The Milverton Sun THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1002 The Sovereign Bank|* ae OF CANADA. Gapital Authorized $2,000,000 Capital Subscribed $1,300,000 Head Office, - Toronto H, 8. HOLT, D. M. STEWART, Pte Gen. Manager MILVERTON. BRANOH Wow open for the transaction GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Deposits of $1 and upwards received. Savings Bank Department ~ Interest allowed on n daporits from date of deposit, and currant rate al- lowed, and farce walt yearly. Deposit receipts issued, dratts bought and sold, collections made promptly on all points, money orders issued, notes discounted. Special _at- tention given to the collection of far. mers sale notes. / tr R. J. Ranney, - Manager clergyman, to be united in the bonds ised to be- soul, to bring into existence that soul tainted with the diseased mark of thei wind, to taint e ugly impri healthy being, “ond yet the shilaren fine to be held acy of mental e our philantrophie rk in. the people are better educated Be is not promotive of a correspondin: condition of morals, A-CORN SR. Stratford, Ded. 22, 1902, F esac aa kote and On the departure or Misses Carrie MeKnizht and Ethelyn Massecar, teachers of the Junior departinents of the Milverton. public were peeve wi lady's companion sets by the pupils o their Perey cna pea addresses are as fol DEAR ates ais ‘The time has arrived when we must prey i womanly qualities.” Here’s a Field for You,. Mir. Mr. Whaley: To THE EprToR ce THE S not pele ee ey ie) at the letter of Thos. enemy of the ver One quotation from his brilliant pro: dnetion will su ab ne rit; brieneene ben beatin drunkards graves, to perpetuate tho social glas tintie thie 60- called personal liberty. ” rSin—One could |i th our fare have been looked with favour by the has gai meme! of the esteem in which you EEC us. We hope future you eet with th ever the res! ¢Easton Thompson, To Miss MeK iar: Dear Teacher,—The rapid t| fight of time aa bronght us to Bertod’ whet the tie hab hinds uate: | gether as teacher and.pupils must be ‘0 | severe: figure the statement has only to be given rhave been our teacher during the past two years and it is with Rorrousthntwe feel this parting. You Tibave been kin true tous. You @l have Borne our shortcomings with sein, the number 0 for drunken nt ist 19,62 EOL: “00 9 somie th, 000, a litule over three 01 ii, And. whole aithiale-a single Whaley, you cer- i ives, as G ‘bie ce et | BI o investigating at send. 9,000 in Canada| Be Sper cent taiuted, and there are over a of a union in 1 coutinent, and flowing ee ui well. . ‘the ndniber of those wuo'iaek e power or the wi support itineciven: aud who are thrown upon sho, st au is gro} ig aster than the popuaticn ‘he eare of this shoud oo tiga the attention of philautrophist EY elation of capital aud in that we my bave caused you from tinue to it that you had a sin reby remem 1s of “this "school ol_after ” Signed in behalf of the school, iordon Egbert, Fohuston Lasery. pet Public Schoo! Report. ; Leavin ng Henry Grosoh, 't. Tr Leavitt.” wood; Blane Waiker. Kinnon, ie Klenck, Bi sr. 4th—Welington, Suite Lillie ™ orley), Bana Schierholtz, nes me Tab Suite, Gertie Se hie ceraatee sail Whorenee Rot baste Linis Hoffiwan, Wallace: McKinuon, Minna Hartmier, Ida Merklinger, (John Kerr ore of pectocs ater) to apply to any ;@nd_ Easton Fs di Lillie Kalbficiseh, Liste Klenek, wh Bich ‘their 7 : = BYE-ELECTION ro John Brown | ¥ou to accept this present elon Thompson). Sr. 3rd— Grenzebach, Gordon Egbert, pee p Berets cae eee fobn- Edith Krajaeski, Gladys Zimmerman, Lizzie, Krajaeski, (illic Sebuide aud Fred Hasenpflug. 