Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 15 Jan 1903, p. 3

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, The Sovaraias Bank ee Capital ane $2,000,000 Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 GENERAL. BANKING BUSINESS Deposits of $l and upwards received. Joy of California. rs (Lexington, Micb., News.) There is strong talk amouga num ber of Sanilac county farmers—i for that mattter—of one other “ropteal| Putting Up Freight Rates. aA deint ciroular a has been issued by T.R. and. P. R., aunouneing mavarise’ at 10 ped wake ansthe freight fate on iron sompiadtties from the chief manufacturing centres, such ai Ge Guelph, London and Brantford, Ad: vances of from 10 to 50 per cent were made by the Central Traffic Associa- & BE § Ee > NS vanee e Canadian railways is a modified move in the same direc. tion. The increased expenses of operating railways are given as the cause of the roads’ action. ik Toversst allowed on atepodtia trons al- sit, currant rate mess and sae half yearly. nted. wee given to the collection of ae tes. Child Labor a. (Philadelphia North Anierican. ) SS Ba tion, not by blushing, but by turning pale. soe roa At present the Australian Common- the knot by wetting measured for iti ed. So stab: é. eee Aesieg, Morally, it y be SiaBe | by. the Satan to Blame. ‘Lightning encehcaabeeenitrch p,””? someone ° said iokey. “Yes: Satan's eyes always flach fire when he sees re charsh steeple gwine ian d here's a colored ‘anh killed e ese de londes’.” ree was drowned in Mienebove tuiderwAlay: Gor He "blosge fer go dar ter cool off == “So you blame everything on Satan, do you?" Bless Gad, .? was the reply, “ain't dat what, he's fer?”—Atlanta “Con- stitation,’ Se The EeY.2 System. jpbiscussing the Riise of employ- ing spie: ‘ain evidence against iver Gonleias tia Montiel Geestie gi th EW, shot pi the man who sees daily.| j ave such a condition of | j the superiority of the Canadian system in its power to respond d | quickly to the demands of the crop: moving seaso should such demonetrating | thel#-nezligenee and inefficiency, and in this way only t Dieleeieacmen ne iannbed aetree them. Moreover, the ee of the law ‘isnot me oe concern To it is the en. is not diminished, but owever, his act i is prompted b: x iF lepitesvecenge ceudindan cerimur aie, “ob- scitbencee, a monetary consideration —in fact, if by any other motive than desire to serve e pellations. are pilaaaticents fittiag, e eyen when they are gaine expense of some law breaker, The President Did Right. President Roosevelt has no gone done right in dectiving to act arbitrator in the Venezuelan dispute. He would have run the risk of being tion of Venezuelan eee might be ultimately invo! ie deposits. of the Holy °Allianue, who weditated the suppression of the revolutionary Repablies Aierican,, were warned that the e second article was yiewed with had given the foreign polic who. rent e up.its atteinps anhe: exation, of toe Philip “and the bed iar th tutions Majority for Monteith in 1902, 2 Majority for Brown in 1903, 206 the local Surrogate court, du eember : Easthope, farmer, $5,722.60 persona =| John Nase, Blanshard, farmer, $14,- farmer, $3,124 personal ; J. Fleisch- Mor nington, gentleman, "$5,668. 25 personal. North Easthope, farmer, 81,20 per- "North Perth Election. By Majorities 19022” 5 Fe 2 = e 3 2cfe8 Cie ee a a 8 2 138 be 299 ‘* wBBR: oi 326 B28 “gs 247 Perth ¢ County Wills. The following wills rere eRe at For probate—Jacob Wilker, South real ; Jobn Logan, tection $1,15' Rie 3 Be Gras iS personal, ‘ohn J. Selmi, Milverton, retired For aduinistration—Dani lek Cook, sonal, $500 44 A Tribute eB Our Banking System. (New York Post.) Altheagh the crop of 1902 was mueh any vise in the rate of interest in con- sequence of the movement. contrary, Canadian bank facilities ve also been largely used for crop- oving purposes on our side of th line daring the same perio " st of the matter is that in Canada No man who so ‘itimately classed as a GIFT GIVERS. Have only one difficulty i | in choosing trom a display like} ours, It may be trifling be- wildering just beeause there is so much of it. For presents for brides of January we have something re; | Suitable and niee. Our goods are up-to-date. Our prices right, and our policy honesty. If in need of a fitting