Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 8 Jan 1903, p. 1

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MAERIAGR LICENSES J. @ GROSCH. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Ch “It Shines For All.” Vol XII—No. 2 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €O., THURSDAY, JANUARY 8,903 .couM mene Editor aud Pabiisnee The Milverton Sun e al |acBeTH, Prmasuer. = ADVERTISING RATES, svack, | Year, feme.| | 3 mo. | 1 mo. Oue column .|850 00} yo 00) si 0a) 6 0 8 oo Half column,| 30 00 00) 16 oo} en isements are cha ‘Of Bo. per-line, ‘nenpatdel, igs usectinssn perline foc each pic: eessive insertion, 2 i R Time Table ‘Trains due to leave Milverton, W. EG ae ute of College of nd Surgeon: tario 5 oe, graloate Biogen ol Tonia oat andom, England. 0 io rear iIverton, Out. elope Roatan att Poole, Sane Lutheran Church and Rostock, A. M. PANTON, ae Solicitor, Ete. Office open every Thursday, Wm. Burton's Block, Main St Dentistry C HoureQa. i 40 6p. a, _Zinkbeiner Bros. haedwar Ors Yeteriuary 8, M ilverton, Ont. promptly attended y telephone alotherwise, ny or in Bee and Chronic Discases « specialty. W. BARR, VETERINARY SUR- ‘on 0 Ail tate of Ontario Petra Calege erento) rests all diseases of domesticated animale, tolopliie: Or ether wine prompely Liv in connection. rigs at all. times. rie a driving « nsfer. socteties C. 0. F., No, 99, Milvertan, meets every second wud Inst Tuesday of every month, at o'clock, in their hall over Schneuker & Rothuerinels store Vidiviek bretiren al eo Roe, C. Riz ail Seorotaty, 0. By “Silver Star = eae Friday iT thi hall. post Ofte paling, s brethren always welcome, J Coulter, N. Gj W. Ke Loth. RS. Rusinews Cards W. D. WEIR, Paaisie for ae Coun- Hies uf Perth an C over Gemchis ‘Shoe Bain ateoety Milverton, DORLANDS BUS LINE, Milverton, Bas mects all. traivs, All i and cmnbtivattended a "Vi Dorland, Maple Si, Proprietor Motels HOTEL, Bronner. Ont. ‘Best liquors and cigars ar. lass wecommoda- tion and tee stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton. First-class accommodation for commercial elere and others, ‘Thee large sample roms. Good etabling. | Best liqnors and cigars. E cioca aut Mill stresta, C. Haein Propritor, N’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The commodation Sale pay ily. tl Cigars plsnty of stl cielo Hears idee py Miscellancoa JOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, , Laths, Shingles, Pumps, ete. Sra wner, Ont H C. ZOEGER, Furniture Dealer, NEWTON, ne Engel have z er] Hibbert: Mitchell and Tana ton. ol LOCAL NEWS, ©. F. Huinlyn will sing—Jan, 15th. Miss Inee Whaley is visiting in — __D. Hay has been elected so vf ‘Listowel. The great catarrh remedy, Peruna, for sale at Jas. Sig Mr. H. Dierlamm a ent haar Peaee Rtcr Butter and eggs taken in exchange for bread. Weitzel & Mohr. gat Mr. Mr. Gas, Bien. of feaieatct spel Milverton. “Me. H. Aliff Bartod,_ of “Coopers. ™ | tow: ms Ne th’ Dakota, arrived home on Satu nae Rupert, of North Bast- hope, spent_a day oF two last week ith ae ies ste r eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. uM. as ‘Ga is lying danger ously 2 Mrs, L. Hagaans, of Rockwood, returned to her home on Saturday after spending a wet with her Aunt, Mrs. Martin Berg i) Leah eh Mary Beck, and ick ot Sebringville, spent a few eek at the residence of rae Geo. ‘Milles, Gravelridg On December 26h. at the Fous atk ” Methodiet churel Steen have yet on hai few Christmas Numbers of the Sun. which paid up subscriber of the Sun for the year 