Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 20 Mar 1902, p. 2

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Spe ote ae a8 and ser | L spring ae at eae poner a) wanted at see on aie ate to New York wit 3 Now x a ‘ nom shipped. “No. Pisa sate ia Pol 63 to 68c per ality; bag,» small lots out of Ee ing hogs are - PREMIER'S W WIFE DEAD. 2, W. Ross - Passed Away fo Very Suddenly. Mrs. c. tation. Mrs. Ross drove to church on Sun- (01 This | sor the house, but there ws no anxiety | t! concerning: bet her. condition until Tues ry aftern PHYSICIAN'S STATEMENT. Oe “ER BU Mrs. Ross was known personaly ry “$7. Hog Beh in see de eady. ades; 12 to creamery pri ee i 28 33 soles, = otis, gs—Tht Gees Tots ae at here x re: firm ities. Iway trip he ade. Hi was the ae of her heart. And in pit that din countless Pre- | : lively interest. in every tions Sreyeiae nee interested her wi in such sonatan’ and Cet sym-| §: pathy wi Sue Pane ‘The funeral of the late Mrs. Ross afternoot as a as to her pceilon, centrated in the sorrow of afternoon. - The casket tay. in the room just off and was covered with the effect was one of oes Specially noticeable were tes Ajar,”’ from the Speaker the Legislature, and a cross ene ‘the colleagues of pees ‘Premier. ‘SIMPLE SEI at ef eniniey: a feaetton of a pra: paced int gan. body Ross—Ther‘ n- | vision for ¥ Fepeal in event of any per- Government had sel _| Mount solar vcemetery Syith. the ee 2 i Seng the pear: he. nad t ‘been able | the matter ened Premier’s explanation is a pro- receive a special report of the com essop's davointires, said i in TEs with Taare ot ere ae more een elouamsbe it poses gf thw con| METHUEN SET FREE, ip | The fae heats ae Said to bt A London desate h says:— bably this fall, questions tar, Ss ars real, ing Bie general's condition was favor-~ al a. Ae phe ase that the ex- Methuen for Com- P) commandant had be cause donnicceation: of the Cae to be presented had not been com- than was | plot would be impos- was ert “METHUEN’S STORY. m affected dissatisfied. clined to pay their fees o the coun- a the: being tney thought ce details of | cil shal! he ball ouahe carefully serutini The Pei was read a second time. NDUM 01 ber ie date of polling on the ques- il have votes as VOTERS’ elie ‘The House went into committee . Martin’s bill to amend the Be a patch correcting inaccuracies. overwhelm qr’ list. It is-an ach te the interest m- | of Toronto, and pet voters’ lists f-Bienth Battery, 4| rolls by. the court. assented to the measure, and it ‘on. Mr. Gibson in answer t provided thi the | permit other companies to 01 NEW ee Sue ae The eae ney - Genel 9 stages his ll respect io. BARBERRY SHRUB. ter of Agriculture moved rendered at “The kraal. eae “withheld one faneae The Ontar! de- oe to faecal the ane of sub- its |to 16 *Stolomng are ed additional votes athe Bruce Mines and Algoma Rail Huron, a distance not ex- a cash subsidy of pik way Company ng Portage; a 72 ceeding 14. miles, a cash patie ae 000 a mile, $42,000. 1 nay a distance exceedin: ten miles, a ar subsidy of $3,000 a mile, $30,000. SLAUGHTERING or BILLS. ‘Tho bill-slaughtering process hated the closing days was entered upon, the cl ing wielded by the Attocney- General with considerable zest and ruthless ropes ved ball jot, and rs from the Sete ot bribery jother bill | thrown ae me by Mr, "Hoyle to red ae Lanfaldieation of tne Bes Sih provides that sittings High or County Courts for Cals with or without a jury. shoul ot ‘is ir. 's bill reduce “ the dentaanyy oF ae ee from. 94 to 60, and providing for redis- aeinone Ss he years point at or near Bruce | cies “\ jaw relating ee on fon to have | Sy of ie ieee soacictes, and THE eee pie! oops “away. A despatch from aoe ia to the The omnibus measure. to amen nd the | Central News say ut 1 ‘0 kissing the Bible. The Attorney-| sp 2 0 ere Were persons who |ifetnucn’s com at first mistook a e present em S the Boers for British troops. sdministerng oaths oe ae rr Pasa ar i TOA eorue ute NO CHECK TO: SMALLPOX, deponden re-| Epidemic Continues to Spread in mdon. ci ea oe ane ot yuna mat ths hoa onda se fen ae whole truth and nothing but oe es in Lond IT oe it, and|?° pac es asked 0 Mr. Whitney acceded to bite posal as Bane impressive than the} existing for: Another seevicion week, which is more t! pre- vious week. Saturday 43 fresh cases applies to bee eas assers to cover wero. reco ‘The potters Bentee,- which offences nclosed lawns os =. and Clg ore as Bein as those whieh sia are fence are in 8, “pie SPEAKER. Hon. Mr. n then took casion to Soper the Speaker on | those o! impartial manner in whi performed the duties of hi sgh ol st 2 nity fay, endorsed all mn had sai eae vaccinated people, . Evanturel mad le a ost | 20. Of the 80 ties Bie in ane week 52 were above in 3 te ALL TO GET NEW RIFLES. . Corps in Canada Will Be ‘Supplied. An “Otta wa despatch ear = Enfield ee will be su which they had put an official to the er. PAI ey Lae , Bony Militia WARLIKE MOVEMENTS. or | Siberian Railway ay, Carrying Troops) those militia haw TT them by. the time the oh we er eammpe are bald. Ths: entice A London despatch 5 ith re-| infantry force of Canada will then be Tercucn to the “itt Japanese” war arined seit a coos ari rumors, the