pair of glasses give us a call. P. H. BASTENDORFF S73 JABARADARAAAD AREA AAALEAAAAAL Ay SR cae welilidabies RARE RIS IE SAPEETNS RAR IR AR RNY ee SESE SY SY eh a a a Se COLD SNAP Weare likely to have two or three months of cold weather. Are you prepared for same ? ; We have on hand the fal- lowing FUR COATS for men I Coon at $45, 2 Coons at $20 each 1 Wolf at $30 2 Australia Coons at $20 and 25 each 1 Dyed Wombat at $80. These prices are penis to 10 per cent. off for cash Xmas Chinaware will have to go at 10 per cent. off, we must have the room. Any Piece of Print in our store at 10c., get your choice now. t W.K. Loth. EH. DIERLAMM S =: Stock-Taking Sale We will have a clearing sale of ‘all wick winter goods for 20 days before stock-taking, and will give a discount on the following |""r« in inquest on a case of a suicide anily held in England, the foreman returned this remarkable verdict: “The jury are all of one mind—tempor re ke » Erie and Detroit ‘River | 8 jumped the track at months old which dressed 510 pounds, — ie which bs received $45 from ra butch Furs, 10 per cent. off for cash’; Underwear 12 1-2 per cent. off * Ladies’ Jacke 20 per cent. o She 15 per cent. off for Other Winter Goods According a ee Think of the opportunity of buying winter goods ere the season has really began MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE EB. H. DIERLAMM| HIRE IS TIC IS ITI TE ACA TR AB Is He AE IE AS IE TEA IE ACHE TIE EITC AE TCT TIE IEA IE IEA TE HEA I AE HE AIS. SS ee Jeweler and Optician Eyes examined free. Momroe Doctrine is still apt to wrongly elted. It embraces two articles ; one addressed to Russia, and | forbidding further colonization of she the other directed against ¢|hemisphere as dangerous to the ac: safety of the United eee. and sympathy by Cann- impire: in’ Now is the time you should buy RUBBERS, Why? Beeause you need against He them. It will save buying . Dat ih fore when| Cough medicine. <colupelieds the Our stock of LumBermen’s Socks is complete—big_assort- Ponubrounteed ment. Call and’ examine .our " {| {| 1 {| | Have You Been With the Crowd ¢ If not, come and see the display of Easy Chairs, Rockers, Pictures, dardinere Stands, Extension | Tables, Parlor Suites, Book | Cases, Writing Desks, Bed- — room Suites, Ete. Wiederhold & Honderich Undertaking and Contracting a CUJLED FROM ALL SOURCES Year for milk, and the report how Bees he Sonnet store a se , Hamil Poor young et tendks: ce pales is loud cmon Windsor season 9:8) cents per poun Tran Pacific Railway cannot have a year, and under the new eaten of wes|scowons work. ‘The-company, by a almost unanimous vote decided to re- for $1.2 are wv stocl picon un aveua $IN; 000 aud 316, v0. | Card of Thanks We hereby desire to take E this opportunity of thanking our many customers for their patronage in the past, and hope E that we will continue to m nerit E their confidence in the future. _E. Knechiel. rs— this 121,997. ‘widows ae be “wall pig Part of the Me mike: staye ie oe ga. ae ee "Bash 1d, of pecs a pau., in the-factory. zoe Lane pon certain tempers fa Colonial Tustitute on Tuesday. night, tener of the Ha cokes schouly i Si nenr the kitchen range one s ¢ lo eat part i oe heme Whicker Americans appreciate. British institu: tions ani come. goud ; Canadian power, with all its wonderful Peres citizens with great rapidit The in. ments, caries yet the use of stenm. | ‘The experience are n- — shat the fh ot aac eal ce Sie aT, Bets of | = pat Oberepsale on Sunday, Rev sy ivered a) One of the bealthien sree tee ‘ ilar orld is the Island of Pico, in the : Asnemeti tas pele of a ae. For 395 years it bas nob. ae ve to a less haaivip’t ‘And every Two frei bali trains collided on the Grand Tronk near Niagara Falls on Saturday morning. Fireman Robert McHarg, of London, was killed. ‘The y hat came off with a jer The Toronto dai seem to be| Fé! shaking up their staffs i in great da ‘The World has lost a number of mi hb fF of Mail and Empire, faa Seine Pritchard the staff of the Globe. John Lewis of the Globe has gune over to the World. © ing more stringent measures with regard to the registration of immi. “| grants and their naturalization. Each at the rate of. Bie 95 tiles ‘per hour. ee is alleged that London, * Ont., 8 tried t to offer their services to ital to institete suits for