1903. “You had better secure *- J oue before the supply is exhausted, other change has been nade in the dees of the North Perth Farmers’ Tnstitute’s regular meetings, which will be held at Atwood and Millbank, on Tharsday and Friday, Jan, 29th and 30th. . : The municipal elections in. Malver- David nape ap reeve, and Miller, ©. Spene 8. and E. Knee ehtel, “tor eounellre, vote ‘ullows Wiederhold 76; Miller 137, gle 132, Kertcher 118, Kuechtel 38, 78, Ranney 45, County Council returns from Lis towel and Wallace show that Messrs. d Kemip have been eleeted tor i Messrs. Donaldson and and Logan. Baral ditves Wak ates and South Easthope. and Turner No Zon ine evening Inst week as Me. B. T. Nicklin and ‘the carrying water and iv wus not long before ube fire was tinguished. The Miss Edna Dorland, of Stratford, is] wi en's. 1s New Ye his h in} Mr. mt New Year's at his home in} | will be given so long as they last tol Ja ppt | The Potatoes for sale. Miss White 1s visitin; at Trowbridge. sce ad the Trish,” Jan 15th. Adwissi No a “ray went liberal by a xed ma, a Weitzel & Mohr. g Miss Daily a Bere at Galt, spent his bolidayes in Milvert 1000 Ibs dried ai wanted, 4}c. alb. Weitzel & Moh McK: oe th Grey, was elected oe 150 aanate Miss Maggie sas at Theatord visiting Miss Freda a few ys; and Mrs, Andrew Torrance, ot slat spent Sunday with friends Milve: x aoe class price will be paid for first class hard wood patent ps the Sun office Canon Dann has the rich Irish | of brogue which gins 80 bls ou the Jan. ae Ethel a left on Noadey for Toronto vhere she studies at University Coll Perth Conservative Association will sheld in Grosch’s hall, on Jan 15th. r, Hamilton, of Nees re i is at present visiting his Heda -G. Hamilton of Milver ac electors of Stratfurd peaked Mr. iL He, bya ares majority oyer Barnsdale a, ing Messrs.. Walter aarobaliasi a can to McKenzie return this Toronto to resume the Toronto Medical Collew Mr. Alex. Jacobs, sonscof Mi i a place," had -bedt foramad ‘ot ag Berl ee fag This speaks well for Mr. dames Bell 7 ‘family have over Mr. RRL made ctury, late. residence is Any inan could make a good lecture ut of “Ireland wid the Erish;” but Geno VR hee she adyantage of having known “Pav” intimately all his life, “Jan, 15th. Lindics! Aid of the Elm ‘hurch, will hold a_ social atluebesiionee UBB. Win, Holmes, on Friday evening, Jan. 9uh. - Ad. wission 10e. Everybody welcome. Patriotic exercise books, pre books, cl text books and. all su plies for the school room, Agent wall be and all eho Apparat, Jas, Torrance, Milvert 23 Ibs. Ranalnted sagar for $1 at Weitzel & Mohr Vr. Fred Denstedv has moved hia! poe table saw will onto 3 Pedi of] has, Walker, lot Mringion here he is reve stom work each. oft ict ny one wanting work done stiould see Mr. Walker at an early In Piped! trade ¢ to the power a local newspaper possesses hardly be estimued He who vil impartially cousider this — assert will be conyinced of the trath ay it local paper is Hy, Fothie biased in favor of the place ee in Grosch’s had the interests of ate 3: Cc. Monti was one Of the largest held in & Bilvenoee eare! was rather late in ase When the speakers took the Babes the hall was crowded to su! tumbers were unable to ir nai: tance Sriffin, president of the North Perl Conser ‘ative Associ cheers for a vg Mr Winey ee ont Mr. M individual custor Lad ication, and if given a fair i vell their interests, jaxt as ta oa i interests of tis Death reiioved an. old and ey esteemed tesident of Paris on Med afternoon in the person of Mr Milton, in the 74th year of. his pr) Decensed liad been ailing for some time, but only took to hinbedetoe days a, Mil he came to ean | in 1854, and has re sided He was a staun ieee and a consistent member of the Presbyterian Charcl Decea: Pollock, of, Milver Burrell, of Brantford. The funeral took place this afternoon ‘aris Cemetery and was: TAN tended.