Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 8 Jan 1903, p. 2

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= : ONLY THE “AD” FIEND. as Carsto on, the mean-| {the midst of his congregation, oa : = ‘ Slick (to Blossom —"Is this Mr. pees ae ps “| THE POLITE NEW YORKER. ae ee miserly habits, was dying. A neigh- His Action Proved That Gallantry Is 3 RAR ‘No. "pis office is across | 2 ; eae Eilts, r who was on friendly terms with Not. Art. 3 2 - a a | Every Woartas Shouid FORCING THE PACE. \ now. George. - Gordon, an old man of en Slick (1 “ pie centbes ocak tell me any more that New = Se eaying. the Poor: “oes he | of analyses of soaps, and re | F ; ° and, Hs : him come himself if i wishes man; while to her fa: ees 's name stil anal Passaenrdy ap on tains that high nti —_ inde the __ to! anything. ‘This is my house, cling stories of the vile immorality. Haven't soa ang | upereentage of olls or fats necessary | make a will, inte eo ent | end, 1, will not endure your presence /What do-you think now of the quar oe ioe and at length persuaded the Se Pai |g in it aa precious-charge’ reads as he rides as the pair lett an soe ny wae man does not eat Se uppose I insist. upon remainin, eave this house, a r dark- | elevate “Saw something a lit. “Allow mie 0.” show uently pa} est ed t a OR BLINDFOLD ON THE BRIN until you answer my questi vith your accursed presence | tle while ago that convinces me there ‘ : you, sir, am double-back: | 1s Bass ties Se ay ae = {By pide ebbing tat foe sill < - Z os shall have you expelled ‘oy a again are es blanket Indians on z r-spri ele the | If ceena Hee acn wont wes smartly “arawn up anid daly OF PRECIPICES = ere Keep | “Although a eae servation: 3 Bl | aridiont e. is war-| day, and you will see that Prof, | awaited his signatur prop i Biles again, all feel me,” he wei fe 5 : ented to: Iasi. @ iiteenon. 7 ° * - ld scarcely be creditable to lon, with Smamentasky (kien ee oe eae be mate pts | Bilis is right. He should know. 206 up in bed and man ee tecat Lit miser to allow a lawyer to be sent for. pe Pits aiveest as Fam, to he . ‘Listen, woman, to the eehing -ankess pecs } ——-+--— =< : George Gor——" ; then he fell back bi eee fy uae ; Tidak igh oe Ai i Gon os hear me | ehance it be a vacant seat spotted afar : 4 COSTLY CHKESP. | exhauste "(CHAPTER ae left him standing upon the — steps ‘even to secure your saiety. pei oak ave never injured, nor | off over the top of his newspaper. Z AFTER ‘TYPHODD. A Seo farmer nee day | An eager ‘relative who stood by Br f another minute Mr. iio ene Selteened ie ee ee. ie spoke a voi “irony, [Sought to injure you. From’ the | _ “You didn't notice it? Of course you ’ H ie cling SOUR WOE XO SU Catan Selzed-the-pen and stuck lt inwithe = oo pes thumping hii ‘and the DI s singing in his moment you first Saw me, you hated | didn’t. You were too busy forgetting ater weighing ie in y e} dying man's hand. Love's labor for the lost is never | SEAWEED PAVEMEN12 Ae : t into the ho: to make out} Db,” Geordie, vo" he ur e lost pont “seethii ey in bis veins with |IMe_becau: ci the fact that there aot women the 7 MR. DIXON RECOVERS FRoM| Went in a - oO ie urges ? = auc ae Gear otk Gas . i SEVite Sint ‘ro SUPFER ran ae. Coming Bear issec ma the oo letter of th oe ee A sheng paving Cer mina have the dead to do with jes vin and” Ninety-third and Bighty- ee ee RHEUMATISM. a s 5 ‘Ti is more Catarrh in. this ti " , sh r r, ed ure ull of the c oot Taree beads pue ee Rares apts Eisele pee doctrines, i - | and it almost made me feel that the : ic door, “and| ‘The old SR yatta te at a ther, i Shey moriine av w and cold. and Tame she ed MG E art agai days of chivalry had ete Bee g ery hat it had ata, he 5 . * ” i posed .