Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 1 Jan 1903, p. 1

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MARRIAGE LICENSES Sa Geneon STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Che “It Shines aie All.” Vol Xi—No. 1 MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH CO., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1903 MALCOLM MacBETR Editor and Publisher The Milverton Sun in of Perth, is the Best Advertising Medi reasondble, Subse $1 per years sizjotly In adveune. “BLED not 0 paid. <M. MacBuru, PuriisHer. ADVERTISING RATES, ] space. | Year, 6 mo. | 3mo, | 1 mo. One column .|$50 00}/$30 00] $16 00] $6 00 Half column:| 30 00) 16 00| 9 00) 4 50 Quarter col, .| 16 00} 900) 6 00} 3 50 Eigath col..| 10.00] 6 00) 3 08]. 2 00 jae inch .|.| 5 00| 300} 200) 1 00 Transient Advertisements are charged at the rate of 8c. per line, nonpariel, for the first insertion, and 8c. per line for each sue- ion, G. T. R. Time Table Trains due to leave Milverton. GOING NORTH, Gor 10:38 a.m. Express. ed. 2:40 pim. Mixed. « Express .. an 44 p. Mixed . ‘Medical W. EGRET, M.B., M. D. ©. M., grad-| Ni aa and Surgeon of pene canine Lenilon hospital, Londong Englind. ‘Office in it Ofiees Milverton, ‘Ont, Telephone connection with Poole, Brunner, Lutheran Church and Rostock. Legal, M. PANTON, Batristor, Solicitor Ete Oftice open every Thursday, Wm. Burton's Block, Main St. ‘Dentisiry DR. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Licentiate . to 5 p.m. work a Specialty, | Hours 9a. in, hardware inkbeiner Bros. store, Milverton, Yetertuary 8., Mil erton, Ont. mestic animals calle promptly attended to, by telephone or otherwise, day or night. Sentistry and Chronic Diseases a specialty. RR, VETERINARY SUR- GRON siiverton formerly of Newbn\ Grad Y Goltoge: Toronto. cated animals. 3 velephine or otherwise promptly abtent es to. Arety in nection. First class ho all times. Baggege caine taeaeeeeclat nang « Societies ©. 0. F., No. 99, Milverton, moete every second und lust Tuesday of every month, at il c 8 o'clock, in their hail over Sel Bou ' aiting lmethren al- Geo Roe, U. Barth, Recording Secretary. L 0, 0. F., “Silver Star Lodge,’ Ro: 202, Milverton, eta every Friday night at Ui aE all poet ofiige boing Visiting brethren alway! E, Coulter, N. G.; W Business Cards WEIR, Anctioneer for the Coun- Village Clerk. Office, over Grosch’ «Shoo Store, Main street, Milverton, DORLAND'S BUS LINE, Milverton. Bus meets all trains. _' AT citizens, an travellers calls promptly re ae wo, Dorland, Maple St., Peoprie jan. Hotels EXCHANGE Jobo Gropp Proprietor. cigars at bat, . First-class aecoman tion and tee stabling. HOTEL, Brunner, Ont. ors and GRAND CENTRAL HOTELSMilverton. First-class accommodation for commercial travelers and otiiers, ‘Three large sample rooms. Good etubling. Best brands of Pefactsceis Blue net of Main and Mill streets. C, Hasenpflug, Proprietor. QUEEN'S HOTEL, Milverton. Out. The lation for commercial ti -| Mr. and Mrs. C. PERSONAL MENTION. oY =~ Mr. Sam Noll is home froin Michi- gan on a visit. Mr. peti of Galt, is visit- ‘ing at a hom Miss Inez Race: ml ibergt visiting relatives in the vi Mr. Austin aE on Toronto is spending his holidays at bi Miss Lily Coutts, of Pari, is at present on a visit to her parents. Mr. Charles Rudéhty, of Bu! ti, is alt v5 days at the Que Master Sees ore Pa ston, is visiting at Mr. Hy. Schaefer's Mr. Scott, of Dy spent Sun. day at the residence ef Br. Naismith. Mr. Smith “spent several aie a Feit in Woodsteck this Mr. of Marinate, tent Christmas ie "the residenze urse. Mr, Wendle Hofferd lefton Mon day to spend a week wi friends in Gr Guenther, of Listowel, is spending a week at his home im Mil- verton Mr. Edgie Torrance we several days lust week riends in Torento. Wie lnc Walloon fatnily spent a week with friends in Ethel and Brussels, Mrs, Wm. Appel and family, of Tavistock, are visiting friends in in Milverton. Vv Mr. Geo. Hofferd left on Saturday to resume his studies at Toronto University. Dr. P. ©. Park, of Hamilton, spent Cretans Dy with “Mr. “Henry Schner f Mr. John Weiderhold of Elkton, Michigan, ir at present visiting friends. in Milverton. Mr. Fred Mulligan, of Listowel, spent Christmas at the residence of Mr. John Pfeffer. Mr. and Mrs. James Shaw of Lis- vowel, spent Christinas with their neice, Mrs. J. P Griffin, r. E. Horne, of the Sovereign Bank, spent Christmas Day at his home in Stratford. spent a few days lust week at his A. home in Milverton, Mr. Joseph Pugh of Okotoks, N. W. T,, is at Daritavee on n yisit to his ‘parents in Milvertor Mr. and Mrs. Weber, of Wallace, Pat Christmas with cheir aduphiner Mr. Will Smith, of Stratford, spent a