of Linseed an 325 cents a poe Se gs ‘Dates te you would not bore Soe your- bem lf to wo ue the price For tho Pees ee 01 he. Te Rowe i i equ peas Particulars — tellin hai gone up to Lond ET re ms lad followed’ ier to the ern Forty i tfokB Stor ai oer rdshire; how he had for the same Place n the same platforn ‘And her peetineelbay wai sion’ called the Willows,” aes i Ms see, I kni fa svincidence could never oceur o jot a novel.” | “Oh, the ceprantty of the human jheart!” snuff e Reverend Obe- diab Porter, Toe himself a ttaugiene Teak fa’ Bie our old pen pogeel, the other ‘ah ” said Mol upon you are pretty well erael Rodwell’s secrets. relation, T ‘shouts ee by what he has told T see yi 0, by sou glances Well, hes set me on ioe es this aT believe T have added, in answer to. Uithe nab astonished look; ‘‘so lestination was the Willo al hood in the hope i but learned quite Was a family secret that might turn out uncommon profitable one day,” he concluded. vr how did you contrive fack this woman Seithout heing countzed Your Tape, onée ‘teen, Ss Very cau- : wer! "This ia your ad- [ov was doing all T pi dlecovered of my hands, it: might me Fete purpose to ke him out © nee uf eter perce te what hol ua have upon ‘outh. What is threaten H enough to tell me that Master Silas |th in this place. h but |and results will appear t (To B nts, With Bonig tee aisle for he ovidenthy ra eee to ithe datleria gi me Rod Rod hb: pacvant aia: ae did ing. For a hundred gi dE have killed two hinds tone!”” sation that ¢ Continued). + THE OLD ROCKER. z os Should Keep Its Place for Kindly Service Done. ‘The rocking chair by the sitting- room window one tell many a story of life and dea’ i if it w be ase mother mes away a suit of him, for ne thing,’ By j Potter, eatentinaty. ow pr osecute taka away his own | when yo paid a yearly | ipend tor leh aie istenaice t| ot_-whi hat ig?" a ist a moment; an ard, arms | pon the table, Ae ata esa ‘The other thing is for | s ng hi 2 ‘Desert | mis wifet’’ echoed atone gomery, in a loud tone of astonish- | sete “Do ve mean to say he | mar: feimer" ‘We exied. ian I howd Baie thought Silas the man in [roria Ptnat Tudith "woal have set is lor Sos aes rd and mas the spec lmivetipn nie teow" 's probable oa oe value gue. thrust went home, and the col- | ler mbuylad: hotly ak ee tae oi did not speak. mery observed her emotion, | lessly: Well, well; hat is esing oie with: te ese iting ist since the pig evil took | reeks,” answered her father. leal longer than that! said que irritably. mery smiled to-himself, but [ ct. dn’ rb for the world, make a na id len | mnaskay ore retty. girl age? sete sae 10 gold- he aed. eastically, bean ea “ibe many 1 a fevertoh: or a rsowelta esi reomiten rt inher arms and _ in |}de; the gentle pion, of: Ws saying, chair. When father was lie Yong day’ ed ithe fire, and half in erdamacunntsa |his blessings -as wife and children'| clustered about him, - ~ {18 ‘There came a time when,<in the Messi middle ot the mighty a berea oO ce ir, ai 8 pr. Wil and earnest was the conver- | cure SARS cases ensued trio. Jalso cure all oth But it repeat it |from poor blood or weak mens mich ae pools Gah partial paral: St. tus the. ‘herinonicter fell iia Pills the Only Certain oO Anaeinia, or poor or watery blood, is a trouble from which 1 Is, and many youn) oun eee steps are taken blood and thus strengthen Seca that the blood and ae mane recommend them to Sahat others.’ isms’ Pink Filla net oni iy like the Na but er troubles a nce, int aigestion, box. them, ae ‘irs to tl ‘Witttaras” "Medicin Ont., and the pills, an paid at 50 cents ‘a box, or six boxes for $2.50, Foe is FAMOUS FROSTS IN ENGLAND. The lowest erste recorded London during the past as in danas, 1867, and | th Srioth Ne od pore #058 In a ion so | the w. aoe Match i in 1859. Steeda easy Uns dat heads nowy toe lifted nevermore. «= seen funeral and ing and inerryminlking all it has kept a 5 1 In r the ey end me se and a whom it has brought es! s chairs eae irs and tg or a Turkish chairs wi a their merit THE BEST STABLE. can learn from the 4 Hs Mas a ae or two ent as ng horses, ‘api hors ree Eu door is swung jed forth. no Fates matter is Her es ‘6 adverti ements “But | the visitor, and it seems to be pla NEW semen” f ef the fire , has iavereas ie be pees by. suffic power ag t pee g subject s he ble way. to construct a place for ‘sey TAN AUTOCRAT. ne can grasp the fundamental things in Russia without re- ¢ that there the will of the s the will of God. island to dispose Maen it by eee light, two-wheeled | fun; am mtil to was full yet the artery Gait oped” ee a stream of water ‘feet | over their bodie: new pump de- utes, qui fourteen minutes to get OP. the rae x pressure. ee sigs soos the e cas land tann fee had been bald for years. . oe ies te to spro: a ee cranium ek eovered= jut. short growth of hi revolving In the world 2 pines e is ate the same. adm as nan rane Siberian Raliway. and aid: ‘There wouldn’t be rolling / ae: BY ELECTRICITY. fete tg. convey masses of on ee t J ie almost nt pibsire ian of | ia en- ae “But “that ‘vou ald PES the le commerce ofthe country, ami thousands: int orking under ee eae ‘oon By bet is sich [mvrouted 2 ee és

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