Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 1 Jan 1903, p. 4

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feong in brave Ns eouotves SHB BGT’ of Bg ly nett y Shuken the nonnent ity Clar herself. 'The “aighed sweet face, jae up me, my bravery. ‘‘Ha’ 8 vel wehe into the prone (the servant) “is out; and so is MIs, opteriyy to say.’ ine! exceptional, epnartpntiy a What for what T had to say! not begin it; I must oe ee a a istighis”look:at say, swords’) Before 1 spoke them. she was Pe roe pies fa ing, as'usual. I s: pon a “footstool at ep et, ana gaze fur- ly up Ne I hazy autumn eqmiahe: erhaps, looking upon her for st, th Uy 2 Half an hour passed away, and we had not xchanged half a dozen words; but that was not at-al d Tiveiase wel et ction ex- her. looked down at me “smilingly, and saw me in tears, yf concern came across her a happy micyou tant youl aah it eated my ay ee fea ree cau in tod I felt her e and her eyes dnpoped, and ane e would make” me very ‘unhappy to think so . how my heart bounded into ony beyond endurance! ved! And I m A delirium of ‘Passion ald | ‘Chase’ eee ee | and absolute ci 3 every form of itching, Bie ding Pi nt cried, pees % our meat ing, Rie, joved y v I do love you, dearest, very she answered, in her low, lee. ook her in my arms and kissed her fervently; and he’ neg fejce: nes Jed: upon ny bosom, “bird ing for a Where’ were m v heroie self ited — gone — like tare eee a five. in the Nera ecstacy of that moinent. I had come stayed to pronounce an inward oath - that I would sweep away every stacle_and win her to pronounce an eternal farewell; 4 ob- yet for my own to e have | q why, Sg otive Serthelée, ‘Out Of & cor= Teeicating, this t recover ‘her observing anything unusual — in adit Sabian prise in the face of Ree | Atte aie we sat srloniines near | Me selsidove 1 with arm around | and | Hor pana claspes in| lent she, | oe Neat reve fo! Seabeatns: Por, pass- was | of | rable! re ors. | T had sealed. her misery, own tenfold. think,’ she said sud- we are very strange people--you and I? I mean, that we | are very cee ‘other people?? {Zhave olten thought, s0."" I sal ‘Do you not fancy the rest of the worl would thinks bs ery silly pao- ple?” “Is it silly to love ‘one another?’ T asked. “Oh, no; I don’t mean that. But do not people uaually: know all about one another before they fall in ove? No SN bets nee my name. “But do I not know you yourself? taake, me love you “Oh, 16; but ten Tf ts eo ot 80 anita nae tilie Tings eek aaah ‘But you know nothing of me, so I know but lit- that you shall | Not Some j day. cee Tam a Mars ey ‘will tell | he sai ne easiness which | ae quite slipped my memory. I hed ; ead from ber. pi curiosity, to MeN U (ele aseuror ene) ro give rein as soon as’she knew Ly. fe ound her charge. , that T concealed ise Ihave not the cour- oe into th ith a li La Soe, cpaybee tr a week's res) Immediately After wee e6) jon returned, looking very cross, did | know such a gossiping mpeatine as that Servant next d —| g- iste talking a men tepicncage'e To prove to you thab Te | the manufacturers Pimonfals in thea P hat they thin] eet your money back Sitdcites er Boaraxcon, Barus know, T am Ene her mistress is about keer ie — Fs sara ussy!’” (rhe. serv: she is, talking now to | Se; i won't put w it d » but: “he wis pot visible from t to tl Wiser ee te end the 1 ame in,again and asked Petts? tha man was ‘Oh, I don’t know. I never notice |such people. A foreign-looking fel- th | desienis pein the glookalest.. ok ihe t should think of te now? Oh, Gould there be,aught in e neme to | wae Dr. ‘Chase's Ointment [dingy Ke xt di old lady’s Soe Sreniis? arias ipais manner toward