@ morning was raw an “th ph = > Be ; P : a Romavkable Case Reported eee Beat <r oa biadae in- ge ready, ye avaricious wratch ! i a tN ik as vn standing in oe of a fee a ge Seley Sine eee “Mi he > ier, «1 PHE VOICE OF THE DU ing. and rushed b: He his heart, and ae fies are witha os DP DP Who Wa: Cripele led With ls Shea i orantten the. waists. °| Es be Big She oe eat puree wih nent, pronouncer Bs a | the eee, ci ee, St iaea e chilon canter? th re ta nee ‘Step up farther In the ceater of the Ee E Was Completely Reo that bag. Let's pit it on the scales | ways for it Seta gs = hots PrtiCt ened dione ccd ere | méteed in bolling piteh or tar. is leat a q is ii w Sc jon “4 {iE madame eme’s appearance. “Te Wes. ce tone. Sho looked steuily in [Om YOursclt in a terrible retribution; | Car? shouted the guard, and the old ; | again. TERS Wats Catan Cy staat ae I'by | Sore Feet.—Mra H. J, Neill, New Arm i a He ee the | but while its consequences glanced off lady was about to obey when the dap- = I Barwick, Ont., Jai —(Sp. cial) “ he carrier could not Sade dumb. A emai vho was |F. y ‘oledo, Ohio, 5 was |Your steel heart, and left no lasting ae head opened and its owner eee = & Mr. William Join Dixon, ‘of Demy h duly acy tee yeaa [Passing by kn hi 2 A mn feteo eel ra ed wound, they han me over iy | ly said: S < place: link. dunt stm Desnaeik bia wees runt avier by m4 wala as eae, cote up to him, or “thus muttering ae “ot ahs t Wea Shas bie “ “ Don’ q fees cheese inside. A new sproleai ag Ra Bae che ao eee a sera ‘4 hen ne eee ip ee! weet tes When Don't move, madam. I get off at : he: DERIoRCe: pat, acd ane ccenblatlon ot bere “Py cain ES s touch of pity in her s womeless and starving, I Rites anes eee and Eighth avenue, Bee : Last summer Le was taken dow = gel hago ray, how long have you been M i falls a voice Ee Seetac Sony, bee se Re ase for m a pitt if you'll wait you can have my is $ q ¥ vi ‘y The farmer's w = ace ised — c = one Send for circulars ‘and testimoni- re were return : i r he beggar was en unawares, | &ls. bi i ayes DB etal : : fae the chi and ‘cater into ‘ard hart eel Rad aie i a0 « 06., ‘Loledo, O. e and hi to 4 not x iT nt es h likely ut Thy a “aid | ae half Ballsve. - But, jiaeot Wie ig (ioe gaweng = : life, Medword Morant. ua ie is hands sich g allantry on an elevated train > thiel ee edie any Tad been dead tiiree: montis, gnd you jyours; | and. oven on hi ww York alinost brought moisture fold fer husband epet age mayen |e Ee ee oer auay Hall's Family rilia are the best. ‘ 0 not. know : eball : : vinden» TERE: BURACRAS MA OR RC TI Bhat a UN to Daeeeri ane: Raa ore e Der nd, ubiee a passion |mity, against his only. ehild! Yo gine Sander : g right hip, so bad that Thad to aie “She says that/he is a man atte =o the wrod by Bete oe u pros-|the sake of Piinicd thvesl? teoued teliging Rs ase a stick to walk with, and had her own heart.” ‘“Then T suppose he ieee ( | ‘i anes unlov. moisture to that part of the blase face ‘ S Sp cemioey sn ebeening: <<! We make Granby Rubbers and Overshoes out of Sores which on the eaicon 1 Is. s crnally pro- a more than dress and pues cae aiarags