Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 1 Jan 1903, p. 3

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: eens onall: points, money orders "the statements made b; The Milverton Sun ‘DHURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1903 ‘The Sovereign “ee OF CANADA. Capital Authorized $2,000,000 Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 Head Office, - Toronto H.8, HOLT, D. Mw. poet Pres. n. Manager Bow open for the transaction of GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Savings Bank Department Interest allowed on deposits. from date of deposit, and currant. rate al- lawed, and compounded half. yearly. Porc receipts _ issued, dratts nd sold,- collections made issued, notes discounted. _ Special at. tention given to the collection of oe mers sale notes. ‘R. J. Ranney, - Manager The citizens of Watford in a public meeting with the reeve in the chair |~ passed a resolution ay against Tes Eh officials which have been sone through the press, denying that Mr. Garson, agent of the company at Wat- ford, is an overworked man. The resolution goes on: to-say that it isa well known fact that Mr. Carson, with “the assistance of a raw student, is;doing the work that formerly. re-| quired the services of four men. In fact, Mr. Carson has been doing more as the volume of business of late has greatly increased. matter should be thoroughly fiveetigntcd and the blame put on tho proper shoulders. * = : ate, Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman, speaking at Dunfermline, characte riz- ed the Venezuelan dispute as “a paltry quarrel with a bankrupt, dis- tracted and rickety state.” The Goy. ernment, said the Liberal leader, had ng excuse in: allowing’ Great Britain toyglidé into the present. position. ‘Phe case was one for arbitration. Only a question of the first import- ance could justify any action likely to alienate the good feeling ,and con fidence entertained by the American people toward England. Tt was es- sential to the policy of Great Britain tostimulate intimate friendship, and any course which threatened the con- tinuance in any degree of that perfect feeling of friendship or invalidated it to,any extent was a crime, not only against both great nations, but against humanity itself, MARRIED SRC ORDO SAE the manse, orth Mornington, on Dec. 23rd, the Rev. J. W. Cameron, Wal Iter Gibson to Lorne Gordon, daughter Be Campbell oreha Aggie ~ Faso wane At te manse, Be the msde Cameron, 0. daughter of Coieines Peter Gallo- ay, oftloringon. eens —At the pesigence of the Bride's. bie a Carthage, on Dec. 24th, by the Rev. J. W. Cameron, Albert Edgar Waddell to Jessie Isabel W. Wood, daughter of James Wood. MILLBANK. ke Xras tree entertainment under ine age ta He of. the Guild of a oe sed off very. succéss- folly on n' Friday evening. ee Of was taken'I pe the r. Dan. afieiie from teach- ing at Sou ithainptod and ‘Miss. Lillie} Reid from Teeswater. Mr. Z. i all spent Xmas at his, par- ents her "Mitr, Bt ditter and family of London, spent last week here r Ed. Ritter, having foitied his three years’ certificate,” ts. iste course at the Normal. Ea wo 05 Sexor is ee to burn WHIT NEY COMING ! A mass meeting of the electors of Milverton and district will be addressed in “Rally. ‘Hound ROSS Grosch’s: Hall, Hon. G. W. Ross, Premier Milverton, on Ontario,. will address the Saturday, Jan. 3 ae of North Perth at at 2 o'clock, pm., by /MeDONALD'S HALL, LISTOWEL Col. J.P. Whitney ey ~ Leader of the Conservative Monday, Jan. 5th Party, ai = ; Senator Jas; McMullen MR. J. J. FOY, K.C..,| will also be present. Meeting M.P.P., of Toronto, and the] will commence at 7.30 p.m. candidate God Save The King. . C. Monteith. [ ‘ POOLE. Let there be a grand rally. Hear th estions of the, day| Mr. and Mrs fe Zang gua iouly, of CAF EAE, CCA USIS OF ar erifates aes augcenone vialking: Posie intelligently discussed. perenta: Front seats reserved for| MJ, Jackson spent Christmas at Ladies. Mr. C. Schwindt’s baby, which was GoaSve ihe King, very ill with inflammation of the FARM FOR SALE O. Being the north th half of lot no. 9, | Burg off Manitoba, and Miss con. 4, Mornington, containing 96 Katie # Engel of Wellesley. i e Lutheran ey Sebool enter, acres bush. Anabundant supply of faieent was eat. suecess,. the a fenced.” Two| silver collection at the door etonny. good dwelling houses. Large bank | in: yee a a : a toes Doersam y P 8. -4| spent yoniade in Welles! mile from railway station and a mile ise Pannie: Ropp; of Colorado, i¢ pe Milverton. For tull particulars | visiting relatives in this vicinity. pply to W. D. Weir or John J. ee eT eee Sar eer SELLE SL SM AML ML SM SL SY SY aM SIL I SM aL SL Ma e PORT Ki ~ Sanna : fe A Happy New Year Te All Our CUSTOMERS W. K. LOTH. TE TRAST HE TRA AICHE CASTE AS HIE HEA TE TR I TE ASAE AS He HS IETS TE IE AE HEAT ASIST AG IS Ts TIE TG I FR IE his REERER BR IIE RAEI AIS IEA III IG A I % Wheley, Milverton, Ont. GIFT GIVERS Have only one difficulty in choosing trom.a display like ours, It may be trifling be- wildering just because there is so much of it. For presents for brides of January we have something suitable and nie. Our goods are up-to-date. Now is the time you should buy RUBBERS, If in need of a fitting pair] Why? Because you need of glasses give us a call. them. It will save buying cough medicine. *} Our’ stock of Lumbermen’s P dq. BASTENDORFF Socks is complete—big assort- let brie ment. Call and exantine our Jéweler and Optician _ | stock. J. G. Crosch & Son _ Our prices right, and our policy honesty. Eyes examined free. WCGOD vs. Goal In order to cut and saw. WOOd you ought to have an outfit of our Celebrated Axes and Saws We never had a fier stock of the leading makes-—alt fally warranted. In order to burn COAL, (which you.can, surely get very soon) you ought to have one of our Happy Thought or Grand Jewel Ranges or. Base Burners, either, will burn soft coal. / ~ We are headquarters. for- Horse Blankets, String Bells, ia Open Bells, Chimes, Etc., at. prices that will please you. are. local een for the INTERNATIONAL stock. FOOD CO.,-which is good ‘news for all: farmers. | ee and get. articulars..._ $a Tete fis of iuany of the electors. Tat seats an interesting one FINKBEINER BROS. Have You Been With the Crowd ? If not, come and see the display of Easy Chairs, Rockers, Pictures, dJardinere Stands, Extension Tables, Parlor Suites, Book Cases, Writing Desks, Bed- room Suites, Ete. Wiederhold & MHonderich Undertaking and Contracting oo ee A Merry Bhristmase | and the Compliments Call again next. year. 3 3 / = E if of the season To our many friends and customers. ba E. 2k E. H. DIERLAIM’S = Milverton’ s Great money can buy. Year. “~ #« 1902 This past year has made a record for us in sales, in fact we have almost doubled our sales over the preceding year, 1go1, goes to prove that we are constantly adding new customers to our already large list of well thinking people who appreciate a good store, one which is always on the alert for bargains, and to be up-to-date with all the newest things But we must not forget that it is the public generally which has made this store what it is to-day, one of the best in Centre Perth, As the old year vanishes we wish to thank our many friends and customers, one and all a happy and prosperous New ES Bargain House. us a Se 1903. With this year ahead we have decided}: even to out-do our past, as we are never satis- fied, and shall try to do still. better in the |] - future than in the past, and with your help,» bd which which we hope to win by being courteous, giving the best value tor your money, and Bie : liberal treatment. We bespeak your trade 3 for the coming year, for which accept’ our thanks. : ON ON Ale The Milverton Sun THUBSDAY, JANUARY 1, 108 GENERAL NEWS CUJLED FROM ALL SOURCES The province will end the year with $1,384,000 in the bank. General, the Earl of Dundonald, is” at work on a scheme for increasing the | strength of Canada’s defer.ce fore. The injured in the wreck at Wa ‘an- stend are all reported doing well, except Mr. A. M. Stewart of Wing- ham. ord Minto has received a New Year's greeting from President Roose velt, conveying good wishes to the people of Canada. The Pepper brothers were sentenced at Berlin, Ont., for highway robbery. The elder goes to penitentiary for eaven yexrs and the younger for six Aclergynian in Nova Scotia con c wife's name. Last. Saturday, how ever, I baptized a child in Half Way Cove, and when: tle father came to tiie veatry to give me the particulars ; after writing down his name, I asked him for his wifé’s Christian nama. said, “Blessed? i eaid to the Church Warden who stood by, “Jobn,.do you linow ?” John: told’ him, 7th Con. . Wellesioy. Austin McFadden is home from She Toronto Medical School and_ Hei McFadden from teaching fat Stirton, Henry will again wield the birch at Stirton for Z : Mtewart Young ts enjoying his holl- lays after one term at the Berlin great cl Ts. i ‘an 1d, Band ater alter visit-, ing