Ontario Community Newspapers

Milverton Sun, 9 Jan 1902, p. 1

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MARHIAGE . LIOENSES 3, @. GROSCH. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Ht: ‘Shines For All.” Vol XI—No.2 | <> “MILVERTON, ONT., PERTH €0:. THURSDAY, JANUARY hci “ MAECOLN “ealivor ay Sire Sheet The Milverton Sun «|. cal’ Newspaper i the County | the: Brot Adve extising | na a Sin : ate tly ta tivance. S830 iff oe ee ts ACBETH, PORLISHER: ADVERTISING BATHS. SPACE. = feds gmo. | 1 ms. j One colum Half colunio: Quarter col. Bigath cok.» Une inch . fertigements are charged the rate of 8c. per line, ttonpariel, for the first insertion, and 3c, perline for each ste- geesive insertion. @anking. | R. RANNEY & COnBaAKor. ESTABLISHED — RANNEY & CO. current tates of intcrest allowed, R. .. TW. HGBERT, M.B., M.D. ON uate of College of Physicians ssa creme fice Lutheran Church and Rostoc! eri nS porate ee on M. PANTON, ay Dur = open every 1 Tauesdys Wn. ige 9am. to 5 a ut. beiner Bros. hardw: wlore, Malverne Veterinary, _H, ENGEL, V. S., College, nestic animals All calls promptly attended to, by telephone or otherwi: ¢ or night. Dentistry and Chronic Disess tr Calls by telephone or otherwise promptly attended to. Livery “in ection. First. clas: horses and rigs at all times, Baggage transfer. Commercial driving a apecialty. hocietion Mr and _ aid children, of Otterville, were ty I] Ou Springs where-he will assum 2 | trol of she ee recently archaea 3 ir. J. L. Rae a] Bum Xe , GT. Ru Time Table ‘Trains due t6 leave Milverton. : Borvo'Nonnd, cose SorrH. rae B25. ion on Friday night 15 ets will soon be a case of forgetting ita write 10. “1902.” Mrs, H. ©. Hasenpflug fie ty Year's with friends in Tayistoc The sociil on Friday night is in aid of the Church Improvement Fund. Mr. and . Loth spent New Year's with fs iends i in Tavistock, Mr. John Goodwin, of Welland. New Year's at Mr H OM. Schaefer's. Miss Pearl lees ot ae ae pent New Year's Js Schrenk’s. Miss B. Murray, of Stratford, wa: the guest of Mrs. H. M. Schaefer on New Year's Day, - Chas. Spencer, DD. this Tor attending ae Aeeyaie in Stratford and Grant uA woman never 5 comfortable in sculine garb because it wi ay. Seinen sss pinn Miss Minnie Finkbeiner, of Als feldt, spent the New Yews holidays with relatives in the villag Mrs Masia Furlong, visit ing her sister, Mrs. L. Schierholte ¥Me. Soha S$ Watson, of Tarnbul Manitoba, is at present visiting i parents - ee Mrs. Samuel Watson, of Milve: Mrs. fy S. Kertcher-> received serious injuries on Saturday evening dou! by falling through an open. trap at. ~| into the cel Master Milvon Dierlawm, of Port Elgin, is at present visiting bis brathce Mr. E. H. Dierlisiis of Milver 'Y Mr. Rae left on Frid by his father, M ate Misses. Pfeffer entertained a of -vbeir friends very pleasant time ‘on. New | Suecessf on Friday People = oat mistakes i A Sicial a ae heldi in the. Rectory’ are the 8.1} unes- who-make oe else. m 33 Howard 48 av present " Feu in Walkerton. The Siraiford Daily Herald has returned to, the four page blanket a Mrs.: ( vi iss “Lovise Livingston attended te ta veep bail at Stratford last} n te gaie. McPh herson, of Macton, is av prea: ieneagas her. cousin, Miss ‘Sara Spencer U8 Ada docx of Tistomel i Hi ab sent caeReS friend, — Miss Mille Hasenpfi Mr. of Acton, is at. present visrig ie <hr law, Mr. Jolin Meiblhan: No matter how biga jing a man gets-to be, there are always some: ‘|ready to believe him Mis; Mamie Naistnith has une * | tions after spending a ees pee friends in Exeter and Mite CAcriumber of young oy fon Bamterg,~-Monkton© and Milverton Ape very pleasant’ time on Satur- day evening at Mr, Henry Fleisch: hauer’s. Christ eaig social on Priday | night, 15 ¢ aR ee who bas for the st of years dress iene establishment in Milver- oa wishes us to