few days this week as the guest of nd. ee es E. Goodhan pa one Chas, Beese, of Biye Christ ee with = Mr. Hey) Miller and f t and Fe Tucker, Messrs. Alber die Searerten: moanee fe ay this oker week aa J. L. Tac Mr. wed Trim, 2 Toledo Medical ies is spending. his holi days at his home in Miss Bender and Paes Thomas, of St. Thowas, spent mae with A. Finkbeiner. Mr Ed. Whatey left on Satarday |», for Flint, Michigan, where he bas secured a ia in a carridge factory. Peter Jacobs and nails i Bertie ‘epent Christman with friends in Milverton and Mornington. kk of Bartonville, is visiting at the Be of her est accon ray parents, elers and oth ‘o large sample Mr, and Mrs. James Trim, on Maple nly the choicest of Wines, Liquors and | gt root. Cigars at the bar. 4 warm stables and pleaty of shed room, Henry Rose, prop. Mand: Bas Miscellnucom JOHN GROPP, dealer in Cedar Posts, Limber, Laths,’ Shingles, Pumps, ete. Brunner, Ont H. C. ZOEGER, Furniture Dealer, NEWTON, -. ONT. as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. wards, a ge Mrs. MeKay, of Under- a few days this week with snagber, Mes. (Rey. Kinn Mr. and Mes. 8. S, Cooper, of Clinton, rad and Mrs. Weir Acheson, ‘of _Avonton, ta few days last ek Rats friends in and Jaround Milver: J uhe can Dr. W. H. Pugh of Kenosha, Wis. |" Ed. Broughton, of vi i ) N.. D.|8 LOCAL NEWS, Happy Néw Year! ‘The great page kag Perunsa, for sale at Jas. Messrs. Davis e and Fred Wiederhold did heroic work at the fire on Tuesday. Canon Dann has the b RPhee! brogue of a cultured on is a treatin itself. Weare pleased to note that Mr. Hank Denyer, who has been ill for | me time, is able to be about again Wale the party who in Bake 1 50 cts. worth ef candy on De Siva diy “pring | it back to lew. K. 3 id you ever notice av are, 1 some wien will carry the 7 ie down stairs quite carefully and throw the chinaware out of the ‘idle "Mr. John Scheonbile af ‘Port was unfortu a Bains Wal: burcad:te ground o Sunday night./ Much Bae sxpremed by. Wilyetion “eis dn Mr. Scheonbals in his heavy loss Mr. Thos. Kelly, of Sto} well-known millwright, Mille, the killed in Kelly was well known in Mi having bern employed here in overhaul: ing Pfeffer Bros fouring mill, t, P. H, Bastendorff has sold bis faline on Temperance street for sum of $1075 to Mr. Edward Glenn, of North Morningion, who will take possession on Feb. Ist. Mr, Basten- rf is having the place now occupied Mr. Rumford xs a harnéss shop ied oe firemen \ George Bundscho, Milton Bundscho, Joseph Lambert, James Hamilton and Andrew Buchanan did splendid work tinguished. The insurance company holding the policy on the house could |stock Gazett nol do better than reward them in some tangible manner as they saved hem.a considerable heavier loss. ¥The people of Ellice have for years been handicapped by ineffjeient mail facilities, the important post offices of tburg, Rostock and Kinkora hav- ing had oaly a wi-weekly mail. come BoD) lana were made to eo t Office Department that a tly al shoald be provided and the ln will rg apres by the iople ie Elli The nominations in Milverton re- F tulted in David Smith and Fred Wiederhold being put up for the reeveship. ‘The following were nomi eae resigued, leaving’ the con test between the six former nominees. Messrs. J. G. Grosch, R. J. Ranney and Dr. Bybert were elected. by acclamation to the school board, Mr. Jana Vande having retired, e first gan in the campaign in Neth Perth in the interests of Mr. John Brown, the liberal ~canrlidate, was fired in ian hall on Friday wening. gathering. was a repre- foie one in point of attendance and ul were av jatiep st Me Pet Geodhand ieecded as chairman and the. meeting was addressed ly Me babe Dickson, Peake piece is a very fluent speaker and aaring the course of ‘hit address he os frequently and waruily applauded He ‘pike highly of the services of Mr. jenlt. largely with e work done by the Ontario Agri- cultoral Care at Guelph. He also had a wor to the ance provinee after sof the closed with cheers for the king and didute. “\the Poole school after New \-/Geld are: S. Boyle, W. McClory, having th Bel Y| mental solos and due ry large nowher of | D. or two ote sub regard | conn hide bai meeting} the il Ring out the false, ring in the true. For wedding presents try Kertchers Mr, C.T. Hamlyn, of Woodstock, dan. 15th. No trouble to show goods whether you buy or not.’ Everybody welcome at ©. S. Kertcher’s, Mrs. (Hon.) Thos, Ballantyne died suddenly at Stratford on Monday “| evening of heart failure, Wedding eards are out anotiniag that the eee of Miss Ella Lang- ford to Mr. Ed. Murr will wake place 3B ci Miss Jessie Naismith will teach in Years, while Miss Mayme Naismith will teach at Sebastapol, a half mile from Tavi-|; it | stock. W. Wherry being elected reeve Glennie “Teetcouwelti tothe ao Ww. |, Currie, 2 | Coates and T. Dickson, 1. J. P. Whitney, leader of the conservative eed of ate o and Mr J.J. Fo: ‘oron- bes will, on tien Ji ress a mass meeting of the electors of nite and vicinity in oe 's hall, Milverton, at 2 o’clock The annual meeting of the cae ton Agricaltural Society will be held in Grosch’s hall, Milverton, 01 -s “jJan. 14th 1903, at one o'clock p. The annual financial” report mill bs read and ofticers elected for the year 1903. Let there bea large attend- ance, Early on Friday sEOaiOg, mile it was still dark, Henry Appel drove a wagon rack against one of ‘the sta: Fortunately on the previous evening the factory had finished its season’s work.—Tavi- tte, The party who entered a Gravel- ridge residence on Christmas Day me he Lone was away from home, cal pair of mitts that he lett behind by calling at this office, proving property and | ayiog for this advertisement paper rack Last} The her rns class in Grosch's ‘ball on an. excellent programme be instru- vi Barbara Grosch, nounced each ‘number gramme. The innovation was » whole- -|some change as well as a great relief | to the audience oe ave gene been compelled compliments aan chairman who always deems it necessary to make adulatory comment on each number of the programme as it is rendered ssiste Me. and Mrs. W. Grosch, Mice Martha Pfeffer: and es inkbeiner, The proceeds of the eyening aninunted to over $15, ed by services iu the chnrches of the Evangelical cl Grenzebach wi addresses will be sven by N. Moftinioi ail Gr Rub etnei seit ject, “The Church Sat i day, Jun ate Presby Rev. MEKinnon the service; Rev. tions and Ru ay. th, Methodist pth Bev. R. Barnby will conduct th T. B. Howard will gi ake 2 eh 8th, burch, Rev. T) Bical wil conduct, the service ; Rev. R. H. Baruby will gi dress, subject, Pas lies and ‘Schools: a Friday, Jan, 9th, Evangelic Rey. J Grenzehich, wil the service, addresses by the resident | 3] ministers, subject, “ Pastors, Evange- lists and Teachers mene: each eyening at 7.30, I is a fae that the residents of | thei e surrounding count: will yer ‘heebelvea nb the privilege of attending these interesting serviees, will sing at Canon Dann’s lecture on Su: YThe Elma ene resulted in| 8 tal held by Miss White and i Miss pal and her class. were nly , i The week of prayer will be obsery- hold village as follows: Mouday, Jan. a rch, R F ill ace the rene, ‘ fla Tues- g e eailton confined their efforts to the {hay window whicl ie a ae fire. B. - | charred. The meetings will| the fire inguis sparetiy » is ion va the Bell faily. ne ir loss m: considerable and Fresh orien always in stock at G, S. Kertcher’s. A first ee price will ona aid for first-class hard wood divert at the iN office. ~ ‘iss Clara Guenther, who has been employed in the «millinery establish- ment of Snell & Co,, London, is home on her holidays. \ and Mrs, Julius Guenther, of Lisioel ate their Christmas turkey at the residence of Mr. Gottfreid Guenther, Milverton. Patriotic exercise books, scribbling books, schol text books and ai plies for the school roo: Agent for wall maps and all school apparatus,— Jas, Torrance, Milverton. The Christmas Night entertainment with a tableau The proceeds. + ths evening amounted to over ¥ The Mornin, nate nominations roa off quietly at wton on Monday, Mere, D, 8 Grieve td ‘Kere criticizing the finances of the township retired leaving Mr. Grieve, reeve by acclamation. The following were nikon for the council, R. M Alling- ham, John Davidson, Joseph Gibson, John McCloy and David Schwartzen- truber, Mr. Gibson has since retired, — leaving the old council elected by acclamation. Another of the old pioneers of Ellice departed this life on Sunday, Dec. 28th, in the person of tbe late Mrs. John Lohr. throngh paralysis. Her maiden name was Ann Elizabeth Weg ean and sh was born in Hesse, Any, ee 1820. In 1841 she married J m she survived 17 years. They emigrated to New York State the Evangelical Association and was held in high cespect in the community. Von Tuesday afternoon it was dis covered that the house on Main street belonging to Mrs. Hy. Birnstihl an&® occupied by Mr. dames Bell was oh fire, having, no doubt, caught from a tore a hole through the roof and from there threw oe tei bucket of Messrs. A. was a seething twass of flames and at last managed va will be cx stairs, he ceil peste Retarh damage. w: done to furniture by the well inten- pe but reckless and__ exci Mrs. Bell, who had. been cpetlen ee Christmas holidays - at her parents 2 oie returned oa as

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