St. Petersburg corres- pany 15 fesping- geek ee havi ing been aban- The “Oliver onipaent will not be fully occupied in form ‘ved out, as some sie hte detect. jar materials to. Viadivostocke which require to oe-ciis bee! jovered, It is not. unlikely that a committee of militia officers may be appointed to investigate the shortcomings ee TOURISTS ROBBED. bee ot tees aca oo ot NUNDONALD FOR CANADA. ear despatch 0 area Reily. Arrangements That Indicate His front Brussel 3 that an eaters 8 London semen soya Thowe in! nis nis ad iit ssouabe es ate one mentioned, s |velling. from Ee bys Vi pee 33 tan Cor the * adion MGlicia, i ution. TEMPESTS FOR OUR SOULS =385%2 Threatening Clouds Gather and Thicken and Biacken. bar Fg in tke year O1 musand Nine § Sod and Bre. by Wiliam Bally, of Toros! ‘Deperancae 3 greaiare, Obawel ‘A despatch irom Washington says: “De Talmage prearhed trom i Matthew xxiii, Sea pace tase * ner wings, “aD feet. capital now I see; d the landscape. ‘There’| * are he ptation i ha lestruction = u nd ursts into at. the: thought of tie phdurdey OF place that he would gladly have saved and apostrophizes, saying, lem, as a hen gathereth her her wings, and ye | Wine: en select hen ile? 2 yet 2aee eoeia be taken for a son; CLUCK AND CACKLE. et Christ in the text uttered while | top of the crags, but just seaaiehes i ith for a living. ow BD elaws she pulls to bring up what is hidden beneath! When the Wari or dinner hour arrives, she begins to prepare re | wi past and calls ai hee Page te pee take. warm sympathy yao the DESCENDING DOVE. but, Christ in a sermon ‘that began me ese ee in the text eoeatracee himself oe in the country we saw | th t tall héckens were under old Detiniies wings, and either the bird of prey ered recording to Act of the Parlismept of on ab derstand er not a for er something. to Sexe over hi caught @ glimpse o! Cy Bot able under w night uae wings, a S ‘TEMPEST TORN eures: nothing’ much of the world, for yop association cannot . recall and that Christ might this say [th @ our sons and ae into bis eth her oa ng ft what you were are now, and DISAPPOINTMENT. ti thoughts are aroused oy hey have |tB2 Sight of the old heneoop. Som: ey. ne hs of you had better go back and ae thought return to that They not attsiaea’ = rebuffs which they are not-at ae or fifty or six- e a {among those described by ing words of my a gathereth her cic ‘under her tion eg widening’ field of work it fio : was told in the Redlcgical ceniinaesetgcoomecat tig tees ; else cada tit tose ou ae hh eo, geagents that Lever, vould home, “My father is 80 Provoke ie we all need shelter from its tempests. The wings of my ‘text suggest warmth, and that is what most oe want. ‘The fact is that this cold world whether you take. it Titer ‘ace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared your soul, and, in is|the. words of Boaz to co -|mend you to “the Te- | com h pane: Ae GRAINS DF GOLD. g is so infectious as exam- vee one snes emer tie, of the ordinary term of receiving the “more labor it requires. e jel. “COLD SHOULDER,” Evasion is unworthy of us, and is out of money and t ra eleeane the intimate of equivozation. —Balz: there is any person to. whom 4 {you feel dislike, that 19 the person of whom you never ought to speak. —R Cecil The chief pang of most trials is “|not so much the actual suffering it- self as our own spirit of resistance to it,—Jean Grou. There is no beautifice of complex- ike ie a DORMANT MONEY. A good deal of money became dor- 3 ae to upwards of. £187,508; over forty possessed each ; and this money awaits. law- eae eS a peste oe oid fever deaths to 156 per million at Present. * dyspepsia, Cae ice you o. i ie | haven't joctor: dj when has its strongest, applica Ee ing law of | the brooding hen and Ter eels astre ‘the | COr f Israel, under whose wings thou hast | we all to be pre emies for ane firtt Thess. i ‘not pain io Go Typho have fallen in |; ee from 374 per million in ser e “So you are having your house = fill Mr. “Hawkins E ree a oe Text of the Lesson, Eph. vi) 1 Golden Text, Eph. v., 18. ‘Have no tellowship aes bie thereby ing me-hot, water ho ly issionary anywhere. cas His ould know t} Seo! in His bap child ot the Lord Almight Cor. vi, 14-18). ea in His at gs our 14. “Awake thou that sleepest this” cree of lead ani Het how the most highly favored believ-| dp arte OW “Awake ona eee sleenest, > mar apply to us ont Tash tu , that int ye Wall, crore ta np: lonmer tm abe u ‘treated to walk eae pins pate teeta gentiles w: ae. to walk in love, a8 children of light, BT oS “worthy ‘of God, who hath il provision for the sam iii, 9; 1. Tim. When sinners ‘are saved, hat they should be holy ana = eau sed ae vould ‘tru say “T soak not ee oe will igs poeena ight to do thy will, omy a GFonn 9, 84 901 vi, 88: Ps. 18. “Be not drunk with wine, wi stimul tie ‘but the Holy Spirit stimu- |, lates ly ; the one is os what they mem: "bona . prtect, 1 expect a band e fottar bank-—n ti i be as Petrie inj ee and spiritual and making melody in A drunken |{ @ had gone to ask her | father tor 2 ¢ | her ae in marriage. “Well o | What is ie station Prt sw would, We -Alted Spirit | end used by the Spirit; let 1 Bele His word SEES in

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