announce. that— she: will retire from business in the course a few weeks, Mr, Wm. Livingston, jr, ha ctiased from Mr, Fi , | South Easthope, Stallion which he will take west with him when he returns. Me. James Torrance will on Monday {afternoon after sg! council meeting at Newton, address “the ratepayers Mornington on ibs $1,000, from the Ontario Governnieut for goi annual ‘soiree of the North Ch ried on a | woo dis ditegeored the carpet and curtains on % when. Mr. ar. Nicholas Roe, who was aeross the ae and ‘| tinguished it with afew pails of: aoe h] M: ‘ton was badly burned on the|- of 000 grant n: ba Ls ta for Con me and ey ae ab a social on Friday ni fu ya held on Mon, and was highly | © Baie of the finest ety are made |” to luok at, “not to -si Miss Dolly ‘Mekay a Lined, is 2 visiting: Mrs. E: Mrs. Waters e ee rrie, is— Meets her em Mrs. John Mc Miss Maud Strathers of s Sr rd, Spenc Sunday with Miss Ethel eee he price of the egg mak digerence with the strength of a4 people’ who langhed at New Yas Terslations are the people who don’t make any. Mrs. J. Bundy has returned. to her home in Kiron after. visiting. her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Dierlamm. ~ Owing to-the Sun having been pub lished a day earlier last fase! some of, our correspondence was out owing to. ae ot hing arvived before we went to Vv V ue. John F. Laney, for 14 yi incipad OF AMS A Nebtarl pubtig sci accompani rs. Loney, te Christmas holidays at his old tame! in varies pie! Co.—Port Elgin Lorne Fear leaves for St. Marys on Monday to continue his studies at the ne at the university.” « Lorn a bright boy, and we hope he SiN seeks Sood use of his opportunities. —At- vd Bee. One day last’ week when Mrs. John Barton went.into her sitting room she he alarm.was given ; the ‘time, ran across rs: Burt heudoy in her attempt to Seeepaeh the aim The-funeral of the Jate ‘Milton’ Carl 1 geht. was seat as those ladies are adepts al Ney WOerarbin miata aacy y month, oc Sanaa © Visiting brethren Zimmerman, ©. Ra; A. Bite econ Seorcracge Fy £ Silver 2 Roth aerme’s ae Star, promi iebak advertiser: who made success through “The clothes in Januar, ae er Loge, No 0 =m. 3a eee hall, post ietioe beading, Yih brethren always welcome. Chas. Spen: W. K. Business Cards pean cae tyre, of Okotoks N. W., is home for afew. days. ill take “Mrs.” Meta back =with hit, ifereports are true. Dune, is doing well in the Wet we are glad to i Bee ia ovens for the Coun- ch tore, Main street, Milverton) DORLAND'S poe LINE, Milverton: Bus meets al ‘All citizen’ and travellers calis ange B atteuc ue Wa. * Dorland, Maple St., Proprietor Hotets EXCHANGH HOWKL, Braiiets Ont, Betis Cae ee te eee cigars at the bar. First-class accomm tion and large stabling. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Milverton, First-class accomm teavelers and ot and Mill streets. re Wasenpfiug, Proprietor, QUEEN'S HOTEL, Fbeelasaers Dat. The: plenty of shed room. Henry Ross, prop. Miscetlancon GROPP, dealer in Geilar Posts, a= Shingles, Pumps, ete, nt ater nner, Patriotic cesee: books, scribbling] ks, schoul text books aa all sup "plies for toes root. ‘Agent for| Gx wall maps and all school apparatus, Jas. Torrance, Milverton. if Ohrseancs service. i BUS. ae Alex. Schrenk, of Haran announces that in the course of six weeks he will put on new bus lin ran regularly from Milverton ts rg station meeting all trains. He will also do cartage and saying eet returning from “the: weddiag on ee morning of last week ‘one of the sleighs eesti capsized _ be tween rton and thé third fine: etiaer dite 8s to, sustained injury in the,shake Mr, Newton Large has resigned his position aS tenor suloist of the First Methodist” church aud he will leaye he is to sing at the many The anniversary services of Burn: Church, Mil Sunday, . Jan. Tohnston, Inte of Penetanguishene, will preach iorning and evening. ‘The annual tea meeting will _ be held on Monkton ss ning’ Jbrey the resident elergy of special am awill Milverton, provided. i will régret to hear as i ae leparture.” | ™ Pre AL ed, Miss_ Sutherland presided at the organ. The receipts were over $136. 