'ARRIE McCKNreur, teacher. class— Eddie Hester Guenther, ry. 'HELYN MASSECAR, teacher. CARTHAGE.. sad Mra Gemble- spent = Mr. few age Inst week with. friends in Proton, Mr. and: Men, J.T. Morrinon were at home toa large number’ of their friends 1 ursday evening. n report having spent a very enjoyable Stew: left on Saturday for his iaaes in pit ton, he will be greatly missed as-he was a-fagorite of all. ssrs. Samy and Leslie Boyd are wende their holidays ander the parental roof. Mrs, Ben Johnston left last week to :|spend a month with friends in Ottawa, 2 North Perth Your Wote and Infitence Solicited for Your tried representative in the Legislature and the can- didate of Progress and Prosperity POLLING, JANUARY 7th, 1863 GOOD FOR S| She ristimas Presenis What would be more’ suit- able for a Christmas Present than a pair of Nice Slippers? We have a good assort- ment of Men’s.and Women’s. Come early and get first ick. Yours, J. G. Grosch & Son ATES SHEER EEE EEO EE EO ERED SEE Sea See, fli Santa Glaus Never have we made snch. preparations for Christmas as we have done this year. We ask you to bring the children to see the grand display of Toys which are all new, no old stock from last year. Our China display is the best in town. Silk Handkerchiefs is one of our special features. Cotton Handkerchiefs for children. We have them from te up.. ve 2We have no room to quote prices on every- thing, but a few lines will show you that we are in it fronz the drop of the hat. NUTS . . We gee Asciits but New Nuts. If you want cheap, cold stored nuts you have to go to some other store for we do not handle them. New Filberts 11c., Walnuts 14c., Almonds 14¢., Niggertoes 15¢., Peanuts 12%c, Raisins 8c., Currants 8c., Dates 7c., Peels 17¢. . GANDIES . . Loth’s Special Mixed sc. lb., Jubilee mixed 8c., Cream mixed ioc, Fancy Cream 12%c., Finest Chocolate 15c., Gum Drops 1oc. All other lines in same proportion. . » FOYs .. We have so many that to quote prices is almost impossible. Come and take a look through, it will cost you: nothing. » » CGHINAWARE . .« We have a nice display and prices very reason- able. Berry Setts, 13 pieces, $1 up to $2; Water Setts, 8 pieces, $1.25: up to $4.50. Fancy Lamps, Vases; Cups and set in endless variety. Pipes, Purses, and Wrist Bags in’ great variety. : Try Usfor Furs . W. HK. LOTH oh hich 20c. doz. RIB sii eabaitetrles Lane el bei a a ee ee ee ee ee eee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee ee | FRIRIE AB TR IR ART A Be Fi FRE IE IG A ACA I HT IE TS HT A A TSH HET HEA AEA IB HS HE TET IE AH HE AE IE TB FS I SH ae At Butter § BRB BAS Wiederhold & Honderich’s MAS DISPLAY OF See Furniture fs Now at fis Best Few things are more likely to please a relative or friend than a piece ie Furniture. The main thing is to select some- thing appropriate, and we think this often difficult task. will be found easy when you have such an aggregation of beautiful things to select from as we have gathered together this season, such as Book Racks, Fancy Secretaries, Rocking Chairs, Fangy; Tables and Stands, Hail Mirrors, Easy Chairs and Lounges, Etc., Etc. Wiederhold & Honderich Undertaking and Contracting n a Christmas Gifts iiultitades prived of the ae c nome, aud depray forthe want cf ere wwe field for the philau- ip into tens of thousands éach ave d\,000: divorces, over 8,6vu “Soniething apes ¢ ey, to be, wroi og wits ciety, My. Whale, aud 1 sujpose you watt attr hee itt to the eae Bue wre opie authority. Vike Dr. Daniet’ Giark wetribite: “¢ , eenity, pauperis oie rf 3 ria artis lner eit i