each other, Whlcht her arp eyer mileht have de- Thy tha clues mentioned that Ss had v ate on the, previous night did not know of. my connection with si ge. havo raven, then toa, theatre but twice in my life, and then only jae gt wana: Aitte child, to ae the antomimes,”” ovat Se ibn We noe globo ever “seen. I wonder to go; shouid s Oa td poor, dear husband's time, jeer old lad: u >, pape te kee ike tnbes. skain But Clara had jhe it into her teed: that she ‘would go to Dru: night. Mara thethoaght Bae id plessanthy [sloug enti) jeanne tne for me cllack came to the door with me, Neither spoke: and I know parlor below, iwarning Clara that Me weg ae standing so long in the night air. anything» frony her. | “But you do onae all your past. fcr Then I Lae her in my arms, kissed | @ her, and wished he o0d-nit “4 lingered for a few minutes after she = had closed the doo: 1 sentiment mingled at. the of all th Dar er, “gathored i ation thiek'a d fa: md I have much ee shee “eae them behind, cleaned up with “isa been seen ascendi y ane that led to the o Fogle & Quick, ee Presenting “himself in ' office, =e his business | TTR MOG OF ai LLTIRS i Sethe ot eat, tng one Tap giants at Was HOW KINGS CHANGE THEI ACE OF ABODE. a ge ae! answer was to copy of previous | Bie trae te Superintends the ng — to Peet in his ee speech’|;,Ji8s. like their Iuimbler subjects, poate tly have occasion to change ir Dla of abode, even though it he to. one of tive other furnishe 1 cs comfort a bee ee ci the: Bb Weare rene shea A Tpneabineey Dlaea f in such a position that no ray of it should! fall upon lace. His voice would have res ae strange, fe in the cars i th familiar a see its usual to: -Bright’s Disease of the Nae Symptoms That Warn You of the Approach of This Maiady so Dreadfully Painful and Fatal in Its Results. Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills. Bright’s digeasé: is oe Teality chronic inflammation of the i Tings, ness, and severe pains in the ae ae ee nate SAE d is the natural ne- soto ordinary kidney derange~ first-you may notice ie eyient de swelling. of the feet, after ¥ work is over, slow istakeble failure of health, Sane “of face, aud ~ Joss of flesh, shortness of breath when 6 bones upstairs rapidly, and dininess rs : i Soon the digestive system becomes | the e im fhoea and formation of estines. There are frequently ing ‘*radaches, attacks of dizzi- 2 STE RER f aropaymcontine in’ the of he chest, and may at any thie Se ath from heart infure or dropsy o! ‘Some uraemia, aes death occur: ‘the she symptoms, ‘and : while wi first symptoms become no’ Because of their ey prompt! © Pills hav n hele superiority ight’s peinavinn ric Dr. Chase's Xidony Liver Walls else of the liver ee fhe and” LV lerenged org: oe to health dose, 25 sanders very his, written authority | fevertheless 2 bur and one artic 2 icles. required tor dally vernon was the slishieot shadow of | ich S08. nine toe with hesitation Montgomery’s | vherever he minnaet as ‘ ronan from his poc- | Oving is als latidat apace purporting to. ‘be siderable importance in the eyes written by Silas Carston, giving | a officials nina cthe teaser aie $e act nee generally “known that an ead Ae omens cons sentative in respect to ara. Boe gle yer tite y pentane ss ac doy and the be: { ne ed to. eae hia with] et i est some LEO, profound confidence is always galled into nisin “How do we know ee Silas Car-|0n these occa he seats “In the € jing wed, smiled ed something about the honor of iy 5 socio he ‘sehold for their saiet the “We do not take Been 3 the aE ser- e,"” dryly replied Eby Sotslde work- why does not Sil en the inva here himself? Where a a sae so ns i od is sealed and