2 VA se iedianahte welts took oe “hai iudiciously | place yoke Kiet Me. will not be found ee his. summer |of : Alfred Me: Oliv, of Stranfurd, Tonge Hesson, About 150 guests were present and witnessed th ceremony performed by |° Rev. Mr, Aeaeieige of Millbank. on the shelves of the pi brary are uy following which are co tidered the pabl Kita, His- ae of Sir Richarh *Calenaily, The Eternal in, Tristram of Blent, . The Serious: Wooing, The Lané Withoot a Turn, "The Benefactors, Sister. Tore 28a; The Column, The Oc tone The Crisis, New Ofsterinae, Tales, Yi The auditorium ‘of the’ Central ni Sachoke of Mr, Jolin yea ‘Welling: ton-st., beeame the-bi M. Hai Lite ‘Mis iss couple were u unsupported. nia e Myrtle Hops acted as flower girl. ae a beautiful pase of roses and & brid je oateeds ® bene of chrvsaothemome. ed Baker d Mr. ee a iim es was held. number of» useful and wedding gifts ‘testified to the hic ides ee After the ceremony d Mrs, Gaia for their new honre in The ais quartetie from be essrs. J. H. 5 Among the new ge _just. placed’ ‘ Methodist church, Stratford, was the| j, Anaie W. the only’ gerbes i er, a — from the family, a eross from’ 8, iyder, wreath from Weicticis Sow ae ata sa arbine bible from the contirmation class. — Dieterioe Chronicle. VAn old and highly esteemed resident | of ae se Boe me lot 35, 9, Elwi th 28h Dec., 1901. ab ny daa ee of 86 years and 3 mouths. He was in the Co, Pee Treland, io isle, ane in ee heemigrated ew Here he found Pains Hp “carpenter. In 1848 he was ited i in marriage to ae oe £ New Yo survive, -¥iz.y Weir A ‘teacher, of Strasburg, te z Sata ‘on the giana and Mrs, - River, Mai in. electrical engineer iyo ines daughter of Mr. and Mrs white bridenuad, eee 5 red linment is not eRRESH to meek an Betras ary 13, Mr. John Woods, of Oxbow, ‘at presens visiting friends i in ; “Say, Conductor, ib: thie’a fant train,” asked a traveller the other ‘Assina,,’ ilyer- fast to re lea Btw judging from the Hie makes, . Southampton Beaco) PERE INE Se A + x ~ Address and hiss aarti. Ou Saturday iat Me. Albert Lang. ford Was taken su eat his home in Milverton, by a number of . 0 ES pupils from S.S. 9, Elma, * hen they presented him with an ad: the pupils a school section No, ~ 9, la, do feel t! pains hous 18 t0 aan our. ev. etnias east the past. : Signe ed on bedi of of the sehoolby __ Ni Wir GERNHARLDER. A Ape House Wesiog eer se of oe ihe, eldest. ide,” Moi nto Me of “Sunnyside,” orn ington, Frank a of Bart ogee / ee The wedding Aes Fs, Sys of dias brother of the oS Miss Belle Scott, one of Brantiord’s oe and eet 1s, x | Sill SIE fale 0 over the entire gown and panes up with. arhite Toses: and smilax. ‘he bridal a jet, Was: of white and-cream Sie with” ite satin ribbon. a gown re} | Atwood S| tor Harron Jeft on the of welch ‘urther ofilence of the gee esteem ees ined for dece: fi Nainones Presby! Bee. ade in the reat cemetery.-7 The annual meeting of the Morning: ton Agriculturai Society was held in Grosch's hall on Wednesday after- officers reflied eran rector’s - meeting be zhes, varry with them the See tir # large circle of friends. will ‘be held ip the Sun iday, Ja office’ on" the e ening.o of . Tua. The election ot Mss Pres, D.| Mr i pisses _Wilson, and . Phome in pa alley. edding pre: eeee fornred 2 most pesntite iful collection, wel; the Misses — Scott, Brantford: Mex, Wilson, and. Peltow and Por Athens i the next day for = oe coe ee band, who. w were otirer. a1 conple left “of the hi sunita and hostess.

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