carri oe “‘Ewogabsolure idiots it Fd certam sun of mdney and) > ture of, eB8es: 1 ;|sure.for us to show as well. Prosperous Everybody willbe expecting a Christmas present. No other article would be: more: appreciated by the receiver than JEWEL Have-you ever looked through our stock, it solves the ‘what should it be,” problem. Call and see our stock of Watches, Gieeks, Spectacies, Silverware, fa Lockets, Tie Pins, Chains, " Bracelet, and Rings sctin any. stone. RY. It will be a pleasure for-you to see our s-ock,_and a - plea- We carry the best stock..of up- to-date Jewelry ever shown in Milverton.” A call solicited. Wishing, you alla Merry Christmas:.and New Year. 25 | a 3 / and the Compliments 1 of the season: To oar many friends and customers. : €all. again. next year. Y: “ilong.nud prosperous life. A Merry Christmas | | E E. H. DIERLAMIY’S == Milverton’s Great Bargain House. E. The Milverton Sun THUBSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1902 MOSERVIELE. Tow ¥ Mr. Som Rossmann lefe our midst td oe rh Rha Inst week, having securr on the G. T. R. at sue eda iol aie season, which Mr. Adam Kerr sith a sore . es who has beet Reis the past summer, rtrd to her howe in Ayton ot urd Ay. Pact eos antl es eee Mr. A Drummond retar spgnd his Christm: Mr. and Mr. Ch their frrm last F We wish then age ees Elma Council. The Couneil of Elum-met in Town McFarian Hall Atwood, on De Sth. fearless mers $6. t.. The minutes of last meet- “Morphy Curry aes ‘an. engi f 3 nhetder and “others. for inunicipal drainage as now rea finally passed. Carried. voates—Curry_—That John | Roger k ou the Gern- Greig drain, on "$02 00 for awe: iad “T Ld Bhi & wee R. area 38 ‘sacs " rath es oe gre days Me Youcan make your bin. soft as glove g mi ‘ou-can. ‘a poor lookin, oe ee Seve , #} © Made by IMPERIAL O1L OOMPANT, —_——>__ scont on cheques, express, aka stationery; j county treas. 5 ionates of of Refuge; con, 4 Greig Arai, i t Sumith 31.50 for eave 01 pei alance oad lots 20 ai P ervelling Board of Health, pete $15.00 families: isolated re. - smailpox ; Langrill, Medical Health Oiticer $41 ree meetings of Board of Health, report and atteudance at sn malls and diphtheria cases, - 9.00; three mectings Board of ‘o popsplaint y; T. er, avel Cosens, &. Tosthond: ALG. er, G. ‘Thompson, a orrii Buchanan, B. Bro} f No. rn one 0 Act, $7, |. fe Hon. J. Ri Stratton, .M'P.P. and ene gravel, eons, 1%:.aud ‘geaxellinig coutract, ott. gravel ate ter ‘Eile lay cout Ww. Por rerield 97.60 culvert and digging oo «| Townstitp of Mornington, TX | witk-address the meeting-tSte in- 2 terete GF: 4.60, gravel; R. Buchanan 4. a, ree fae clay, sideroads 25 and 26, 3 J. Keith, 4. ditahine town: cE. & My and, Morrieon 25, rent o} Aarealeane Hall, < ed. nat the J. Dons skson 4¢ FARM Bee SALE Batt 63 the north half’ of lot no, ilappty Ds haley, Milverton, One: Sweeton oy pe Deben: Council then adjourned, a y PROVINCIAL ELECTION A public n meeting of the electors of the Village of Milverton, and will be held in GROSCH'S HALL, MILVERTON, FRIDAY, DEC. 26th at 7.30, p.m Messrs. A. Partullo, M P.P., “and H. J. Péttypiece, M-PP. Goal! Coal fr The coal famine is now a thing: of the past, and -you®« can safely buy that COAL STOVE that you had promised“! — yourself, and enjoy life with comfort, now that the cold winter is coming with its long weary nights... This yow-can de. erlyi® iy pyou get one of our sem 13% hs Radient:Home.Base Burners: — We:can-say-with-pride that youscan: india our’ store” the-largestand best aesortifent ‘of Stbves fi the’County. Calt.and’ see our:stock beforesvoubuyvelsewteres. +