Se : irene 2 acl for arly two pure zew rubber. Can as much be said of any other make? Minard’s Lintment at Cures Distemper. d ing viti E eC] on Riad eee take e nt ut 0 ‘ain. Sudde ked, low, |you seat re a BN Was so stiff sore th C1 a att ie is : ae fone: sali ES rab pares Shout Breaks a Glass. ae : HBL Tees hay AIUD MEAG Ae a" ae . nana lady artist residing in Fain hidsip ie tc Did he wish | throug! ‘ha strike, you! Every one rides that windows ae : right leg on miy left knee. 4 4 es year [Pho has. now?” «Young. Sultor = seo me belore he died?” CR abresk: neat pone rattle when a loud noise is made in ae BS cA bra then Jor wainecasciead cla ee { ovis hares Fare eae eae te eee thine Wie haat a Me ee ina anand broken. with all earthly |I BPG er bat Veey Clk persbos: knot eae Se cs ty Dog's Kidney Pils. ‘ad after sift Ot al Ae joy is an. Tae o SpEnea upon that before he died: his |y tapes Seat oe Sha | a glass can be broken by shouting into e g three boxes I began to walk cost the maker more, but they cost the wearer less, for ne gad e ie Skraggs. : = akin arr oee powed, |thoughts and words were given to |dow i » upon you to ‘aio last | 0 ; r pull aghis wale bad Jes aeics oh ‘ f irs of ordi bb 5 3 * : one air Goes i¢ work of two be ee eae i, earetlly “Keeping. his tace trom Spears waited for the| As he spoke, he drew ciose to her, | Any ordinary glass which bas a clear oy: dhs nahn rae eg ¥ PUR Sener nr never was, and never will 93 9 ls “Seay ie | Bead) a 2 li i i i his trick, and the ex- es ¥ Bea « " i ersal panacea, ere for all 5 =e eat " Seen vce have brought mo intelligence <Pel answer. and when @ he foaming | with passion, and wildly 2 ee Wires aes haye not, « nate or a left. Granby Rubbers wear like iron.” fife rowhieh flesh is heie—the medy, for sll Gubek aap Powders: “as If. leo ~ act ae eros foe We ‘ticula i ; pores of, Dod uf many eurattves ‘being env as a disinfectant. a: the boy, Silas Carston? i strike Wer. But not one step aia | apcorininied mae ‘ J Spo oape (arated kg Ls or achee: walt al Reeanvte nde ha abs musing | ‘silently for some hares eels : tween his fingers unto the ground. | she mov an er around its ‘ : Rat ole Hien : diseases a = ; radually an expres. | Only Jus MS te Stl mnt pitiens as! en i fearlessly in the face, though her oven “hy tee, tie. pertotiusr abeaid- bole ; Sect them sa cure for Rhet | 5p Mees" seplied Ve far-| (Of the 600 known varietics of cot- [patient shat would ellave one il In 4 Seli-contiaence Reese ee Ena tag 5 ; ety ; el 0 are 2 ric would aggravate. ti : termination settled ,, Me oie tO cd a ice fall- statue, the women lool i prema, ees ere ee Rie fae do hose ot his. moathicau 5) f : ‘The above statement by Mr. inal ee Pe te inept 23 ig eA a ce Ea however, hn "Sree ine wi Is face. pene ot i i 0" i him av. sy . pinta ed poe, shout into it In a tone about an octave ‘ g can be vouched for by many of his Sixty-one ships clear from London |9btainable ina sound > more, although woulai eae nie ie te tae 2 Bate , she said, “It is ‘As he spoke the : Sil be Ri : } eae nee puors, . whe are Her daily. : a ai ae Heres den.” mai Les e r h x her asi Ae a : ; F sae ce aor e| Wh re mes Vek oe my in her ae ae is civility. less t u vs cen er asi iS a i or tl ’ . ep. & man’ begins to’ count. ‘tis 0 ‘Those of Sedentary Occupation — | and streng gth by the influence whieh Gar] Go, i eae ae ae ry ti is precious,’’ she sy ge af Eres ai lapeard’( “Beware what re- j of Mr. Dix Ss an Bi lenty Ria who. follow sedentary occupations, rure’s own restoratires ra old Will you please to. twe Tiel Tovar fol i Se in Raton rted against it by the : i Doda’s un- , although imes | which deprive them of fresh air and exer: Bes g spirits of those te alan Pent MINARD'S LINE. Pieces ene eon yaue ues anaet ans Silas |you do, lost the, Vengeance fall upon.