— Paris Transcript. willl resume her | fommed lege. The annual meeting of the North| the o epburn as mayor of the city, ‘08 K. | hai for uh PEFFERS. gchenchers and ereatitays kptih heir Teepe places. _ Miss Srcfaviab, of Si 4 vi in charge ool Tort nt year. ot tbe ge hoot met was post- poned on account of sickness in the tection, ml be held In the school on pine Tie ‘ood, who h aud bed the large aaa of taker ‘orance’s farm, is now bine z it “ra rapidly conveyed to his|4 born has returned ing friends in Paisley. George, Loney, of Sudbury, w days here lately. Vive dens rotund that Me Ollver, nes will run’ the farm of Mr. MeGorman this. d Mrs. Al effers have re- gamed “roms vide wan Tecan J res vi Mr. Chalmers Gampvad: At five o’elock on ‘an’ Wyedueotag: the ame! mmond, lettre Welle sles ee, the aartiags of thei ident Ganahter, r, Miss ; Chalmers, vouneat® se of the late John Chalwers, was per- ver- ns, decorated with sprigs of oa ration’, py,the Rev. ND. MeKinnon oad Hel carte f Burns churches, cere and Welles The ar wt 8 lesley, eapaaninale weddi. ‘as tended: one after hen the ni social Presents, noticeableamong ne Moroveo. pur: hundred ‘dollars on er sat 's brother, " c iv. and ammond were a model host and hostess. Bote Ls eawiea Address and eee: Vatie neighbors ae George Miller, Mornington, om the eve of his de rture for Sauble Falls, gathered at his home on New Ye Stratford M 1 if: 5 cay BEAN ae the eng dat rea anes 0 ; Stratford.. lice... Brown Elected By a Majority of 200 over J. C. Monteith, the Dane nave: Candidate. The following is Sn returns recei ed from the different 1902 g 3 2 ES 3 FA Brown t Monteith >} 1075 1169 6 S ornington— Attridge's, 8 By Majors r-| Milverton Majority for Monteith in 1902, 2 | Majority for Brown in 1908, 200 eerie ks BURNS. five years, e | C. E. se daring which pete she has filled that W | position | reat efficien wii Atter 18, eX: oa tia wondered ge the choir, the remularity and pastor, e, and a shore time oe then ‘social f)Bresented bim and his estininble. wite dee} eb with a handsome onk rock Mr. couched in the mo: able po w ie aes Mr. Tsaac Lig tation. Mr. ee suitable reply , address and reply Mr. AND Mrs, ala Teor Dear oie aly tel favbr be presen-|© a feeling | Below is given 4 eine ad resulted Sohenic wer Mr. K ted Relsand Henry. st | follow e new f work duay be dnly appreatated as they hay hermore, iends “you are bebind. fas on behalf of Tonehbare kaa rien : t. Taser, L. Tee: Gravelridge, cee 1, 1908. jeavi the DEAR FRIENDS AND Nurennons, i ? which # “Thee Ke Hye to depant a me. your ou for your ood shall Salsas ¥ welco: Sign ribbed man “a year iat jr; Fowier ie ‘ads good D. Tanatord eed aildvaae tio her the kin iudest Tee i beat wishes o f all, ELLIOE. The puanieipal afleetlons i> Ellice in th 1 of Mr, St saan ap . The councillors - eed Men Brickinan, Crowley, The vote stood as 23 Gonrley’s 22 Morrison’s 5 Brunner ~ Be Crowley iehl &S Hy. on the sick and Mrs. Joh) years wit Ate a ieiper Tustue er, Revue ai £| Oar grain elevator during the week has been ftiled to the roof. | the rain com! 1 ; in bags. ir Joh hs : ir. @

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