Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 9 Jan 1902, p. 5

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% _ Binley Returns to the Turf. (Goldwin Smith-) : ld, returns to Bal Syeoiufely. doo a} South American Nervine makes pro whole system radiant in perfect health, Couldn: Estimate its Value! —Dr. 's Cure for the fails. Jtrelleres in 30 minutes, st cures, It a it to lead you W.H. man, ofG. A. R;, Weissport, Pa., says: “Two we ‘bottles of, Dr.. Agnew’s Care for'the Heart- entirely ‘cured me of palpi ‘Spells: Its value like that vault aris eae of view, the nena ae Sat the eae frican sar, with allits misery and shame, has: beew of imi rinense yalue to ow dgement at all, and it i¢ Le mueh a game of” chance. ae it it were played with dice, - Monte told, learned be pe people”o cae swe ae ey had known wt the be- S Joohia corathoeb ¢{ginning what they know now, they 2 x : : - ‘ : the players: iis itisa ae proadd distinction te ess eioauly pray rea io ee ihe Fenere ieee the heaviest since wé were in business, but we “to for : ; : _ Betting on. gu ties of-ehanee may be|*B° ehd, by-a more carefal avoidance | ay. armors! Ipoltute meetings neta} Cannot be contented, business will not allow it, ‘said, like the taste for ferm at sey Fi es by adoption | ("Grosch's esday wera! 41th h - . ee = liquors, to be coeval an Soon | fox pert hes Hes ie bioe jp Groth sided, both afternoon and | although we feel like enjoying a well-earned with bumanity. “If we can eon ee eir supplies et vening. resident, Mr. D, A. W. its es and prevent systeniatie| oP gh beet alowed erst | Dempsey_of Stratford, opened. the rest. e must ‘do more thisyear, there is no : E d y probably az loelelston and polioe sap eras ate neva oncbly harks. He 6 utente ob te eh such thing in business as standing still. or: rs ol re untry an 1e j fe infencas of reneom aug noe MaMiow OC Ravlews fOr Janney: |aGaneement aod preety wage simPly holding your own. We must thank: . 5 farming during the last few years, innocent. pleasures which, after all, BAECHLERVILLE. oe erdue te : are the eet ie uividoes, a pete sea sat Be ‘ant you tor your liberal pots during the past, Rs z Mr. titutes. He thought that the at- ie Se ca guritod otter snoctine ato daverwith | enaauice of necting tulght been. ae a promise you far . greater bargains in : F ember bringing wi i tow invantion Pri Promotes Peace. Hig felend Join Arnold ofDlewerion fenzed OS ae are Delghibor for ver Fe the future. The more we sell the cheaper we sy on ‘ing last Kk hi ‘ht | often tho: in struc -Amything that advances the cause] band in some. manner or other ensue Bitvere tase who were weg can sell. New goods, fresh energy to serve + we ;| in con: it r et e ei oes ate hes done half g0| result that three of big“ ers were|parument delegate, Mears einer and please our customers mark the commence- i cause as jacerai , governmen! i Et x ‘ ‘ mach ‘to. promote, this good cause a4 |e aunde and he now gettiag | Oshawa; D. Druminond, of Myrtle, Ment ot another twelve months growth and im- tions by -tbhe hand’ of the in- along nicely. Ont:,and G. RB. ‘ottrell, of Milton, Pp . 2 ventor. Liberty, industry and civili.} Miss Bertha Ducklow is at-present |Ont. The text of their addresses will) pr ovement. rogress 1S Our alm. Read over sation have suffered in unt ld measure| confined to the house. with the |be pee next wee ie it {the worldas an object lesson. It bay Miss E. Babt returned to of | on Monday. a Temalar wart n= | 2 Mr. nder, who-rece! Bap nae wade mae by “such Gu. | the trisfortune to injurehis foot while .