tickets dl with thus (the nunsibers of the Placed in the say, I ¢: it mpossible for any one Promised pe Mfriend Carston not to|to detect which cases | CONTAIN VALUA ur , Beate (passed the paper to Mr vREUABT ho his document-box ‘without ing a word. “We are not satisfied with your authority, any information come himself,” said Mr. Fogle, esk: his pelea: yaw favorite inkstands, pen tra a jother knfcknacks which he Ii 6 coe you wi return | t him. In eae ion several mo that paper? tigaeace pounds’ worth of plat: “<Cortainly not; ee © shall retain it, |i ee ae owe ceo Gat, Carston |Perties, all Which must ally ‘as posed; but he a i al eda at was too Practiced a dissembler to | Ohio are coi cred = it si betray it by a ora sign, for [Packers rete eens the lawyer's eye was upon him. prieee sets ee) pete Geese wiepored con checket three times du ith { ‘The Kin, dmits 2 - relieve ourselves of all responsibil y in fralichugeations, ar on . either way.” nes SOE a thousand e While Be Ose he was writin; at BR ar ebaaiot whick f rei ee estes aid | vane ee take with him. It is not hi he itor often that he uses lie Satee stick on “Shall T not ‘real ie dormer’ saan Sa Che ashe I gave you as roduction 10 a point of personal the party?” DER the gentle- sticks he wishes t man, “Not at all. The paper you have im your Dend wil, - sufficient intro- ey eae packing is rarely done till diictione Gonaabaratee (2 tiv, (To Be Contant). ee ;are very particular PEARLS OF TRUTH. i Ba > Senne en Sometimes eae te is greater rye) s wise be through | he bests Bae a | when oe anes cctee apres oes ae th them) that; ad-eejalee Wallen] ate! Figs Mounktord: er ss fhe real blessing, anerey, sat he-ha\ na ‘nie nilian—goes sh ‘tan oes the white who ee on ge ta igelt loose Cee he Pees ie Bt For in strongly objects to using a table- e loth, this is,. perl na, excusable, condition. s Let! pp most ult bag ets cant ¢ a room, the rough, wit ndous sv moved poduy, and Bere, ¢ e ad carpets, and the stealer part of meat to or “vénbldcra tions funeae library, of § jlater deve seped and more conscious /umes, makes “the gr aie intelligent ideals of humanity. exists for the beaut ant n0 os ‘or Pe Hence T that great as may /a oe be the effo made for the — pros- pel rity. of the body politic, yet CAEe a CASHIER’S and become! E alking o ape eS x au wading Upto | a ly the claims ‘ot jie: coupanent ‘¢ tablishivents in Paris individuals.—Spenc Sete Tia der “Pat SCTRIC WINDMILLS, Tn Germany olectricity, among @ | sae : rehabilitated | 8 i ote: ed _ wind: eres = im incall sabilles Bower for 3 incandescent lamps, that ate ON THE LECTURER A Lyons surgeon, lecturing othe horrors a tight pores si ja ha [sorbeds is a heavy went Dtampil: thos descent works o 9gWe erful dynamo “She refused him, as ‘she tno aa i = “the: audience. that = econ propes again.’ * oh did he 3 but it mee ee tained alles . ae Pare quae {the lecturer’s ow! TWENTY-EIGHT KILLED. NEWS ITEMS. | Telegraphic Briefs From All Grand Trunk Railway Wreck Near! Over’ the Globe. Wanstead Station. CANAD ya Rewsobor Peter | Vereghin, — as arrived at Winnipeg. atch from London says: the early hours of the morning ‘of the products and and the wreck. Austria is being Suge GRADUATE OF TORONTO. he exports of ae aS San jured is the net result to date o! th 1c r. asi " This ports of poultry to ea terrible . railway acei re peg Saree, Soke CeCe Bcibata a in of $219,055 ntario since the disaster near risus jduring the past. six years. ok near Sarnia, is a prominent | graduate of the Faculty of Medicine | ¥ of Toronto University, = of some ten years’ that Siowly, but tho loss of life will s The announcement that at~perience at Vietaria