her ere, ing her ate she rie pong ae Lee Geo. oa in the. Legislature and.the ean- In every town and village may be had, th that makes your horses glad. There are times when differences of rank do not count, and an. Iris soldier is said to have chanced upon one of them during the late war in Cuba. He. was discovered by te sergeant of the company in a hole, ne |well owt of the way of even astray ; not when he should have Lee en- ged in nective service. “Ger out uf hantola ® conaeded: the saree sternly. “Get out of it this “minute!” The Uroxd Trish {nce louked up at him with stubborn er written on every feature. ou mal supstior officer,” he said be boldly, hie AH the same OF the wan that foand is hte fie N orth; Be Perth Your Vote and Influence Solicited for Your tried representative ‘ed | didatee i hh) Sel we Jaume, ey towards God's acre,/ will address meetings. of the BYE-ELECTION e ji “ @ spent in John Brown “ive E. H. Dierlamm. ames POW ETT NEY Saree eae nt LISTOWEL the cold is so intense that thermo- foll fi ss HI Ree BITE le meters are ashamed to register such’ : author unknown, were recited by the zy, . A oing, atford, al “low” autics as Jack Frost cuts up in. ¢ the conclusion of his sermon’ in that region. ei memory of the late Mr. Gibson|.COl. d. P. Ww hitney, rae oe ae During the month of November the» production and” of omitting to] Leader of the Conservative |qeah rate ia, Outaria is eighty memory : Party, lower than for the same month last = “ Heimgang,” so the German people cent; of the + r When they hear t used by’ Whispe: he d. Tolling from sowe gray old steeple, J. 5. Foy, ’ M.P.P. soarlntina 21, diphtheria: 45, measles CS isto whooping cough 11, typhoid: 34, Henry Carseallan, M.P.P, |sersisis' And the singers chanting surges, “Heimgang,” always going home, “ Heimgang,” quaint and tender say D. Sutherland, MBP, Conservative ‘ Meetings : In the grand old German tongne, " That hath shaped Melancthon’s and Will be held in the interests yi ge An the $ of MR. J. C. MONTEITH, . ce fag a i ice ara AY 6. Monteith, ESQ., on the following: dates ; r our feet shall roam, NEWTON, DEC. me electors of North Perthin the ile nse ls be F : ae rawford, (Ey Battty alelling: ewsetlgadeoarn: Town Hall; Listowel, on H to the tranquil grave, Whe the golden pitcher’ br broke n, F rpiday, Jan. 2, Magwood, ex-M.P.P. ~ y Peis Neder eae pereenckent “| At 2 o'clock in the afternoon Sad dere JAN. tst— 2 “Heiumgang,” we are going home. | .4 8 o'clock in the evening. he speakers will be Thos. ‘Donald Sutherland, M.P.P.,|Ctawford, M.P.P., W. He. fg No Opening for the Devil. | of South Oxford, and Henry Hoyle, .M.P.P., and Thos... : a Carscallan,, M.P.B:, of Hamil. | Magwood, ex-M.P.P. | ina little Western town dwelt, two| ton, will: 'speak’in the’ afternoom| BRUNNER: STATION,. , p there for twenty-five gears “the other| Col: J. P, Whittiey, M.P.P.,|JA:N. 2nd—Gropp’s hall: The’: though but recently come, had begun | and J. J. Foy, M-P.P, will a, will be Messrs. A. F.. sa “paper preacher,’ | speak in the evening. i ene . ane! Solas : ¥ Si latte em a callen, onal uther- mn Py fectiie scones a es ip ee fo are 2 piatiot reserve land, M.P.P.. a Louie Paine 8 Let there be a Grand] CARTHAGE, JAN, 2ndit gave bhnsell fateh Rally. —The speakers will be Messrs... ages Thomas Crawford, M.P.P., : Tid Gaiadiin Glinie Wee sem |W > He Hoyle, MoS, and A. his methods of pulpit preparation, he |equally divided portically tbeve being} F. Maclaren;. Mi answered that all the study hours of ! 4] |jleralx and 40 conservatives. The Pi OLE me Then So ae liberals, however, aré in cuntrol as a be AB, grd—The : pumber of conservative renators by| Speakers will be Messzs: Thos: xt Sunday. reasongof age end: infirmity. are. not shaw A. Wiedenhammer “DH tell yon where the ronbie lish, able wo ay - Hoyle,-M-B:P.. |said the young preacher. “You ? to write oj meene JAN. sttie_The . speakers will be Messrs. H. eas sy Spe Ferdi and: ‘Walter acy cae i Bolus, always going howe. ““Heimgang,” we are all so-weary, +3 God Save The King SE is Lele meade .in Stratford .with the lone HBiveut. and Coutaionery “Comps Iu tho-peighborhood of $50,000. ae ebseribed..and. applica "yf iucor- ins the poration-whish wifl-be é ; Let sere ibe eg | |coursy, «. The promaters tiave tn or}at each of: these: Bacay a es--wuder consideration but 4 oe nee elon one’ rare Wet ah: : fo my pul nceotnet ‘the = au lead Soni ? know’ hee age a rabware go tn

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