|-ventions as the lon; aire , with | Working’on: a , is reeoveri U ore | smokeless high explo cers | the use of t the injured “ene ith- es, though vevidently their iss oss e manse ; aan Rie: “Bu ae tate ieaen eee ‘visiting her slater Mrs. Hale. ~ seiguaness of thelr defensive strength, | The elections are over and everyone of the ieasles. Mr. 7 McLellan intends erecting a Interest Income exceeds. Death Losses ae Devi AG ‘past: ten years the interest . income The Mutual life. of Canada Exxeceded its death claims.paid ‘by - §187,797.28... Large interest receipts pand suyall death losses ‘means large profits for policyholders. Last “year iewas no exception ito this id erecord. z W. H. Grosch, ~~ Local Agent. : ‘Dunean ‘Stewart, . * -Spratford, Gen, Agent. “COMMERCIAL. Muvensox January 5 902 #all wliest per bush’. 3 xing ee per bash ‘Peas © vmnles per te, Beate yonct buy the best; ‘it fine bank barn with straw-shed at- tached next summer and is now busily |i rawing the stone for thi Pastor's Pity.—A prominent pastor of « Durham, Ont., church writes : suffered intensely from Inflammator st ~ Sola by Jas. Torrance. e and sostramental music. Kore baa tothe centres of nerve oils iste, takes and sod keeps ponle 2 sen eae ae et work lascanes that Ene fama ity hopeless. — "old by Tans orracee meee: Mitchell ie getting down to business agai So evening meeting was very lapel attensed. rere being. a great pee of ladies present. 2 ue was varied by. Reo rs. ‘s White opened with a plane ee cand ere followed by arry, with @ song Rich Baty ee dating the erie ry entertain, and it is unnecessary to say that the andience-were greatly pleas. with him. Mr. Pugh, thee nterprising! Stsece tary of the association aeuted "0 over 60 mewbers fi or the Institute at t! ‘Opposite J. G. ce The Red Flag ss Cups and 2 Musical will be sol bill for treating ysia, Our bread is bread, SCS ‘. Do-not be afraid WEITZEL, The Baker uy no more than! = DISCOUNT eS. Fancy Cihnaware, 2 Crockery, Ladies Purses, Phote Albums, Cased Pipes, Re Instruments, and a host of other things 25 per Gent, .—Butter, Eggs and Poultry wanted. Saucers, dat | : for the next 2. WEEKS. Teac Early and get First Choice 5 a E ae GROSCH & PFEFFER c, Mivert Greatest - Store, , The First Bargain Week of 1202. The.past year was .a record. breaker, our store news each week. Stock taking now commences, we ask you to come’this week as we are throwing out immense bargains and will sell goods cheaper than any other time in the year. Come early. Read over this List Carefully. 7 only, Caperines always selling at from $18 to $21 each, be- fore stock taking your choice for $14.75. 6.75 each, 8, regular $50, sale price $39.50. Fur i Cape, 27 in. long, regular $10, stock taking price $7.50. : 1 Fur.l ined Cape, 27 in. long, b! $22, stock taking price $15. sn] 3 only Sable Ruffs, 8 tails, regular $8 to $10 each, sale. price $ sk top Thibert collar, regular r only Black Men’s Bear Coat, regular $20, now $17.50: 15 Ladies’ Jackets, regular price from $5 to $7 each, ~before stock taking your choice for. $3.98. 15 pair Wool Blankets ranging in price from $2 to $3.75 each, your choice for $2.75 each. 800 yards Factory Cotton worth 7c., before stock taking 5¢ per yd. Fancy Comforters, beauties, worth $2.50 to $3 each, sale price $1,¢.5 each. 8 only, 8 pair Chenille Curtains, regular $5, sale. price $3.75- 15 pieces Dress Goods,.selling at from 25¢ to 35c¢ per yd, stock taking price 20c per yd. 25 Men's and Youth's Suits, sold at from $5 to $6.50 per suit, stock taking price $3.98. Men’s Overcoats at big reductions Adundreds of traveller's samples bot at great reductions, corisisting of Black and Colored Shawls, Hoods, Caps, Men's ‘Top Shirts, Underwear, Silk Handkerchiefs, Cardigan Jackets. Come before stock- -taking, we will make it interesting for yous The balance of our CHINAWARE ejat sacrifice prices, must go, come early. The balance of our CARPET STOCK must be cleared out at once to make room for the spring Carpets. Take = hint and come at once. | | 4 t The balance of our Xmas Groceries and Confectionery at Big Reductions. GROSCH & PFEFFER. 1 only, Baer Jacket with Sable Collar, 24 in. long, size

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