damages against the Grand Trunk in connection with the Wanstead disaster. The Pronounced sympathy of the ehurch with the rich of the earth and ‘licks prafeiunes: Wiersioes hee tone much to alienate the masses, Abstras sermons and cultured choirs ba to say about theology and the here after and base their oratory on the things of this life, they would be cut ting some ice. General Booth, of the following Christ’s example of going about dving good. He needs none of the ornate accessories of the temple, and would feel keener enjoyment in providing a square for some hungry unfortunate than in dining with tbe King at Windsor. CARD OF THANKS. I desire, on the. behalf of Mr, Grimm and myself, to offer onr thanks. to friends and neighbors for the kindness extended ncere sympathy offe the illness of our late son, Withrow Afiiction ie always h friends. BRITTON. The annual meeting of the Elna and Mornington Cheese and Butter eee On Company ees held itr the school house here on Saturday Clerk of the Peace is obliged to make areturn to Ottawa not only re the number of naturalization eertificates tere but copies of these aclifleate be sent with the report in eda presumably, to guard against duplication or imposition. Hutcheon of the Unitarian Chavet fe The Dominion Government is tak-| and Arthur, of ae merge village of the: | D al villages tt an Deveusbanee Ver en Dosukhoboriaa will be properly ar. - In order to cut and saw wood aot ought to Have am. | Outfit of our Celehrated Axes and Saws We never had a finer stock of the leading makes—all fully * t warranted, In order to burn COAL, ‘sce youcan surely get very ” {9 |800n) you ought to have one of o} Happy Thought or Grand y ewel sedans 5 or Base Burners, either will burn soft coal. are headquarters for Horse Blankets, String Bells, . Large Open Bells, Chimes, Etc., at prices that will please you. . are local agents for the INTERNATIONAL . We STOCK FOOD CO., which is good news for all farmers. , Call and get particulars, FINKBEINER BROS., This Store Throbs' with Life and Energy. As.a result of the liberal patronage extended to us in the Busines of the pas anditors 0D | the past, and our New Year Good Wishes flow from us in re- past season was an exceptionally fine turn to our Milverton Sun readers. Success of the healthiest a large inerease in milk, cheese ad e beginning of es the company in ures from the| kind has been with us during the past year, and we feel im- pelled to greater efforts than ever. all classes has always been our aim. In order to~do' so To meet the. -demands he : Be be of in interest -to “toes | have to carry a big stock. We do carry a ‘big stock,” te be present at th unt of the storm :— *|biggest now that we ever had. More styles, Styles at al at the factory, for | popular prices. i We are selling a Patent Enamel Laced Boot for $3.50 We're selling a Kid Lined Laced Boot for $3.50 This department is well patronized, It would be better if ° 258. ‘The money realized for cheese was €21,-| YOU all saw the values, 708.87, making the average price f for The milk alin “ei be h Men’s House Slippers We have a Tan Leather Slipper that we reduced to $1 A beautiful Plush Slipper in several different patterns 5 A Velvet one of good appearance, well worth $1, for 89¢. Felt Slippers throughout for 75c. ; Women’s House Slippers and Felt Shoes Nice Felt se with leather sole, worth $1, in different ie mi Wve dan, 38rd, aeons: o'eloels, patteens for 79 ¢ Plain Tatk to Britain. Lord Strathcona spoke at the Royal ace Sli ippers, fe bound, comfortably lined for $1 ‘Women’s Laced Boots We have an extremely handsome Patent Buttoned Boot, per was read by. Albeiu| Neatty made and stylishly cut for $4.00. government Wi nada more Joellineny and thor incoming | - restinent of so ‘so many American amillions i See our New Box Calf Shoes, Shick are ga! much in) ange! che British, people | vogue, ter Steep. Slippers and Rubbers é wa are selling a new pattern Strap Slipper, worth Be for $2.50. Anni nice Patent Leather Slipper for $1:75. J We bot 100: pairs,of Slings wis retail for $1.50; and are ts. ie them for-oge.- he Granby Rubbers: béats hen: all’, It! is durable and Reis its appearance... Do not buy: a Rubber of :the. ched trashy kind, . ot sre ge when pe es BS

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