| sist t i foree exerted ag ; 3 mgt | 8 78 for Raiaa he | wi nah MENT is our remedy for sore throat, of ” iCarston, if he wishes to know your own he es waves of air. 7 7 fou athiar ‘ k a r ¥ Fe eine in. Tife tsa cade on all ordinary ailments. —— “Stony as ever,” he sess ‘ Sf her nerve gave way,| The thinner the ee is the more an ‘ 2 : ee i Said Be z x Hives . fe ill | disease, and, nquilizing the nerve: tpinisell; “impervious to ae or “mesle. Binepeny ce tuner hear wets on sake bs ak fremsling. almost. | oaaily. tt wyill be broken: 4 The en used in the| together joyous. find int Parmelee’s itt |disposes to sound and tefreshing sleeps ge Beer een honeys anu Soune $. The fight must come; |}! ae ; ‘ ; gaidactite Semana 4 oe ost severe and longs ng cases, |“ th fi about the wonderful | storatiye without nate the most eff. | imparts vigor fo the setipn nf ths | Ulood, maptly. sooner the better.”” RE ts yore operetta Lae dea ci a eaek yet. to pepgead Wseohiashine Sadda noatiew. 1° on the market, ‘They yy | Shieh being stimulated. courses through: CHARLES WHOOTE: e : eee prog rabl watt Silas paraits ss fiueewou interes Tt iil way: to : a ee aihvai Beth nc prea Wie eruption x z { mh 0 : al i this dis | auch we've ei 0 be: HHL ESLaten® a ‘a peel ca expedtions Bae are ns. pepe sy the revi Port Mulgrave. at ivi Ear! re s . ‘ «tom: ‘ i 8. i deri king oH vie dinibly tenes 101 dos office osed. Barly of Vesnyins in 1888 were #0 bot twelve Vy } z ptow | said Mrs. Matthews, rocking in her old | sid excellence. ; making aedvity” eadetl in the whieh 1 “sin Vigdaed wyssll to per-|0n Monday moming she sought i issued fi 5 ‘ eee i anee OP ney | stuffed chair, wi Woh pale at Gale scongrapningshe dp a again, But the time lost was, un-| Sper onety es th 3 ’ eae : aeeles fa her bands anda placid smile ‘The test of any recreation is, does sea oo of ae ated niin lore “Spite ot the calm, unmoved, tone \fortunately, fata? i 7 % a Without Sei i on her fae ht mecrenter > $ ved appetice, Northrop “S cre yt Fe 4 ‘oronte, bave given ro the pnblie sthelt : — Se panded: vo uies ape ran alia ated ee eabab Tbe Ok Se 4 sik, Coaibal oke it % < (Mi Liniment nt Ei superior Quinine Wintead ite a aL rate, | eres is an bnse_ es to manipulate tet wu frm uere in tho ae 8 ommunieatiot ne Tope eh soe ta late a8 1840 SULA ER y sas inard's Lin'men nt Cures Uphtherla, ait eae the. opiviog of scieutttse | hem tor the sams TAO on. At th rot eee + the, was he sent to, suck WAKE UP, BABY ! ; s > s - He stan’ + suceped in convinc- | waa auy in the market. All druggies Heston ot ptittats : : = ing her, a “bt, gradually chang- deh ace a & Aas pea: 8 e?' oe Stee aiming vapor? Di Ba y ener Fay merely pits er ee “ie ni fhe: ha false friend is worse than a fair & ae Severe colds ia eth iby, ths Pi Oe a me sibdied for « moment by A New Game for Mothers. SE ona unt a peek earn the as, i Tasty oat her gnats’, | and bara that make me feel so safe in Pisce Pret Gh Soca Ned sea ad ek medi nine Sr betroratin sy amet er eves BP On ee ata ‘ul his fat Rrastpratanine esate © be} crevices instantly ignited, although ni i “Yes; and th: wher i ‘storm. And there’s sinallpox. |... 