Hospital. ‘The | ¢ joctor been visiting his mother is old in Wattor was journeying | trom 69 to 92 years, are in Hamil- n the road a cine with the ton jail charged with “viding ofien- pilrposo “of siting his brother, Dr. |e Hi i ie cE Ewan, nny, Keer, a oie Monn D-ON COLLISION; the frst fear Hehind. tho Downe I ot Mer Pe “sidin os a head-on collision between © . tne! Pacioe Bs xpress for Chicago and hursday in February owing Wiltria “Laurier’s detention, in < applying “tor tawa a |mates 02-03 a Surplus ly injured. One. thousand’ dollai which it is said Floyd had in the house 3A! shoema ve resolved ‘sawed : Eiaeaiee ania Nee per cent. se ead aa tage Be ivests ‘The condition of the winter ¢FOPS |wag nacte Pees eltterneesd i Buropean Russia i R io ke Ba: P Jan alt mallee ibe of Middleport, ussian Coven i ing in relief wor 3 be aon famine ivere: [farm fs situated Ina Tonely ‘Part of Gel largest bartia ship was | at turday. She | tened Bri einai ti Au pas dogs and Uirds, Rae pee the tegen ing Sear an a beaabad court “emeiaiy state ithe health of the Dowager ress | the is declining. She -suflers from /in- somnia. French train thieves: stole $25,000 |their worth of diamonds from the Barl of Carnarvon while the latter and the jan frat cling between Ca- rieeats statement. of of Italy 1901-02, sauiiaiee the expens Chinese expedition, is most. sat tory to the peopie, showing a sur- | <t, plus of Bape 000 lire, _ Tn te esti- ‘They saw the house ~ |had A been entered, and Proceedes juvestigating, 000, Tire Je enteulated:, et f 1903-04 a surplus of 4 000,000 lire. SEH SSE AIDED THIEVES. de off the man’s head a) a at moment kill are the coarsy Stood Guard While a ny Si heir it was it ula |Poust Bank ful crash ditch. The ba press cars telescoped into or with appalling remlts, other passengers were piled upon fir ta a Yeakhl wrecks P OF TH! at 75; a prinee re rtley, Man., next year onk Cuet Garansen “comphrntive- pisD: ens BRITAIN. Premier Balfour is confined to bed, Suffering from a sharp attack of it fluenza. il fuel apparatus is now being fitted on board F Hannibal and Mars. aah ot aite is Beliceea 25 ap- workhouse boys are to The injured will frst. “Loo GEE. cows Sa ee é my rofit_of £3,300 was made a ie thealoe! sibters.¢< in Lancashire it, I wasn’t in a fit c town: ‘on- have an accurate idea of hele ‘mode fi f the dei d < series {public meetings o! sa ee ope Bro ween ee is to be ‘ondon to call attention” te 900 honal elevator is to be ‘There are already six elevators there. M. battleships |S be |i, o Yorkshire and South Wales ine Dover aera eas waterworks dur- Bilectricity be iebting qaarpoees is now being ied trowel penny- ity and Store Was Looted. too late; their ‘brother Oe beyond ie A Chicago dcepateh. soy: Poli man Patr was found ae Daniel Cures » not guilty, of burglary. heen reported to the a o be of a very timid, nerve ie aie disposition, LATER. wel Watson, the man shel shot and killed his brother Wesley at Mid _ dleport on ‘Tuesday 5 taking pe for a Dur relat, willbe pro- sect Pie Welty, Sea e: Meee He ae a charge of pianeluinchtor LAND AND WATER. Interesting Tables in First Volume of Census. Ey Cente despatch says: The eehsus volume. just out contains an facets: s of tables prepared “dbseacaat a t see much 0} ie iuibbtittantany stata ge tho works ; x y by Mr. po White, geographer of Jig wwas ir ite ing classe it} Mr. Gee En Saat r pkey sede than a mere stretch of snow-covered cy i ° highway in the midst of a sleeping Gied at ‘oc apameel ROBERT JACKSON'S STORY. EXPRDSS AN HOUR LATE. Robert Jackson of Potrolen, who senger on, the. train, ot the Grand the largest vessels afl rd to a reduction said to have eaused the