4 ran ageae - 8 Soke droite Fe properties. ft kuowleds “"iidward Movant,” she said, fi of eg el Secon omnabeerian trees hr discomfort was experienced in gaiking q ; mistake. He told her it was, as | If it hadn't been for that, we never fee: ate" itaty «OL pSORIAy Not eT oS Re hose ine se ft wee ne. oR x oo ier ot toot within in him... "Kept in fe non ne i dreaded 8 a se ourge. fe should | on the hardened crust. ie ee ‘plain as ? stiould have known the blessings of | courage BAe So nay eee ne 1k Pshaw! fun, retrashedbuyatsen, -readdyactniarl : BS Ai oe psp a They have : armel e's Fegotabic Pl is je the son Hardly a she i Sooo thet eae Ga cant, when sre tes cred A favorite es es gy : that a hair ix she. Walter | thought bo owen teacnttoibe. gifts 2 | moby el ena E sore, [Aland barrels of icy as | ladies anv euilren : that 3 n ne botte accemenlia shed ee ae her rds, an al. dush (Mo Be Continued).« io ighga! i vy ates ve i poet, gloomy iron eae h red ‘with the P Cor Orey Sixty Years nS the Bolortinadecaatia” de uikoees fs find Wenz-areo. By found a weak point in that iron arm- very obno: a a inp mt : age : ; ¢_ blood. into the bowels and 5 ev i vi : ; : . a ne 5 els ‘Phe old custom ot presenting the DR. A. W, CHASE'S 26s, | ae GRIME G EInGE, Wedglible.chamicl| “wee NOU ee Seer atl he | clare that those are all the eee } i ae ‘ thet it ieee wees things to be thankful for Tamburg Br fatto ig A peal ar i st. ea pourelr sleep agaii [ - ay d PROMINI eae Real Sea Serpents, years ago, We donot say that thi A mo sar The’ golds gives: r. ev ther. 5 o I rm4rs, especiall; be e Wh SI , bad! ise on a Ptueh tnech bet alleen ieee oie r veh ae : oe ; y ea 1 Cees be ge seen ands metimes ndly ‘ie eased, for it will. not, | and estincton lian eikaiaaast ieoble. tr namie can [ke tsoket which Is TearapOlly covered | distinguishable from the body and the | PXt on the other ine Co., Toronto and Buffalo, ‘or through which-he ona thrust a ° z ; We. : 1U th reeadlbae : 3 " ahd pelle 4 ecient then , he exeretory vessels to thi seas Eights ES tens PES mothers dread his | Vopen JF 1 Pitmall basket and t : ye mth the Dues “to pees. I declare, there's a sight of | nothing Viki wt sire hg ead te A Te teial ae se Epiphany gift is still earried CATARRH SURE pad wy i is food. | fresh ones they have. The victl Z sate, ieriy ar 60 ence to th 1 Tizos | out the Chapel Boys e | iB i at AY carom ‘ i cfr good o aS Fats site tity! Jan ; es pulled up short fs se She spoke almost Heresly, and her hoe ing. fits ; ts j he i In New Calettonla.'sea serpents are | Will cure a case whet the lutiga re) take. effect. ‘Ther have. aixbug Fecom | to the I : ° vd the Agricultura! up to this gs elas ae ey he A leceet anid parmuntalty cetes Th how of emotion mast pot Tost | is @ moth as leal w kes six or Es leges, are {amiliar with the Hanne! Lee eee eon eae “searcely | that will cure aie ze g a 3 él Sa gk etaeioal ages iy : : Mr. F is foreman of the Do- 2 ard lilt, the patient should errert Sebich tronh amdteeselone (eas —_—————_ q j | crimental Fatm at ~ Ot- | tail being formed like an oar. Kosninte Aaah wug a ad. wow he. pam es y k ne Finay soap igacemiie: Uetween: Hinweaey 5 lt ony, lah eat ceed jor + voice, “Do you know. into what keeping ‘ an ; 4 i bee Re Gea | four fet. : sie, sald bp tibia t tp procure amaious, troubled ring in Hier voice, you consigned this ‘whelP of shame Uncle Joe, what is an optimist has been. enjo; Ps on Ge Sgt 3 F medicin ql ‘and an anxiou in her fac a ch him, ox of Baby’s | anda pessimist? SY} 4 from his regular dutie late, th the Ja Ww ee) oe iy glands con: | Slowly, then ev uy | gladly. an ven rn De ure and ant for Mrs: Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Seek fon ie wen, you deny ; ey im | “Ynele Joo—An optimist, Joey, is a : specting the 4,000 ha ; itt ’ ; a ; ee . it Is Aten tot theta 46faan : i conn, | drowning and you were near.”’ ae a million. ie—‘‘Ts it in { 4 eee ie —"Sh ste winced at the ee so mu 4 ist I Bs ee Britis vernme ont for use in South | Bite, ‘and the natives handle them fear- | | with oft ilk, let it rem in an hour, rs By e has jus just Steals aman — 0 ee! r, ai. | heh remove, at good, olan. nour] MMT, CUES COTM CO ; _ cape a ia tc nave caper | MADOT 4 : tee Bea are ate | “Mt Kermogant, = es pa : ishing (000, ie the ‘open ait. as aor ge) yo fer’ act eet t he made the plunge, o} ies?” oceasiona iver ee s is “ @ g 2 ‘ . 7s a perime: — ‘What's ee matter, dear?” had just seceptsd “another man Wort iss Eo aets gate, walked up the ere traits oh ye ag a aaa all was s ever, The! hen These ts : g overnment ae 4.000 wa isu eheyraitoat under, certatn eat: |! a ear out of doors &s pos-| Cjara—“My engagement with Charley | two millions a woes vanished, Fearless .was something more terrible in that es ee o Scar nciyt Piha has sent 12 = ae ithin one month of the aoe us Degree dyson, | Se, | Sesame. Windows | i Ron May—\‘But ~ herself, he confront deadly rage inthe, devia : me a basket of quinces, and i Uetitacy eased lie nght in a trap, | ‘i Sere her. | you intended to {fierce malignancy a her pebonene : um Y eae tina gue Ww cat ed by a pair Seer apne, path So I did, but he goat via ped Latiey ant Geplenen, i “This man — this Hever md Mr. | est, weakest infant, by all | know how to us the m. ; s much credit on Sia se | i Se ee ing ; th ediately 1 he |broke it himself.’ fone exenins What Gale e ape ‘or sent Bysmoail, post nea Mrs. Oldite-Noshing is simpler. i pespang Bet Osadipns en ‘ Hie is 2 n I | Body vigorously with a coarse towel D ecieae a runker a box, ing direc ire and core them, mal 2 : - re a at st Koeuig’s Hamburg} pIRECT STEAMSHIP SERVICE ath aia say. tha : as a ompaniok Secret ee Lateran Williams’ Medicine Co., la he oth- ‘ 4 ni RA ga roe ge co ov ee Wrops every lay according to TO MANILA from Me: ed to *e Quick, of Gray’s de a ol \will see he is a converted sinner. I pees Ont., or Schenectady, and jelly of lings. z 4 any..§ “ {maint directions. eo aboy: t Sats ‘and that his business Se ee to. 2 aa op eke hare)” Ste the vilest~ — ol re & Mrs. Youngwife — W 4 a A peices, there es for ny eatin, advertisement wl ad Yc eveyo oerites; at upon: cart, £ + ‘And what shall I ‘fae et the basket : : sn woomn th Such is the oad 2 = Tanguage thet ee in the morning sa ne : de ae peg ee ar a a order was filled while the regular | that a noble brute ‘a | once, ee tite main beter ‘woman shut the door in his tace, ade) HER ONLY CHANCE. ; opving ay ; of | tioroughbred & conte ek eae will be almost within a week’s time. Recently a lady was much annoyed Za n wi pee pee | foreign fortune’ seeker. — Washingto! ee 0 es Not In His Lin 4 ro} sis and (een otor Ataxia mf wis | cone witeasir ie comme o£ Sauipe a E aralysis eS ae | ie Mana