accident. vl ¢. seen lversation Mr. anywhere through the storm, and i % en ee Into the aifand had fal: |family, is practios thane elbeepalatiar sleeping - spi {tenon the roof. Before partments for scorss of ‘y trav- cove, ent, out ele pora’ al phe tee: ‘Dhey were lace fn the Destin age hat Wi “sea inted_ Krench” grey, 9 load of happy, carefree hu- the “recitation color of the s S81 bleeding Ersucda Peaistcton were su ed by nearly everyone was don peti a rg to ratiiathineto however, very Sects i 30 | ers, cusigned vith, 3 500: 000 Hail A ti of Nias par’ ‘tners are me! chanced to have and this proved liq juor Mr. i “there for but 4 gee stimu- Iatng eects of the whiskey. Christmas at Woodstock, and was SAVED FROM ADDED HORROR. expecting to change cars at Wyom- py 3 inequarters ot en how Mr. Jackson _ hal been home _ for |i jeorge’s, Albermar UNITED STATES. were Killed at eg ee eck, Was, scarcely save uatoia| SMALLPOX SPREADS. ie Lumbermen’ Carry It to Various mail a bo: 185. feonous ey ler. = S struggles i th mn reme Court has as kep' t in meheck |tarlo Health Department is for clear winter, but it was just after in the very ' this ants last year and two years t the epidemic appeared : edmps, which gave 0 quesch it but the snow the ‘department so e battle in bape! those ; lumber said Ds Ly sh ‘On Saturday a rat stole ty $1 udell’s Springtield, aa 9 m fond the 14 inmates il from rr ares tad ait fartha Washington, wife: of it eras lent. toa whe general officer's of the Ww. oe will ras pee dasa ahve by Mr. ‘and Mrs. Jersey; ‘a Spe- Landi a who was one of he ew survi >| sounded the eas at Balaclava, os ita of accommodating being 9 7, [@ Municipal area 4 4, et is no’ British A a Pea as f fou - “The Uses of My a np ak. |Waselan for lesc majeste, the brooch in New York bat totaal the bill "Por the first time in the history of tes 2 woman’s head ‘the design of the |with on T) Three Tree rec te stamp. ‘The favored Jagy is iz ‘Dilney, of New : sidence’ of Robert F pene Fst the:-menu as ' fa, we ‘bowen bs ‘with | s I ae i aeestiien instant- and servant ene any oe without their fing firearm: “ Rese gre ae: FARMS BEING DRAINED. Half-Million Dollars’ Wort! h aye i deihgg Figen Fertilizers Exported ee ation will be im i is credited. wilt WA rocoute:: fespateu say op ba re r says . 5 Wiz. - 101 ee cits Tor is credited wi reelman one Haan ata he ie Th 28,1 LESE MAJESTE: 2 School Girl Gets Fourteen Days’ 1 imprisonment. A Berlin despatch says:.' A Pol- ish gir! named Kupre threw rahe of over te brooch witht he William’s pic-|dollars annually are by igo oe stamped jof Ontario farms ntenced to i iy issitout, at 24) Breet Ot tHBe presented ito the school pupils on the occasion -of his “|Majesty’s visit’ to Posen, PSOE PUES, FLOATING GARD! On the rivers vf Cashmere are | re gr thousands of floa ed by long together in the form of a-elgantic hese sedge grasses, flags ealis, at ilies ate woven on the le a dh ana wes rane are a 1 They Sry ceweeg by fitt Cineagh ai A PEST FROM CANADA. his |Scoteh Asthori ities aaa How len vy 3. roy iy Wee sell the produce of $ the other's toil. 3 awa, ee — Fisher! artment ing in what they a illo} z BY oe TO eet KOP. got Ladysmit! ning 10.18 char’ herself auattioe oe ‘outer ior e [to em fre Saneue some years oe scenes around 8 overrun one of for W. terloo. to most famous trout fishing resort. ark pets it seems, i Scotland, 3 ee Spi 9 are at a loss to know how to get rid of it. ‘ MANY NEW y RAILWAYS. : Six Thousand Miles C, United pate s This Ootig ineAeet ¥ on «00d sician,’” said rthie Tasty. fronts cote, was ic lines.are Soe ‘eluded pees tate! ee serious- i

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