at |v “Gs ney | i or_Q or i ot i an rat brieaa te ox “te ain't ae none that I ever heerd F , company should have iGuthe ered to-| |shopkeeper, Shades | dre: tao artichs te ent medicine you've got in your dful Result of Neglosted Nervous Diseases Dr. Chase's Xervo Food Prevents and Cures ese Gould popsher head into, He tan a peobery tor aw iis down: : goth or enviable list ot Se paged goes hei ge . ‘Tho Dreadful Reou d Depicted Herve Celis. om, varied oteasionally by potaly “the Corners, but if he ever had any 4 t ce 2. Re k, you will find at the post-office, Anadgk Whats the matter? direct service. bond ies hy Restoring ee Wasted ani pie Thee are indication a, astvaicing Fight in thing, | status there *twa’s’t kep’ out ta sight | { eye tm. [and the oni ons You can get across} “Well, I've been left all alone with jarent, ‘These . mere” is. ‘one : lthe Way, varber’s? sae T ah snare Sipabaly mech Ae : Eo ree Al eae ee g of the|degeneration of se heey arolty, T would ee ee | where Sashes ey ed ments extends among "the far = ae “nt I'm going to ite Pein ee ‘The Chicago & Nosh “Western Rail- way announces that in connection With the daily trans-continontal ser- wire Sie tate, trom Chicago San Francisco, the steamshi resid tl fectiin: ii muscles, sud- |when nerve force Bs ok exhausted Labout. You must learn to — out 4 ing coromaidit y-bt a entire world. | 4, (8 7 eMC DTN GES > ti : alysis is bound follo’ of the sitting-room when I, have vig; E : el lady was killed fac - n startings i ret : : + is tha s sb ‘lt | oh s is due to the contraction of | limbs during sleep: ; if you have ner-| BF oe Ae Food acts 2, unless 1 ing the =e you. es: ans alae tzoeat , FS ee een Jat the steep it Ped insect Ces. Gavia e: el. Mt APLE ban ich can only taki a eediactioe: one epsia, are the syste! wi olly—“Ye se Oe ae tele eee, oes Ree sh Biles a eAtgan the farmers, ee. . z fe | The man with “untold wealth” is the sleep i aby es ~ cir money, and scent some three miles from "Mullin | 02¢ Who cee the tax assessor. Phik reland has witnessed many fa tal} her? Ma : ah a qeetietionectly wad-talely ‘with -Chett'| adelnhia nerve: “Min ally doe » lied the un- dei ly lear % narcotic, nor opiate, to dead en e succe! ee aera melee +e : $ < ~ at all times, | __ J don’t know what the trouble |nerves. On the. contrary it is a food ee ee = Page Metal Ornamental Fence |‘ id — the h i a a, ee Lafeat you cure, which forms new, red cor- ils hilgon” a a 10 Pix E 3 Suitor—“So- you @ ee: ras | puscles in the bl nd creates NeW | koaps his wo may : ; 2 4 é a $25, ae that 3s i MsagrercaTunaag eng ap rarn guia ares ope — t and unsocial, I wish 1 | nerve cells. Every: aay it ring | i im" nnd i q : ma LE eeirhe be shi ae for 20 CENTS PER RUNNING FOOT, Jat ctect could thik a ge Po Aang inky i Pee ine SHEER ho Cais ih, im s ‘Wilken"Ves. “He S E. ; nt thetn. 2 aR ee eae eae BL the ne ot Bee reatinip colt tiga be c prventad Set to scores Son, ( 2 iy 4 Fence and Poultry Netting. “That's very easi snswered ep ? oe as paralysis actually -eured | have become “niscouraged through |ago, afd -he sald hed never reg | fesslon, ses : = as fm bat be? in Wire Fence Co., Limited, eae Ste Lectin | S there. «ta se’s | the: of doctors and other)my kindness.’” pe eos ‘Wilfer- ee Dr. ies > eer. 5 { ie Z a ‘ nian : "Montreal, P.Q, aud 8t. John, 1B, [present 2" cure : peu ag ma a es : aoe ‘ ; —

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